Chapter 9 - No One Deserves This
Submitted March 13, 2005 Updated March 13, 2005 Status Incomplete | A story of a young Vampire encountering a human that he befriends. She is held special to him after his brother rejecting him almost entirely, and she somehow finds it in her own soul to accept the mysterious boy whom has roamed and haunted her villa |
Chapter 9 - No One Deserves This
Chapter 9 - No One Deserves This
Chapter Nine (No one deserves this)
After throwing a blanket over Karu to hide him. Kianna walked into the dining room where most of her family was already eating. Kianna strode into the kitchen and grabbed a few pieces of chicken before going back into the dining room and sitting down. She looked around at her family. Her mother, little brother, little sister, and grandmother were all there, just as they had always been. Kianna looked at her grandmother. “Hey grandma. You have lived in the village all of your life right?” Her grandmother nodded. “Yes, a full eighty-eight years now.” Kianna cut a piece of chicken off. “Have you ever met the owner of the village?”
Her grandmother arched a brow at the strange question. “No, but I met his sons once. They were the most attractive boys that I have ever seen. Especially that Karu.” Her grandmother blushed at the very memory and Kianna rolled her eyes. “What is so special about him?” “Just the fact that he was so damned hard to get. He wouldn't even look at any of the girls, only his brother did.” Kianna laughed and muttered under her breath. “Hard to get indeed…” “Why did you want to know about that though Kianna?” Kianna shrugged and took a bite of her chicken. “No reason. I am just doing a …school report on their family.”
“Oh I see…” Kianna ate her dinner casually, then smiled. “I am going to my room now, okay?” Everyone nodded. “Whatever Kianna.” Kianna put her plate in the sink before heading swiftly to her room where Karu was still asleep on her bed. Kianna rolled her eyes and sat down beside him. “Karu get up. I am tired and I would like my bed back.” Karu groaned. “Do I have to get up?” Kianna sighed. “Yes, unless you plan on sharing a bed with me!” Karu opened one eye and smirked. “That works.” Kianna's mouth dropped open. “Karu stop playing around!”
Kianna stubbornly laid down by Karu, pushing him back against the wall. “Move it.” Karu yawned and scooted over. “Whatever…” Kianna closed her eyes. “You aren't actually going to sleep here are you?” Karu put one arm over Kianna and laid his head on her shoulder. “Of course I am.” Kianna sighed and looked at Karu. “I can hardly believe you.” Karu's lips curled into a smile. “Believe it. Now sleep.” Karu snapped his fingers as the lamp turned off. Leaving Kianna in darkness.” Kianna felt extremely ill at ease, yet her lack of sleep made it seem less apparent.
Within minutes Kianna fell asleep, acting as if she didn't have a care in the world. Kianna slept for the entire night and well into the morning. When Kianna finally did wake up, it was ten in the morning and she was still wrapped in Karu's arms. “What the hell am I still doing here!? I have school!” Karu winced at his rather loud wake up and he cupped his hand over Kianna's mouth. “Would you calm down. I already cast the spell to take care of it. As far as anyone is concerned, you are at school right now.” Kianna sighed with relief. “Oh, okay.”
Karu smiled and put his head back on her shoulder. “You need to relax. You are way too uptight.” Kianna laughed softly. “Uptight? If I was uptight I would not be in the same room, let alone the same bed with a vampire who my grandmother thinks is hot.” Karu blinked. “Oh? She must be one of the village girls from a long time ago…” Kianna nodded. “Yeah. She thinks you are really attractive.” Karu grinned proudly. “Your grandmother has good taste.” Kianna rolled her eyes. “Sure she does Karu…” Karu chuckled. “You think I am too. You just won't admit it.”
Kianna shrugged. “I don't know. I think you are pretty hot actually.” Karu gasped. “It is a miracle. You actually admitted it!” Kianna looked at Karu with a blank stare. “Yeah, so?” Karu grinned excitedly. “This is a cause for celebration!” Kianna blushed. “What are you talking about?” Karu smiled and took Kianna's hand, pulling her up with him as he chuckled. “Come on. Let's go to the tavern. I'll buy you a drink.” Kianna blinked as Karu turned them both invisible and picked her up. “Karu I don't drink.” Karu looked at her strangely as he jumped out of the window. “Really?” Oh well, just get what you want.”
