Chapter 15 - Past Present Future. The Solar Eclipse
Submitted January 6, 2007 Updated August 16, 2007 Status Incomplete | The New Sailor Scouts are back. New enemys. More action. And more crazy Hika stuff. Also a new main charcter. Lastly leaves that can the scouts defeat a enemy that knew the scout genaration before them. Find out. HeatherxAlex fluff.
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Chapter 15 - Past Present Future. The Solar Eclipse
Chapter 15 - Past Present Future. The Solar Eclipse
Disclaimer- Sorry it took so long but I got grounded again^^ but heres the chapter yall wanted^^
They only walked 30min.s as theyve already destroyed 5 monsters butts. But Heather didnt care she was to busy keeping a eye out for KiKiro and KiroKi.
Cosmic- Heather are you all right?
Twilight- Yeah ever since we came into this cave youve been ultra brave.
Crystal- Yeah seriously.
Heather- Well to be honest Im really scared
Crescent- You just want show it.
Heather- Yeah.
Cosmic- Well we need to travel more.
At those words they left and came to a below freezing spring which had a faint bright light at the end. But the scouts didnt take chances. So they all dove in and went under a stalactite and came up above the water where they were in a giant room filled with lightened bright crystals.
Crystal- Man this is like another home to me.
Cosmic and Crescent- Only because your Sailor Crystal.
Twilight- And your point is.
Heather- Its a room of crystals and she is Sailor Crystal.
Crystal- Drop the conversation of the crystal thing.
Crescent- Well lets get going we have to find Alex.
Heather- Thats my line!
Cosmic- Stop you two.
Crystal and Twilight- *sweat drop* Crazy girls.
They traveled more until they heard two yelling voices and another going blah blah blah blah blah over and over not listening to the others.
The scouts peeked around a rock as they saw KiKiro and KiroKi yelling at a tied up Alex.
Heather- Alex
She started to run toward him but Twilight grabbed her arm.
Crystal- You cant go out there yet.
Heather- Why not?
Crescent- We dont have a plan to get Alex back yet.
Cosmic- I do. Its called use your powers and kick there butts then get Alex.
Everyone else- k
They jumped out from behind the rock and before they could talk KiKiro spoke.
KiKiro- Well I see you found us.
KiroKi- But were afraid you have to go.
Alex- Go on scouts! Get away while you can!Heather- Not without you!
But then a light appeared as two figures appeared.
Cosmic- *struggling eyes to look through light* H- Hika.
Crescent- *amazed* Palyda. Hika.
Hika- Yes its us. Palyda and Hika.
Palyda- Hika here told me what was going on so I decided to come see you all. But also she told me about Heather and my brother Alex. Oh yeah that reminds me. Heather.
Heather- *wide eyed* Yes.
Palyda- Youve seen these fellow scouts fight. But after research of the scouts. And after having Queen Serenity telling me about the lost scout. I was told to give you this special stone.
He held a circular amber stone with a gold sun shape inside of it. Then it started to hover then it went slowly toward Heather.
Hika- Heather. You are Sailor Shaw. And Alex I shall return your powers.
A amber beam came from Hikas pointing finger to Alexs forehead. Then his powers were restored and him and Heather transformed.
Alex had gold armor.
She had a orange skirt and neck thingy along as a orange chocker. Her sleeve tops were designed like flames and also her gloves. She had a sun belt and red ribbons. Last her high heels were orange also she had sun ear rings. ( I also changed the other scouts shoes. Cosmic has light blue boots. Shooting Star had purple shoes like Neptunes. Crystal had green shoes like Mars. Twilight had shoes like Jupiters. Last Crescent had shoes like Uranuss)
Hika- Oh allow me to change. SHOOTING STAR PRISM POWER! MAKE UP!
Palyda- Me too.
Palyda had topaz armor.
Cosmic- Well if Heather is Sailor Shaw. And Alex is Shaw. And Palyda is Shaw. Then who is who.
(P) Shaw- Well I am Past Shaw. Alex is Future Shaw and Heather is Present.
(A) Shaw- Well call me F Shaw. And Palyda will be P Shaw.
Crystal- But past and present start with p.
Twilight- Well we with call Heather just Shaw.
Crescent- Shooting Star! Ready to attack these two bafoons?!?!
Cosmic- Oh we forgot about them.
Shooting Star- Yeah.
