Chapter 1 - Fantasia
Submitted July 5, 2005 Updated July 5, 2005 Status Incomplete | Yomi and Raizen, Raizen and Yomi. The wo kings juggle a single person back and forth, fighting for her favor, and trying to protect her from Mukuro, but they fins she's a little more than a handful. And she will change their lives forever.
Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho » Groups » Couples/Pairings |
Chapter 1 - Fantasia
Chapter 1 - Fantasia
Disclaimer: Downt own it, don't own them....
Cherry Roses
Chapter One: Fantasia
"Mi'lord..." A voice called. Toushin Raizen irritably looked up to see who dared intrude on him this time. It was Hokushin. "Mi'lord, it is almost time for dinner, would you like to join us tonight?" The bald demon already knew the answer, he had asked Raizen this for almost a thousand years and received the same answer of defiance.
"No." Raizen said. He sat at the window closest to his bed and gazed out at the barren land. "Isn't the Kingdom beautiful?" He asked. He stared out at the dead trees and the skeletal remains of apparitions and demons. His violet eyes scanning the area before he turned back to Hokushin. "I am glad.......glad that Yomi and Mukuro have written out a peace treaty. I know that it's just all too peaceful, but I'm glad it's over with........" Hokushin looked sup[rised at his kings soft words, but that changed when Raizen turned around.
"Now leave me!" Raizen snapped. Hokushin chuckled. Raizen turned to look at him in disbeleif.
"Absolutely no need to get angry my king. I'm sorry if I upset you, but you must see what we have for you.....It'll....she'll...make you feel better..." Hokushin said. HE lightly bowed and backed out of the room, just as he did, two more demon servants entered, grasping a woman by the arms. She was trying her hardest to jerk herself from their grip, but her struggling did no good. She wore a blue wrap around skirt that sat on her hips, one end was low so Raizen could see the strap of her thong. Her round breast were sheathed in a gold boustee`. She had long dark blue hair that brushed the floor, Raizen noticed it had a veil of frsot over it, like an icy film. She continued fighting the servants off, her gold bracers gleaming in the light and the anklets around her smooth slender legs clang togther. Raizen couldn't help but smirk, in the midst of the womans fight, he made out a soft tinkling noise from a bell on one of her long earings. The servants hauled her to Raizen, where they attempted to push her to her knees, but she stood. Raizen made no attempt to stop a servant when her clunked the woman on the back of the neck with his sword hilt, only then did she fall to her knees. The other servant slapped her with the flat part of his sword. The man lifted his sword again, but this time, Raizen waved his hand, signaling for the sevants to leave.
"Rise, woman." He commanded. She didn;t move. Raizen gazed down at her before pulling her to her feet by her bruised upper arms. She almost fell into him and he gazed into her eyes. They were a deep clear blue, her eyelashes and brows were covered in the same frost as her hair. Her lips were a pale blue and with every breath, he could see and feel in icy mist from her fanged mouth. "Are you hurt....seriously?" He asked. She shook her head. He nodded and motioned to the chair.
"Why....." She began, Raizen stopped. 'Her voice is just like......hers.....' He thought. "Why Mi'lord have I been brought here?" Raizen faced the wall and looked up at the ceiling.
"What are you?" He asked.
"A female."
"No, I mean...demon? Apparition? Human? What?"
"Part appartion, part human. My father was a human, a soldier, my mother was an ice weilding necromancer......"
"What's your name?"
"Fantasia........" She said. Raizen turned to face her and he nodded.
"Well, Velorlesca....You know why you were brought here." He said, sitting down on the bed, he leaned into the pillows againts the headboard. Fantasia trembled, nodded, and rose. She made her way over to him and climbed atop the bed. She grasped his legs under his knees and pulled him towards and around her. He looked at her with an amused expression as she kissed his chest while untying his belt.
"That's not what I meant......." He said. "I meant that you were brought here for me to feed on." Fantasia looked up at him and sighed. She tied his belt back up and pulled herself on top of him. She put her head to the side so the soft spot between her neck and shoulder was against his lips. He inhaled the soft sweet scent of her skin and closed his eyes. His tongue slicked itself over the warm flesh. Without a thought to the vow he had taken to never eat human flash again, he sank his teeth into her to taste the warm blood. She gasped and slumped onto him. He finally came to his sensed and stopped. She just lay carelessly on him. He sat up, cursing himself and he gently held her face. Using his thumbs to gently rub her closed eyelids, getting the silver dusty eyeshadow on his fingers.
