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Chapter 1 - Start of an Unwanted Journey

Fan Fic of Kingdom Hearts. Rikus little trip.

Chapter 1 - Start of an Unwanted Journey

Chapter 1 - Start of an Unwanted Journey

"This sucks…this really sucks….im soooo godamn bored…this road seems to go on forever…I’ve got an evil darkness mad maniac in my head…im hungry…WHY THE frack DID I WALK THROUGH THAT DAMN PORTAL!!!! Here I am minding my business telling Xehanort to shut it with his nightly ranting about the darkness in my heart and how I will submit to it sooner or later when some dark corridors portal just pops up in front of me. No one walked out so I go in…smart…now im stranded."

Riku continued walking down the dirt road with luscious green grass to both sides. All seemed to go on forever. The night sky was filled with stars, but not a single cloud could be seen.

"I wonder who created that portal…, well ill never know unless I follow what the note says."

Riku looked over the piece of paper he pulled out of his pocket. It read.

"Follow this road if you wish to know my identity…but beware…wonder too far and you might loose your self to the darkness that surrounds this land. The Farther you travel, the more thick the darkness becomes. Many dangers shall make its way onto your path; I shall make sure of this as the last opposing threat to the realm of light. I am not about to make war with the light so soon though, I am still gathering power. My main priority is you Riku…find me before my forces become powerful enough to engulf all the worlds in darkness! You’re the only one who can save your precious light and all who live within it!!!"

"Jebus fracking Christoph. This guy sounds like a damn pain in the @$$. I’ve been home for less than a month and some nut job is already trying to conquer the light…well I can’t go back and get Sora or notify anyone. If I could just figure out were the hell I am. I’ve never seen this place before in my life….Well I guess I just have to follow this road and kick some bad guy @$$!"

Riku shoved the paper back into his pocket and started down the road again. After about two hours of walking, Riku is suddenly attacked by ten or twelve neo shadows. Riku summoned the Way To The Dawn and cut them down with ease. But to his surprise, every single one of them dropped a gummi piece.

"Now that’s strange, since when do heartless drop gummi pieces? Let alone like ten at once! Well…I might as well collect them all. Maybe I can make myself some sort of transportation."

He gathered up all the pieces and places them in another one of his many pockets in his pants. He always needed pockets before when he was on his trip back to the realm of light because he needed room for all his items and such that he came across.

"Good thing I wore my good pants!" he said cheerfully.

After about another five hours of walking (of course with a few breaks in between) he noticed a small town on the horizon of darkness. He made his way to it and entered only to find that the place had been abandoned. He noticed a large mansion at the farther end of the town and decided that it is were he was going to sleep. But first, he needed to raid a food stall or something, which he found and did.

After eating, he made his way toward the mansion. The town was dark and gloomy like. The buildings were decaying and half destroyed. He felt a very cold and dark chill from this place. He hadn’t been walking long when he noticed something strange.

Riku immediately noticed that disgusting smell, the smell of Darkness, and it was coming from the mansion.

"This darkness I sense is strong; perhaps it’s the mysterious note leaver that lured me here. About time!!! I’m ready to kick some @$$ and get back home!

Riku took off quickly at a mad dash to the mansion. It seemed like he got there in no time he was so ready to fight. He slashed the door open without even stopping and ran strait into the middle of the large room of the mansion. The doors slammed behind him and a hooded figure walked out of one of the dark hallways towards him. The figure stopped about twenty paces away.

"Are you the one who wrote this note?!?" riku said and pulled out the note he had received earlier.

"I am…and don’t think that you will be able to-"

Riku didn’t even let him finish. He had heard enough already and launched a barrage of dark balls at him. Right after they hit riku came running in with his keyblade and slashed his foe.

The man dodged riku’s next attempt to slash him and jumped back holding his side.

"I’m not playing games!!!" riku yelled.

"Hehe...I see your just as persistent as I am. After all, we are one in the same!"

In saying this, the hooded man removed his hood to reveal none other than Riku himself.

"You!!!" Riku yelled. "I thought I killed you at the Castle!? And we are not the same. I would never be like you!"

"Yes, correct. We are not completely the same. Unlike you, I threw away the light and accepted the darkness! You shall never be as powerful as I am! YOU’RE AFRAID OF THE DARKNESS!!!"

"I AM NOT AFRAID OF THE DARKNESS!!!" riku exclaimed.

Riku then went into darkness form and unleashed a massively strong combo on his clone, whom had barely dodged this fierce attack.

"WHAT!!!" the riku clone said. "How can this be? You rejected the darkness didn’t you?"

"I learned that I don’t need to hate the darkness"


"I use both light and dark in a powerful mixture! I walk not the road to darkness nor the road light, but the road down the center, the way to the DAWN. Having this power of both light and dark…I will always be able to trample over you!!!"

