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Chapter 5 - How To Deal With A Rabid Dog

Fan Fic of Kingdom Hearts. Rikus little trip.

Chapter 5 - How To Deal With A Rabid Dog

Chapter 5 - How To Deal With A Rabid Dog

Chapter 5

Riku woke up the next morning to find that Raix had already gotten up. Riku started thinking back to what had happened before they fell asleep.

*I wonder if that was even real?* Riku thought. *It could have just been another dream…Yeah, it’s too good to be true It was just a dream*

With a sigh Riku got up and stretched, then went to go find Raix. He found her getting some breakfast out of the Bike and started walking over to her. She heard him coming and ran up to him giving him a big long kiss.

"Good morning!" Raix said happily.

*Guess it wasn’t a dream after all!* Riku thought to himself a bit startled.

"Now that’s something I can look forward to waking up to!" Riku said with a wink.

Raix just smiled and went back to getting out the food. She grabbed the bag and they walked back over to where they had slept and began eating.

"We should probably get going early today and find a place to stay by…well what would be night fall but it seems to never be day or night so I guess before we get tired" Riku suggested.

"I agree. An early start just seems like the thing to do today"

So they finished up eating and got everything together and back on the bike. They took off kinda fast this time but then slowed down to a steady speed. They were driving for about three hours then decided to take a lunch break and stretch for a little bit. After they were done with that, they continued on.

After another two hours of driving. Riku noticed a dark portal open up behind them and a man wearing a red shirt with black pants and black hair came out on a flying board. It was like the man was surfing in the air. He caught up quick and unsheathed his two katanas. One was a blood red and the other a very dark black. Riku started to speed up but it was futile. The man caught up and slashed Riku’s rear tire. They started to spin out so Riku slid the bike sideways and jumped off at the same time summoning his keyblade.

The guy came back around for another attack but Riku ducked and sliced the board in half. The man flew off and rolled to his feet.

"AWWW DAMMIT!!!" the man yelled. "I just FIXED THAT!!!"

"WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE frackING ATTACKED ME!!!" Riku yelled back. "Who are you anyways?!?"

"The names Doggie! I’ve been ordered to kill you."

"Another assassin huh?" Riku said. "Sent by Xiruk I suppose?"

"Yup!" Doggie responded.

"Well then come and get me PUPPY DOG!" Riku said with his keyblade out and in stance.

"Hehe you must want to die quick!" Doggie said pulling out his two blades. "I, the wielder of the Moonfire and the Oblivion, shall never be beaten! I have the power of DARKNESS in my hands!"

"As do I" Riku responded.

"But this isn’t any ordinary darkness. The Oblivion is uncontrollable by any man; it will consume the strongest of people." Doggie said.

"Then how can you control it?" Riku asked.

"Well now, I can’t tell you that!" Doggie replied. "Enough chit chat lets get this on!"

With this Riku ran up on Doggie and swung down on him.

Doggie then kicked up a piece of his board and it deflected Riku’s attack. Then, Doggie swung horizontally with the Moonfire. Riku kicked the side of the blade changing its course and back flipped out of harms way. As soon as he hit the ground, The Oblivion was coming down on him. He quickly blocked but Doggie kept pressing on. Doggie then swung the Moonfire down at Riku’s legs. Riku quickly stepped on the sword before it hit him, pinning it to the ground. With his other leg, Riku jammed his foot upward into Doggies chin. Doggie flew backwards but landed on his feet and charged forward again, this time so fast that Riku didn’t even see it coming. Riku jumped back to dodge the attack but was too slow and got slashed across the chest.

"shoot!" Riku yelled in pain.

"HA! Are you going to give up after just one injury?" Doggie asked mockingly.

"I’ll keep on fighting, even if it means my death!" Riku yelled in response.

"Then call upon your true power Riku! We shall see who reins supreme!" Doggie said.

"My true power is my heart! I’ve had it hear the whole time! I’m just barely warming up!" Said Riku standing up and pointing his keyblade at Doggie.

"Your heart? I see…I once had a heart…My two best friends were my heart…" Said Doggie with sadness in his voice.

"Friends are what make up the heart. I myself had just recently found that out. I always thought power is what makes you strong…but I was wrong" Riku said.

"It seems we have a lot in common Riku" Doggie said. "By honoring you as a true opponent, I shall now fight with my full strength. Be ready Riku! AND FIGHT ME WITH THE SAME HONOR!!!"

Doggies left arm, the one controlling the Oblivion, then started shaking and the Oblivion burst with dark aura all around it. In a few seconds the dark aura started consuming his arm from the hilt. The aura made its way up his arm and quickly took the rest of the body. Finally it enveloped his head and his eyes lit up as red as the Moonfire which was now in its own red aura. He began to levitate off the ground by a few inches.

"What the hell is this?" Riku said to himself.