"Hey." He said. He lowered his face so it was close to hers. "You alright?" He asked. She didn't reply. Grunling to himdelf, he stood and wiped the blood form his mouth.
"Hey, arn't I supposed to be dinner?" She asked. He frowned and shook his head.
"I couldn't eat a human......But, you do remind me of a woman I once knew.....A long time ago....I may have another use for you. Where are you from?"
"King Yomi's territory.......I...I was his.." SHe said. She looked up and saw the look of suprise on his face. He put a foot up on the small wooden stool and leaned on his knee while examining her.
"If you're from King Yomi, how'd you get here? And, will he come after you?" He asked, She sat up and rubbed her shoulder.
"Knowing him, yes.....He's my mate, and I love him dearly....But, I got here the sameway alot of human meals are selected, just abducted. I was brought here, but when it came to Hokushin and his men selecting his meals, I was seeded out. They said I would be reserved for you. But I'm considered property of Yomi." She said. Raizen narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Oh, I see...." He said. "Well, you're a s good as mine. Somebody like HIM cannot cross my territory borders. This is your new home. Get used to it." He said. He couldn't be more triumphant. He had the love of his arch-nemisis at his very fingertips. Fantasia leapt to her feet.
"No!" She cried out. "You must let me return to him. Please, I promise I won't say anything to him. Just let me go, I don't belong here!" She was on the verge of tears. Raizen watched her for a moment before touching her hands that were clasped togther as if in prayer. He took them into his own rough hands and held them. She gently tugged, trying to escape. But Raizen wouldn;t realease her.
"Let go!" She yelled. Raizen sadly shook his head and held her to him. She eventually gave in and broke down in his strong arms crying. Raizen felt his chest tighten with guilt as her tears landed on it.
"Hush, now.....shhhhhh...It's alright..." Raizen said. Just as he began to stroke her hari, he felt a painfully icy aura throw him back, away from the icy apparition/human. He rubbed his arms, staring at her. Her tears had turned to droplets of ice and stuck to the bottom of her shin. Raizen frowned at her.
"You ever strike out at me again, and I'll kill you." He spat. "I'M your new master." He said. He turned on his heel and began to stalk out the door, but he turned around to look at her. She stared back at him with a mixture of fear and anger on her face. Raizen shut the door, but he stopped and listened as the woman cried out a name several times.
"Yomi! Yomi! Yomi! I'm sorry Yomi!!!" She wailed. Raizen grunted and walked away.
Cherry Roses
Chapter One: Fantasia
"Mi'lord..." A voice called. Toushin Raizen irritably looked up to see who dared intrude on him this time. It was Hokushin. "Mi'lord, it is almost time for dinner, would you like to join us tonight?" The bald demon already knew the answer, he had asked Raizen this for almost a thousand years and received the same answer of defiance.
"No." Raizen said. He sat at the window closest to his bed and gazed out at the barren land. "Isn't the Kingdom beautiful?" He asked. He stared out at the dead trees and the skeletal remains of apparitions and demons. His violet eyes scanning the area before he turned back to Hokushin. "I am glad.......glad that Yomi and Mukuro have written out a peace treaty. I know that it's just all too peaceful, but I'm glad it's over with........" Hokushin looked sup[rised at his kings soft words, but that changed when Raizen turned around.
"Now leave me!" Raizen snapped. Hokushin chuckled. Raizen turned to look at him in disbeleif.
"Absolutely no need to get angry my king. I'm sorry if I upset you, but you must see what we have for you.....It'll....she'll...make you feel better..." Hokushin said. HE lightly bowed and backed out of the room, just as he did, two more demon servants entered, grasping a woman by the arms. She was trying her hardest to jerk herself from their grip, but her struggling did no good. She wore a blue wrap around skirt that sat on her hips, one end was low so Raizen could see the strap of her thong. Her round breast were sheathed in a gold boustee`. She had long dark blue hair that brushed the floor, Raizen noticed it had a veil of frsot over it, like an icy film. She continued fighting the servants off, her gold bracers gleaming in the light and the anklets around her smooth slender legs clang togther. Raizen couldn't help but smirk, in the midst of the womans fight, he made out a soft tinkling noise from a bell on one of her long earings. The servants hauled her to Raizen, where they attempted to push her to her knees, but she stood. Raizen made no attempt to stop a servant when her clunked the woman on the back of the neck with his sword hilt, only then did she fall to her knees. The other servant slapped her with the flat part of his sword. The man lifted his sword again, but this time, Raizen waved his hand, signaling for the sevants to leave.
