Chapter 8 - The Offers of Others
Submitted July 8, 2006 Updated December 17, 2008 Status Incomplete | [WIP] Her mission, from the beginning, had always been clear, but now towards the end, where lines are blurred and dreams are faded, she must overcome an obstacle she could have never foreseen. [Tenten and Shino - Neji and Tenten]
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Chapter 8 - The Offers of Others
Chapter 8 - The Offers of Others
Chapter Eight: The Offers of Others
Three days. Three long days had the four man team been traveling toward the Firefly Country, but even the strongest of teams need to rest and recuperate. Neji sighed as he poked the fire before him with a long stick. The night air was cool which was evident as Neji caught Ino shiver as a light breeze swept by. “It's late,” he informed her as the sun had set hours before. “You should try getting some rest,” he instructed as their journey would began again at dawn's first light after receiving a call from Shikamaru over their ear pieces.
“That's okay. I'll keep watch tonight,” she offered. “You need your rest as well.”
“I can't sleep,” he told her truthfully. “There are too many things to worry about to sleep peacefully.”
“Well,” Ino began thoughtfully. “Maybe it would help if you talked about them.”
Neji looked up at her for the first time that night, Ino once again shivered, not from the cold, but from the eerie effect the fire's light had on her teammate's eyes. “I appreciate your concern, but that will not be necessary,” he said, as he had never been one to express himself openly.
Ino nodded before she drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She than began to stare into the fire, which she did for quite awhile before she spoke again. “What Naruto said before we left was hurtful. He had no right to say it,” she let her opinion be known. "He's an idiot."
Neji's brow creased with her words. “What Naruto said was out of panic and fear for his child. I can not hold what he said, in that state, against him,” Neji stated, and for the most part it was true.
“Well, if it makes any difference to you. . . I think you'll make a fine father,” she told him with a smile.
“Thank you,” there was true gratitude in his voice as he spoke. “But I doubt I'll ever get to chance to see that,” he slowly revealed his fears. “Tenten. . .” he sighed. “She wants a child so badly and so do I,” he admitted. “But she knows I can't give her one.” Neji than scoffed angrily. “And by Naruto's comment the other day, it appears quite a few people know it.”
“A marriage can still be complete without children, Neji,” Ino tried to reassure him. “You and Tenten love each other and that should be all that matters.”
“Do not patronize me,” Neji slightly snapped. “For it is easy for you to speak when you have Kikio at home,” he spoke of her daughter.
Ino huffed loudly at his reaction and the mention of her child. “Tell me, Hyuuga, if given the choice, would you rather have a childless marriage with love or a loveless marriage with many children?” The question confused Neji greatly. “You and Tenten are lucky,” she made clear. “Your marriage was out of choice and not obligation. So don't tell me what is or is not easy.”
Neji calmed a bit as he once again spoke in his normal tone. “I know of obligation as well. And as a husband, it is my obligation to ensure my wife is loved and happy. Loved she is, but happy, she is not. . .” his voice soften. “And I fear, if I can not give her what she needs, she will find it elsewhere.” He shrugged as he closed his eyes. “That is, if she hasn't already done so.”
Ino nodded. “Your eyes still amaze me, Neji,” she began. “I didn't know you knew of Shino.”
Neji frowned, not liking the way she had said that last statement. “She has been having tea with him,” his frown deepen, “every morning, for quite some time now.”
“And as of late?” she asked.
The dark haired man looked at her curiously. “What do you mean?”
Ino's eyes widen a bit, thinking she had said too much. She thought to change the subject, but knew the man before her would press the matter. “My family's flower shop does business with the tea shop that Tenten frequents. I'm there almost every morning for the day's deliveries,” she explained. “At first it was three of them. Hinata, Shino, and Tenten. They never really noticed me, I was always in the back. But after awhile it was just Shino and Tenten and they always seemed so- so friendly,” she said softly. “And it's just as of late that they,” Ino seeing Neji harden face found it hard to speak. “Well, they haven't been showing up at all and since you said-”
“I understand,” Neji cut her off, not wanting to hear anymore. “It's late,” he stated as he cast his eyes downward. “And I think I will take you up on your previous offer,” he told her before he slowly laid down. He sighed heavily as he closed his eyes, suddenly feeling very tired.
