Chapter 6 - "What's so funny?"
Submitted May 1, 2005 Updated November 19, 2005 Status Incomplete | Hey Everybody! If you like Tear and Haelo I suggest you read the story of how they came to be. I really hope you like it, but please read it. This is a Romance/Comedy/Drama story. YAYNESS I CANT BELIEVE I'M WRITING A STORY!!
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Chapter 6 - "What's so funny?"
Chapter 6 - "What's so funny?"
As I woke up I tried to lift up my arms tostretch and yawn, but looked down to see Ben’s arms around my shoulders. Ismiled as I looked at his puffy eyes. They were closed but it still looked likehe was crying. You could tell by his eyes that he didn’t cry very often and hisbody wasn’t used to the sudden burst of emotion. He cried so hard, that when hefell into a long deep sleep. We were lying in the same spot I had held him lastnight. Something inside me was healing when I was comforting him. Like it was amagic healing tool. Almost as if he knew just what to do…
I turned my head towardsthe window. It was slightly cracked and some wind blew through it leaving thecurtains to flow in the room. There was a soft sunlight spilling out onto thefloor, I looked at the floor and remembered how the moonlight had done the samething last night.
Suddenly my thoughtswere broken as Ben muttered something I could barely make out. I turned back tohim and watched him as he spoke in his sleep. Then an idea popped into my head…“Maybe I could manipulate this… :P”[/i]
Okay…letssee. I’ll start off with the easy questions first. Stuff I couldn’t ask him ifhe was awake. “Ben… Ben… what’s your cousin Haelo’s interests?”
“Haelo…he likes… good music… being alone… somewhere peaceful, like…um…a lake, beach…ortall grass field where he can think and nobody can see him… black…is…his..uh…color.He is fond of it…I suppose it kind of explains who he is… he has such a desireto be……” He went back asleep. And I tried to get him to wake up a little moreso he’d answer me.
“Ben, what does Haelo desire to be?” I whipered into his ear, being careful not to tickle him orwake him up.
“…He wants to be… invisible…or invisible with someone who wants to be invisible as well…he says…he says…uh..uuhhhmm…that…ifonly he was invisible… with someone he loved… then he would be able to controlhis emotions, because…. He wouldn’t have to see them cry… his past…is…hard forhim… I guess…and…” then he fell asleep again. I wanted to hear more but helooked like he was on the brink of opening his eyes. So I just up my head backon his shoulder and waited for him to awake when instead he started to ask mesomething…
“Why…did you ask about Haelo…why did you get flustered when you saw my cousin… howdo really…really know…h..i..m..” I could barely read his words… But he lookedlike he was still sleeping. I figured there was no harm in telling him, Ireally wanted to tell someone anyway. Since he was asleep, if I said somethingwrong, he would forget it right?
“Remember how I told youthat Nick left me in the alley? Well, as I was layingthere, I was near suicide. Actually LOOKING for something tokill myself with. Then just as I was about to cut myself with… a pieceof glass I found, Haelo passed by the entrance of the alley. As soonas I saw him I dropped the glass and forgot what I was doing. At first itfreaked me out, because I had no idea what I was about to do, I just saw asmall cut on my arm, and I was about to go up to him if he saw what I wasdoing. But then I saw how cute he was and ran up to him just to tell him he wascute. He didn’t take it very well and shoved me off and ran off. The moment heleft I looked at my arm and I tried to figure out why that cut was there again.So I just went back into the alley and sat down. But all I could think aboutwas where Haelo was, so when Nick came back, I almostforgot who he was. Until he said my name, then all horror came back again…” Istarted shaking. For some reason I felt like I was re living the whole thingall over again as I spoke to him. I tried to hold my tears back but I let oneslip and it fell onto Bens face.
His eyes flashed open,and he franticly sat up and picked me up with him. “Why are you crying? Whathappened?” He wiped my face and I just laughed. He looked so funny. His hairwas a mess and his left eye was still half closed. Not to mention he wasswaying side to side… “Well?...what?”
“Oh, itsnothing,” I wiped a tear away from laughing so hard. “Its just you jumped up sofast that you were still…ehem…still half asleep.” He smiled and got up to go to the bathroom as I was stilllaughing my head off. But it wasn’t just him that made me laugh, it was alsothe fact that I had gone from serious and depressed to tickled and smiling.
While he was in therestroom I stood up and walked to the door. As I twisted the handle I was stillhalf giggling and opened the door. I just passed the couch totally forgettingsomeone was on it, talking to myself, and walked into the kitchen. “Ben… he’sso funny. Even when he doesn’t mean it. I…wonder what Haelo is like when he’s not around girls…”
“He’s probably still ajerk.” As soon as the words left his mouth I spun around on the heel to see Haelo watching me with a smile on his face. The back of thecouch was facing me and his head was poked up behind it.
“Uh, no, I mean…that’snot what I was gonna say, um, sorry. I didn’t mean tobe uh…”
“It’s okay, listen, I’m really sorry for being so weird lastnight and… gawd Ben’s gonnakill me once he gets me alone.” I rolled my head in my hands. He’s going to too, you’d have to be a fool not to notice that he,
“Oh yeah? Why will he kill you? Ben doesn’t SEEMlike that type… at least I hope not.” She got out a box of cereal and startedpouring it into a bowl. From the corner of my eye I saw her smile.
“You’dhave to be a fool not to notice he’s crazy about you. Itsamazing. He swore he wouldn’t fall in love again after his last girl…” For somereason I was determined to make her give up on him. I don’t know why but I was…sort of jealose. Why? Stupid question cuz it always goes un answered…
“Areyou saying I’m a fool?” I looked at her, she had a serious expression on andshe was frozen in the place of pouring her cereal.
“Am I?”I started laughing. For really, no reason at all. Ijust couldn’t stop laughing. Something about her made me crazy. Sometimes in a good way…in others…a bad.
What asmile…[/i]
“Did Imiss something?” Ben walked into the room and sat beside me on the couch. Hewas now wearing some black jeans with a black button up shirt. He alwaysdressed over the level you need to when your at home.I would just stay in my P.J.’s all day.
“Yeah,she was just talking about how crazy she was about you, it was THE FUNNIESTTHING! I mean, how could someone like you?” The girl threw a pen at my headthat was on the kitchen counter.
“Shutup, I was so not. I mean…” She looked at Ben. And he was grinning. What did [/i]they do last night?
“Ben,do you like her?” I asked with a smile still on my face. But for some reason, Iwas the ONLY one smiling. Ben and the girl were both staring at each other. AndBen kept looking at me and back at her. SILENCE… But all atonce the blue haired girl…
YAYNESS! I hope you guys likethis chapter… Gawd was it hard to write. I think I rewrote it 3 times and I’m still not satisfied… o wells. Comment please, nextchapter up soon! ^_^
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BrAinFreeZe on January 1, 2006, 8:32:58 AM
BrAinFreeZe on

FATE_The_Pirate on October 28, 2005, 10:12:17 AM
pinktiger300 on July 21, 2005, 10:27:44 AM
pinktiger300 on
forbidden_child on July 19, 2005, 5:43:18 AM

Liedetector16 on July 17, 2005, 3:44:47 PM

...Enough blabbing! Keep it going! This is kool! cuz obviously Haelo and Tear end up together but right now it seems more like Ben and Tear so I'm in suspence at how the transition is going to work!!!!