Chapter 1 - A Month Before War
Submitted November 1, 2007 Updated November 10, 2007 Status Incomplete | The Tombsake War destoryed a clan friendship, but can two yound ppl restore it?
Fantasy » Elementals |
Chapter 1 - A Month Before War
Chapter 1 - A Month Before War
Chapter 1
Before the 'Tombsake War', everyone lived in peace. Every clan were aliies, even though there were things one clan could have against another one. Yet we are all different. Though you may read about kings and queens, gods and goddesses, prince's and princess', the Royality in the clans are far different themselves. Though I'm not here to explain the lower clans, just the three highest ones. How I'm going to tell you though, through the Tombsake War. Before friendship was destroyed.
Month Before The War- Angel Clan
The clan in the golden yellow clouds was soon to sleep. Though in the palace as young child kept it awake. No, not a young child a new born. A young girl covered in er mothers blood. Birth had taken place. The father, who happened to be king, and made his wife now a mother of a princess. The Angel Clan's king was King Zeph. While they're queen was Queen Urana. King Zeph was a shoulder length snow white haired man that was very masculen and had cerulan blue eyes. While Queen Urana was a shoulder blade length hair woman with delegant curves and lush green eyes.
K. Zeph- Shes beautiful, you my dear wife.
Doctor- I'll give you time to name her...*now leaving the room for little time*
Q. Urana- Leto...?
K. Zeph- No, thats the Queen of the Draco's name...lets come up with something creative...
Q. Urana- *in deep though, but brings up a different subject* The stars in the night are beautiful...
K. Zeph- Thats it!
Q. Urana- Whats it dear?
K. Zeph- Her name will be Ztarz.
Q. Urana- You mean Stars?
K. Zeph- No, Ztars...stars is an orignial.
Q. Urana- *Doctor steps back in right at the Queen's words* Ztarz,...Ztarz it is!
Doctor- Thats creative! I've never heard a name like it either.
Both- She'll be remembered by it.
Doctor- Not only by ya'll being her parents, but I think God has a very drastic plan for her. If not that it will be her personality.
K. Zeph- *picking her up with firm, non-failing hands and a loving smile* My daughter Ztarz, Princess Ztarz, will some day be a great powerful, graceful Queen of the Angel Clan. Though tonight whoever in our clan wants to join, can come watch her be dipped into the Spring Of Quials. Where the blood on her now and her elders blood. The pool of blood from the Royal Angel Clan Family. No matter what happens to my wife and Ztarz's mother, or me, King Zeph and Ztarz's father, she will be taken care of.
Q. Urana- Tonight Ztarz will be dipped(not babtized) in the Spring Of Quials! Oh and tomorrow The Fairy Clan and Merfolk Clan will visit dear.
Doctor- Well after you your majesties.*bowing properly as King Zeph helped his wife get up while Ztarz is in his arms being cradled*
As they varrived to a Spring covered in blood and feathers King Zeph stood up on a high sturdy rock with Queen Urana and Ztarz in her arms*
K. Zeph- Tonight a new member in our clan is born. Not yet though as tradition must take its place and Princess Ztarz sha'll be covered in the Spring Of Quials. My daughter, your leader in the future, sha'll be a great leader and Queen. *taking Ztarz from Urana then walking towards a place to cover Ztarz with blood and feathers* Ztarz, my duaghter, Princess of the Angel Clan, you will now be covered with the blood of your ancestors.
Moments passed as Ztarz was dipped into ancient blood and feathers then taken out. As the crowd cleared the royal family left back to the palace. So as the night went on evil lurked. The Angel Clan slept peacfully while awaiting the arrival of the Fairy Clan and the Merfolk Clan the coming day. Yet unaware every second they spent unwisely meant it was a second closer to war. A war that would cause harmony and melody to fall apart. Though would unasin come in and restore? Who knows?
