Chapter 4 - Chapter 4
Submitted October 22, 2005 Updated May 2, 2006 Status Incomplete | Yu-Gi-Oh story. I do not own yu-gi-oh, or any of the cahracters in this story, except Ana-Gaelle and Marc.
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4
The week passed, and Friday came. I spent my time being a good girl, doing all my work, keeping my room tidy, and planning a party with my brother. I loved sit-down dinners, and this one was going to be perfect. I was going to have all my friends there, and Marc a few of his. I had the most beautiful dress, a dusky pick, with a low neckline, and flowing skirt. I just had to tell everyone now.
I fairly ran to school that morning, doing my best, but hindered slightly by my long school skirt. I flew into the classroom, making everyone stare, “Guess what guys, I'm having a party. It's at my house, and you're all invited!” This was going to be so ultra and incredibly cool, “It's tomorrow, and you'd better all be there!”
The day passed too slowly, and I spent most of that night preparing for the party. On Saturday I went to see Daemon, and rode for a bit, before going home. Marc said he had organised the catering, so all I needed to worry about was making myself look pretty. I spent most of the rest of the morning in the bath, before styling my hair. I carefully put it into rollers, blow-dried it, and then removed the rollers, leaving my hair with lots of cute curls. I looked at the clock, and, noticing it was nearing 5 o'clock, and people would be arriving by 6, I went and changed into my dress. The last thing to do was my make-up, which I quickly applied, before going downstairs. Marc wasn't around, so I sat down on one of the sofas, waiting for something to happen.
At last the doorbell rang, and I went to answer it, hearing Marc coming down the stairs at the same time. I opened the door, and nearly died when I saw how casually all my friends were dressed. “ What the hell are you wearing? Why aren't you in formal dress? Oh well, I suppose you'll do.”
I lead my shocked friends into the lounge, were they stood, and looked around, gaping at the house, and then at Marc, who appeared from nowhere, and sat down, grabbing a beer from the mini-fridge beside him. “Do you have to be so vulgar?” I asked him in French.
“le bâtard idiot vulgaire” I sighed. Boys were so strange. At that moment the doorbell rang again, and I went to answer it, greeted by a crowd of people, there was silence for a second, and then noise. I was so scared; it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. They all burst in, and before I knew it, there was very loud music, mixed with about 300 uni students, or what felt like that. Marc soon had them sorted out, and I had no control. Luckily enough, Kaede came to my aid, and lead me up to my room. The first thing she did was try to get me changed. She threw a pair of jeans at me, along with a fitted blue top. The jeans hung off my hips, and I rolled them up slightly, and put on a pair of bright blue shoes, before turning the jeans back down. I then went back downstairs, and found everyone outside, because Sakura had arrived with a car full of alcohol. Next thing, Yuula had arrived, and her brother too. They had also brought Seto Kaiba with them. I had met him only once, and then only briefly, but I knew that he might cause trouble, so I prayed that he wouldn't.
I didn't know what to do, so I began to enjoy myself, by drinking some wine. And then some more wine. Ok, so then a whole bottle of wine. And it was now empty, but I knew JUST what to do with it. I ran around the house, assembling all my friends in one room upstairs. I found Kaede and Seto last, and as I dragged them upstairs, I entered the room, and then noticed everyone looking at me weirdly. So what! I was hyper and drunk! Was that a bad thing?
I sat on the floor, and we made a circle, with everyone listening to me as I explained the rules. And then we started. I spun to see who would spin first. Yugi. He spun, and it landed on an ecstatic Sakura, whom he kissed, gently, on the lips. I loved all this romance stuff. Next, Sakura spun, and it landed on Honda. I felt something stirring up inside of me, but I ignored it. She offered him her cheek, and cringed as he kissed her. I smiled. Honda took the bottle, and spun it. As it swivelled, my mind wondered and I found myself feeling a little dizzy and a bit happy. So when I realised that Honda was smiling at me, and everyone else was pulling weird faces, I had no idea what was going on. And then he kissed me. And I melted into his mouth, searching it. It was only when Yuula started groaning in an extremely demonic manner that we stopped, giggling.