KiKiro- Tst tst tst. We have a little something up our sleeves. Ready??!!??!!
KiroKi- Yeah
KiKiro and KiroKi- ZOMBIE RISE!!
All the monsters the scouts defeated came above the ground. Then all the scouts started to attack the monsters.
F Shaw- P Shaw lets do it.
P Shaw- Yeah
F and P Shaw- BURNING DAWRF!!!!!!!
A sun like fire ball went at 300 mph toward two monsters.
Cosmic and Shaw- SUNS RAYS!!!!!!!!!!
A real bright light killed a monster.
Crystal and Twilight- HERCULIES THUNDER!!!!!
Blue lighting stroke 3 monsters.
Crescent and Shooting Star- BURNING STAR!!!!!!!
They turned back to back and entwined each others fingers and put their bottom back legs together as Crescent started the fire and Shooting Star made the star figure.
They attacked the other monsters as KiKiro and KiroKi were left standing.
Shooting Star and P Shaw- Scouts you all have other moves. Your gems should glow if you believe you can beat these losers.
Scouts- we do.
Shooting Star- Allow me to demonstrate. DREAMING SHOOTING STAR OF THE HUMANS!!!!!!!
A rainbow like shooting star hit the two twins.
Cosmic- I believe. Also I believe I have a move that doesnt need the scouts to attack. COSMO LIGHT!!!!
A space like scenario came as a asteroid came flying and hit the twins.
Crystal- I believe. CRYSTAL OF THE ABYSS!!!!
A crystal appeared and made a dust storm as it also hit the twins.
Crescent- I believe. CUPIDS ARROW!!!!!!!!!
A bow and arrow like Cupids appeared in her hands as she shot two arrows at the twins.
Twilight- I believe. CHURNING SEA!!!!!!!!
A churning piece of water came and hit the twins.
Shaw- I believe that we can beat these disgusting enemy that has nothing better to do but kill. SOLAR ECLISPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her power started to collapse the cave as they started to run leaving the twins to die. Once they made it out of the cave every star and planet was seen as the three Shaws eyes where dilated as they looked at the sun being covered by a giant object. It only lasted a few moments as the cave finally collapsed and they were back to normal. But the scouts collapsed from being drained from there new found powers. Every one except Shooting Star. Then they all went back to normal form.
Disclaimer- ^^ A new scout!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
They only walked 30min.s as theyve already destroyed 5 monsters butts. But Heather didnt care she was to busy keeping a eye out for KiKiro and KiroKi.
Cosmic- Heather are you all right?
Twilight- Yeah ever since we came into this cave youve been ultra brave.
Crystal- Yeah seriously.
Heather- Well to be honest Im really scared
Crescent- You just want show it.
Heather- Yeah.
Cosmic- Well we need to travel more.
At those words they left and came to a below freezing spring which had a faint bright light at the end. But the scouts didnt take chances. So they all dove in and went under a stalactite and came up above the water where they were in a giant room filled with lightened bright crystals.
Crystal- Man this is like another home to me.
Cosmic and Crescent- Only because your Sailor Crystal.
Twilight- And your point is.
Heather- Its a room of crystals and she is Sailor Crystal.
Crystal- Drop the conversation of the crystal thing.
Crescent- Well lets get going we have to find Alex.
Heather- Thats my line!
Cosmic- Stop you two.
Crystal and Twilight- *sweat drop* Crazy girls.
They traveled more until they heard two yelling voices and another going blah blah blah blah blah over and over not listening to the others.
The scouts peeked around a rock as they saw KiKiro and KiroKi yelling at a tied up Alex.
Heather- Alex
She started to run toward him but Twilight grabbed her arm.
Crystal- You cant go out there yet.
Heather- Why not?
Crescent- We dont have a plan to get Alex back yet.
Cosmic- I do. Its called use your powers and kick there butts then get Alex.
Everyone else- k
They jumped out from behind the rock and before they could talk KiKiro spoke.
KiKiro- Well I see you found us.
KiroKi- But were afraid you have to go.
Alex- Go on scouts! Get away while you can!Heather- Not without you!
But then a light appeared as two figures appeared.
Cosmic- *struggling eyes to look through light* H- Hika.
Crescent- *amazed* Palyda. Hika.
Hika- Yes its us. Palyda and Hika.
