Chapter 6 - A day out
Submitted September 20, 2005 Updated October 23, 2005 Status Incomplete | A XS fanfic, it has Hay Lin (xxLennexx) in it as well as me ^^ Hope you enjoy it.
Cartoons » Xiaolin Showdown |
Chapter 6 - A day out
Chapter 6 - A day out
Chapter 6
How I always begin this fanfic, it was very early morning. The golden sun was rising over the trees, as birds broke the comfortable dawn silence by chirping. The Xiaolin Warriors were once again yawning and stretching, ready for a brand new day. Omi leapt up immediately but the others took their time.
Eyumi and Clay smiled at each other when they got up, going pink. Kimiko raised one eyebrow.
“Is there something between you two or…something?” She said.
Eyumi and Clay both nodded gently. Kimiko sighed.
“It's not fair, I want a boyfriend or whatever, but I never get one…” She said sadly, slumping.
Eyumi put her arm round her.
“Aw, don't worry Kimi, you're ultra pretty and I'm sure you'll get one soon. You're just in the wrong place, I suppose…”
Kimiko giggled. “Yeah. Living in a temple in the middle of China doesn't help.”
As usual, they had breakfast. Eyumi Hay Lin and Lynn made it, special Morning Mochi ^_^. (sticky rice cakes)
Later, everyone was training. Suddenly Eyumi's PDA got an e-mail. (a mini ring tone version of angels song was the beep ^^)
Eyumi read the e-mail. When she finished it, she paused. All of a sudden she yelled YAY really loudly. Everyone jumped.
“OMIGOD, MY COUSIN IS VISITING MY HOME IN ENGLAND, AND I HAVEN'T SEEN HER FOR AGES!!! Oh please please PLEEAASSE can we go to England for the day?? My cousin would so love to meet you all!” Eyumi squealed. “Can we ask Master Fung to let us take a day off and ask Dojo if he'll take us there???” Everyone hesitated.
“I'm not sure, it sounds cool and stuff, but Master Fung let us have a sort-of day off after we went to Catatonia land.” Said Hay Lin.
“Oh yeah…” Eyumi drooped.
Suddenly Dojo came running up. “Guys! We have a new Shen-Gon-Wu.”
“Shen-Gon-Wu hunting will be something to do ^^” Said Raimundo. “So what is it?”
“It is… the Emerald Brooch. When activated, it shoots a powerful green laser beam from it's middle. I guess it would be quite useful for destroying Jack-Bots…” Dojo said.
“Wow! I love brooches. Let's go get it then!” Said Kimiko.
Outfit descriptions. Don't just skip it if you want.
Eyumi: Hair scarlet in long high ponytail, with straightened side bangs and fringe. A long-sleeved white top with embroidered daisies around the sleeves, black combats with loads of pockets, neon pink converse shoes. Earrings were little light pink shiny hearts. Nails were all the colours of the rainbow starting from the left thumb and the three remaining ones were gold, silver and black. Was wearing a silver ring.
Hay Lin: Neon pink t-shirt over black long sleeved top with ripped sleeves, hair braided into lots of little plaits up in two big bunches tied with sapphire bows with her big special plait hanging free, a white knee length skirt with the heart-with-angel-wings symbol all the way across the bottom and lilac boots with white soles. Earrings were silver smiley faces. Nails were baby pink with a navy heart in the middle of each.
Lynn: Dark green and black striped vest top, indigo gloves with no fingers and a happy looking skull face on them, a black choker with silver spikes on it, faded denim jeans with holes by the knees and her Xiaolin Temple boots. Earrings were big real silver hoops. Nails were an interesting load of black and red dots with a little gold nail jewel on each one.
As usual, you make up Kimiko's outfit.
On the way there, Eyumi was upset, hanging her head and sniffing.
“Naww, s'okay Eyu, maybe we can go to England soon? O_O” Said Lynn.
“Maybe.” Said Eyumi sadly. They were flying quite fast. Eyumi looked up.
“Wait a sec, that's Dover. Are we…?”
“Ummm…” Kimiko fiddled with her PDA. “Yeah, we are…”
“WE'RE IN ENGLAND!” Eyumi screeched.
Indeed they were. Dojo flew right into London.
“Is this where the Emerald Brooch is?” Omi asked.
