Chapter 5 - Chapter 5
Submitted December 1, 2005 Updated September 24, 2006 Status Complete | 16 year old Danny Fenton is moving away from Amity Park. Read to find out what happens to him on his moving day and between him and Sam Manson. Please Read! It is now completed! There might even be a sequal...
Cartoons » Danny Phantom |
Chapter 5 - Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Chapter 5
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Danny, Sam, and Tucker sat around a fountain in the middle of the park
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<i> </i><i>All right! This is my longest chapter so brace yourself! Enjoy Chapter 5!</i>
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Danny, Sam, and Tucker sat around a fountain in the middle of the park. Tucker watched a nearby squirrel look for acorns around a large tree. Sam moved her hand through the water, watching the ripples she made. Danny watched her. The sun's light in the water was reflecting onto her face. He thought she looked beautiful. Sam blinked and a single tear fell into the water. She put her wet hand over her eyes and cried quietly. Danny put his hand on her shaking shoulder. Sam looked up and flung her arms around him. Danny smiled. The squirrel ran up the tree and Tucker looked over at his friends. “Group hug!” he yelled as he embraced his friends. Danny and Sam laughed and hugged him back.
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“Again?” Danny groaned as his ghost sense went off. The three friends had been walking back through the park when he complained. Sam turned to Danny. “Go ahead. We'll head back.” She said, pointing to Tucker. Danny nodded and transformed into his ghost self. Tucker and Sam stood and watched him fly away. “Let's go.” He said. He began to walk away when he noticed that Sam wasn't following him. He turned around and saw her still staring at the sky. He sighed and said, “Sam? Are you coming?” She suddenly looked at him. “Huh?” She said absentmindedly. “Let's go.” Tucker motioned to her. Sam ran to catch him then slowed to a walk. “What were you doing?” Tucker asked her. “Just thinking.” She replied. Tucker looked at her then continued walking. Sam sighed and looked again at the sky. She turned and followed Tucker.
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“Sam! Tuck!” Jazz called across the street. Sam ran over to her and asked, “Have you seen Danny?” Jazz looked puzzled. “No… I thought he was with you.” Suddenly, they heard Danny scream. He shot past them and landed on his dad. Skulker was laughing down the street. Tucker quickly pulled out a Fenton Thermos and Skulker disappeared inside it. Sam and Jazz looked at Tucker but he was looking at Jack Fenton. Danny was caught in the Fenton Fisher. His arms were pulled tightly to his sides. Mr. Fenton held him in the air letting Phantom's feet dangle. Danny saw his friends and shrugged. Jazz slapped her hand to her head. He looked at his proud father and said. Jack, you have the wrong ghost.” Jack just laughed. “You escaped me once, ghost. You won't be getting away this time.” Danny sighed, “I was trying to catch the bad ghost, that time and this time. I'm the good guy!” Jack laughed again as he pulled out his Thermos. Danny hung his head and mumbled, “Not again.” He was getting tired of being in the Fenton Thermos. Sam prodded Tucker. He looked at her. She was pointing to a nearby car.
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“Jazz. Where's Danny?” Maddie asked. Jazz shrugged. Danny screamed. Mrs. Fenton turned around and looked at Phantom. “Can't phase out of the Fenton Fisher, ghost!” Jack said. Danny winced. “I think… I know that now.” Suddenly, he was sucked into a Fenton Thermos from behind a nearby car. The line on the Fisher dangled loosely.
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Down in the empty basement Sam pushed the release button on Tucker's Thermos. Danny and Skulker came out of it. Danny looked over and blasted Skulker onto the wall. Sam put him back in the Thermos. “Thanks… I guess.” Danny said, rubbing his arm. Sam threw the Thermos back at Tucker and put her hands on her hips. “Hey. It was either be in there for hours, or a couple of minutes.” Danny nodded in agreement.
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“There you are, Danny!” Mrs. Fenton called. “Your father just caught Inviso-Bill! He got away though.” “Too bad.” Danny said as he closed the door behind Sam, leaving Tucker inside. Mrs. Fenton turned around and got into the RV. Danny stuck his hand through the door and pulled Tucker out. “Sorry.” He said. Sam watched as Jack and Jazz began to get into their cars. Her heart sank. She sighed and Tucker looked at her. “It's alright Sam.” He said. She looked up at him and smiled.
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“I'll see ya around, Danny.” Tucker said as the RV started. “I'm gonna miss you, Tuck.” They gave each other a quick hug and Tucker turned and walked down the street. He waved before disappearing around the corner. Sam looked back at Danny to find him smiling at her. She smiled then it quickly faded. She ran up to Danny and hugged him tight. “Goodbye… Danny.” She whispered in his ear, her voice shaky. Her eyes filled with tears and Danny took a deep breath and sighed. She wanted to kiss his cheek but she resisted. In Danny's arms she felt safe. She didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to stay with her forever. She knew this would never happen. <i>“He doesn't like me like that.”</i> She thought. “Goodbye, Sam” Danny said.
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Sam cried on Danny's shoulder and didn't let go until his parents called for him. “I'll miss you, Danny.” She said. Danny smiled. “I'll miss you too.” He said. Sam noticed his eyes fill with tears before he turned around. Jazz's car started as Danny climbed in. A small breeze came up behind Sam, blowing her hair around her face. She watched as the family turned the corner. She sat on a nearby bench and put her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook as she cried. Danny Fenton, her best friend, was gone.