Palyda- Hika here told me what was going on so I decided to come see you all. But also she told me about Heather and my brother Alex. Oh yeah that reminds me. Heather.
Heather- *wide eyed* Yes.
Palyda- Youve seen these fellow scouts fight. But after research of the scouts. And after having Queen Serenity telling me about the lost scout. I was told to give you this special stone.
He held a circular amber stone with a gold sun shape inside of it. Then it started to hover then it went slowly toward Heather.
Hika- Heather. You are Sailor Shaw. And Alex I shall return your powers.
A amber beam came from Hikas pointing finger to Alexs forehead. Then his powers were restored and him and Heather transformed.
Alex had gold armor.
She had a orange skirt and neck thingy along as a orange chocker. Her sleeve tops were designed like flames and also her gloves. She had a sun belt and red ribbons. Last her high heels were orange also she had sun ear rings. ( I also changed the other scouts shoes. Cosmic has light blue boots. Shooting Star had purple shoes like Neptunes. Crystal had green shoes like Mars. Twilight had shoes like Jupiters. Last Crescent had shoes like Uranuss)
Hika- Oh allow me to change. SHOOTING STAR PRISM POWER! MAKE UP!
Palyda- Me too.
Palyda had topaz armor.
Cosmic- Well if Heather is Sailor Shaw. And Alex is Shaw. And Palyda is Shaw. Then who is who.
(P) Shaw- Well I am Past Shaw. Alex is Future Shaw and Heather is Present.
(A) Shaw- Well call me F Shaw. And Palyda will be P Shaw.
Crystal- But past and present start with p.
Twilight- Well we with call Heather just Shaw.
Crescent- Shooting Star! Ready to attack these two bafoons?!?!
Cosmic- Oh we forgot about them.
Shooting Star- Yeah.
KiKiro- Tst tst tst. We have a little something up our sleeves. Ready??!!??!!
KiroKi- Yeah
KiKiro and KiroKi- ZOMBIE RISE!!
All the monsters the scouts defeated came above the ground. Then all the scouts started to attack the monsters.
F Shaw- P Shaw lets do it.
P Shaw- Yeah
F and P Shaw- BURNING DAWRF!!!!!!!
A sun like fire ball went at 300 mph toward two monsters.
Cosmic and Shaw- SUNS RAYS!!!!!!!!!!
A real bright light killed a monster.
Crystal and Twilight- HERCULIES THUNDER!!!!!
Blue lighting stroke 3 monsters.
Crescent and Shooting Star- BURNING STAR!!!!!!!
They turned back to back and entwined each others fingers and put their bottom back legs together as Crescent started the fire and Shooting Star made the star figure.
They attacked the other monsters as KiKiro and KiroKi were left standing.
Shooting Star and P Shaw- Scouts you all have other moves. Your gems should glow if you believe you can beat these losers.
Scouts- we do.
Shooting Star- Allow me to demonstrate. DREAMING SHOOTING STAR OF THE HUMANS!!!!!!!
A rainbow like shooting star hit the two twins.
Cosmic- I believe. Also I believe I have a move that doesnt need the scouts to attack. COSMO LIGHT!!!!
A space like scenario came as a asteroid came flying and hit the twins.
Crystal- I believe. CRYSTAL OF THE ABYSS!!!!
A crystal appeared and made a dust storm as it also hit the twins.
Crescent- I believe. CUPIDS ARROW!!!!!!!!!
A bow and arrow like Cupids appeared in her hands as she shot two arrows at the twins.
Twilight- I believe. CHURNING SEA!!!!!!!!
A churning piece of water came and hit the twins.
Shaw- I believe that we can beat these disgusting enemy that has nothing better to do but kill. SOLAR ECLISPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her power started to collapse the cave as they started to run leaving the twins to die. Once they made it out of the cave every star and planet was seen as the three Shaws eyes where dilated as they looked at the sun being covered by a giant object. It only lasted a few moments as the cave finally collapsed and they were back to normal. But the scouts collapsed from being drained from there new found powers. Every one except Shooting Star. Then they all went back to normal form.
Disclaimer- ^^ A new scout!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
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SailorSilverMoon on March 31, 2007, 10:59:58 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on February 21, 2007, 10:37:33 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on February 21, 2007, 8:09:28 AM
Dukesboyfriendandhusband on February 17, 2007, 6:36:09 AM
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