"Rise, woman." He commanded. She didn;t move. Raizen gazed down at her before pulling her to her feet by her bruised upper arms. She almost fell into him and he gazed into her eyes. They were a deep clear blue, her eyelashes and brows were covered in the same frost as her hair. Her lips were a pale blue and with every breath, he could see and feel in icy mist from her fanged mouth. "Are you hurt....seriously?" He asked. She shook her head. He nodded and motioned to the chair.
"Why....." She began, Raizen stopped. 'Her voice is just like......hers.....' He thought. "Why Mi'lord have I been brought here?" Raizen faced the wall and looked up at the ceiling.
"What are you?" He asked.
"A female."
"No, I mean...demon? Apparition? Human? What?"
"Part appartion, part human. My father was a human, a soldier, my mother was an ice weilding necromancer......"
"What's your name?"
"Fantasia........" She said. Raizen turned to face her and he nodded.
"Well, Velorlesca....You know why you were brought here." He said, sitting down on the bed, he leaned into the pillows againts the headboard. Fantasia trembled, nodded, and rose. She made her way over to him and climbed atop the bed. She grasped his legs under his knees and pulled him towards and around her. He looked at her with an amused expression as she kissed his chest while untying his belt.
"That's not what I meant......." He said. "I meant that you were brought here for me to feed on." Fantasia looked up at him and sighed. She tied his belt back up and pulled herself on top of him. She put her head to the side so the soft spot between her neck and shoulder was against his lips. He inhaled the soft sweet scent of her skin and closed his eyes. His tongue slicked itself over the warm flesh. Without a thought to the vow he had taken to never eat human flash again, he sank his teeth into her to taste the warm blood. She gasped and slumped onto him. He finally came to his sensed and stopped. She just lay carelessly on him. He sat up, cursing himself and he gently held her face. Using his thumbs to gently rub her closed eyelids, getting the silver dusty eyeshadow on his fingers.
"Hey." He said. He lowered his face so it was close to hers. "You alright?" He asked. She didn't reply. Grunling to himdelf, he stood and wiped the blood form his mouth.
"Hey, arn't I supposed to be dinner?" She asked. He frowned and shook his head.
"I couldn't eat a human......But, you do remind me of a woman I once knew.....A long time ago....I may have another use for you. Where are you from?"
"King Yomi's territory.......I...I was his.." SHe said. She looked up and saw the look of suprise on his face. He put a foot up on the small wooden stool and leaned on his knee while examining her.
"If you're from King Yomi, how'd you get here? And, will he come after you?" He asked, She sat up and rubbed her shoulder.
"Knowing him, yes.....He's my mate, and I love him dearly....But, I got here the sameway alot of human meals are selected, just abducted. I was brought here, but when it came to Hokushin and his men selecting his meals, I was seeded out. They said I would be reserved for you. But I'm considered property of Yomi." She said. Raizen narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Oh, I see...." He said. "Well, you're a s good as mine. Somebody like HIM cannot cross my territory borders. This is your new home. Get used to it." He said. He couldn't be more triumphant. He had the love of his arch-nemisis at his very fingertips. Fantasia leapt to her feet.
"No!" She cried out. "You must let me return to him. Please, I promise I won't say anything to him. Just let me go, I don't belong here!" She was on the verge of tears. Raizen watched her for a moment before touching her hands that were clasped togther as if in prayer. He took them into his own rough hands and held them. She gently tugged, trying to escape. But Raizen wouldn;t realease her.
"Let go!" She yelled. Raizen sadly shook his head and held her to him. She eventually gave in and broke down in his strong arms crying. Raizen felt his chest tighten with guilt as her tears landed on it.
"Hush, now.....shhhhhh...It's alright..." Raizen said. Just as he began to stroke her hari, he felt a painfully icy aura throw him back, away from the icy apparition/human. He rubbed his arms, staring at her. Her tears had turned to droplets of ice and stuck to the bottom of her shin. Raizen frowned at her.
"You ever strike out at me again, and I'll kill you." He spat. "I'M your new master." He said. He turned on his heel and began to stalk out the door, but he turned around to look at her. She stared back at him with a mixture of fear and anger on her face. Raizen shut the door, but he stopped and listened as the woman cried out a name several times.
"Yomi! Yomi! Yomi! I'm sorry Yomi!!!" She wailed. Raizen grunted and walked away.
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KenshinJennings on November 10, 2005, 12:50:59 PM