Chapter 4 - Chapter Four
Submitted July 8, 2006 Updated December 17, 2008 Status Incomplete | [WIP] Her mission, from the beginning, had always been clear, but now towards the end, where lines are blurred and dreams are faded, she must overcome an obstacle she could have never foreseen. [Tenten and Shino - Neji and Tenten]
Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Couples/Pairings |
Chapter 4 - Chapter Four
Chapter 4 - Chapter Four
Chapter Four:
“Where are you going?” Neji asked his wife as he stood in the doorway of their bedroom to find her getting dressed up. Tenten didn't respond as she stood in front of the vanity mirror. She tilted her head slightly to one side before starting to put on a pair of pink earrings that compliment the dark green spaghetti strap dress that she was wearing for the evening. Her brown hair was not done in its usual pair of buns, but ran down her shoulders in gentle waves. “Should I assume you're talking to me?” Neji asked as the silence had dragged on for a few minutes.
Tenten sighed as she finally turned around. “You know very well where I'm going, Neji. I just really wish you would come with me,” she begged of him.
Neji then entered into the room and walked towards the nightstand where he had left a book. He flipped through the pages casually. “Have a good time,” he told her before existing the room.
Tenten could feel a headache coming on, but tried to push it aside as she turned back to her mirror. Her attention then went to her line of perfumes that she had on the bottom self of her dresser. All of the bottles were practically full as she had only had a few occasions where she could actually wear them. She soon picked one out and dabbed a little on her wrist, on her neck, and in between her breast. After returning the bottle to its rightful place, Tenten made her way over to her closet for a pair of heels to wear for the evening. After slipping on a comfort pair and throwing a shaw that matched her earrings around her arms, she left the bedroom and made her way to the living room.
In the living room, Tenten found her husband, who was resting on the couch with his feet up as he thumbed through his book. “Neji, I'm leaving now,” she told him, giving him one more chance to change his mind. When she finally realized that wasn't going to happen she made her way towards the front door. “I'll be back in a few hours,” she announced before finally leaving.
Tenten was in no big hurry as she took her time walking to the Hyuuga Manor. Every few meters or so she couldn't help but peek over her shoulders, half hoping to see Neji behind her at any moment. She put the idea out her mind as her home grew smaller and smaller on the horizon line. There was a soft, cool breeze as she walked, causing her to pull her shaw just a little tighter around her arms and shoulders as she looked up into the rapidity darkening sky.
The sky was like a painter's canvass. Pinks and purples littered the air above her as the sun made it's daily descent below the covers of the evergreen branches. The full moon was slowly starting to make itself knows as wind swept clouds gradually drifted by. Tenten smiled to herself, it was going to be a clear, beautiful night.
“Madam Hyuuga,” Tenten was addressed formally by one of the servants as she entered the family estate outside of the ballroom. She bowed politely before being asked, “Should we wait for your escort?”
Tenten opened her mouth to inform them that Neji wouldn't be joining her that evening, but before she could there was suddenly a large figure standing next to her. She turned, overjoyed that Neji had changed his mind, but Neji was not who she found. “Shino?” she said taken back by his presence.
He wore formal clothing, which Tenten noticed really wasn't a step up from what he normally wore expect now that the large overcoat he wore was black. His head protect was missing for the evening, causing his dark brown hair to fall over the top of his shades. Shino said nothing as he offered Tenten his arm. She looked down at it and hesitated for a beat before actually taking it. She nodded her thanks as the servant announced them to the rest of the party. There were a few strange looks from Hyuuga family members, but each knowing Neji's stubborn nature, thought little of his absences as at least Tenten was there to represent him.
“Shino-kun! Tenten-chan!” Hinata's soft voice could hardly be heard as she approached them, a small child of nine months residing on her hip. “I'm so happy that you came,” she told them with a huge smile on her face that slowly faded away as she looked around. “He's not coming is he?” she asked trying not to sound disappointed that her cousin had no desire to acknowledge her in any shape or form.
“I tried, Hinata, but Neji. . .” she shook her head from side to side.
“It's alright. I know you did,” Hinata's smile returned to her face, but for some reason it just didn't seem as bright as before.
Tenten thought to change the subject. “So how is this little one?” she asked reaching out and taping the small child on the nose, which she received a small giggle for.
“Iruka is fine,” Hinata began. “I tried getting him to bed before the guess started to arrive, but that didn't work out too well,” she informed Tenten as she indicated she wanted to hold him and so Hinata passed the child to the other woman. Hinata and Naruto's son, it was decided before he was born, would be named after the first person that acknowledge Naruto. For in his own way, Iruka was like the father Naruto never had and Naruto could think of no other way to thank him than by naming his first born after him.
Hinata and Tenten's conversation continued about the baby. Kiba soon joined their small party for a while before 'rescuing' Shino as he put it and having the other follow him as he went to scope out the finger food they were serving before the main course was announced.
