Chapter 9 - The dream
Submitted January 5, 2006 Updated March 9, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is a continuation of Ed Kidnaped. Do not read this until you read my other story first. Serenity has cat ears and a cat tail. She doesn't remember her past except for one memory. Can Ed, Al, Ray*, and Flame help her?
Anime/Manga » Fullmetal Alchemist |
Chapter 9 - The dream
Chapter 9 - The dream
This chapter will tell you about Serenity's past. There may be some shocking news so be prepared. This chapter may help you with your stories! (full_metal_alchemist_lover and Metalbeast). Enjoy! ^_^
Chapter 9
At the hospital, Rage busts through the door with Serenity in his arms. Everyone else was right behind him. Everyone in the building was startled. "Please.......Help her." Rage said out of breath. The nurses quickly brought a strecher (bed on wheels), Rage gently put Serenity on it. The nurses quickly took her to the emergency room. Rage noticed that Serenity's tail was different, it has a black stripe on it. "Serenity never had a stripe on her tail." he though to himself. "I hope Serenity is going to be ok." Aurora said with worry. "Don't worry, Serenity will be alright, she's tough." Gale said. "Yeah, from what I've seen, she's a strong girl." Edward said. Everyone took a seat in the waiting room except for Rage. He was pacing. "Can you stop that? Your making me dizzy!" Gale said. "Just relax a little." Alphonse said. Rage stopped. "RELAX! How can I relax when Serenity is in the emergency room?" Rage said a little pissed. "Don't worry, like Gale and Ed said, she'll be fine." Aurora said. Rage calmed down a bit. "Ok." he said while sitting down. Three hours past and there is still no word on how Serenity is doing. "What's taking so long?" Rage said as he got up from his chair. "I don't know?" Al said. A man in a white jacket came towards the teens. "You're here for Serenity?" the man asked. "Yeah." they all said. "Well, she hasn't woken up yet but she's alright. She used up a lot of her energy. She has a lot of wounds but a week at the hopital should do her some good. I you want, you can all check on her." the man said. "Yeah." they all said relieved that Serenity is going to be ok. The man lead the teens into Serenity's room. She was asleep on her bed, she had a lot of bandages. Rage walked towards the bed. He looked at Serenity and smiled a little. "Just push that button if you need any help." the man said. He walked out of the room. 'See Rage, Serenity's is going to be fine." Edward said. "You know what? I bet Serenity would love it if she woke up next to a vase full of flowers." Aurora said happily. "Yeah, lets go get some." Al agreed. "I'll stay here. You guys go do that." Rage said. He took a chair and sat next to Serenity. Gale walked up to Rage and put a hand on Rage's shoulder. "Don't worry, she'll be ok." Gale said. Ed, Al, Gale, and Aurora left to get flowers. Rage kept starring at Serenity. While Serenity was sleeping, she was having a dream that might change her life.
Serenity's dream, a little girl with ears and a tail with three black stripes was under a tree asleep, she had a lot of wounds. A boy and his little sister was walking by when they saw the little girl under the tree. "What the-" the boy said. The boy came running towards the hurt girl. "Roy, is she ok?" the little girl asked her brother. " I'm not sure Emirld, lets take her home." Roy said as he picked up the injured girl. They quickly went home. As soon as they got there Roy put the girl on a bed, he badaged the girl. Roy and Emirld left the girl to get well. Very early in the morning, the little girl woke up. She looked scared, she looked at her suroundings. "Where am I?" she said to herself. The door opened a little. Outside Emirld was peaking into the room. She saw that the girl was awake and came in. "Are you ok?" Emirld asked. "I think so except for the booboos." she said while rubbing her head. "That's good. Hi! I'm Emirld Mustang. What's your name?" Emirld asked with the cutest smile. "My name is Serenity." she said. Emirld went next to Serenity. "That's a pretty name." Emirld said. Roy was at the door. "So your awake. How are you feeling?" he asked. Serenity just stared at Roy. Emirld ran to her brother. "Serenity said she feels fine except for her booboos." Emirld said. "So your name is Serenity?" Roy asked. Serenity nodded. "Are you hungry?" he asked. "Yeah." Serenity said. "I'll make you some