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Danny, Sam, and Tucker sat around a fountain in the middle of the park
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<i> </i><i>All right! This is my longest chapter so brace yourself! Enjoy Chapter 5!</i>
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Danny, Sam, and Tucker sat around a fountain in the middle of the park. Tucker watched a nearby squirrel look for acorns around a large tree. Sam moved her hand through the water, watching the ripples she made. Danny watched her. The sun's light in the water was reflecting onto her face. He thought she looked beautiful. Sam blinked and a single tear fell into the water. She put her wet hand over her eyes and cried quietly. Danny put his hand on her shaking shoulder. Sam looked up and flung her arms around him. Danny smiled. The squirrel ran up the tree and Tucker looked over at his friends. “Group hug!” he yelled as he embraced his friends. Danny and Sam laughed and hugged him back.
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“Again?” Danny groaned as his ghost sense went off. The three friends had been walking back through the park when he complained. Sam turned to Danny. “Go ahead. We'll head back.” She said, pointing to Tucker. Danny nodded and transformed into his ghost self. Tucker and Sam stood and watched him fly away. “Let's go.” He said. He began to walk away when he noticed that Sam wasn't following him. He turned around and saw her still staring at the sky. He sighed and said, “Sam? Are you coming?” She suddenly looked at him. “Huh?” She said absentmindedly. “Let's go.” Tucker motioned to her. Sam ran to catch him then slowed to a walk. “What were you doing?” Tucker asked her. “Just thinking.” She replied. Tucker looked at her then continued walking. Sam sighed and looked again at the sky. She turned and followed Tucker.
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“Sam! Tuck!” Jazz called across the street. Sam ran over to her and asked, “Have you seen Danny?” Jazz looked puzzled. “No… I thought he was with you.” Suddenly, they heard Danny scream. He shot past them and landed on his dad. Skulker was laughing down the street. Tucker quickly pulled out a Fenton Thermos and Skulker disappeared inside it. Sam and Jazz looked at Tucker but he was looking at Jack Fenton. Danny was caught in the Fenton Fisher. His arms were pulled tightly to his sides. Mr. Fenton held him in the air letting Phantom's feet dangle. Danny saw his friends and shrugged. Jazz slapped her hand to her head. He looked at his proud father and said. Jack, you have the wrong ghost.” Jack just laughed. “You escaped me once, ghost. You won't be getting away this time.” Danny sighed, “I was trying to catch the bad ghost, that time and this time. I'm the good guy!” Jack laughed again as he pulled out his Thermos. Danny hung his head and mumbled, “Not again.” He was getting tired of being in the Fenton Thermos. Sam prodded Tucker. He looked at her. She was pointing to a nearby car.
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“Jazz. Where's Danny?” Maddie asked. Jazz shrugged. Danny screamed. Mrs. Fenton turned around and looked at Phantom. “Can't phase out of the Fenton Fisher, ghost!” Jack said. Danny winced. “I think… I know that now.” Suddenly, he was sucked into a Fenton Thermos from behind a nearby car. The line on the Fisher dangled loosely.
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Down in the empty basement Sam pushed the release button on Tucker's Thermos. Danny and Skulker came out of it. Danny looked over and blasted Skulker onto the wall. Sam put him back in the Thermos. “Thanks… I guess.” Danny said, rubbing his arm. Sam threw the Thermos back at Tucker and put her hands on her hips. “Hey. It was either be in there for hours, or a couple of minutes.” Danny nodded in agreement.
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“There you are, Danny!” Mrs. Fenton called. “Your father just caught Inviso-Bill! He got away though.” “Too bad.” Danny said as he closed the door behind Sam, leaving Tucker inside. Mrs. Fenton turned around and got into the RV. Danny stuck his hand through the door and pulled Tucker out. “Sorry.” He said. Sam watched as Jack and Jazz began to get into their cars. Her heart sank. She sighed and Tucker looked at her. “It's alright Sam.” He said. She looked up at him and smiled.
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“I'll see ya around, Danny.” Tucker said as the RV started. “I'm gonna miss you, Tuck.” They gave each other a quick hug and Tucker turned and walked down the street. He waved before disappearing around the corner. Sam looked back at Danny to find him smiling at her. She smiled then it quickly faded. She ran up to Danny and hugged him tight. “Goodbye… Danny.” She whispered in his ear, her voice shaky. Her eyes filled with tears and Danny took a deep breath and sighed. She wanted to kiss his cheek but she resisted. In Danny's arms she felt safe. She didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to stay with her forever. She knew this would never happen. <i>“He doesn't like me like that.”</i> She thought. “Goodbye, Sam” Danny said.
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Sam cried on Danny's shoulder and didn't let go until his parents called for him. “I'll miss you, Danny.” She said. Danny smiled. “I'll miss you too.” He said. Sam noticed his eyes fill with tears before he turned around. Jazz's car started as Danny climbed in. A small breeze came up behind Sam, blowing her hair around her face. She watched as the family turned the corner. She sat on a nearby bench and put her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook as she cried. Danny Fenton, her best friend, was gone.
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DannyPhantomLover on May 30, 2006, 10:51:56 AM

Kratosgirl14 on May 30, 2006, 1:14:26 AM
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dragon45 on May 29, 2006, 3:24:37 PM
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