To think, she had actually been happy when she had gotten the message that the Hokage wanted to speak to her personally and now. . . she just wanted to die as she stared at the green book that Tsunade had handed her. “I- I don't understand,” Tenten told her mentor.
“It's very simple,” Tsunade began. “I want you to look through these cadets and chose a three man team. I think you would make a fine Sensai,” she told her with a soft smile.
Tenten only shook her head from side to side. “But I thought only unwed kunoichis were chosen to led a three man team, that and. . .” Tenten sat down, suddenly feeling lightheaded. “That and barren women,” she said the word as if it were forbidden. “Hokage-sama, please,” panic lined her words as she spoke. “I am wed and I am not bar- I am very capable of having children,” she wanted known. “And though I thank you for this opportunity, once I have my own children, my focus will be on them. So I must decline this offer.”
“Tenten-chan,” Tsunade sighed. “Graduation is coming up very soon and there are many Jounin I could chose from, but I want you to lead a Genin team,” she let be known.
“But Hokage-sama, when I become pregnant-”
“Tenten!" The dark haired haired woman was cut off sharply. Tsunade sighed before being slowly. "You should know that I have reviewed over you and Neji's medical records.” Tenten's heart sunk. “I'm sorry, but your husband. . . Neji is sterile,” she came out and stated.
“No!” Tenten responded loudly. “He's on medication, we're trying to fix it.”
“Yes, I know. And seeing how Neji is from a very noble clan and how skillful he is with his bloodline limit, heirs from him would have been a great asset to this village, which is why he was prescribed such a powerful fertility drug. But it has been months and if it hasn't worked by now, chances are, it won't,” she told her sadly.
“Hokage-sama.” To Tsunade's ears, she sounded on the verge of tears. “What will I tell Neji?” She thought of her husband. “He will be so furious.”
“My concern is not Neji right now. It is you," she made clear. "Listen, do not speak as if you see this as a punishment. I am not trying to rub salt on this clearly open wound. But please believe me, a Genin team, can be very rewarding. If you allow yourself, you will not only be their Sensai, but their mentor, their friend, their light when all is dark. If you teach them well, believe in them, and love them, they will believe and love you. You will be like a second mother to them and maybe, for the unfortunate ones, the mother they never knew.”
“It's not the same,” Tenten needed her to understand.
“I know,” Tsunade soothe. “But give it time,” she advised. “Things will work out in the end.”
“Will Neji have his own team as well?” she asked.
Tsunade shook her head. “No, assuming all goes well and Iruka-san is returned home. It is Hinata-sama's wish that Iruka and his siblings that will follow are trained by Neji when they are older. Surprisingly, Neji has already agreed.”
“Already agreed?” Tenten said to herself as she had not been informed before of Neji's plans. Tenten's face became placid as she stood, the cadet book held close to her stomach. She then spoke flatly, “I will have my list of candidates by the end of the month.” She looked her Hokage straight in the eye. “If you'll excuse me, I have a lot of research to do before that time.” She then nodded before quickly leaving the tower.
Tenten sat at home, staring at the book in her hands. She was afraid to open it, afraid of accepting her faith. She had realized, as she was traveling home, that the Hokage truly was trying to help, but in her own way. She should have been grateful, but instead acted like a selfish, spoiled child. She felt ashame of herself for showing such behavior in front of someone she admired so much. Her Genin, whomever she may chose, would be the closest she would ever have to her own children.
The Hyuuga wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes, feeling a bit defeated, but then she suddenly stood and heaved the book with all she had across the room, as she let out a cry in frustration. Tenten felt as if she were going to breakdown that very moment, but before she was going to allow herself to do just that, a knock came from the door. She gasped softly from the unexpected sound. “Who is it?” she asked.