breakfast." Roy said. He left the room. "I'll be right back." Emirld said with that cute smile again. She ran off to her brother. A few minutes later, they both came into the room with food. Roy placed the food on the bed where Serenity was. She started to eat. In a couple of minutes the food was gone. "How old are you?" Roy asked. Serenity looked at Roy. "I'm five." she said while showing Roy her hand. "Me too!" Emirld said happily. "Where are your parents?" Roy asked another question. Serenity looked down and started to cry. "They're dead." Serenity said. Roy and Emirld looked sad. "How?" Emirld asked. "Some people wanted to test on me or something like that, but my parents wouldn't let them do it. Those people got angry and started attacking us. My parents told me to run away just before they died." Serenity explained still crying. "Why did those people want you?" Roy asked. "I'm not sure. My parents told me that I am very special. I have this power inside of me. That's what they told me." Serenity said. She stopped crying. Roy looked at her with a smile. "We'll take care of you. I'll be your brother and she'll be your sister. Ok?" Roy said. "Really? Ok then." she said with a cute smile. Roy gave Serenity a hug. "By the way, my name is Roy Mustang." he said still hugging her. "Roy." Serenity said to herself. Emirld was feeling lonley so she joined the hug. Many days past, Roy, Emirld, and Serenity were getting along very well. Serenity's parents taught her alchemy, since Roy was teaching Emirld, he decided to teach her too. Roy and Emirld never bothered to ask Serenity why she had cat ears and a tail. The three of them were all happy with their lives, but that was about to change. Someone with a palm tree as hair(yes, Envy -_-') broke into their house. "I finally found you. Your parents should of just handed you over to us." Envy said with a grin. Serenity and Emirld looked scared. Roy went infront of the two girls. "Your not taking Serenity." Roy said while putting a white glove on. He quickly snapped his fingers, there was a big explosion. The house was on fire. Roy picked up the two girls and ran out of the house. "That should take care of him." Roy said to himself. "I don't think so." Envy said while attacking Roy with a kick. Roy dropped the girls and passed out. Emirld ran to her brother, she started shaking him. "Brother, get up." she said with tears in her eyes. Envy walked slowly towards the two of them. "He's fine, for now." Envy said with a big grin. He was about to attack the two of them when Serenity came infront of them. "Get out of the way! I need you." Envy said with anger. "Your not going to hurt my family." Serenity said as her eyes started to glow. Two black stripes were added to her tail. Serenity started to change. "What! But it's too soon!" Envy said with shock. Serenity changed into what looks like a baby tiger. Emirld was also shocked. Serenity jumped ontop of Envy, she started to slash him with her powerful nails. Serenity also bit him. Envy kicked Serenity, she fell on the ground. She was too weak and fainted. Serenity turned back to normal. "She may be able to change but she still can't control her power. She will soon." Envy said as he picked up Serenity. Envy quickly ran off with her. "SERENITY!" Emirld screamed. Envy travled very far from where Roy and Emirld were. He was still running. Serenity woke up and saw Envy. Her teeth grew and she bit Envy very hard. Envy dropped her and grabbed the place where the bite was. "That brat." Envy said. Serenity was rolling down a hill, she couldn't stop herself because she was too weak. Serenity hit her head on a rock and she passed out. Luckly she stopped where there was a corn field. "Dammit! Where did she go?" Envy said looking for Serenity. After 30 min. he left to look somewhere else. Serenity was still out cold. In a week she finally woke up. "Where am I?" she asked herself. She rubbed her head. "What am I doing here?" she asked another question. "I don't remember anything." Serenity thought to herself. Then she remembered playing with a girl and her brother watching the two of them. "Who are these people? Why can't I remember them?" she asked herself. "I must find out who they are." Serenity hit her head so hard that she has amnesia. Since that day she has been searching for who she is. On her journey many people treated her very badly because of the way she looked. That's when she decided to hide from the world.
