Chapter 1 - The Truth
Submitted April 27, 2005 Updated May 24, 2005 Status Incomplete | Koenma decided to bring the Toguro;s together again, and use them for his own use. But the brothers will find it harder to get along, especially when our favorite Carrot-Top with the goofy grin comes between them. YAOI
Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho |
Chapter 1 - The Truth
Chapter 1 - The Truth
Planet Hell
chaoter one: The truth
"Quoenma, I don't want to." Ani whined. The ruler of the spirit world glanced down at him. He had actually grasped Ani by the wrist, pulling him across a bridge to the building they called Limbo.
"You need to. I have use for him, and you. You need to talk to him and you both need to make peace with one another." He said Ani jerked back, but not too hard. He didn't want to get stuck in tha damned building forever for injuring the prince of Spirit World. He winced at the though of facing his younger brother. He had already had the hell beaten out of him at the Dark Tournament. And he didn't even want to SEE his brother.
"I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." Quoenma brightly said. Ani rolled his eyes.
"You mean he'll be happy to abuse me."
"You'll see, it'll work out, and if he does attack, I'll put him down." He assured the demon. Ani was still holding a grudge against his brother, but he didn't want harm to come near him anymore.
"No, just don't hurt him anymore." He said. Quoenma stared at him out of the corner of his eye before nodding. The stood on the vast steps of the building. Ani ocould hear tortured screams throught the thick double doors. Ani took and involuntary step back in he stood up against Quoenma.
"I can't do it. I just can't. You have no idea." He said. Quoenma pushed him forward and opened the doors. A stench of death rose to meet Ani. It was so strong he alost gagged. Quoenma led him into a large lobby room with a series of doors all over the place. Ani walked in, staring at the various demons hanging off crosses. He looked closer and realized they were dead, their bodies left there to rot. Ani clamped a hand over his mouth as maggots spilled and dripped out of the mouths of the demons. Quoenma quickly turned the small demon around and led him to the second door on the left. He knelt so that he was at eye level with Ani and he held the shapeshifters small shoulders.
"Now...." He said. "I know you can do it. I will stand out here. If anything happens, call for me and I'll go in. Now, go meet him." He gave Ani a little reassuring push to the door but Ani would't budge. Quoenma pushed the door open and roughly shoved him in and slammed the door.
Ani looked around the room, the walls were stone and covered in a dark grime, shackles hung about the room and various whips, clubs, brands, and other different toold for torture sat on a table. In the middle of the back wall, one lone demon hung by his wrist by steel shackles. His head hanging low as if he were unconcious.
"Oh, god. Oto!" Ani gasped. Oto stirred, but did nothing more. Ani crept a little closer and examined his brothers broken body. Oto's face was disfigured by dark bruises and he had a large swelling on his eyebrow and cheekbone, his full lips were busted and caked with dry blood. Ani's eyes tralied down to Oto's torso, scars from whips marred his skin and slashes all across his arms. His pants hung in tatters about his bloodied legs. Ani stepped closer and closer until he stood at his brothers side. He reached up and gently shook his brothers hip. Nothing.
"No." He whispered looking up at Oto. He lengthened his fingers and undid the clasps of the shackles, casuing Oto to slowly slump into Ani. Ani put his arms around him and held him up.
"B-Brother...?" Oto mumbled. Ani took a loud intake of breath at the sound of his brothers voice. "Ani? Ani! YOU!" He angrily said. He jolted to his feet and grasped Ani by the front of his coat. He slammed and held him against the closest wall and glared, his face not even an inch form his older brothers. Ani was about to stike out, but Oto gathered his brothers wrist together and held them against the wall over Ani's head with one hand. His other hand had Ani firmly pushed against the wall. Ani closed his eyes and gave a short whimper of pain.
"Please." He whispered.
"You have no idea how you bad dissed her."
Ani squirmed. "Who?"
"The Tournament?"
"Brother, listen."
"Don't tell me to listen! You had no right!"
"Goddamnit listen to yourself. You damn hypocrite!"
"What?" Oto sputtered.
"You said it yourself, you don't need anyone but yourself. So why does it matter?"
"She's a whole different story. You knew how much I loved her. Yet"
"Put me down." Ani demanded. Oto painfully tightend his grip on Ani's wrists and pushed him further into the wall, causing the wall to crack.