“Yep.” Replied Dojo. “In there.” He pointed at the Tower of London. The Crown Jewels.
“Erm… Dojo, I don't wanna be a fun spoiler or anything but… that's the Tower of London. O_O” Said Lynn.
“Yeah and in case you haven't noticed, we can't exactly go in there.” Said Raimundo.
“We'll have our heads chopped off!!” He worried.
“No we won't!! That was in the olden days, you silly. ^^” Said Hay Lin, linking her arm through his.
“Do not worry, Raimundo. I would not them cut off your head!” Omi declared.
“Yeah, they wouldn't have a chance of cutting off yours. It would just bounce!”
Omi gave him a very dark look.
“Okay okay, sorry.”
“Can we go in??” Eyumi said impatiently. “The quicker we go in and get it the quicker we can all go to see my cousin!! ^_^”
“Hold on there little lady…” Said Clay, holding onto the back of Eyumi's top as she started to stomp away. “We'll definitely get to see your cousin, but we gotta get the Wu first.”
Eyumi stopped. “I know.” She said huffily.
“Let's go then.” Said Kimiko.
They walked through big crowds of British people (I'm British by the way XD), standing out a lot and getting several stares. They approached the Tower of London.
“So… how are going to get in? O_O” Omi asked.
“Oh yeah, let's just knock on the door, and say we've got apple pies and we're just visiting the queen!” Said Raimundo, rolling his eyes.
“Where will we get apple pies now? O.O” Omi enquired.
Raimundo rolled his eyes again.
“C'mon, there's gotta be some reasonable way in.” Said Hay Lin, rattling the gates.
“Oi! What're you kids doing there!” A guard shouted.
“Oops! O.O” Hay Lin exclaimed. * Anime sweat drop *
“You load of punks! Get away from there! Or I'll call security!” The guard yelled. He was marching towards them briskly. Suddenly a boy stood in front of them.
“It's okay, I'll escort them.” Said the Mystery Boy, grinning sveltely. His voice was very British indeed and very posh.
“Oh! Jay! Oh, oh. Okay, I'll leave you to see to them.” Stammered the guard. He walked away briskly.
The boy turned round to face them. He had midnight coloured slanted-fringe hair and a silver earring with deep blue eyes. He smiled at all of them, showing rows of perfect pearly white teeth. Kimiko melted. O_O.
“Hi, I'm Jay. I'm a security guard at the Tower. Though I don't look it.”
“Yeah, how old are you, dude?” Raimundo asked.
Jay laughed but didn't answer the question.
“So, what business do you lot have with the Tower then? Saw you - and heard you - discussing how to get in back there.”
“You did? O_O” Said Eyumi.
“Oh well. We need to get in badly. Could you let us in?” Said Kimiko, fluttering her eyelashes and pouting.
“Sure.” Said Jay, grinning again. He put his arm round Kimiko. “Let's go.”
Kimiko sighed, claspin her hands and let Jay lead her - I mean them, in.
“Who's the pretty boy, bobbing up out of nowhere?” Lynn whispered to Omi as they trailed behind Jay and Kimiko.
“I understand how he bounced out of nowhere but I do not think he is pretty O_O” Omi replied.
Lynn struggled not to giggle as Omi looked puzzled.
“I don't like him.” Raimundo muttered. “He's weird.”
“You got that right. Though Kimiko seems to have stuck to him easier than a pig into it's dinner.”
“So Jay, erm, how long have you been working at the Tower?” Kimiko asked him.
“Oh, not long…” Jay said briefly, not meeting her eyes.
“So where was it you badly needed to go?” Jay asked.
“We need to go to The Crown Jewels.” Said Eyumi. For some reason, Jay didn't ask why.
“Okay.” He said.
He lead them all to the Crown Jewels room. And there where, sparkling in all their royal splendour.
“Wow, they are so pretty!” Omi gasped.
“Yup, and there's the Emerald Brooch! ^_^” Hay Lin said, pointing to it.
“We'll have to get it.”
They all walked up cautiously towards the glass box.
“Hold on a sec.” Eyumi stopped them. “There might be lasers.”
“And?” Said Hay Lin.
“And… LIGHT!!” Eyumi swept her hands out and emitted a special light that revealed the protective lasers.