"NO!!! This cant be happening! The darkness will always be stronger than light! And I will prove it!!"

The riku clone then summoned up a Ginormous army of heartless. It had to have been like twenty dark balls, ten defenders, thirty-something neo shadows, about fifteen wizards, and four behemoths.

Riku was not intimidated by this. He ran straight into the massive horde of heartless and began slicing them down one at a time. Once all the smaller heartless were done with he moved toward one of the behemoths and began just pounding on its horn, quickly taking the life out of it. The monster then stopped recoiling and charged up a most fearsome lightning attack. The other behemoths had moved in by now and were doing the same.

"Uh oh, this isn’t good…gotta come up with something fast…..I got IT!!"

Riku then started concentrating all his strength and readied for the attack. It all came and once and Riku Threw up the strongest dark shield he could ever muster and at the same time shot out some very powerful dark balls. The shield held up awesomely against the lightning and the dark balls all hit their targets, the horns of the beasts. The behemoth riku was fighting earlier was finished by the dark balls and the others decently damaged.

He then used this opportunity to use one of his abilities he picked up while at Castle Oblivion and used his finisher to suck up the rest of his opponents and turn them into nothingness.

"I guess it’s a good thing I ran into Lexaeus, hehe" said riku with extreme exhaustion.

"Okay…….see ya im outta here!" said riku’s clone

Riku’s clone then created a dark portal and started moving into it.

"Oh no you don’t you…..hey, what the hell do I call you anyways?!?!"

Riku’s clone immediately stopped and turned around.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I abandoned your weak little name and gave myself my own. You can call me, XIRUK!!!"

Xiruk ended that with a maniacal laugh with the lightning and everything in the background.

"Why don’t you go ahead and change your FACE too, that’s mine also!" riku muttered under his breath.

"But don’t think this is the last that you will see of me-"

"Oh! Don’t worry I know!" riku said cutting him off again.

"Will you fracking let me finish!"

Riku then gave a big sigh and crossed him arms in annoyance.

"I will grow stronger and you will be destroyed by the Darkness you threw away! The many obstacles in your way will surely destroy you. There is no need to even believe you will make it to my castle at the Dark City!"

With this Xiruk then fully entered the portal and vanished.

"Obstacles hm? I’ll just worry about those when the time comes. But, for now. I need to get some rest."

Riku went off in search of the mansion for a bed sleep on. He eventually found one and plopped down on it. He was just starting to get sleepy when he noticed something unusual.

*wow, Xehanort hasn’t said a thing the whole time we’ve been gone!* riku thought

And as if on cue he heard…


*just ignore him. He might just go to sleep*

"Riiiiiikkkuuuu?" Xehanort continued

*Ignoring you! Ignoring you!*


"WHAT DAMMIT?!?!" riku yelled.

"Submit yourself to the darkness" Xehanort whispered


"Submit to the darkness!!!!" Xehanort repeated.

"What?!?" said riku sitting up


"Oh GOD!! Just shut the frack up!!!"

"Never!! You shall fall prey to my evil prowess once again riku and I shall take over your body and rule kingdom hearts and all of the worlds for all eternity!!!" said Xehanort obnoxiously.

"Nope, never gonna happen" Riku responded

"Oh, yes it will!" Xehanort came back with.

"Nuh uh, never, only in your dreams"

"Will too"



And this went on until Xehanort had had enough and shut up for the night. Riku had finally gotten the chance to get some sleep. Tomorrow he will have to continue his journey down that god forsaken road.


Comments (8)

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KaitouNeko on August 17, 2007, 12:57:34 PM

KaitouNeko on
KaitouNekohahaha this is SO good

DarkNiGHTS on March 29, 2007, 12:20:50 PM

DarkNiGHTS on
DarkNiGHTSI like it man, your setup is so much cleaner than mine, spaced out and everything...might steal that instead of using my chunk method:P

I really like the story so far, I'll read the next chappy soon, and hopefully if it's up the third XD keep up the great work.

cloudsfan09 on March 28, 2007, 3:35:21 AM

cloudsfan09 on
cloudsfan09that kicks @$$!!! i like it ^^

rikusgirl55 on March 27, 2007, 9:47:44 AM

rikusgirl55 on
rikusgirl55OMG RIKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around screaming like a fangirl* I agree with roxra it kicked @$$ and was funny at the same time can't wait to see more

roxra on March 26, 2007, 9:54:21 AM

roxra on
roxraits funny and cool at the same time! realy like it!keep it up!

Sora121 on March 22, 2007, 1:00:56 PM

Sora121 on
Totally kick @$$! great blend of techniques and composure. holds a true form yet strays just so allowing voice to pass through and grab the reader right by the balls!! ^^ nice work keep it up.