30 Days Before War- Merfolk Clan
A wavy turquise haired woman with matching eyes known as Queen Neptina ran around the palace made of rainbow coral. She was chasing a small year old dirty blonde boy...
Q. Neptina- Leo! Get back here! We have to leave now!*she tryed to stay calm but failed as a silver long haired man with teal eyes approached her and embraced her from the back giving her butterfly kisses on her neck*
K. Poisedon- Neptina, he'll come when we say were gonna leave without him. Dont worry...
Q. Neptina- Its a mother's instints...
K. Poisedon- Its understandable...LEO! Come on were leaving without you!
Leo- *runs from behind corner* No mommy, daddy! Dont weave me!
The small family finally left as a sphere of teal surrounded them and slowly drifted them into the golden clouds high above the surface of the sea. Once they got there they met The Fairy Clan royal family. Which are King Crimson, Queen Ruby, and their daughter, Princess Fiera. King Crimson had very short curly hair that was crimson red with dark brown eyes that showed dominence. Queen Ruby had shining red hair that looked ruby though she had dark 100 green eyes. While Princess Feira, who is 16 right now, had her fathers hair and mothers eyes.
Leo- Fe Fe!!!!!!
Feira- Leo!!*he jumped in her arms as she hugged him tight but breif* How are you?
Leo- I'm fine.
K. Crimson- So is he stressing ya'll out?
K. Poisedon- Nope...
Q. Neptina- Yes...thats if your taking care of him most of the time.
Q. Ruby- He'll turn out to be a fine'll pay off so dont stress out.
K. Zeph- *just walked out the door* Oh there ya'll are!...
Leo- O.o YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*jumps in his arms and is gently hugged*I missed you!
K. Zeph- I missed you to! Feira come her your still want out grow me!
Feira- *hugs King Zeph tight to prove shes improved in training* wheres...uh...
K. Zeph- Ztarz...her name is Ztarz.
Q. Urana- *just walked out the fromt door* Yes and shes been waiting for ya'll.
Q. Neptina- Thats the child I'm takin home!
Q. Ruby- Your joking right!?! I'm taking her!
Feira- Hey!
Q. Ruby- What? Dont you want a sister?
Feira- I prefer only child.
Leo- *jumps in Q. Urana's arms after Ruby and Neptina fight over Ztarz* I missed you too!
Q. Urana- I missed you dearly also Leo.
They went inside and sat in the throne room on cushioned chairs of the olden days and fellowshiped with each other. It had been months since they ad gotten together. So the little reuinon worked out great.
K. Crimson- How about ya'll leave Leo and Ztarz here or at the Merfolk Clan next month and come stay at the Fairy Clan?
K. Poisedon- Are you sure they're not that old?
Q. Ruby- I'll have my best and trusted maid come stay with them. Ya'll can stay for a week.
K. Zeph- Sounds good to me.
Q. Urana- Well the Fairy Clan is very reliable...I'll do it!
Q. Neptina- I could use a break...
Feira- I can stay back with these two also and make sure nothing happens...just in case.
K. Crimson- Well we need to get back to our Clan. We have to announce a new ship.
Q. Ruby- *hugging everyone* Urana teach Ztarz well, you dont wont her to end up like Leo do you?
Q. Urana- Sure dont! Bye my good friend.
K. Crimson- *putting his arm around Ruby* Good bye! See you in a month!
As he said that a pink and dark purple sphere formed around them and Feira and the disappeared. Leaving no sign.
Q. Neptina- Speaking of Leo, he needs to get home and go to bed.
K. Zeph- Yeah Ztarz needs a bath.
Q. Neptina- Bye Urana.
Q. Urana- *hugging her tightly* I'll miss you.
K. Poisedon- Ya'll see each other next month and will have a week to catch up.
K. Zeph- *shacks Poisedon's hand* I'll be seeing you later. *picks up Leo* Man your getting big! Now dont be trouble for the King and Queen. Ok?
Leo- Ok...