"Not until you tell me why."
"I don't know!"
"You were just jealous."
"Yes, I know."
"See, just because you couldnt have her!"
"I wasn't jealous of you, I was jealous of her!" Ani screamed with a gasp of pain. Oto's facial features softenend and he stared at his brother.
"What?" He asked. "Why?"
"You never so muched as looked at me while she was in your life. It hurt so much." His voice was dropping as Oto firmly held him.
"That was why?" Oto asked. Ani nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T CARE!" He shouted in pain. "Put...put me down, you're seriously hurting me...." He gasped. Oto gently released him and they slumped to the floor together. Oto fell onto his back, his wounds painfully stinging. Ani groaned and fell onto his brothers chest. They laid there a moment, then regaining his senses, Oto roughly shoved his brother off of hom and he struggled to stand.
"Now..." He panted while staring at his older brother. "Now..You just better get out of my sight before I change my mind about letting you live...." He stood threatenly over Ani, who ekpy scooting farhter back, staring frightfully up at Oto. He climbed to his feet and dashed to the door. It was locked.
"No." He groaned. He pounded on it. "Koenma!!" He yelled, nothing. He fell to his knees against the door, Koenma had lied. He wasn;t going to help Ani. HE wanted him to bear though it on his own. Toguro gave a grunt of pain. ANi whirled around to look at him before taking several steps closer.
"Stay back!" Toguro demanded. Ani shook his head and approached him. Toguro would've glared if his pain hadn't been too much to for him to bear as he fell to all fours. Ani took his coat off and began to wipe the sweat and blood off his brothers face.
"It's ok." Ani murmured. Toguro's whole body convulsed and he fell into Ani again. This time, he didn't fight back.
"I'm sorry." He said. "For everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. I've put you through so much." Ani said nothing as he stroked the scarred skin on Oto's shoulder and back.
"Everything alright?" A voice inquired from the door, Ani glanced over ans saw it was Koenma. He momentarily glared at the prince before nodding. Koenma then noticed Ani nursing his brothers wounds. A soft smile played acrss the prince's lips before he left, shutting the door behind him.
"We're getting you out of here." Ani whisperd to Oto. Oto shifted.
".............Thank you."
I'm aworking on chapter 2! PLease review! HOLY CRAP THAT RHYMED!!!!
Planet Hell
chaoter one: The truth
"Quoenma, I don't want to." Ani whined. The ruler of the spirit world glanced down at him. He had actually grasped Ani by the wrist, pulling him across a bridge to the building they called Limbo.
"You need to. I have use for him, and you. You need to talk to him and you both need to make peace with one another." He said Ani jerked back, but not too hard. He didn't want to get stuck in tha damned building forever for injuring the prince of Spirit World. He winced at the though of facing his younger brother. He had already had the hell beaten out of him at the Dark Tournament. And he didn't even want to SEE his brother.
"I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." Quoenma brightly said. Ani rolled his eyes.
"You mean he'll be happy to abuse me."
"You'll see, it'll work out, and if he does attack, I'll put him down." He assured the demon. Ani was still holding a grudge against his brother, but he didn't want harm to come near him anymore.
"No, just don't hurt him anymore." He said. Quoenma stared at him out of the corner of his eye before nodding. The stood on the vast steps of the building. Ani ocould hear tortured screams throught the thick double doors. Ani took and involuntary step back in he stood up against Quoenma.
"I can't do it. I just can't. You have no idea." He said. Quoenma pushed him forward and opened the doors. A stench of death rose to meet Ani. It was so strong he alost gagged. Quoenma led him into a large lobby room with a series of doors all over the place. Ani walked in, staring at the various demons hanging off crosses. He looked closer and realized they were dead, their bodies left there to rot. Ani clamped a hand over his mouth as maggots spilled and dripped out of the mouths of the demons. Quoenma quickly turned the small demon around and led him to the second door on the left. He knelt so that he was at eye level with Ani and he held the shapeshifters small shoulders.
"Now...." He said. "I know you can do it. I will stand out here. If anything happens, call for me and I'll go in. Now, go meet him." He gave Ani a little reassuring push to the door but Ani would't budge. Quoenma pushed the door open and roughly shoved him in and slammed the door.
