Chapter 1 - Evilness right under thier noses
Submitted August 2, 2006 Updated August 2, 2006 Status Incomplete | It's pretty much about these two ninja(Blade and Mizu. Blade is a demon wolf who can speak english, and Mizu is just an ordinary Demon rebel.) Who are the last of thier kingdom. (Earth Kingdom)they live in the village hidden in the wind, Kohona Village. t
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Chapter 1 - Evilness right under thier noses
Chapter 1 - Evilness right under thier noses
Clash of the Ninja
Centuries ago, an ancient battle took place in the Ancient Feudal Netherworld; between the Ninja of Hidden Wind Village, and the Ninja of the Hidden Thunder Village. It lasted a long 20 years. It was a bloody and grueling battle. Our story begins 5 years before the war started; at the homes of two very good friends. One day&
Hey Zouku&look what I just bought from Mr. Yamanto.
Oh& no way! You got a gold Shuriken! Aw& I always wanted one. No fair.
Read em and weep Zouku. Man I just cant wait to use this. I bet itll be a blast! Inari said smiling.
*Mumbling* Show off&
What was that? Did you say something Zouku?
No&no, I didnt say a word. Answered Zouku, with a bit of a scowl.
Alright then& if youre done scowling at me and my awesome new shuriken, I guess Ill go home. Its getting late and the kids are probably worried sick or something. Well& see ya later.
(Ohh& that nerve of that guy& he can be such a jerk.) Yeah& later&Jet.
What do you mean go and fight?! I cant fight against those Thunder Village scum! Theyll rip me to shreds!
Thats a chance you must be willing to take Blade. You are part of the Hidden Ninja Assassins; and the mission the Emperor has given you and Mizu is to act as spies and learn more about the Ninja of the Storm.
But Commander Xiao&
No buts Blade. You have a job to do, I suggest you get ready as soon as possible and head out with Mizu.
Oh alright& sometimes I wonder why I joined the HNA.
Wasnt it to become well known throughout Kohona? Mizu said with a grin on his face.
More than that Mizu& to become a hero of the ages! Thats my dream& but that will never happen if Im playing spy kids with the Thunder Ninja.
Its an opportunity Blade, you should be proud.
Of what? Snooping around some filthy Village of brutal killers? Putting my life on the line to get useless info? And that stuck up demon&Xiao; I dont see why hes so great.
He was great because he was able to assassinate the previous leader of the Thunder Village, The Raidou. (Which translates to Thunder God)
Oh so what& I could have done that too.
Oh really&then how come you didnt when you had the chance? Mizu asked, with a grin.
Well& I umm& its getting late. I gotta go. See ya!
(Always changing the subject& foolish man, ever since you got trapped in the body of a wolf& you been so hot-tempered. Lighten up for once Blade and have fun while you can) Bye bye Wolfy.
As Blade ran out of the tent, the Emperor walked in. He had a very concerned look on his face.
Mizu& what was that all about?
Oh& you mean Blade Sir?
Yes& he seemed to be in a hurry.
Yeah, I was just talking to him about something. Our next mission you assigned us Sir& umm does it involve killing the Raidou? Mizu asked with a worried face.
Maybe& but for now, just focus on our main target, Kaku of the Storm.
You& mean the boy possessed with the two-headed dragon demon Nyanko?! But Sir& we arent strong enough to fight against a power such as this!
Who says you have to be strong, besides it is said that he has a connection with the Raidou. Thanks to Xiao, we were able to find this out. Also, youll be in disguises, so what does it matter. Ill have Zouku make Thunder Village head bands for you and Blade; then youll both sneak into the Village and stalk the kid. The Emperor said grinning.
Well I mission is a mission, no matter how dangerous, I guess. Mizu said sulking.
Thats the spirit! Now& go out there with wolf man and stalk that kid!
Yes Sir! As the Emperor left the tent, Mizu got his things together and went out to look for Blade, eventually he found him sitting under a shady tree.
Whatcha doin way out here Wolfy?
Trying to relax& and dont call me Wolfy I hate it when you call me that. Blade said angrily.
But& it suits you so well and youre so adorable for a demon wolf.
There is nothing adorable about me Mizu; Im a talking wolf with a missing ear and an eye patch. Nothin cute about that.
If youre me, then yes& youre such an adorable wolfy wolf& aww whos cute? You are& yes you are.
I told you to stop that! *Bites Mizu*
Ow! That hurt! What did you do that for ya big brute?! Mizu said clenching his hand to stop the blood from coming out.
Hmhmhm& I warned you.
Whatever& anyway, I just talked to the boss after you ran out of the tent like a baby. He said we are to spy on that Kaku kid.
You mean the kid with the demon Nyanko inside of him?
Yeah& thats the one.
I sort of like him& when we split up to spy on the people of the sand village, I visit him. He pets me and scratches behind my only ear. He calls me& friend. Blade said looking into the sky.
Blade! We go there to spy! Not to make friends with the enemy! Mizu said yelling.
Yes but& he thinks Im just an animal, he doesnt know that I can talk. Besides, Im going to visit him again later today when we go to spy. Maybe hell let me in his house or something; then maybe Ill get some valuable info for the boss.
Ya know& for a talking wolf with a missing ear and an eye patch, youre pretty damn smart.
Youre not welcome. Mizu said laughing slightly.
What do you mean, youre not welcome?
I was joking& Jeez. Anyway, lets get going& the boss wants info about that Hwang kid ASAP. He wants us to meet him at Ninja Academy, to give us our equipment.
Then let us go.
(Wind Village Ninja Academy; before Mizu and Blade arrive)
Men, listen up! Im going to let you all in on a little secret. But you must promise me, the true Emperor of Kohona; that you will not say a word to Mizu or Blade.