I spun, hoping that it might land on Honda, but instead it landed on Duke. Oh well. He kissed my hand quickly, before spinning, looking about nervously as he did, his eyes constantly flicking back to Yuula. The bottle slowed down, and landed on her. She shrieked, and only calmed down into a soporific state when Duke had kissed her. She then got her dream however, and kissed Ryou, who went on to kiss Tea. Her spin landed on Joey, who then moved onto Kaede, ending with Kaiba. And then Kaede stormed out, and Joey followed her. Kaiba wandered off, Sakura and Yugi went in search of water, and Tea went in search of, well she just went in search. Ryou went to use the bathroom, leaving just me, Yuula, Honda and Duke. I saw the way Duke was looking at Yuula, so grabbing Honda's hand; I lead him downstairs, and back to the music. Whilst he collapsed on one of the chairs in the lounge, I went to speak to the self-appointed DJ, requesting a song, in my drunken state. I then quickly took a vodka shot, and waited for the music to begin, standing expectantly by a table.
The music I had chosen started, and a heavy beat started pulsating through the room, making everyone stop. I jumped lithely up onto the table, and started to dance, moving with the music. I didn't know everyone was watching me. I started to sing along with the music, and then I noticed Honda was standing there, so I focused in on him. Before I knew it Kaede had joined me, and the Sakura. And we stood there, dancing, the boys all cheering us on.
The track ended, and Joey pulled Kaede off the table, as I jumped and landed in a heap of Ana on the floor. Honda helped me up, and took me upstairs, to the landing, “You ok?”
“I feel sick.” And I rushed into the bathroom, only just making it in time. Half an hour later, I re-appeared, feeling slightly better, and a lot more sober. I groaned, and then jumped when I noticed that Honda was still there, “you didn't have to wait.”
“I wanted to. Can we go upstairs?”
“Um, yeah. Sure.” I opened the door to the attic, and pulled the ladder down, before climbing up it. Marc had brought the futon up, and also a duvet, so it looked nice and cosy. When Honda climber up behind me, he pulled the ladder up too, but I decided not to question him. I went over to the futon, and pulled it out to its full length, laying the duvet on top of it. I sat down, and Honda came and sat next to me.
He touched my hair slowly, and stroked it. I stood up, quickly, “I need to go and get something,” and I quickly climbed down the ladder, and ran to my room. I ran in, and nearly died when I noticed Yuula and Duke in there, so I ran out again, slammed the door, and then entered again after knocking. They were now on different sides of the room. “Sorry, I just need to grab some things,” I explained, as I hurried over to my dresser, and pulled out a nighty, and some other essentials, before I ran out, shutting the door, and leaping up the ladder.
I dumped the stuff, on the floor, and walked over to the futon, and stood, looking at Honda. After a while of unnerving him in such, a way, he got angry, and frustrated. He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the bed, so that I was lying down. And slowly, he began to lean in towards me.
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Tillyenna on November 4, 2005, 8:18:58 PM
Tillyenna on

angel_of_beauty_and_light on October 27, 2005, 1:06:36 AM

Tis very good, love the whole party thing. Ha ha ha, you and Honda in your hole (yes, I know I'm mean).
YAY! Party! Can't wait for another. Anyways, next chapter in my story is pretty strange, but after that there will be a chapter with a little bit of point to it, hmmm, maybe, depends......
Anyways, gotta go trampoline. LOL Great chapter.
Nemya on October 26, 2005, 6:09:40 AM
Nemya on

AHAHAHAHAAA It's so awesome YAYYYAAAA you wrote more, and soooo amazingly goood!
Yeah, Marc scares me, he's like Kaede's grandparents, only not THAt scary, must be something about the main characters relations...
AHHH You kiss Honda good thing Yuula stopped you from the awfulness that is kissy noises...Don't leave me with the Dook!!!! He bullied Yuula into cake! Threatened to beat her up! And then you sing the soooong oh noo x.X
AGRAGRAG You walked in on me and Dook, yes lets stay opposite sides of the room shall we Dook? Luckily you did not say what they were doing, Yuula could have been eating his head :3
Yes, it's a love/hate relationship with Yuula and Dook, more hate than love...