“Oh.” Hay Lin muttered. (I don't know if they have lasers, but it makes it seem more exciting O_O)
Clay flicked the case, and it smashed. Raimundo used a gentle breeze to stop the glass pieces making a big noise, then Kimiko melted the shards, putting the remains in her water bottle that she had in her bag.
“Nice.” Said Jay, smiling at Kimiko.
“Thanks.” She said. Fluttering her eyelashes yet again.
Omi leapt up and took the Emerald Brooch. He clipped it to his top.
“How does it look on me, Lynn?” He asked, grinning stupidly.
“Nice! Shta! XD” Said Lynn, poking his head.
“Shall we go?” Said Raimundo. “Oh yeah… I just realized, Jack Spicer didn't show up!”
“Oh, don't worry, he'll be along in a minute…” Muttered Jay.
“What did you say?”
They started walking out of the room. Suddenly, right on cue, obviously, Jack Spicer burst in followed by his bots and Wuya.
“Quick Jay, take the brooch from Omi!!” He yelled.
“Gotcha.” Jay leapt and unhooked the Brooch from Omi before he could suss what was going on.
“Hey!” Clay shouted.
Jay smiled. This time it was an evil smile.
“Jay! What are you doing?” Kimiko shrieked.
“Leading Jack to the Brooch.”
“But, but you…!”
“What, you thought I was helping you or something? Get real! I'm Jack Spicer's new evil companion!!”
Kimiko gasped loudly. The rest of them frowned.
“I knew there was something weird about you.” Said Raimundo.
“Too right.” Said Jay. He leapt out the way as Omi made a go at the Emerald Brooch in his hand.
“Too slow, baldie.” Jay laughed.
“Isn't it great, JAY AND JACK, PARTNERS OF EVIL!! IT'S SO COOL!! HE KICKS SO MUCH BUTT!!” Jack cried, happy tears in his eyes.
Omi growled. “TSUNAMI STRIKE, WATER!!!!” He bellowed. Water streamed at Jay. He got knocked into a wall. He groaned, but leapt up again.
“You need more whollop than that, matey! ELECTRIC SWEEP, THUNDER!”
Blue thunder boomed it's way towards Jay. Jack sacrificed one of his bots to save him.
“That was hard to do…” He wept. Jay patted his back.
“Shut up Jack, you cry baby. SPIRIT BURST, YING-YANG!!!” Hay Lin grew her great black wings and blew up two bots. “That wasn't hard for me to do!” She said.
“Lynn! Let's try our new formation!” Eyumi yelled.
“Oh yeah!”
Black clouds rumbled above them with lightning bolts shooting out in all directions. It destroyed all the bots ^_^.
“No fair!!” Jack yelled. Then he added, “Wouldn't it be cool if we had our own JAYJACK Formation? ^_^”
“Don't go that far…” Said Jay.
“HIKARI FLASH, LIGHT! Oh and by the way, shouldn't we get out out the Tower in case we get in trouble? O_O”
“Yeah good idea…”
And so, they went out of the Tower and the fight continued ^_^
“ANYWAY!!! CONTINUING!! HIKARI FLASH, LIGHT!!!” Eyumi kicked and golden lightning bolts came shooting out of her legs and into Jay.
“OOF!! GAH, I can't take this Jack!!!!! Let's just go!! We'll get you next time, guranteed!” Jay yelled.
“What? You're just quitting??” Said Omi.
“I never said qutting!!”
“So what are you doing then?”
Jay sighed heavily. “How do you fight them when they're this annoying, Jack???” He asked.
“I don't know. Let's just go…” He flew off with Jay, Wuya yelling at them until they were out of sight.
There was a pause.
“Well that was a bit awkward…” Said Hay Lin.
“Yeah… kimazui… O_O” Eyumi muttered.
“Uh-huh…” Said Lynn.
“Well, at least we got the Emerald Brooch. Hey Kimiko, you okay?” Said Clay.
They all turned to look at her. She was looking down, holding her arms.
“I really liked him…” She mumbled.
“Awww Kimi!” Hay Lin rushed to her, putting her arms round her. Eyumi did the same. Lynn patted Kimiko's shoulder.
“But he was a real ja-ku! At least you know that now.” Hay Lin said firmly.
“Yeah, a right bakayarou otokonoko!” Said Eyumi.