In Serenity's room, Serenity woke up. She saw flowers next to her on a desk and on a chair she saw Rage sleeping. She got up slowly, she felt a lot of pain. Rage woke up and saw Serenity up. "Your awake!" Rage said happily. "How long was I out?" Serenity asked. "About 2 days." Rage said. "2 days!" she said in shock. He nodded his head. Ed, Al, Ray*, and Aurora came in the room. They were glad to see Serenity awake. "Your up!" Ray* said with excitement. "It's nice to see you again." Serenity said with a smile. "How are you feeling?" Aurora asked. "I'm fine just some scratches." she said. "I'm glad to here that your ok." Ed said. 'Me too!" Al said. I need to tell you guys something. I think I know who I am." Serenity said. "WHAT!" they all said in shock. Serenity told them what she can finally remember. "WHAT! Roy has a sister!" thay all said in shock. They were all quiet. "Now I remember where I heard that song." Flame said who was still inside Rage. "I heard Roy sing that song once, not very good a might add. "I just don't get why he didn't say anything when he saw you." Ed said thinking. "Maybe he forgot." Al said. "Well lets go find out right now." Serenity said as she tried to get up. Rage stopped her. "Not until you are better." Rage said while making Serenity lie back in bed. "But-" "No buts." he said. "I don't wann't to see you up until you're well." Serenity just stared at Rage. "Fine." she said giving up. "Who brought the flowers? They're beautiful." Serenity asked. "Rage got them!" Aurora said happily. Rage looked at Aurora with a confused look. Aurora winked at him. Serenity started to blush. "Thank you!" she said with a smile. "Your welcome." Rage responded. A figure moved away from the window. Rage opened it and stuck his head out. "What's wrong?" Ray* asked. "I thought I saw-nevermind, I'm just tired." Rage said as he closed the window. Serenity looked at Aurora. "As soon as I get better, we'll take you home." she said. "It's ok. I spoke with my parents, they told me I can travel with you guys." Aurora said. "Ok." Serenity said. "You should get some rest. Your not leaving until you 100% better." Ray* said with a smile. "Alright." she said. Ed, Al, Ray*, and Aurora left the room. "Get better." Rage said. He bent down and kissed Serenity on the cheeck. Serenity and Rage started blushing. He left the room. Serenity put her hand where Rage kissed her. "Rage."
To be continued......................................
Well, that's Serenity's past. She still doesn't remember who her parents were exactly but she is ok as long as her friends are with her. Well, I hoped you were surprised that Roy Mustang is Serenity's brother, sort of. My fingers hurt.
Chapter 9
At the hospital, Rage busts through the door with Serenity in his arms. Everyone else was right behind him. Everyone in the building was startled. "Please.......Help her." Rage said out of breath. The nurses quickly brought a strecher (bed on wheels), Rage gently put Serenity on it. The nurses quickly took her to the emergency room. Rage noticed that Serenity's tail was different, it has a black stripe on it. "Serenity never had a stripe on her tail." he though to himself. "I hope Serenity is going to be ok." Aurora said with worry. "Don't worry, Serenity will be alright, she's tough." Gale said. "Yeah, from what I've seen, she's a strong girl." Edward said. Everyone took a seat in the waiting room except for Rage. He was pacing. "Can you stop that? Your making me dizzy!" Gale said. "Just relax a little." Alphonse said. Rage stopped. "RELAX! How can I relax when Serenity is in the emergency room?" Rage said a little pissed. "Don't worry, like Gale and Ed said, she'll be fine." Aurora said. Rage calmed down a bit. "Ok." he said while sitting down. Three hours past and there is still no word on how Serenity is doing. "What's taking so long?" Rage said as he got up from his chair. "I don't know?" Al said. A man in a white jacket came towards the teens. "You're here for Serenity?" the man asked. "Yeah." they all said. "Well, she hasn't woken up yet but she's alright. She used up a lot of her energy. She has a lot of wounds but a week at the hopital should do her some good. I you want, you can all check on her." the man said. "Yeah." they all said relieved that Serenity is going to be ok. The man lead the teens into Serenity's room. She was asleep on her bed, she had a lot of bandages. Rage walked towards the bed. He looked at Serenity and smiled a little. "Just push that button if you need any help." the man said. He walked out of the room. 'See Rage, Serenity's is going to be fine." Edward said. "You know what? I bet Serenity would love it if she woke up next to a vase full of flowers." Aurora said happily. "Yeah, lets go get some." Al agreed. "I'll stay here. You guys go do that." Rage said. He took a chair and sat next to Serenity. Gale walked up to Rage and put a hand on Rage's shoulder. "Don't worry, she'll be ok." Gale said. Ed, Al, Gale, and Aurora left to get flowers. Rage kept starring at Serenity. While Serenity was sleeping, she was having a dream that might change her life.