Q. Urana- *kissing Leo on the forehead then handing him to his mom* Take care ya'll.
Q. Neptina- We will.
A Teal light came upon them and they disappeared. Once again leaving no sign.
Before the 'Tombsake War', everyone lived in peace. Every clan were aliies, even though there were things one clan could have against another one. Yet we are all different. Though you may read about kings and queens, gods and goddesses, prince's and princess', the Royality in the clans are far different themselves. Though I'm not here to explain the lower clans, just the three highest ones. How I'm going to tell you though, through the Tombsake War. Before friendship was destroyed.
Month Before The War- Angel Clan
The clan in the golden yellow clouds was soon to sleep. Though in the palace as young child kept it awake. No, not a young child a new born. A young girl covered in er mothers blood. Birth had taken place. The father, who happened to be king, and made his wife now a mother of a princess. The Angel Clan's king was King Zeph. While they're queen was Queen Urana. King Zeph was a shoulder length snow white haired man that was very masculen and had cerulan blue eyes. While Queen Urana was a shoulder blade length hair woman with delegant curves and lush green eyes.
K. Zeph- Shes beautiful, you my dear wife.
Doctor- I'll give you time to name her...*now leaving the room for little time*
Q. Urana- Leto...?
K. Zeph- No, thats the Queen of the Draco's name...lets come up with something creative...
Q. Urana- *in deep though, but brings up a different subject* The stars in the night are beautiful...
K. Zeph- Thats it!
Q. Urana- Whats it dear?
K. Zeph- Her name will be Ztarz.
Q. Urana- You mean Stars?
K. Zeph- No, Ztars...stars is an orignial.
Q. Urana- *Doctor steps back in right at the Queen's words* Ztarz,...Ztarz it is!
Doctor- Thats creative! I've never heard a name like it either.
Both- She'll be remembered by it.
Doctor- Not only by ya'll being her parents, but I think God has a very drastic plan for her. If not that it will be her personality.
K. Zeph- *picking her up with firm, non-failing hands and a loving smile* My daughter Ztarz, Princess Ztarz, will some day be a great powerful, graceful Queen of the Angel Clan. Though tonight whoever in our clan wants to join, can come watch her be dipped into the Spring Of Quials. Where the blood on her now and her elders blood. The pool of blood from the Royal Angel Clan Family. No matter what happens to my wife and Ztarz's mother, or me, King Zeph and Ztarz's father, she will be taken care of.
Q. Urana- Tonight Ztarz will be dipped(not babtized) in the Spring Of Quials! Oh and tomorrow The Fairy Clan and Merfolk Clan will visit dear.
Doctor- Well after you your majesties.*bowing properly as King Zeph helped his wife get up while Ztarz is in his arms being cradled*
As they varrived to a Spring covered in blood and feathers King Zeph stood up on a high sturdy rock with Queen Urana and Ztarz in her arms*
K. Zeph- Tonight a new member in our clan is born. Not yet though as tradition must take its place and Princess Ztarz sha'll be covered in the Spring Of Quials. My daughter, your leader in the future, sha'll be a great leader and Queen. *taking Ztarz from Urana then walking towards a place to cover Ztarz with blood and feathers* Ztarz, my duaghter, Princess of the Angel Clan, you will now be covered with the blood of your ancestors.
Moments passed as Ztarz was dipped into ancient blood and feathers then taken out. As the crowd cleared the royal family left back to the palace. So as the night went on evil lurked. The Angel Clan slept peacfully while awaiting the arrival of the Fairy Clan and the Merfolk Clan the coming day. Yet unaware every second they spent unwisely meant it was a second closer to war. A war that would cause harmony and melody to fall apart. Though would unasin come in and restore? Who knows?
30 Days Before War- Merfolk Clan
A wavy turquise haired woman with matching eyes known as Queen Neptina ran around the palace made of rainbow coral. She was chasing a small year old dirty blonde boy...