“I did not understand that, but I agree with you.” Said Omi.
“Let's go home. Dojo!”
“Wait! What about my cousin?”
“Oh yeah… shall we go and see her?”
“Yeah, maybe we can go out and cheer Kimi up. I'll call her, then I'll direct Dojo to where we're gonna meet. I can't wait to see her!” Eyumi tapped in the number on her mobile. It had a Domo-kun cover ^^
“…oh, Moshi Moshi Lilith! …Yeah, where are we gonna meet?… yeah… okay. Yeah, let's meet there then… yep… okay! I can't wait! Ja ne! ^^” She ended the call. “We're meeting in China Town.”
Yay! Go China Town! ^_^
Dojo flew them there. They were meeting at the Golden Dragon restaurant. When they got there, they saw a girl with blue eyes and past the shoulder length blonde hair. She was wearing lots of home made bracelets that said things like “evil moo”, and punky clothes. When she saw Eyumi and the others her eyes lit up like sapphires.
They both rushed up and hugged.
“So how are you??”
“I'm okay, you?”
“Okay! ^.^ Hey, these are my friends! Guys, this is Lilith!”
They all shook hands and introduced themselves to one another.
“Shall we go in? ^_^” Said Lilith.
They all went inside the Golden Dragon. It was crowded, but it was warm inside and smelt of lots of delicious Chinese food.
They sat down at a big table with eight chairs.
“Okay, let's order!”
Eyumi: Chicken noodles and vegetables with jasmine tea
Lilith: Veggie noodles with prawn crackers, seaweed and jasmine tea
Lynn: Egg fried rice with soybean sauce, chicken chow mein and apple juice
Hay Lin: A mixed salad with broad beans and water
Kimiko: Boiled rice with spring onions and green tea
Raimundo: Beef rice and coke
Clay: Spare ribs, peking duck, beef noodles, chicken and green tea
Omi: Green tea and a plain bowl of rice
Afterwards, everyone was completely stuffed. Kimiko had cheered up. A waiter came with the bill.
“£103? Wow, expensive. I'll pay ^_^.” Eyumi handed the waiter the money and then they went out of the restaurant .
“I think we should do something else. Shall we go shopping?”
“YES YES YES YES YES YES!” Hay Lin begged, jumping up and down.
“Okie dokie!”
“Can't we go to an arcade or something? Shopping is boring… -_-“ Raimundo complained.
“Yup, go where you want. See ya later!” Hay Lin gave Raimundo a quick kiss on the cheek.
And so, they girls went shopping and…
Eyumi bought: two tops, one dark pink one light pink, with Japanese kanji on them saying “love letter”. A light blue shirt with “Popsicle Angel” on it, a black long sleeved top with a neon pink skull and cross bones on it (a top I have in real life and adore) and some badges and earrings and some shoes, hair dye, a new brush and more make-up.
Hay Lin bought: Lots of pretty bangles all colours of the rainbow, jeans and combats and mini skirts, hair dye, make-up, a black glittery top with a white sash that had a pink heart on it, nail varnish and a purple kimono.
Lynn bought: Two pairs of combats, one green one black, three plain tops that she'd sew the Thunder Nyan Nyan onto later, hair bands and black eye make-up.
Kimiko bought: More hair dye, hair bands, lots of Japanese label tops and skirts and earrings.
They met up later. The boys had had a great time gaming ^^.
The day was coming to an end, and it was time to say goodbye.
“Nata ato de Lilith-chan, great seeing you today!” Said Eyumi.
“Same! ^_^” They both had a hug, and after saying goodbye to the others, Dojo flew them off.
Back at the Temple, they produced the Emerald Brooch to Master Fung and told him about Jay.
“We'll have to keep our guard up. At least you got what you went for.”
“Yes.” Said Omi.
“But the next battle might not be so easy next time.”
DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!!!! Sorry that chapter was so brief, but I didn't have much time and I had to finish it! I'm sorry I didn't do more explaining about Jay etc, but I'll do it soon. I'll add the language index when I have more time. I do have a cousin in real life that I'm very close to; except she's called Lucy in real life XD Lilith is her character name. Hope you enjoyed this small brief chapter! ^_^
Erushi x
P.S There will be more PDA talking soon Hay Lin ^^
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