Chapter 5 - All I Want
Submitted July 8, 2006 Updated December 17, 2008 Status Incomplete | [WIP] Her mission, from the beginning, had always been clear, but now towards the end, where lines are blurred and dreams are faded, she must overcome an obstacle she could have never foreseen. [Tenten and Shino - Neji and Tenten]
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Chapter 5 - All I Want
Chapter 5 - All I Want
Chapter Five: All I Want
Soft, cool fingers mapped the delicate curves of the bare woman that lay in front of him. She smiled into the night air, her eyes closed as she felt the light trace on her skin. The woman then gave a small sigh as the hand continued its exploration from her thigh on up towards her stomach. She then felt the other hand as it gently swept her loose brown hair from her face before a reign of slow, wet kisses began to litter of neck, back, and shoulders.
The woman than gasped loudly, causing the dark haired man to emit a rare, low chuckle as his hand had quickly made residence between her legs. She then turned to him, opening her eyes as she did so, but it was a moonless night and so she could only make out the silhouette of the man she was now wrapping an arm around.
Her other hand went up to his face. She first swept his dark locks out of his eyes, not knowing why as she still could not make out a single feature. Her fingers, with great care, then ran across his lips, which slightly parted at the gesture as he took several of her fingers into his mouth. He then took her wrist and began to kiss her palm at first before making his way up her arm and then past her shoulder as his lips found the place between it and her neck, where he parted his mouth and bit into her skin.
At first the bite was teasing and gentle, but then suddenly, he roughly pulled her against his bare chest. His teeth then began to dig further into her, until the point where he broke the skin and so he sampled the metallic liquid that seeped out. The woman arched her back, her face reading of pain as her nails slightly sunk into his skin, not knowing if she wanted him to continue or stop. Then when she finally thought she could bare no more, he pulled away and then crushed his mouth against her own.
She could taste her own blood as their tongues clashed together. He then growled aggressively, almost in a warning like form as he pushed her onto her back and climbed on top of her. He reached down, parting her legs as he settled himself between them.
Finally, he broke their kiss, each gasping for air as he did so. Breathing heavily and not having her fill with him, the woman curled her arms around his back and brought him back down to her, where she paid him back and revengefully bit into him.
His jaw clenched and he sucked in air through gritted teeth as she made no attempt to be gentle with him. He eventually had to take a handful of her long, brown hair and practically rip her off of him. He paid no mind to the pain she had caused him, as he once again flipped the script. His hand letting go of her hair as it gently began to caress her cheek. He then showered her face with butterfly kisses and she sighed contently. “Tenten,” he whispered as if it were the only name that mattered in the world.
If it were possible, she pulled him even closer. “Please,” she murmured into his ear, parting her legs even further, telling him she was ready for him, and so he would have her beg no more as he made the two of them one. She closed her eyes as he filled her, “Shino,” she breathed into the night air.
Tenten bolted straight up in her bed. Her eyes widely snapping open as she breathed heavily. She turned her head to the left and discovered her husband, who was still sleeping soundly with his back to her. She then took slow, deep breaths as her hand went to her forehead before she ran her fingers through her hair. She had to calm down, she knew. She then threw back the sheets and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, where her feet made contact with the cool, wooden floor.
She didn't even bother to find her housecoat before she ventured out of her bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom, dressed only in a t-shirt of Neji's and a pair of cotton panties. Once inside the bathroom, she closed the door behind her. She then turned to the sink and ran the cold water. She bent over it and made her hands into a bowl before splashing some of it onto her face.
She then looked into the mirror and stared at herself for moment. She looked so tired, but how could she not, when since the Hyuuga party, which was two weeks ago, several of her dreams had been plagued with a man who was not her husband? At first she thought nothing of them, they had started out so innocent, reflecting reality with her, him, and Hinata at the tea house. But then Hinata was gone and it was just two of them, but still everything was so innocent.
Everything then started with a simple touch. . . initiated by her, but followed up by him. After that the dreams grew more intense as their caresses became more purposeful. But that last dream had been too much for Tenten, for it had been the first dream she had of him where they were actually intimate and it bothered her greatly.
Tenten splashed another bowl of water onto her face before drying off. She then went to step out of the bathroom, where she jumped back in surprise when she found Neji standing outside of it. “Oh, you scared me,” Tenten spoke with hand on her chest.
Neji looked at her oddly with her words. “Is something the matter?” he asked.
“No, nothing,” she told him as she went to walk to pass him, but Neji reached out and took her wrist, causing Tenten to look down at it.
“You're lying to me,” he began. “You haven't made eye contact with me in days.”
