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Chapter 1 - Prologue

an experience of Tyson, bit beasts background, a little bit of Kai, bit beast conversations

Chapter 1 - Prologue

Chapter 1 - Prologue

Disclaimer: I don't own it

A/N: It's not very serious, so take it lightly


Tyson fervently wished for the consoling presence of his friends, but he knew that this was a fight he had to face alone. He clutched the blade in his pocket so tightly that its edges dug into the skin of his palm painfully. Dragoon, please help me. Lend me your power in this fight, I need you.

What was up with him? Why was he so nervous? Not even before the World Championship Finals had he been so anxious. He would take any challenge fearlessly and anticipating. Unfortunately, now he didn't know what was happening to him. He almost wished he could run away, but he suppressed the urge to leave the waiting room. Too much was at stake here. Far too much. His entire future depended on this fight.

He was not a coward boy and never, ever drew back from a battle, but this time …

He shifted uneasily on the bench he was sitting; small drops of sweat forming on his temples on the palms of his cold and clammy hands. His lips were pressed together in a tight grimace and his brow was furrowed over his closed eyes. He tried not to think of the dread that was filling him into his bones. It was only just that he didn't tremble. He prayed silently to Dragoon for his strength and his support, his ears closed to the tense chattering noises that surrounded him.

Far too soon a hollow voice called out his name and Tyson jerked. His eyelids flew open and his face grew deadly white, his blade digging even further into his palms. It was his turn. No, please, do not faint, do not faint, do not faint… he had to get trough this. Dragoon, please do not let me down now. I need you in this battle for life and death. If he did not succeed, he would starve. He inhaled deeply, trying to calm down his panic ally flying thoughts. Dragoon, we will go through this together, we will do it for food…

He stood up, his teeth almost chattering. Slowly, on slightly shaking legs he went through the heavy white oak door. He entered the arena where the final battle would take place.

Everything was as dreadful as he had expected. The people, the marrow-shaking grinding. The overwhelming stench which made him almost faint. He clenched his teeth together, sending stabs of pain into his head. He wouldn't faint. He gripped Dragoon tighter, red bruises forming on his palm where the blade's edges cut into his skin.

He took in the battle position. He knew he was at the mercy of his opponent, but he only had to survive this. Besides, it was far too late to flee now. No, fleeing has never been an option. He needed to go through this, even without his friends. His life's continuing was at stake here. He needed only to survive this to amend the throbbing pain in his head and mouth, and to be finally able to indulge in food again. Maybe he should have brushed his teeth more often?

Please, Dragoon, help me, he cried in his mind as his opponent approached with slow, menacing steps. I will survive this, he told himself, I will. He needed all his famous willpower to not declare defeat at the sight of the white-clad demon bending over him. He must not run away or he would never eat again…

He tried hard to conjure a picture of his favourite meals (almost everything edible) in his head and he felt Dragoon strength supporting him as the battle began.

The adversary, a monster, greeted him falsely friendly; Tyson knew that it was a feint. The demon told him to open his mouth. He was taken surprised by this order, normally people only told him to shut his mouth, and he opened it under great pains.

The monster peeked into his mouth and shook his head: “Boy, boy, what do we have here …” He bent away and took the evil instrument into his hand, the one which made the grinding noises. He lowered it into Tyson's mouth. Tyson pinched his eyes together and he saw the demon in the white mantle smirking evilly as he said: “So, boy, keep still, this is going to hurt a little…”


One and a half ours later, he finally returned to the dojo, where his friends were out in the garden, training. Should have been training. At the moment the three heads of Max, Ray and Hilary were bent over Kenny's Laptop, evidently listening to some analysis Dizzi had done. For some reason they were grinning, well all except of Kai naturally, who leaned cross armed at the wooden column of the dojos's porch and watched Tyson crossing the lawn.

Tyson did not shout his greeting from the entrance as usual. His face was bandaged in a white cloth and he felt extremely exhausted, but extremely victorious as well, having faced the worst battle of his life

Kai was the first to open his mouth, as the others were still bent over the laptop.

“ Hello Tyson, “ Kai greeted in is cool and distant voice, but Tyson could have sworn that he saw the tiniest glint of a twinkle in the grey eyes of his team-mate. The notion disturbed him somewhat.

“ Hello, “ Tyson murmured back, his voice muffled by the cloth that bound his jaws together.

The other four looked up, smirks spreading on their faces.

“ Hi Tyson, how was your visit to the dentist ?” Rei asked innocently.

Tyson only `hmph'ed, speaking being far too painful for his mistreated mouth.

“ You know, you look really cute with that bandage around your head, “ Maxie added.

“ And it finally keeps your big mouth shut!” Hilary added jovially. “ Very nice for a change!”

“ But you had Dragoon to help you out, hadn't you? Making sure you didn't fain…?” came Dizzi's voice.

Now everybody chuckled and soon they all broke out in a collective, rip-roaring group laugh. Kai did not participate, but even his harsh features were softened by a good-natured smile.

Tyson, who wanted to yell at them, but felt unable to do so for it would hurt his sore teeth too much, grew beet-red in his face. Furiously, he stomped his foot and the ground and was about to jump at his friends, as fresh pain surged trough his head at the harsh movement. So he simply turned and stormed off into the house, followed by the laughter of his friends.


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