Serenity's dream, a little girl with ears and a tail with three black stripes was under a tree asleep, she had a lot of wounds. A boy and his little sister was walking by when they saw the little girl under the tree. "What the-" the boy said. The boy came running towards the hurt girl. "Roy, is she ok?" the little girl asked her brother. " I'm not sure Emirld, lets take her home." Roy said as he picked up the injured girl. They quickly went home. As soon as they got there Roy put the girl on a bed, he badaged the girl. Roy and Emirld left the girl to get well. Very early in the morning, the little girl woke up. She looked scared, she looked at her suroundings. "Where am I?" she said to herself. The door opened a little. Outside Emirld was peaking into the room. She saw that the girl was awake and came in. "Are you ok?" Emirld asked. "I think so except for the booboos." she said while rubbing her head. "That's good. Hi! I'm Emirld Mustang. What's your name?" Emirld asked with the cutest smile. "My name is Serenity." she said. Emirld went next to Serenity. "That's a pretty name." Emirld said. Roy was at the door. "So your awake. How are you feeling?" he asked. Serenity just stared at Roy. Emirld ran to her brother. "Serenity said she feels fine except for her booboos." Emirld said. "So your name is Serenity?" Roy asked. Serenity nodded. "Are you hungry?" he asked. "Yeah." Serenity said. "I'll make you some breakfast." Roy said. He left the room. "I'll be right back." Emirld said with that cute smile again. She ran off to her brother. A few minutes later, they both came into the room with food. Roy placed the food on the bed where Serenity was. She started to eat. In a couple of minutes the food was gone. "How old are you?" Roy asked. Serenity looked at Roy. "I'm five." she said while showing Roy her hand. "Me too!" Emirld said happily. "Where are your parents?" Roy asked another question. Serenity looked down and started to cry. "They're dead." Serenity said. Roy and Emirld looked sad. "How?" Emirld asked. "Some people wanted to test on me or something like that, but my parents wouldn't let them do it. Those people got angry and started attacking us. My parents told me to run away just before they died." Serenity explained still crying. "Why did those people want you?" Roy asked. "I'm not sure. My parents told me that I am very special. I have this power inside of me. That's what they told me." Serenity said. She stopped crying. Roy looked at her with a smile. "We'll take care of you. I'll be your brother and she'll be your sister. Ok?" Roy said. "Really? Ok then." she said with a cute smile. Roy gave Serenity a hug. "By the way, my name is Roy Mustang." he said still hugging her. "Roy." Serenity said to herself. Emirld was feeling lonley so she joined the hug. Many days past, Roy, Emirld, and Serenity were getting along very well. Serenity's parents taught her alchemy, since Roy was teaching Emirld, he decided to teach her too. Roy and Emirld never bothered to ask Serenity why she had cat ears and a tail. The three of them were all happy with their lives, but that was about to change. Someone with a palm tree as hair(yes, Envy -_-') broke into their house. "I finally found you. Your parents should of just handed you over to us." Envy said with a grin. Serenity and Emirld looked scared. Roy went infront of the two girls. "Your not taking Serenity." Roy said while putting a white glove on. He quickly snapped his fingers, there was a big explosion. The house was on fire. Roy picked up the two girls and ran out of the house. "That should take care of him." Roy said to himself. "I don't think so." Envy said while attacking Roy with a kick. Roy dropped the girls and passed out. Emirld ran to her brother, she started shaking him. "Brother, get up." she said with tears in her eyes. Envy walked slowly towards the two of them. "He's fine, for now." Envy said with a big grin. He was about to attack the two of them when Serenity came infront of them. "Get out of the way! I need you." Envy said with anger. "Your not going to hurt my family." Serenity said as her eyes started to glow. Two black stripes were added to her tail. Serenity started to change. "What! But it's too soon!" Envy said with shock. Serenity changed into what looks like a baby tiger. Emirld was also shocked. Serenity jumped ontop of Envy, she started to slash him with her powerful nails. Serenity also bit him. Envy kicked Serenity, she fell on the ground. She was