“I haven't?” she asked, but still made no contact with him.
“Look at me,” he demanded as the grip he had on her wrist slightly tighten and he activated his Byakugan against his own wife. Reluctantly, Tenten did what was asked of her, knowing full well that Neji would be able to see what she so desperately had been trying to hide. Neji studied the movement of her eyes, frowning as he did so. “Fear,” was the first word that escape his lips. “Guilt,” his frown deepened with the second word. He then released both his grip and his bloodline limit as he regarded her. “I want the meaning behind them.”
Tenten shook her head. “I've been having a few nightmares. Nothing more,” she told him as she headed back to their bedroom.
“Are they about me?” he found himself asking before he could stop himself. “Your nightmares, I mean.”
“No,” she answered quickly, not stopping as she finally reached the bedroom.
Neji soon stood in the doorway, watching as Tenten prepared to take a bath. She had taken one before she had gone to bed last night, but her dream had her longing for another. “Do not deny you have been acting strangely around me lately.”
“Not everything revolves around you, Neji,” she stated calmly as she closed her dresser drawer and walked to the doorway, which Neji still blocked. “Excuse me, please,” she began, looking him straight in the eye as if to prove a point. “I don't want to be late meeting Hinata and Shino.”
Neji, knowing what had become her morning ritual, simply nodded before stepping out of the way.
Tenten never made it to the tea house that morning as she found her feet had carried her to the academy. It was a school day, but classes wouldn't be starting for a few more hours. She made her way to the playground where she took a seat on a swing. She closed her eyes, feeling the morning air on her skin as she swung.
She didn't know how long she had been there when she heard a voice behind her. “It seems I've been stood up.”
Tenten whipped her head around to find Shino under the shade of a tree. She slowed down her swing before she stood facing him as he walked towards her. “Morning,” she greeted softly.
“You know it's common courtesy to inform someone when you don't plan on showing up,” he explained. “Like Hinata.”
“I'm sorry. I didn't realize how late it was,” she told him.
“It's alright,” he let the matter go as he sat down in the other swing.
Tenten stared at him for a moment, before she retook her own seat. She pivot slowly back and front on her swing, unsure of what to say as she found herself growing more uncomfortable around Shino every time she saw him. Not that she was sure that he noticed at all as they really didn't say much to each other when they did meet at the tea house. It was just that every time she saw him, she couldn't help but think of the dreams she was having. She felt guilty for allowing him to invade her thoughts.
“Do you find comfort here?” Shino asked her.
Tenten blinked curiously at the question. “On the swings?”
“No, here at the academy.” He turned his head to look at her.
Tenten tilted her head to one side as a smile slowly appeared. “Yes, I guess I do. I have very fond memories of this place.”
“I'm glad for you,” he stated.
“That's a strange question, Aburame,” she began. “Did you not enjoy your school days?” she asked him, for being in the class ahead of him she never had a lesson with him.
“Not in particular,” he confessed. “My fellow students didn't seem interested in knowing me once they realized what clan I was from.”
"Oh," Tenten lowered her head for a moment. “It must have been difficult.”
“Not really.” Shino then began to pivot on his swing as well. “When you don't know what you've missed, you don't tend to miss it when you don't have it.”
“Wise words, but untrue,” Tenten corrected him, which caused Shino to cock an eyebrow, for not many people ever challenged him. “You're a very observant man, Shino. I doubt you would be able to look at your peers and not want what they have. Yes, you may not have missed it, but it would have been something you would have craved.”
“Then you've caught me, for it was,” he admitted to her. “But that was one craving that was satisfied long ago.”
“When you made your three-man team?”
“Hai,” he confirmed. “So memories of this place aren't all pleasant for me.”
“Then maybe we should leave,” she suggested as she stood. Shino said nothing as he followed her lead. The two then leisurely made their way off the school ground. They walked in silence for awhile before Tenten spoke again. “Shino, may I ask you something?” He nodded. “You said, when you made your three man team, that one of your needs, friendship, was fulfilled, what were the others?”
Shino turned his head and gazed upon her as if debating if it was something he wanted to share. “There is only one other,” he began softly. “But the risk of going after it is too great.”
“No risk is too great when going after something you want, Shino,” she encouraged him.
“Hn.” He contemplated her words as he turned his head back to the path they were walking on. “You're right. I shall keep that in mind.”
To Be Continued. . .
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kiddy_neko on August 19, 2006, 8:03:57 AM
kiddy_neko on

Evilevergreen on August 19, 2006, 10:55:20 AM
Allester on August 19, 2006, 4:29:08 AM
Allester on