Chapter 11 - A Day Out
Submitted January 5, 2006 Updated March 9, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is a continuation of Ed Kidnaped. Do not read this until you read my other story first. Serenity has cat ears and a cat tail. She doesn't remember her past except for one memory. Can Ed, Al, Ray*, and Flame help her?
Anime/Manga » Fullmetal Alchemist |
Chapter 11 - A Day Out
Chapter 11 - A Day Out
Alright! Another chapter! Sorry it took soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long for me to write another one. School is making me crazy with all the tests and home work. I finally have the time to write.
Chapter 11
At East HQ, "WHAT!!!!!! What do you mean Roy's not here?!" Edward shouted at the receptionist. "I'm sorry Mr. Elric, he said he had to go home, it was an emergency." the receptionist said. "Well, do you know when he will be back?" Alphonse questioned. "Hmmm. I think in about two days." "Two days!" Serenity said as her ears went down. "Don't worry Serenity, these two days will go by fast." Aurora said. "I guess you're right, but I was so close. He might have answers, that's if he remembers me." her ears were still down. "She looks sad." Rage thought to himself. "Why don't you do something nice for her?" Flame thought back. "Good idea, now what to do." Rage started thinking. "You'll think of something." Flame thought. "By the way, Gale, Rage, Ray,* and Flame have to take the State test. (I forgot what it was really called. It's when State Alchemists have to renew there licens) "It's time already?" Gale said. "So will it be the usual?" the receptionist asked. "Usual?" Aurora asked with confusion. "For the test we like to fight each other." Rage explained. "Yeah, it's a way to show our abilities and have fun." Gale said. "You have fun by fighting?" Serenity asked. "Yep!" Rage said. Edward's stomache started to growl. "Don't tell me you're hungry again!" Gale said annoyed. "Yep! Let's eat!" Ed said smiling. "Fine but I'm not going to eat in the mess hall. They don't serve good food." Gale said. "Where should we go then?" Aurora asked. "I know! There is this new restaurant (nothing fancy), I've heard they serve delicious food." Ed suggested. "That sounds good. I hope they have fish." Rage said. "Ok then, let's go." Aurora said. "You guys go ahead. I'll stay hear since I can't eat." Al said. "You sure Al?" Serenity asked. "Yes, don't worry." "Lets go. I'm hungry!" Ed complained. "We know! Stop whining." Gale said more annoyed. They left the building and headed towards the restaurant.
As they walked Rage noticed a jewlery store and he stopped walking. "That's what I can do. I can get Serenity jewlery." Rage thought. "Nice, girls love jewlery. As they say, diamonds are a girls best friend." Flame thought. "Diamonds." he said to himself. Gale noticed Rage stopped walking. "Why'd you stop Rage?" "Is there something wrong?" Serenity asked. "Uh, no. I just need to see something. You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up." he said. "Ok." they both said. The rest continued walking to the restaurant. When they were far enough Rage went into the store. He started to look around. "Damn. There is so much to choose from." he said to himself. "Keep looking." Flame thought in his head. He continued his search for the right jewel. Rage stopped and noticed a necklace with a blue diamond. "This is it." he thought. The saleswoman walked up to Rage. "May I help you?" she asked the boy. "Uh, yeah. I want to buy this." he said pointing at the necklace. "How can a boy buy something that expensive?" she asked. Rage gave a smile. "Heh, I'm no ordinary boy. I'm a State Alchemist." "Impresive. Your girlfriend must be very special to you." she said as she took the necklace from the display. "How'd you know who this was for?" Rage asked. "I can see it in your eyes." she said with a smile. After Rage paid for the necklace he hurried off to the restaurant.
At the restaurant, everyone was sitting waiting for their food. Rage came in and took a seat next to Serenity (of coarse). Just as he sat down the waitor came with everyone's food. He placed the food on the table, Ed quickly grabbed his and started gobbling it down. "Just in time. If you came any later Ed here would of ate all of your food." Gale said. Ed looked at Gale with an evil face but kept eating. Everyone else started to eat. 15 minutes have passed by and Ed was ordering more food. "Stop ordering food!" Gale said pissed. "I can't, I'm still hungry." Ed complained. "So why don't I shove this knuckle sandwich down your throat?" he said making a fist. "Ok, I'll try anything." Ed said openning his mouth. "That's it." Gale said as he grabbed Ed's neck and started choking him. Everyone else started to shake their heads. "Uh, Serenity? Can you come with me for a sec." Rage asked. Serenity looked at him. "Sure." They both got up. "We'll be back." Rage said as he led Serenity out of the restaurant. Gale stopped choking Ed. "I wonder where they are going?" Ray* thought in Gale's mind. He smiled. "Let's go find out. Come on, let's follow them." "But what about my food?" Ed asked. "Forget about it and let's go." he said. "Fine." "Don't you ever leave Rage alone?" Aurora asked. They both looked at her. "No way." Ed said. "Yeah, it's fun to embarrass him." Gale said. They both got up and left some money on the table. Ed and Gale walked out of the restaraunt. "Boys." Aurora said as she followed the two boys.