Kianna nodded as Karu began running and then leapt into the air and began to rise into the clouds. Kianna watched Karu curiously, then looked up at the clouds as they flew by them. Karu began descending again toward a rather large building that had a sign reading. “Black Rose Tavern and Inn.” Karu landing neatly on the front porch and let down Kianna as they became visible to the world. “This is a great tavern. All kinds of interesting people in here, but you might wanna stay close. There are a few shady characters as well.” Kianna stared at Karu as if he was crazy when he took her hand and walked into the tavern.
No one paid much mind to them, though they did get a few glances here and there, most aimed at Kianna. Karu went to the darkest corner of the tavern and took a seat across from Kianna, whose eyes were darting all around. “K-Karu, there are werewolves in here!” Karu nodded. “Yep, and vampires, and elves, and fairies, and demons, and dragons…” Kianna's mouth dropped open. “What if they attack me?” Karu shrugged slightly and snapped his fingers for a waiter. “I will protect you. They all know better than to attack a Maiako. We all have pretty fearsome reputations.”
A waiter quickly walked over to Karu. “Sir, may I help you?” Karu smiled kindly, but made sure that the waiter saw his fangs. “Yes. I will have a blood wine and some chili cheese fries.” Karu motioned over to Kianna and she looked up at the waiter. “I would like a green tea.” Kianna got weird stares from both the waiter and Karu. “Yes ma'am. Your order will be out soon.” With that, the waiter scurried off to place the orders and Karu looked at Kianna with raised eyebrows. “Aren't you hungry?” Kianna shrugged. “No, not really…” Karu rolled his eyes and laughed to himself. “Kianna you are a puzzle…”
Kianna blinked. “No I am not. I am way more normal that you.” Karu put his hands behind his head and continued staring at her. “How do you figure that? I am quite normal for a vampire.” Kianna crossed her arms. “And I am normal for a human.” Karu suddenly broke out laughing. “Yeah sure Kianna. Need I remind you that you drank wolf's blood last night then slept with a vampire? If that is your definition of normal, then you pretty much fit the description.” Kianna turned bright red and had to look away. “I didn't have much of a choice as far as sleeping with you. You wouldn't move!”
Karu flashed a toothy grin at Kianna. “You cold have just left a trail of blood and I would have left, but you insisted on getting all cuddly and falling asleep.” Kianna gasped. “Cuddly!? I don't know what you are talking about!” Karu laughed harder. “You are so fun to frustrate!” Kianna sunk down in her chair. “Whatever Karu…” Karu looked over at Kianna and sighed. “Kianna do not take it offensively. You know that I am mean.” Kianna scowled at him and grabbed her green tea that the waiter finally delivered. She drank down the tea slowly, but her eyes had darkened slightly and Karu knew that she was pissed.
“Kianna please don't be like that!” Kianna stuck her tongue out at Karu and straightened up. “Like what? Upset that you are being a prick?” Karu nodded and took a sip of his blood wine. “Yeah, people normally don't take it so offensively. I guess you just aren't used to me yet.” Kianna stared at Karu blankly. “Oh I am plenty used to you. I just don't like being teased over something that is completely your fault and acting as if I am the one who should be ashamed when you are the one who should feel bad about it.” Karu grinned mischievously. “Me? Feel bad about it?”
“Are you insane? I loved it!” Kianna spit her tea across the table as her mouth dropped open. “You what!?!?!?!” Karu lapped up more of his blood wine. “Hello Kianna, I am a guy. I got to have you pressed up against me all night. Of course I loved it. Hell you should mess with my hair and make me fall asleep on your bed more often.” Kianna stared at Karu with wide eyes. “Still, that is just strange and wrong. Now I am questioning what you were thinking about last night. Oh my gods I completely let my guard down. You could've done anything!”
Karu smiled. “That is true, but I didn't do anything. You made me really sleepy by petting me so I didn't have the chance, but believe me, if I hadn't been so damned tired then you would've been in trouble. Karu winked at Kianna suggestively. “So if you wanna have another go tonight. I am all for it.” Kianna made a gagging sound and scowled at him. “No way in the seven hells Karu. I am not like that.” Karu smiled and rubbed his leg against hers. “But I am.” Kianna stood straight up and looked down at Karu with disgust. “Too bad, you would've made a good boyfriend.”