“Shino,” his voice came clearly from the other side.
“Coming,” she replied as she quickly moved across the room to pick up the abused cadet book off the floor. She placed it on the table, face down, before going to answer the door. “Ohayo, Shino,” she greeted her friend with a false cheeriness, which caused him to cock a eyebrow curiously. “Please, come inside. I'll be ready in a moment.”
“That's alright,” he told her to her surprise. “I'll wait here.”
“Suit yourself,” she said with a nod as she left the door open, in case he changed him mind. Tenten made her way to the bathroom, where she cleaned her face. She still felt as if she would cry at any moment, but it wasn't something she wanted to do in front of Shino. . . not again.
Moments later, she and Shino were out the door. They hadn't gone to the tea house in quite a few days, but instead had take up walking around a few of the practice ground sites. The two friends were talking about nothing in particular when Tenten paused and appeared off to her side. Curious, Shino followed her line of sight and discovered the same thing she had.
In one of the training grounds were several cadets from the ninja academy. Each were taking turns throwing kunais at a wooden target. “They're dedicated,” he noted as it was the weekend. He then turned to Tenten when he heard her sniffle. “Ten-chan?” His brow furrowed, wondering if he had said something before that could have upset her.
He had only seen her cry once before. She had been all alone in the woods, not far from where they were standing now. When asked what was wrong, she simply stated that she and Neji had had an argument. Shino did not push for more information as he had no time when the woman in front of him took him by surprise when she threw her arms around him. It was at that moment that one of Shino's scouting beetles returned to him and informed him of the presence of Neji. Shino instance thought was to push her away and he had position himself to do that, but as she began to sob harder, he realized that would have been cruel while she was in such a vulnerable state. So Shino made the only choice that was left to him, he comforted her. A moment later, he was informed that Neji was no longer in the immediate area.
“I've been chosen to lead a Genin team,” Tenten finally spoke, causing Shino to abandon his thoughts.
Knowing only single kunoichis were chosen to become Jounin instructors, Shino did something he had only done on very rare occasions. . . he spoke before he thought. “You're divorcing Neji.”
“What?” Tenten quickly turned to him. “No.” Shino then saw the panic that lined her features. “Did Neji. . .” she began, unaware she was shaking her head from side to side, “Did you hear Neji mention something, before he left about-”
“No,” Shino quickly reassured.
“Shino, please don't lie to me,” she asked of him.
“I do not make a habit of lying,” he told her, a bit disappointed that it was something he had to point out to her. The woman before him nodded, knowing that much was true of him. “In my opinion,” he paused, this time carefully thinking over his words. “Hyuuga would be a fool to ever think about leaving you.”
An unbidden blush rushed to Tenten's tanned cheeks. She smiled shyly before she placed a hand on his chest. “Thank you,” she breathed. She then watched as Shino lowered his head, ever so slightly, to look at her hand. Tenten quickly pulled away, forgetting that Shino disliked any kind of contact. “Sorry,” she said softly.
“No.” Shino pulled his hand from his pocket and hesitantly reached for Tenten's wrist and placed her hand back where it had rested upon him. “I've grown fond of your touch,” he admitted as his own cheeks were now tinted with a light pink.
They stood like that for a very long moment, before Tenten took back her hand and swept some hair from her eyes as her bangs had growing long. She cleared her throat before she spoke, “As I was saying, I've been chosen to lead a Genin team.” She found she could not look upon his face. “And I would appreciate your keen eyes as I study some of the cadets. I will gladly repay you.” She then once again looked at him as she smiled. “Maybe I can cook you dinner some night,” she suggested.
“I accept your offer,” he responded with a nod as his hand once again found his coat pocket.
To Be Continued. . .
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hirataitokyo on March 18, 2007, 5:49:17 AM
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Evilevergreen on April 5, 2007, 7:11:54 PM
kiddy_neko on March 18, 2007, 6:59:37 AM
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