Chapter 10 - Train Hijack!
Submitted January 5, 2006 Updated March 9, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is a continuation of Ed Kidnaped. Do not read this until you read my other story first. Serenity has cat ears and a cat tail. She doesn't remember her past except for one memory. Can Ed, Al, Ray*, and Flame help her?
Anime/Manga » Fullmetal Alchemist |
Chapter 10 - Train Hijack!
Chapter 10 - Train Hijack!
Sorry it took so long to write another chapter, I had to do a story for language arts. Here is the chapter!
Chapter 10
At the hospital, a week has past since Serenity was hurt, now they can go see Roy Mustang. "Lets hurry before we miss our train!" Flame said running. "Why are we always late?" Edward asked. "Well, if you didn't eat so much we would already be there." Ray* said angry. "HEY! I'm a growing boy, I need food." "Really, you still seem short to me." Flame teased. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SMALL YOU WANNA CRUNCH LIKE AN ANT?" Ed screamed. "Ed, she said nothing like that." Alphonse said. "Stop talking and keep running." Serenity said. When they got to the train station the train was already leaving. "OH NO!" they all screamed. "Keep running, we can still catch up to it." Aurora said. They all ran as fast as they could and jumped on the train. "" Ray* said out of breath. "Next time Ed, lets just have two bowls of rice, not six." Al said. "You don't understand, I need food to keep me going." Ed explained. "Come on Ed. I like to eat but not as much as you." Flame said shaking her head. Ed kept quiet and went inside the train to get a seat. Everyone else followed. "Cool! We have the whole cart to ourselves." Aurora said. "Yeah!" Ray* said with a smile. They each took their seats. 30 minutes passed, someone started to talk on the speaker." We are the Eastern Liberation Front Blue Squad and we're taking this train for our uses." "Another cult, gees, what is the world coming too?" Ed said as he looked out the window. "Aren't you going to do something?" Serenity asked. "Why should I?" Ed said looking at everyone else. "I don't know Ed, after all you ARE a State Alchemist." Serenity said with a stern face. "Oh yeah, I forgot." he said. Everyone looked poorly at Ed. All of a sudden two men came into the cart. "Who are you freaks?" one of the men (1) asked. "Hey, you two shorties, take the goods from the tin man and the animal girls." the other man (2) said, he was talking to Ed and Ray*. Their eyes turned black. "Who are you calling shorties?" they both said, grinding their teeth. "Who else is there? Now go get the goods and bring them over here shorties." the other man (1) said. Ed and Ray* got even angrier. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING THE WORLD'S MOST TINIEST PIPSQUEAK!" they both screamed as they clapped their hands and turned thier auto mail arms into hammers. They both hit the two men, they went flying out of the cart. "Wow!" Aurora said amazed. "Who are these guys" Al said as he walked toward Ed and Ray*. "Maybe they want our autographs." Flame said with a grin. "WHO?" Ed and Ray* said. Another man came in the cart, he saw Alphonse and just stared at him in shock. Alphonse pounded him to the ground. "Maybe he's a fan." Al said. "Very funny." Ed said. Aurora and Serenity walked up to their friends. Aurora noticed a piece of paper. "What's this?" she asked. Flmae took a look at the paper. "Looks like we have alchemists amoung us." she said. "We have to be careful." Serenity said. "Yeah." Aurora nodded. "Ok. Flame, Aurora, lets go ontop. Al, Ray*, Serenity, you stay below." Ed ordered. Everyone nodded to his plan. Ed, Flame, and Aurora climbed the latter to the top of the train. Serenity, Ray*, and Al went to the next cart.