Yes Sir! everyone shouted.
Good, now& I want Zouku and Jet to step forward. You two will keep an eye on Mizu and Blade and when the time is right, expose them in front of the Hwang kid. Then retreat, and come back to Kohona. Understand?
Pretty much.
Excellent& they should be arriving any minute now. Just act& natural. We must not let them know about our plans to eliminate them. They are outsiders; Jet I cant believe I let you talk me into letting them stay here in Kohona. You know where theyre from dont you? The Emperor said raising his voice.
N-no& sir I dont. Jet said stuttering.
They are from the Land of Rock, the Earth Kingdom. Theyre ex. Ninja assassins! They used to work for Hiyao Kimono, an elite assassin. They are not of true Kohona blood!
So what& Commander Xiao isnt of Kohona blood Sir.
Yes Jet, I know. But he has proved himself worthy of his loyalty to me. Mizu and Blade havent done so yet. Theyve only been here for about four years. Hmm& an idea just struck my mind. Men& theres been a slight change of plans. I still want you all too still follow Mizu and Blade in to the village. Ambush him just like we said before; if they survive& retreat back to Kohona. Of course, youll all be disguised as Thunder Ninja. Genzu&. I want you to start on the costumes for Jet and Zouku. Xiao& you still have your outfit from youre last mission?
Yes sir¬ a scratch on it.
As I excepted. Now& get ready. Dismissed!
Sir yes Sir!
(Outside the Academy)
Blade& did you hear that? The boss& his men& theyre gona ambush us!
Bah so what&I have plenty of Earth Ninja Art up my sleeves.
You mean fur.
Whatever& now lets go, and remember&act like we didnt hear a thing. Got it?
Taking deep breaths, Mizu and Blade entered the Academy. They walked up to the table where the Emperor was sitting and bowed before they sat down.
So& I see youre feeling a little better Blade.
Yes sir& I just needed to relax for a few minutes.
I see& and Mizu, how about you?
Im fine Sir.
Good good& well then, lets cut right to the chase. This mission I have just assigned you is not that dangerous. As you know already, you must gather a bit of info on the boy named Kaku. Blade& I want you to remain on guard while Mizu talks to the kid. After he is done with his talk, you will both return back to Kohona. You guys can handle this right?
Yes sir& I have no problem with this task.
Yeah& Im a wolf& I can handle anything you humans can.
(Oh we shall see about that wolf man& we shall see hmhmhm.) Well&heres the equipment youre going to need. I wish you both the best of luck. We would want you both to die on us now would we?
No Sir!
Good, then get going! Youre wasting valuable time.
As Mizu and Blade left the Academy, they headed along a path which would lead them to the Thunder Kingdom.
Well Blade& it seems we have another adventure on our hands.
Yep&I bet it will be fun beating the bosss men to a pulp.
Yeah& but we gotta lay low at first. Ya know& make this whole thing look convincing. Mizu said with a stern face.
Will Mizu and Blade survive the Emperors ambush troops? Will Emperor Tao succeed in killing the only two Earth Ninja left from the Land of Coal? And will Jet ever get to play with that Gold Shuriken he bought from Mr. Yamanto?
Stay tuned for the further adventures of Wolf Man and Mizu!
Great& now the narrator is calling me wolf man. Thanks alot Mizu!
It wasnt my fault & how did I know hed pick up on it so fast.
Eh hem& thats she.
Oh& sorry&
Man& you guys are all so weird.
Jet?!& what the& hey man you aint in this preview!
You know& he has a point.
Oh great& now crazy eyes is here to. What is this& the gathering of idiots?!
Say that to my face wolf boy!
Thats wolf man! I mean&Blade!
Well folks& if you wanna see what happens, just keep reading. Please mind the knuckle heads. Theyre all stupid anyway.
Hey& I heard that! For a narrator, youre not so nice you know.
Whatever& anyway, on with the story!
Well& were almost there. A few more minutes.
Mizu& do you think well be able to survive the Emperors ambush?
Of course& after all we are special. Were the only Earth Ninja left in the whole country. Its all because of the past Emperor, Ryu; and to make matters worse, were dealing with his son, Emperor Tao. Ryu was an evil man; all he did was tax his people. Then a hero stood up above all the rest; his name was Kaze. One day, Kaze led his people to victory over Ryus forces; and killed Ryu himself.
He was a brave Shinobi; if Emperor Tao is the same way, evil like his father, then we must be like Kaze and kill Tao.
But how& it would be us two versus Emperor Tao and his followers. We wouldnt stand a chance. Unless&
Unless what Blade?
Well think about it Mizu& not everyone likes the Emperor. Maybe if we interview some of his followers and ask them what they really think of Tao, just maybe& we could offer them a deal to fight for us.
It wouldnt be possible& they would all be too scared to rise up against the Emperor, even with us on theyre side. Emperor Tao controls the five nations Blade, well its four now; his father destroyed the Earth Kingdom twenty years ago. As for Tao&Ive heard rumors that hes immortal! Anyway, the Wind, Dark, Fire and Thunder Kingdoms all belong to Tao. With that many soldiers at his command, he could do anything he wants.
Sometimes I hate living in Village of the Wind. I miss home Mizu& we used to have so much fun as kids, and before I got turned into a wolf. That was Ryus fault too. Will this land ever see a golden age again? Im not sure Blade&but we must be strong. We are outsiders in this village. If we set our minds to it, we can make a difference. I bet we could be the ones who bring the golden age back to this land!
Yeah but& were gona need all the help we can get Mizu. Otherwise wed just be throwing our lives away.
True& lets just finish this mission for the Emperor, and then well set our plan into action.
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DarkDemon666 on August 5, 2006, 8:02:22 AM
DarkDemon666 on