"Get ready! CUZ HERE I COME!!!" yelled Doggie

Doggie then jumped high into the air and positioned himself to come right down on Riku. Just as Doggie was about to come in contact, Riku jumped backwards and dodged the attack. Were he once stood was a giant dust cloud with big chunks of earth flying. Out of the dust shot out Doggie with swords at his opposite sides. He ran up to Riku and sliced with both swords. Riku blocked but was sent flying backwards through a tree and slid to a stop on the grass. Without even time to recover Doggie was in the air again about to impale Riku. Riku rolled to the side and was sent flying again from the impact. He got up to his feet and readied himself just as Doggie attempted to slice him from the top again. Riku blocked this one and held his ground. Doggie began pounding on Riku’s keyblade over and over again without stop. It took all of Riku strength just to hold his ground.

*I’m not going to be able to do this for much longer…I have to come up with something quick!* Riku thought to himself.

*RIKU! DON’T GIVE UP!* a very familiar voice said.

*Zehanort?!?! Your back already? Geeze this is the last thing I need!* Riku said.

*You are wrong Riku! You need me now more than ever!*

*What do you mean?!? You’re just an annoyance, and why do you care if I live or die?!?*

*If you die, so will I! And without me you can’t win. You need my power over darkness Riku! Hurry USE IT!!!*

*He’s right. I can feel the darkness pouring back into me, nothing I cant control of course, but its all I got now* Riku thought to himself.

*Fine Zehanort! I’ll use your power!* Riku said to Zehanort.

Riku then went into his darkness form and shot some dark aura balls at Doggies chest knocking him backwards. This time Riku was the one that made the next attack. Riku slashed down at Doggie but he deflected it and attacked with his other sword. Riku was too fast though and made a dark shield with his free hand, blocking the attack. Riku kicked Doggie in the chest sending him flying then throwing dark aura balls right after him witch hit Doggie right after he hit the ground. Riku could feel the power of darkness growing rapidly inside him. It was beginning to become uncontrollable.

Doggie got up on his feet but only to find The Way to The Dawn through his gut. Riku pulled out the keyblade and tried to retain the darkness but he couldn’t. Doggie had now gone back to normal admitting defeat. Doggie could clearly see that his opponent had lost control. Doggie then threw the Oblivion to the side and it stuck into a tree.

"RIKU!!! YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO MY VOICE!" Doggie yelled to Riku slowly approaching.

Riku was holding his head and screaming.




Doggie then shoved the Moonfire into Riku’s hands and held it firm concentrating all his energy in controlling the darkness. Riku then began to gain more control over himself and helped Doggie bring down the darkness.

"How did you?" Riku asked.

"The Moonfire has the ability let the wielder control Aura. That’s how I was able to use the Oblivion without loosing my mind" Doggie responded.

"So you put the Moonfire in my hands and helped me gain control again?! Why? Were enemies!" Riku said.

"Well like I said, we have allot in common. You had won anyways" Doggie said.

"So that wound in your gut is worse than I thought?" Riku asked.

"Yeah…hehe, I didn’t think I would die this way…" Doggie said.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Riku asked.

"No, and besides…were enemies remember?" Doggie said with a smile on his face.

"But you don’t seem like such a bad guy. Why are you working for Xiruk?" Riku asked.

"He took my friends Maza and Dark and held them captive. He said that if I didn’t work for him than he would fry their brains…" Doggie explained. "Xiruk has a partner… his name is Zexion"

"ZEXION?!?!?" Riku yelled. "Damn! I thought I killed him already…"

"Well I guess you didn’t. I don’t have to explain his *Talent* to you then either" Doggie said. "Please, go save my friends from Xiruk! Please do this for me…and if it’s too late. If he’s already taken their minds…then take them out. They would want that"

"Alright…I’ll do this for you!" Riku said. "Don’t worry about a thing"

"Thanks…And before you go…I would like you have the Moonfire and Oblivion…Make sure to always have the Moonfire in hand when holding the Oblivion though" Doggie said with a smile on his face.

"I’ll take good care of them…" Riku said.

Doggie then spat up some blood and went pale.

"Ah…here it comes…Good bye…Riku!" Doggie said with his last breath before he died.

Riku then took Doggies body over under a tree and closed its eyes. He then walked over to wear the Moonfire and Oblivion lay sticking into the ground. He reached for the Moonfire and when he touched it, it turned into a blood red ring on his right hand. Then the Oblivion did the same. Riku could feel the darkness emanating from the Oblivion ring but he could keep it in control thanks to the Moonfire ring.

Raix came out from behind the motorcycle were she was hiding and ran towards Riku. Riku saw her and started walking to her but he soon collapsed from loss of blood. The wound across his chest was not a shallow one. Riku’s vision started to blur and he blacked out in Raix’s hands.


AFTER NOTE: Maza and Dark are not my character's. they are OC created by my two friends.


Comments (3)

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Sora121 on April 6, 2007, 11:07:29 AM

Sora121 on
Sora121WOOT!! nice work i can see the scenes and everything. your doing much better than i am.

Doggie on April 7, 2007, 11:06:00 AM

Doggie on
DoggieYeah I know =D lol j/k no im not

Sora121 on April 8, 2007, 1:19:16 AM

Sora121 on
Sora121SAYS YOU!!

Vampiresoldier on April 6, 2007, 3:53:57 AM

Vampiresoldier on
Vampiresoldier*twitches alot *