On top of the train, "Lets hurry." Flame said. They started walking on the train. A tree branch came and knocked Ed off the train, he was going to fall into the water. Flame took flight and saved Ed. "Thanks, it's a good thing you have wings." Ed said smiling. Flame thought for a bit. "Maybe." she said. She put Ed back on the train. They continued to walk, they saw a couple of men on the roof. "Hey! You kids shouldn't be up here!" a man screamed. They all took weapons out. "Looks like we're going to have to fight our way through." Aurora said. "Yep." Ed and Flame said, Ed turned his auto mail arm into a sword and Flame turned her tail metal. They charged at two men. Aurora used her alchemy to turn water into ice spears, she threw them at a couple of men. Each guy they attacked fell of the train. "Oops." Ed said with a grin. "Iguess we were too hard on them." Flame said as she rubbed her head.
Inside the train, Serenity, Ray* and Al were fighting more men. "Every time we knock one down, two more men come in their place." Ray* said as she punched someone in the gut. "I got an idea." Serenity said as she used alchemy. Her eyes started to glow, she became as fast as a cheetah, she knocked every single guy down with her nails. "How did you do that?" Al asked surprised. Serenity stopped running. "To tell you the truth, I'm not sure how." she said. Serenity's tail started to glow, another black stripe was added to her tail. "What just happened?" Ray* asked. "I'm not sure. I think every time a have a serious fight, I become stronger and get a stripe on my tail. This happened before, when I was little. When I had enough stripes I turned into this big cat, sorta like a tiger." Serenity said uncertainly. "Oh yeah, you said something like this happened in your dream." Al recalled. "That's right. Maybe that's the power your parents meant." Ray* said. "Maybe your right. We better hurry, the others might be already at the front of the cart." Serenity said. The three of them started to run. They saw Ed, Flame, and Aurora fighting more men, they defeated them all. "Did you guys find out anything?" Al asked his other friends and brother. "Nope, but I think the leader is in the next cart." Ed said pointing to the cart in front of them. Aurora noticed a telephone room. "Look, we can call the military and tell them we got trash for them to pick up." she said. I'll go call them." Flame said as she picked up the phone and dialed a couple of numbers. SHe started talking, in a minute she hanged up the phone. "They said that they'll be at the station." In Ray*'s mind Gale started talking to her. "I'm bored, let me come out." he said. "Alright." she said as she started to change into Gale. "Let me come out too! I want some action." Rage said. "Fine." Flame said as she turned into Rage. "Hello Serenity!" he said. "Hey Rage!" Serenity said with a smile. "Come on, lets keep going." Gale said as he opened the door to the next cart. They all went into the room, there was a big buff man with a huge automail arm. He was wearing camouflage "So you're the brats who have been messing with my plan." he said. "Who are you?" Rage asked angrily. "That's none of your business. I know who you guys are though. You guys are FullMetal, Metalwolf (I'm not sure if Gale shares the same title), and Demon Alchemists." he said. "So what?!" Ed yelled. "Your just in my way." the man said putting his hands together preparing to fight. "Al, Serenity, Aurora, stay back, we'll handle this." Gale said. The three of them took a couple of steps back. "Lets see which of our metal arms is better, mine or yours." the man said. He charged at Ed, they both clashed. "I could use some help here." Ed said struggling. Gale kicked the man on th back but dogged, Gale ended up hitting Ed. Ed fell on the floor. "Hey! I'm on your side!" Ed said furiously. "Sorry." Gale said ad he helped Ed up. "He may be big but he's fast." Rage said as he went full speed and kicked the man a couple of times. The man fell on the floor. "Dammit!" he got up and charged at Rage. He picked up Rage and threw him at a wall. Rage broked the wall because of his spikes. "Rage! Are you ok?" Serenity asked worried. He got up. "Yeah, just a scratch." "I'm tired of playing games, lets finish this in one hit." Ed said. Ed ale, And Rage stood next to each other, then they charged at the buff man and hit him with their metal arms. The guy hit the wall and passed out. "Way to go guys!" Al said with a thumbs up. They all smiled and gave themselves a thumbs up too. When they reached the station, the military arrested the hijackers. "Are you ready to talk to Roy?" Rage asked Serenity. "Yeah."
To be continued.....................................