Without warning Kianna walked out of the tavern, leaving Karu in shock. “Whoa, she is cold…” Karu knew that he shouldn't go after her, for it might make things worse. However… out of the corner of his eye he saw a group of vampires slip out of the tavern silently. “They are up to no good…” Kianna was steaming as she stomped out of the tavern. “The nerve of him! He is such a pervert.” Kianna looked around, then decided to cut through the woods in order to get back into the village. Kianna walked into the dark forest that was unfamiliar to her. “This is stupid, maybe I should go back and find Karu… No way, he is getting the cold shoulder for at least twenty-four hours, or until I hear an apology!”
Kianna walked deeper into the woods, feeling uneasy as she watched shadows shift around her. “Oh man this is bad…” From behind her she heard a low, hissing voice say. “Little girls shouldn't venture into the woods alone. It can be hazardous…” Suddenly Kianna felt two different people grasp her wrists and she tried to pull away. “Let go of me!” A man walked into the light. He had a thin, pale face and his cheeks were sunken in. “Oh we will. After we rape and kill you.” From back in front of the tavern Karu heard a glass-shattering scream that he recognized as Kianna's. “Oh shoot.”
Karu took off through the woods as quick as lightning. His eyes darting around, following the scent of Kianna and the scent of alcohol from other people. As Karu finally located Kianna, there were about four men around her, hissing lowly and slowly cutting her clothing with their claws. Karu's eyes turned the color of fresh blood under the moonlight as his fangs and claws lengthened and he screamed. “Release the girl!” The men all turned around to see Karu and three of them approached him while the third one held Kianna still.
Karu moved so fast that no one could even see him, but all of them felt his talon-like nails cut across their guts as he ran around them. “Someone catch that little brat!” All of the men began swinging like mad into what seemed like emptiness, until they heard Kianna scream again. The man that was holding her had completely ripped off her shirt and had a knife to her stomach. “Show yourself of I will kill her!” From out of no where Karu appeared. The fires of hell were burning within his eyes as he lunged right to the man holding Kianna. Within seconds the knife was pinning the man to a tree by his shoulder, and Kianna had fallen on all fours, crying her heart out.
The three men left alive all scattered through the forest; none daring to face Karu. Karu gently kneeled beside Kianna who was trying desperately to cover herself as she sobbed. “Are you alright…?” Kianna looked up at Karu with wide, fearful eyes and suddenly threw herself at him, clinging to him desperately as she screamed into his chest. “Karu I was so scared!” Karu wrapped his arms around her and held her to him gently. “I know Kianna, but it is okay now…” Karu let Kianna wail into him for a few minutes before he took off his shirt and threw it at Kianna. “Put this on… it isn't much, but it will cover you up.”
Kianna nodded slowly; turning around as she put on his shirt, and hugged herself tightly. “I am sorry Karu…” Karu looked at her with understanding eyes. “Don't be sorry Kianna, I am the one who insulted you and it is my fault…” Kianna closed her eyes tighter. “I am such an idiot! You could've really gotten hurt and it would be my fault for coming out here alone! I deserved what I got!” Kianna felt Karu wrap his arms around her from behind, holding her tightly. He was shaking slightly as he said. “No you didn't and don't you dare say that again! No one deserves that, not you, not Luna, not anyone!” Karu felt Kianna's muscles relax slightly as she turned around to face him.
Her eyes were deep and there were still tears in the edges, yet she seemed more calm now as she looked into the face of the boy that risked his life just to save hers. Kianna touched Karu's face gently. “Karu…” Without warning, Kianna gently kissed Karu's lips, sending a wave of warmth and security into him as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. Neither of them knew how long they were there, just holding each other. No words were said, for it was not necessary. They both knew exactly what the other was feeling and saying at that moment. “I love you.”
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xkaitlyn25x on October 5, 2007, 9:12:40 AM
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MandyLovsDaPeoples on August 2, 2006, 10:46:37 AM
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