“Have you asked her yet?” Naruto seemed to appear out of nowhere beside his wife.
Hinata blushed slightly, which Tenten found endearing, because even though the two were married now, Hinata still had moments of bashfulness around him. “I'm sorry, Naruto. I couldn't,” she told him.
Tenten looked at the couple curiously as Naruto began to speak, “That's alright.” He smiled from ear to ear as a hand went behind his head. “I guess I should ask anyway, huh?” he thought out loud.
“Come, Iruka, time for bed,” Hinata said to her son before bidding Tenten goodbye so that she could tend to her child.
Naruto was slightly bumped by a Hyuuga member as he passed, dislike clearly in his eyes, which seemed to go unnoticed by Naruto himself as he only stated that the ballroom was getting crowded and wanted to speak to Tenten alone about something.
The two then made their way to the empty balcony. Naruto opened the huge glass stained doors before they stepped through them. Tenten smiled as she looked at the clear skies she had predicted as she made her way over to the railing and slightly rested against it. She then looked over to Naruto, who had followed her and now stood beside her. He looked nervous for some reason. “Naruto-kun?” Tenten asked gently. “Are you alright?”
He nodded his head, his expression sad as he regarded her. “Yeah, it's just. . .” he began slowly. “Lately, I've been thinking a lot about your brother.”
“Oh.” Tenten immediately found herself looking away, sometimes it was still hard to talk about him. “He- he adored you, you know,” she spoke tenderly at her brother's memory. “Thought the world of you. Wanted to be just like you.” She gave a small laugh. "And then surpass you."
Naruto lightly laughed with her before giving a heavy sigh. “He meant a lot to me too,” he confessed before lowering his head. “I miss him so much. To lose him, after everything that had happened with Sasuke, almost broke me.”
Tenten stepped closer to the blonde headed man before she placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze. “I know,” she said in a comforting voice.
Naruto turned his head and looked at her. “Hinata and I have thought a lot about what we would name our second son if we had one. With your permission, we would like to name him. . . Konohamaru.”
“I know, if he were still alive, he would be honored to know you wanted to name your son after him.” Tenten nodded. “You have my permission.”
Naruto's smile widen, almost in relief, as if he had been fearing she would decline him. “You're the best Ten-chan.”
“I know,” she teased before he told her he had to find Hinata and tell her the good news. Tenten did not follow him inside, but instead stayed outside and admired the moon. After a few minutes she spoke. “Thank you. . . about before.” She then turned around so now that she was facing towards the party inside. On the far side, a figure stood covered in the darkness of the shadows, before slowly stepping out into the light. “Hello again, Shino.”
His hands were in his pockets as he made his way over to her. “How did you know?” he couldn't help but ask, for his sheath skills were top notch and not many were able to detect him.
“A little rebel told me,” Tenten said indicating the Kikaichu on her arm. “Figured you come looking for her sooner or later.”
“Indeed,” was his reply as he held his hand out for the Kikaichu, who refused it by running away. It was hard to tell, it being night and with his hair covering so much, but Tenten could almost feel the frown on Shino's face.
“Here, let me,” Tenten offered as she lifted her arm and and found the small beetle. “I think she likes me,” she said as she gently picked up the rebel. Shino held out his hand before Tenten placed the bug within his palm. She then blinked in wonderment as she ran her fingers across his palm. “For a fellow ninja, you have surprisingly soft hands.”
“My tactics are from med to long range. Though not in practice, it isn't uncommon for me not to pick up a weapon,” he explained as Tenten continued to feel his hand. “Tenten. . . this is uncomfortable,” he admitted as he started to pull away as he was not really used to being touched.
“Oh!” she said as she quickly pulled away. “Forgive me. I've been told I have issues with personal space,” she blushed.
Shino was about to respond, but was cut off before he began. “Tenten!” A voice called loudly from the balcony door.
Both Shino and Tenten turned their heads towards the sound and instantly Tenten's face broke into a smile. “Neji,” she replied as she quickly walked towards him. “I knew you'd come,” she stated happily as she seem to completely forget about Shino. “I must tell you what Naruto asked me,” she told him.
“Of course,” he responded as his hand found the small of her back and he guided her back inside the ballroom. Neji then regarded Shino, frowning as he did so, “Aburame,” he recognized the other man. Shino nodded doing the same before he was left alone.
He then turned towards the moon, raising his hand as he considered his friend. “You're not fooling me,” he began. “I know what you're doing,” he told her as she tried to look innocent. Shino leaned on the railing as he shook his head. “I swear, you'll be the death of me,” he said with the hint of a smile as the rebel disappeared beneath his skin.
To Be Continued. . .
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hirataitokyo on August 19, 2006, 4:39:11 AM
hirataitokyo on