I hoped you liked this chapter. I sort of copied the episode "The Man with the Mechanical Arm" and from the 1st FMA video game but I changed a lot of things. If you have no idea what I'm saying, forget what I said. ^_^'
Chapter 10
At the hospital, a week has past since Serenity was hurt, now they can go see Roy Mustang. "Lets hurry before we miss our train!" Flame said running. "Why are we always late?" Edward asked. "Well, if you didn't eat so much we would already be there." Ray* said angry. "HEY! I'm a growing boy, I need food." "Really, you still seem short to me." Flame teased. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SMALL YOU WANNA CRUNCH LIKE AN ANT?" Ed screamed. "Ed, she said nothing like that." Alphonse said. "Stop talking and keep running." Serenity said. When they got to the train station the train was already leaving. "OH NO!" they all screamed. "Keep running, we can still catch up to it." Aurora said. They all ran as fast as they could and jumped on the train. "" Ray* said out of breath. "Next time Ed, lets just have two bowls of rice, not six." Al said. "You don't understand, I need food to keep me going." Ed explained. "Come on Ed. I like to eat but not as much as you." Flame said shaking her head. Ed kept quiet and went inside the train to get a seat. Everyone else followed. "Cool! We have the whole cart to ourselves." Aurora said. "Yeah!" Ray* said with a smile. They each took their seats. 30 minutes passed, someone started to talk on the speaker." We are the Eastern Liberation Front Blue Squad and we're taking this train for our uses." "Another cult, gees, what is the world coming too?" Ed said as he looked out the window. "Aren't you going to do something?" Serenity asked. "Why should I?" Ed said looking at everyone else. "I don't know Ed, after all you ARE a State Alchemist." Serenity said with a stern face. "Oh yeah, I forgot." he said. Everyone looked poorly at Ed. All of a sudden two men came into the cart. "Who are you freaks?" one of the men (1) asked. "Hey, you two shorties, take the goods from the tin man and the animal girls." the other man (2) said, he was talking to Ed and Ray*. Their eyes turned black. "Who are you calling shorties?" they both said, grinding their teeth. "Who else is there? Now go get the goods and bring them over here shorties." the other man (1) said. Ed and Ray* got even angrier. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING THE WORLD'S MOST TINIEST PIPSQUEAK!" they both screamed as they clapped their hands and turned thier auto mail arms into hammers. They both hit the two men, they went flying out of the cart. "Wow!" Aurora said amazed. "Who are these guys" Al said as he walked toward Ed and Ray*. "Maybe they want our autographs." Flame said with a grin. "WHO?" Ed and Ray* said. Another man came in the cart, he saw Alphonse and just stared at him in shock. Alphonse pounded him to the ground. "Maybe he's a fan." Al said. "Very funny." Ed said. Aurora and Serenity walked up to their friends. Aurora noticed a piece of paper. "What's this?" she asked. Flmae took a look at the paper. "Looks like we have alchemists amoung us." she said. "We have to be careful." Serenity said. "Yeah." Aurora nodded. "Ok. Flame, Aurora, lets go ontop. Al, Ray*, Serenity, you stay below." Ed ordered. Everyone nodded to his plan. Ed, Flame, and Aurora climbed the latter to the top of the train. Serenity, Ray*, and Al went to the next cart.
On top of the train, "Lets hurry." Flame said. They started walking on the train. A tree branch came and knocked Ed off the train, he was going to fall into the water. Flame took flight and saved Ed. "Thanks, it's a good thing you have wings." Ed said smiling. Flame thought for a bit. "Maybe." she said. She put Ed back on the train. They continued to walk, they saw a couple of men on the roof. "Hey! You kids shouldn't be up here!" a man screamed. They all took weapons out. "Looks like we're going to have to fight our way through." Aurora said. "Yep." Ed and Flame said, Ed turned his auto mail arm into a sword and Flame turned her tail metal. They charged at two men. Aurora used her alchemy to turn water into ice spears, she threw them at a couple of men. Each guy they attacked fell of the train. "Oops." Ed said with a grin. "Iguess we were too hard on them." Flame said as she rubbed her head.