Q. Neptina- Leo! Get back here! We have to leave now!*she tryed to stay calm but failed as a silver long haired man with teal eyes approached her and embraced her from the back giving her butterfly kisses on her neck*
K. Poisedon- Neptina, he'll come when we say were gonna leave without him. Dont worry...
Q. Neptina- Its a mother's instints...
K. Poisedon- Its understandable...LEO! Come on were leaving without you!
Leo- *runs from behind corner* No mommy, daddy! Dont weave me!
The small family finally left as a sphere of teal surrounded them and slowly drifted them into the golden clouds high above the surface of the sea. Once they got there they met The Fairy Clan royal family. Which are King Crimson, Queen Ruby, and their daughter, Princess Fiera. King Crimson had very short curly hair that was crimson red with dark brown eyes that showed dominence. Queen Ruby had shining red hair that looked ruby though she had dark 100 green eyes. While Princess Feira, who is 16 right now, had her fathers hair and mothers eyes.
Leo- Fe Fe!!!!!!
Feira- Leo!!*he jumped in her arms as she hugged him tight but breif* How are you?
Leo- I'm fine.
K. Crimson- So is he stressing ya'll out?
K. Poisedon- Nope...
Q. Neptina- Yes...thats if your taking care of him most of the time.
Q. Ruby- He'll turn out to be a fine'll pay off so dont stress out.
K. Zeph- *just walked out the door* Oh there ya'll are!...
Leo- O.o YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*jumps in his arms and is gently hugged*I missed you!
K. Zeph- I missed you to! Feira come her your still want out grow me!
Feira- *hugs King Zeph tight to prove shes improved in training* wheres...uh...
K. Zeph- Ztarz...her name is Ztarz.
Q. Urana- *just walked out the fromt door* Yes and shes been waiting for ya'll.
Q. Neptina- Thats the child I'm takin home!
Q. Ruby- Your joking right!?! I'm taking her!
Feira- Hey!
Q. Ruby- What? Dont you want a sister?
Feira- I prefer only child.
Leo- *jumps in Q. Urana's arms after Ruby and Neptina fight over Ztarz* I missed you too!
Q. Urana- I missed you dearly also Leo.
They went inside and sat in the throne room on cushioned chairs of the olden days and fellowshiped with each other. It had been months since they ad gotten together. So the little reuinon worked out great.
K. Crimson- How about ya'll leave Leo and Ztarz here or at the Merfolk Clan next month and come stay at the Fairy Clan?
K. Poisedon- Are you sure they're not that old?
Q. Ruby- I'll have my best and trusted maid come stay with them. Ya'll can stay for a week.
K. Zeph- Sounds good to me.
Q. Urana- Well the Fairy Clan is very reliable...I'll do it!
Q. Neptina- I could use a break...
Feira- I can stay back with these two also and make sure nothing happens...just in case.
K. Crimson- Well we need to get back to our Clan. We have to announce a new ship.
Q. Ruby- *hugging everyone* Urana teach Ztarz well, you dont wont her to end up like Leo do you?
Q. Urana- Sure dont! Bye my good friend.
K. Crimson- *putting his arm around Ruby* Good bye! See you in a month!
As he said that a pink and dark purple sphere formed around them and Feira and the disappeared. Leaving no sign.
Q. Neptina- Speaking of Leo, he needs to get home and go to bed.
K. Zeph- Yeah Ztarz needs a bath.
Q. Neptina- Bye Urana.
Q. Urana- *hugging her tightly* I'll miss you.
K. Poisedon- Ya'll see each other next month and will have a week to catch up.
K. Zeph- *shacks Poisedon's hand* I'll be seeing you later. *picks up Leo* Man your getting big! Now dont be trouble for the King and Queen. Ok?
Leo- Ok...
Q. Urana- *kissing Leo on the forehead then handing him to his mom* Take care ya'll.
Q. Neptina- We will.
A Teal light came upon them and they disappeared. Once again leaving no sign.
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Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 11, 2007, 2:10:37 AM