Chapter 9 - A Team's Bond
Submitted July 8, 2006 Updated December 17, 2008 Status Incomplete | [WIP] Her mission, from the beginning, had always been clear, but now towards the end, where lines are blurred and dreams are faded, she must overcome an obstacle she could have never foreseen. [Tenten and Shino - Neji and Tenten]
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Chapter 9 - A Team's Bond
Chapter 9 - A Team's Bond
Chapter Nine: A Team's Bond
“Ohayo and welcome to Team Three. My name Hyuuga Tenen and I will be your Jounin instructor.” She smiled pleasantly at the three, young, clean faces before her, though in her heart of her hearts this was the last thing she wanted to be doing. “I would like to start off by getting to know you guys a little better. So why don't you stand and give us a little introduction?” There didn't seem to be any protest. “Who would like to start?” she asked as she placed both hands on her hips as she noticed that the Genin before her suddenly avoided eye contact with her. “You.” She pointed to the boy to her immediate right, who was sitting on a huge bolder. “Start with your name, something you like and maybe a goal or dream you have.”
The boy she had pointed to hopped to his feet. At his full height you could easily tell that he was the smallest of the group. “My name is Kurojai Youji,” he spoke clearly, his blue eyes bright though his tone was quite the opposite. “I like to write. And I have only one goal, to suppress my siblings,” he stated before sitting back down.
“Kurojai?” Tenten stared at him for a moment and then suddenly it came to her. “As in Kurojai Moegi?” she asked excitedly as Moegi had been one of Konohamaru's teammates. “I didn't realize she was your sister,” she told the boy honestly as Youji had not been one of the cadets she had done a lot research on as she and Shino had agree during their initial scope of him that he didn't appear to be ideal 'team' material.
After Konohamaru's death, Moegi became very focused and determined. After completing the Chunin exam she broke away from Udon, her step-brother and your Jounin instructor, mostly because she could no longer stand the look in their eyes when it came to her. Udon had explained what had happened in the Forest of Death to their Jounin instructor, his story made it very clear who was to blame for the death of their teammate. Moegi did not deny it.
She knew she had been the weakest of the three and that her weakness was the reason that the one she loved was dead. So her goals had changed the moment Konohamaru died in her arms. She would be the ninja, Konohamaru always believed she would become. That would be her gift to him. She wanted to prove that he wasn't wrong about her. . . but that, that's a different story.
“Yeah. . .” Youji said softly, his shoulders slightly slumped, his family had been divided since that day. His father, a civilian and a contractor within the village took his daughter's side, while his mother, an ANBU member, took her son's. Youji, the child of both parents, was often neglected for his older siblings, the jewel of each of their parents' eye.
Tenten then turned to her next student expectantly. “My name is Hisakawa Rio and I'm a bit of a book worm. You can usually find me in the library.” Tenten blinked rapidly when she realized the one speaking was not a little boy, but a little girl. Rio was a bit of a tomboy, as she was raised by her father and lived with a twin brother, whom she was often mistaken for. “Uh- I've never really thought about my goals or my dreams. Can I answer that later?” she asked.
Tenten nodded. “Sure,” she answered before looking upon the last in line. He was a blonde headed boy with the kind of green eyes that pierced right through you and had you holding back a shiver. “I am Yukiro Chion.” His voice was pleasant enough, but hid something Tenten couldn't seem to find. “I have no goals - I have no dreams,” he stated.
“Surely there must be something in your life you want,” Rio said to her new teammate.
“I want for nothing,” he assured her.
Tenten figured that she would keep it light their first day, but told them that their training would begin in two days and to meet her bright and early as this was their assigned practice ground. She then dismissed them.
After they left, she sat down and leaned against the bolder Youji had been sitting on early as she brought out her cadet book. She had been surprised to see that after all the research she had done, that she had not gotten one student she had requested and she couldn't help but to wonder why. “The first meeting went well, I hope.” Shino came strolling into the clearing his hands in his pockets as always.
The brunette looked at him and smiled. “It went as well as could be expected,” she told him. She then took Shino's offered hand and stood back up. “They will be a challenge to teach. Each seems to be a bit reluctant in their own way. Especially one by the name of Yukiro,” she informed him. “He gave me nothing, but his name.”
Shino shrugged. “I did the same thing with Kurenai-Sensei,” he shared.
“Really? You? You don't seem the type. You being an opened book and all,” she teased as they began to walk.
“It's not easy opening up to someone who only wants to get to know you because they have to,” he explained from his point of view.
Tenten looked at him with concern written on her face. “Is that how you really felt?” she asked.
“Yes,” he replied. “So Yukiro probably picked up on the fact that you really didn't want to be there and so offered you nothing because it wouldn't have been genuine on your end.”
Tenten lowered her eyes shamefully. If it had been obvious to Shino, who wasn't even there, it must have been obvious to them. “I'll work on that,” she promised him.
“I'm sure you will,” he told her, giving her hand a slight squeeze. It was only then that she realized that her hand had never left his. She lowered her head and looked at the way her hand seem to fit perfectly into his. She was still so amazed at how soft they were and their warmth. Then, without warning, Shino violently pulled his hand away and placed it back into his pocket. Tenten was about to question his actions, but the answered appeared before she had the chance.
“Ohayo, Rock Lee,” she greeted the man dressed all in green with a smile, her heart filled slightly with panic as he had not returned her smile, wondering if he had seen her and Shino holding hands.
“I have urgent news,” Lee began immediately, not even bothering with a greeting of his own. “Shikamaru's team is home.”