Rage took Serenity to a small park. He led her to a side where there was no one. Gale, Ed, and Aurora kept their distance and hid behind a bush. "What is he up to?" Ed said. "Here." Rage said as he took the necklace out of his pocket. Serenity looked at it and smiled. "You didn't have to get me anything." "I wanted to give you something special. I'll put it on you." Rage put the necklace around Serenity's neck. "Awww that is so cute." Aurora said in a low voice. Ed and Gale rolled their eyes. "I don't have anything for you." Serenity said. "It's ok." he said. They both just looked into each other's eyes. With every second they got closer and closer until they met each other's lips. All was still, as if time had stopped for the two of them. Ed and Gale finally came out of hiding. "Ooooooooooooo you guys are playing tonsil hocky!" Ed said with a smirk. Serenity and Rage stopped and started blushing. "Our little boy is growing up." Gale said as he grabbed Rage's head and started giving him noogies. Aurora came out from the bushes. "Sorry." she said. "What are you sorry for? We caught them making out." Ed said. Rage pushed Gale away and was even redder. "I'm going to kick your @$$!" Rage said angrily. "Oh yeah?! We'll see about that!" Gale got into his fighting position as so did Rage. Aurora went in between them. "Why don't you leave the fighting until the State test?" "Good idea. Now I have time to train and then I can kick Gale's @$$ twice as hard!" Rage said with a grin. Gale just gave a small smile. All of a sudden they heard a familiar voice, it was Ty. She came running. "Hey guys!" "Hey Ty. Haven't seen you in a while." Gale said. "Yeah, these missions are tearing us apaart." she said. She noticed Aurora and Serenity. "I don't believe we've met met before." "No we haven't. I'm Aurora." "And I'm Serenity, it's nice to meet you." "Same here." "Serenity is Rage's girl friend!" Edward blurted out. Rage and Serenity turned red. Ty looked at Rage with a face. "So the tough guy has room for love." she teased. "Shut up!" he said upset. "So, what are you guys up to?" "Ray*, Flame, Gale, and Rage have to take the State test." Ed said. Ty smiled. "Looks like I came at just the right time." "We should be getting back now, it's kinda late." Serenity said. Everyone nodded and started walking. As they walked Ty, Gale, and Edward were teasing Rage the whole way. Rage tried to ingnore but he couldn't, he would blow up from time to time. Serenity would have to calm him down and Aurora tried to stop them from teasing Rage or they would never get back. Ty stopped but Gale and Ed wouldn't, they were having too much fun.
I'm finished! The next 2 chapter will have action cuz Rage, Gale, Flame, and Ray* will be fighting. I've been thinking about something to put in my story. I wondered if I should put it or not and I say yes, anything to make my story longer.
Chapter 11
At East HQ, "WHAT!!!!!! What do you mean Roy's not here?!" Edward shouted at the receptionist. "I'm sorry Mr. Elric, he said he had to go home, it was an emergency." the receptionist said. "Well, do you know when he will be back?" Alphonse questioned. "Hmmm. I think in about two days." "Two days!" Serenity said as her ears went down. "Don't worry Serenity, these two days will go by fast." Aurora said. "I guess you're right, but I was so close. He might have answers, that's if he remembers me." her ears were still down. "She looks sad." Rage thought to himself. "Why don't you do something nice for her?" Flame thought back. "Good idea, now what to do." Rage started thinking. "You'll think of something." Flame thought. "By the way, Gale, Rage, Ray,* and Flame have to take the State test. (I forgot what it was really called. It's when State Alchemists have to renew there licens) "It's time already?" Gale said. "So will it be the usual?" the receptionist asked. "Usual?" Aurora asked with confusion. "For the test we like to fight each other." Rage explained. "Yeah, it's a way to show our abilities and have fun." Gale said. "You have fun by fighting?" Serenity asked. "Yep!" Rage said. Edward's stomache started to growl. "Don't tell me you're hungry again!" Gale said annoyed. "Yep! Let's eat!" Ed said smiling. "Fine but I'm not going to eat in the mess hall. They don't serve good food." Gale said. "Where should we go then?" Aurora asked. "I know! There is this new restaurant (nothing fancy), I've heard they serve delicious food." Ed suggested. "That sounds good. I hope they have fish." Rage said. "Ok then, let's go." Aurora said. "You guys go ahead. I'll stay hear since I can't eat." Al said. "You sure Al?" Serenity asked. "Yes, don't worry." "Lets go. I'm hungry!" Ed complained. "We know! Stop whining." Gale said more annoyed. They left the building and headed towards the restaurant.