too weak and fainted. Serenity turned back to normal. "She may be able to change but she still can't control her power. She will soon." Envy said as he picked up Serenity. Envy quickly ran off with her. "SERENITY!" Emirld screamed. Envy travled very far from where Roy and Emirld were. He was still running. Serenity woke up and saw Envy. Her teeth grew and she bit Envy very hard. Envy dropped her and grabbed the place where the bite was. "That brat." Envy said. Serenity was rolling down a hill, she couldn't stop herself because she was too weak. Serenity hit her head on a rock and she passed out. Luckly she stopped where there was a corn field. "Dammit! Where did she go?" Envy said looking for Serenity. After 30 min. he left to look somewhere else. Serenity was still out cold. In a week she finally woke up. "Where am I?" she asked herself. She rubbed her head. "What am I doing here?" she asked another question. "I don't remember anything." Serenity thought to herself. Then she remembered playing with a girl and her brother watching the two of them. "Who are these people? Why can't I remember them?" she asked herself. "I must find out who they are." Serenity hit her head so hard that she has amnesia. Since that day she has been searching for who she is. On her journey many people treated her very badly because of the way she looked. That's when she decided to hide from the world.
In Serenity's room, Serenity woke up. She saw flowers next to her on a desk and on a chair she saw Rage sleeping. She got up slowly, she felt a lot of pain. Rage woke up and saw Serenity up. "Your awake!" Rage said happily. "How long was I out?" Serenity asked. "About 2 days." Rage said. "2 days!" she said in shock. He nodded his head. Ed, Al, Ray*, and Aurora came in the room. They were glad to see Serenity awake. "Your up!" Ray* said with excitement. "It's nice to see you again." Serenity said with a smile. "How are you feeling?" Aurora asked. "I'm fine just some scratches." she said. "I'm glad to here that your ok." Ed said. 'Me too!" Al said. I need to tell you guys something. I think I know who I am." Serenity said. "WHAT!" they all said in shock. Serenity told them what she can finally remember. "WHAT! Roy has a sister!" thay all said in shock. They were all quiet. "Now I remember where I heard that song." Flame said who was still inside Rage. "I heard Roy sing that song once, not very good a might add. "I just don't get why he didn't say anything when he saw you." Ed said thinking. "Maybe he forgot." Al said. "Well lets go find out right now." Serenity said as she tried to get up. Rage stopped her. "Not until you are better." Rage said while making Serenity lie back in bed. "But-" "No buts." he said. "I don't wann't to see you up until you're well." Serenity just stared at Rage. "Fine." she said giving up. "Who brought the flowers? They're beautiful." Serenity asked. "Rage got them!" Aurora said happily. Rage looked at Aurora with a confused look. Aurora winked at him. Serenity started to blush. "Thank you!" she said with a smile. "Your welcome." Rage responded. A figure moved away from the window. Rage opened it and stuck his head out. "What's wrong?" Ray* asked. "I thought I saw-nevermind, I'm just tired." Rage said as he closed the window. Serenity looked at Aurora. "As soon as I get better, we'll take you home." she said. "It's ok. I spoke with my parents, they told me I can travel with you guys." Aurora said. "Ok." Serenity said. "You should get some rest. Your not leaving until you 100% better." Ray* said with a smile. "Alright." she said. Ed, Al, Ray*, and Aurora left the room. "Get better." Rage said. He bent down and kissed Serenity on the cheeck. Serenity and Rage started blushing. He left the room. Serenity put her hand where Rage kissed her. "Rage."
To be continued......................................
Well, that's Serenity's past. She still doesn't remember who her parents were exactly but she is ok as long as her friends are with her. Well, I hoped you were surprised that Roy Mustang is Serenity's brother, sort of. My fingers hurt.
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moon_goddess on August 18, 2006, 5:13:47 AM
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Living_Dead_Girl on February 11, 2006, 10:56:28 AM
Edward_Elrics_girl on January 28, 2006, 3:49:46 AM
AnimeLover5793 on January 27, 2006, 11:49:56 AM
Metalbeast on January 27, 2006, 11:46:00 AM
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