“And Iruka-san?” Shino asked about Hinata and Naruto's son.
“He is unharmed,” Lee let be known.
“That's wonderful!” Tenten exclaimed excitedly as she threw her arms around her teammate, who did not hug her back. She pulled away slowly and looked at him curiously wondering why he was looking so somber. “Lee?”
“There is more,” he said softly. “It seems that they were pursued by the kidnappers and were ambushed about two days away from Konoha's Gate.” His round eyes lingered on Tetnen. “One of them was. . . was mortally wounded during the attack. He's at the hospital now, but they don't think he's going to make it. . .”
Behind black lenses, Shino took in Tenten's reaction. She had grown pale as Rock Lee continued to speak. She took a deep, unsteady breath as she tried to appear strong at the news they were receiving. Her shoulders slightly shook as her hand came to her face and covered her nose and mouth, tears forming in her eyes. She then slowly turned to him. “I'm so sorry. . . to lose a teammate.” Her head went from side to side.
It was then that Shino came back to earth and realized that Rock Lee was not speaking about Neji, but Kiba. Though his expression showed nothing, Shino's blood ran cold before he turned from the two members of Gai's former team and disappeared heading towards the hospital.
Shino soon arrived at the hospital, one of the nurse, who immediately recognized him quickly pointed him in the direction he needed to go. He thanked her with a nod and soon found himself running down the hall. A few people sightly stared at him, a few bystanders later on would even swear that the usually stoic Jounin left tears in his wake.
He stopped flat in front of room 159, his lips parted as his chest rose up and down catching his breath. He took an impulse step back as the door in front of him started to open. He then found himself looking into the eyes of Kiba's older sister. “Hana. . .” he did not have to say more for her to understand what he was trying to convey. She sadly shook her head.
“I'm glad you're here. He's asked for you,” she told him before side stepped him and started to walk away, but then quickly turned back around when she remembered something. “Shino!” she called, who turned in response. “Don't tell him about Akamaru,” she asked of him. Akamaru had been ill, going on several months. Kiba had seemed lost without him, distracted even so much to the point, Hana couldn't help but wonder if he should have been going on missions in the first place. Kiba insisted that he was fine and told her to do her best to take care of his larger than life companion. Hana did all she could nothing what that lost of Akamaru would do to her brother, but nothing more could be done as two days ago Akamaru had finally succumbed to his illness and was found the next morning. Hana had been dreading telling her little brother the news when he came back from his mission, but with him on his own deathbed as well she saw no point it.
“Of course,” Shino assured her before entering the hospital.
Though his eyes remained close a small smile appeared on Kiba's face. “Hello comrade,” he greeted the other.
“You shouldn't speak,” Shino advised him as he sat down on the bed and looked down at his pale friend.
“Why not?” he asked weakly, his eyes still closed. “I'm dying anyway,” he said with a smile.
“Now is not the time to joke,” he chide him.
Kiba scoffed. “You're always acting like the Alpha dog. Bossing me around.”
“Would you respect me if I didn't?” Shino asked honestly.
“Not a bit.” Kiba finally opened his eyes sleepily. “Is that a smile?” he asked in disbelief when he saw the curve of the other's lips. When he knew he would get no reply Kiba turned his head toward the window and let sun's light bask upon him. “Shino? Can I ask you something?” he began softly.
“Of course,” was Shino's response.
“Don't do what I did,” he asked of him. “As ninjas our lives too short.”
Shino looked at him curiously. “I'm not sure I follow,” he admitted.
“I never allowed myself to tell her just how much I cared.” Shino realized immediately whom he was speaking about. “I thought there would always be time. And then she went and married another man on me. Don't do what I did Shino,” he repeated as he turned back to his friend. “You think you're slick, but I know you too well. If you love her, don't wait to tell her.”
“She's a married woman,” Shino brought up a very valid point, nothing there was not point to denying Kiba's suspicion.
“And if you respected that, her scent wouldn't linger on you,” he pointed out.
Shino sighed as he lowered his head and removed his shades. He rubbed his closed eyelids with his fingers. “My behavior of the last few months has been shameful. I've tried to stay away, but everyday we grow just a little closer. And I know that everyday I come closer to making a fool out of myself,” he admitted his fears. “She loves her husband. She would never leave him for me.”
“Please, don't deny yourself happiness,” Kiba begged of him. “If you want something, fight for it!” he urged him. “Do what I was too afraid to do.”
“I can't.” Shino slipped back on his shades. “I can't willingly do something like that to Hyuuga, not a fellow ninja we basically grew up with,” he argued.
“Will you not honor a dying man's last wish?” Kiba asked him sadly. “I just want to know, when I'm gone, that my team is happy.” Shino said nothing. “Promise me, Shino!” Kiba demanded angrily. “Promise me, you won't live your life in regret as you stand in the shadows!” he barked. “Promise me!” he cried trying to sit up, his whole body shivering in pain as his many wounds opened back up and blood soaked through his bandages and clothing.
“I promise!” Shino replied in a panic as Kiba had taken a hold of his coat and refused to let go until he said the words.
“Who's the Alpha dog now?” Kiba asked with a smiled as he gave into his pain and slumped forward into Shino, where he dead peacefully in his arms.
To Be Continued. . .
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hirataitokyo on April 29, 2007, 12:44:30 PM
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Evilevergreen on May 1, 2007, 12:46:19 PM
Allester on April 30, 2007, 11:18:12 AM
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Evilevergreen on May 1, 2007, 12:44:58 PM
Allester on May 1, 2007, 1:02:23 PM
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