Inside the train, Serenity, Ray* and Al were fighting more men. "Every time we knock one down, two more men come in their place." Ray* said as she punched someone in the gut. "I got an idea." Serenity said as she used alchemy. Her eyes started to glow, she became as fast as a cheetah, she knocked every single guy down with her nails. "How did you do that?" Al asked surprised. Serenity stopped running. "To tell you the truth, I'm not sure how." she said. Serenity's tail started to glow, another black stripe was added to her tail. "What just happened?" Ray* asked. "I'm not sure. I think every time a have a serious fight, I become stronger and get a stripe on my tail. This happened before, when I was little. When I had enough stripes I turned into this big cat, sorta like a tiger." Serenity said uncertainly. "Oh yeah, you said something like this happened in your dream." Al recalled. "That's right. Maybe that's the power your parents meant." Ray* said. "Maybe your right. We better hurry, the others might be already at the front of the cart." Serenity said. The three of them started to run. They saw Ed, Flame, and Aurora fighting more men, they defeated them all. "Did you guys find out anything?" Al asked his other friends and brother. "Nope, but I think the leader is in the next cart." Ed said pointing to the cart in front of them. Aurora noticed a telephone room. "Look, we can call the military and tell them we got trash for them to pick up." she said. I'll go call them." Flame said as she picked up the phone and dialed a couple of numbers. SHe started talking, in a minute she hanged up the phone. "They said that they'll be at the station." In Ray*'s mind Gale started talking to her. "I'm bored, let me come out." he said. "Alright." she said as she started to change into Gale. "Let me come out too! I want some action." Rage said. "Fine." Flame said as she turned into Rage. "Hello Serenity!" he said. "Hey Rage!" Serenity said with a smile. "Come on, lets keep going." Gale said as he opened the door to the next cart. They all went into the room, there was a big buff man with a huge automail arm. He was wearing camouflage "So you're the brats who have been messing with my plan." he said. "Who are you?" Rage asked angrily. "That's none of your business. I know who you guys are though. You guys are FullMetal, Metalwolf (I'm not sure if Gale shares the same title), and Demon Alchemists." he said. "So what?!" Ed yelled. "Your just in my way." the man said putting his hands together preparing to fight. "Al, Serenity, Aurora, stay back, we'll handle this." Gale said. The three of them took a couple of steps back. "Lets see which of our metal arms is better, mine or yours." the man said. He charged at Ed, they both clashed. "I could use some help here." Ed said struggling. Gale kicked the man on th back but dogged, Gale ended up hitting Ed. Ed fell on the floor. "Hey! I'm on your side!" Ed said furiously. "Sorry." Gale said ad he helped Ed up. "He may be big but he's fast." Rage said as he went full speed and kicked the man a couple of times. The man fell on the floor. "Dammit!" he got up and charged at Rage. He picked up Rage and threw him at a wall. Rage broked the wall because of his spikes. "Rage! Are you ok?" Serenity asked worried. He got up. "Yeah, just a scratch." "I'm tired of playing games, lets finish this in one hit." Ed said. Ed ale, And Rage stood next to each other, then they charged at the buff man and hit him with their metal arms. The guy hit the wall and passed out. "Way to go guys!" Al said with a thumbs up. They all smiled and gave themselves a thumbs up too. When they reached the station, the military arrested the hijackers. "Are you ready to talk to Roy?" Rage asked Serenity. "Yeah."
To be continued.....................................
I hoped you liked this chapter. I sort of copied the episode "The Man with the Mechanical Arm" and from the 1st FMA video game but I changed a lot of things. If you have no idea what I'm saying, forget what I said. ^_^'
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Living_Dead_Girl on February 11, 2006, 11:06:03 AM

Metalbeast on February 4, 2006, 5:57:13 AM
Metalbeast on