Ani looked around the room, the walls were stone and covered in a dark grime, shackles hung about the room and various whips, clubs, brands, and other different toold for torture sat on a table. In the middle of the back wall, one lone demon hung by his wrist by steel shackles. His head hanging low as if he were unconcious.
"Oh, god. Oto!" Ani gasped. Oto stirred, but did nothing more. Ani crept a little closer and examined his brothers broken body. Oto's face was disfigured by dark bruises and he had a large swelling on his eyebrow and cheekbone, his full lips were busted and caked with dry blood. Ani's eyes tralied down to Oto's torso, scars from whips marred his skin and slashes all across his arms. His pants hung in tatters about his bloodied legs. Ani stepped closer and closer until he stood at his brothers side. He reached up and gently shook his brothers hip. Nothing.
"No." He whispered looking up at Oto. He lengthened his fingers and undid the clasps of the shackles, casuing Oto to slowly slump into Ani. Ani put his arms around him and held him up.
"B-Brother...?" Oto mumbled. Ani took a loud intake of breath at the sound of his brothers voice. "Ani? Ani! YOU!" He angrily said. He jolted to his feet and grasped Ani by the front of his coat. He slammed and held him against the closest wall and glared, his face not even an inch form his older brothers. Ani was about to stike out, but Oto gathered his brothers wrist together and held them against the wall over Ani's head with one hand. His other hand had Ani firmly pushed against the wall. Ani closed his eyes and gave a short whimper of pain.
"Please." He whispered.
"You have no idea how you bad dissed her."
Ani squirmed. "Who?"
"The Tournament?"
"Brother, listen."
"Don't tell me to listen! You had no right!"
"Goddamnit listen to yourself. You damn hypocrite!"
"What?" Oto sputtered.
"You said it yourself, you don't need anyone but yourself. So why does it matter?"
"She's a whole different story. You knew how much I loved her. Yet"
"Put me down." Ani demanded. Oto painfully tightend his grip on Ani's wrists and pushed him further into the wall, causing the wall to crack.
"Not until you tell me why."
"I don't know!"
"You were just jealous."
"Yes, I know."
"See, just because you couldnt have her!"
"I wasn't jealous of you, I was jealous of her!" Ani screamed with a gasp of pain. Oto's facial features softenend and he stared at his brother.
"What?" He asked. "Why?"
"You never so muched as looked at me while she was in your life. It hurt so much." His voice was dropping as Oto firmly held him.
"That was why?" Oto asked. Ani nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T CARE!" He shouted in pain. "Put...put me down, you're seriously hurting me...." He gasped. Oto gently released him and they slumped to the floor together. Oto fell onto his back, his wounds painfully stinging. Ani groaned and fell onto his brothers chest. They laid there a moment, then regaining his senses, Oto roughly shoved his brother off of hom and he struggled to stand.
"Now..." He panted while staring at his older brother. "Now..You just better get out of my sight before I change my mind about letting you live...." He stood threatenly over Ani, who ekpy scooting farhter back, staring frightfully up at Oto. He climbed to his feet and dashed to the door. It was locked.
"No." He groaned. He pounded on it. "Koenma!!" He yelled, nothing. He fell to his knees against the door, Koenma had lied. He wasn;t going to help Ani. HE wanted him to bear though it on his own. Toguro gave a grunt of pain. ANi whirled around to look at him before taking several steps closer.
"Stay back!" Toguro demanded. Ani shook his head and approached him. Toguro would've glared if his pain hadn't been too much to for him to bear as he fell to all fours. Ani took his coat off and began to wipe the sweat and blood off his brothers face.
"It's ok." Ani murmured. Toguro's whole body convulsed and he fell into Ani again. This time, he didn't fight back.
"I'm sorry." He said. "For everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. I've put you through so much." Ani said nothing as he stroked the scarred skin on Oto's shoulder and back.
"Everything alright?" A voice inquired from the door, Ani glanced over ans saw it was Koenma. He momentarily glared at the prince before nodding. Koenma then noticed Ani nursing his brothers wounds. A soft smile played acrss the prince's lips before he left, shutting the door behind him.
"We're getting you out of here." Ani whisperd to Oto. Oto shifted.
".............Thank you."
I'm aworking on chapter 2! PLease review! HOLY CRAP THAT RHYMED!!!!
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Zacuraotouto on April 28, 2005, 9:45:21 AM
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Natalya on April 27, 2005, 12:56:49 PM
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