As they walked Rage noticed a jewlery store and he stopped walking. "That's what I can do. I can get Serenity jewlery." Rage thought. "Nice, girls love jewlery. As they say, diamonds are a girls best friend." Flame thought. "Diamonds." he said to himself. Gale noticed Rage stopped walking. "Why'd you stop Rage?" "Is there something wrong?" Serenity asked. "Uh, no. I just need to see something. You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up." he said. "Ok." they both said. The rest continued walking to the restaurant. When they were far enough Rage went into the store. He started to look around. "Damn. There is so much to choose from." he said to himself. "Keep looking." Flame thought in his head. He continued his search for the right jewel. Rage stopped and noticed a necklace with a blue diamond. "This is it." he thought. The saleswoman walked up to Rage. "May I help you?" she asked the boy. "Uh, yeah. I want to buy this." he said pointing at the necklace. "How can a boy buy something that expensive?" she asked. Rage gave a smile. "Heh, I'm no ordinary boy. I'm a State Alchemist." "Impresive. Your girlfriend must be very special to you." she said as she took the necklace from the display. "How'd you know who this was for?" Rage asked. "I can see it in your eyes." she said with a smile. After Rage paid for the necklace he hurried off to the restaurant.
At the restaurant, everyone was sitting waiting for their food. Rage came in and took a seat next to Serenity (of coarse). Just as he sat down the waitor came with everyone's food. He placed the food on the table, Ed quickly grabbed his and started gobbling it down. "Just in time. If you came any later Ed here would of ate all of your food." Gale said. Ed looked at Gale with an evil face but kept eating. Everyone else started to eat. 15 minutes have passed by and Ed was ordering more food. "Stop ordering food!" Gale said pissed. "I can't, I'm still hungry." Ed complained. "So why don't I shove this knuckle sandwich down your throat?" he said making a fist. "Ok, I'll try anything." Ed said openning his mouth. "That's it." Gale said as he grabbed Ed's neck and started choking him. Everyone else started to shake their heads. "Uh, Serenity? Can you come with me for a sec." Rage asked. Serenity looked at him. "Sure." They both got up. "We'll be back." Rage said as he led Serenity out of the restaurant. Gale stopped choking Ed. "I wonder where they are going?" Ray* thought in Gale's mind. He smiled. "Let's go find out. Come on, let's follow them." "But what about my food?" Ed asked. "Forget about it and let's go." he said. "Fine." "Don't you ever leave Rage alone?" Aurora asked. They both looked at her. "No way." Ed said. "Yeah, it's fun to embarrass him." Gale said. They both got up and left some money on the table. Ed and Gale walked out of the restaraunt. "Boys." Aurora said as she followed the two boys.
Rage took Serenity to a small park. He led her to a side where there was no one. Gale, Ed, and Aurora kept their distance and hid behind a bush. "What is he up to?" Ed said. "Here." Rage said as he took the necklace out of his pocket. Serenity looked at it and smiled. "You didn't have to get me anything." "I wanted to give you something special. I'll put it on you." Rage put the necklace around Serenity's neck. "Awww that is so cute." Aurora said in a low voice. Ed and Gale rolled their eyes. "I don't have anything for you." Serenity said. "It's ok." he said. They both just looked into each other's eyes. With every second they got closer and closer until they met each other's lips. All was still, as if time had stopped for the two of them. Ed and Gale finally came out of hiding. "Ooooooooooooo you guys are playing tonsil hocky!" Ed said with a smirk. Serenity and Rage stopped and started blushing. "Our little boy is growing up." Gale said as he grabbed Rage's head and started giving him noogies. Aurora came out from the bushes. "Sorry." she said. "What are you sorry for? We caught them making out." Ed said. Rage pushed Gale away and was even redder. "I'm going to kick your @$$!" Rage said angrily. "Oh yeah?! We'll see about that!" Gale got into his fighting position as so did Rage. Aurora went in between them. "Why don't you leave the fighting until the State test?" "Good idea. Now I have time to train and then I can kick Gale's @$$ twice as hard!" Rage said with a grin. Gale just gave a small smile. All of a sudden they heard a familiar voice, it was Ty. She came running. "Hey guys!" "Hey Ty. Haven't seen you in a while." Gale said. "Yeah, these missions are tearing us apaart." she said. She noticed Aurora and Serenity. "I don't believe we've met met before." "No we haven't. I'm Aurora." "And I'm Serenity, it's nice to meet you." "Same here." "Serenity is Rage's girl friend!" Edward blurted out. Rage and Serenity turned red. Ty looked at Rage with a face. "So the tough guy has room for love." she teased. "Shut up!" he said upset. "So, what are you guys up to?" "Ray*, Flame, Gale, and Rage have to take the State test." Ed said. Ty smiled. "Looks like I came at just the right time." "We should be getting back now, it's kinda late." Serenity said. Everyone nodded and started walking. As they walked Ty, Gale, and Edward were teasing Rage the whole way. Rage tried to ingnore but he couldn't, he would blow up from time to time. Serenity would have to calm him down and Aurora tried to stop them from teasing Rage or they would never get back. Ty stopped but Gale and Ed wouldn't, they were having too much fun.
I'm finished! The next 2 chapter will have action cuz Rage, Gale, Flame, and Ray* will be fighting. I've been thinking about something to put in my story. I wondered if I should put it or not and I say yes, anything to make my story longer.
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Rage_the_demon_alchemist on March 16, 2006, 9:29:49 PM
AnimeLover5793 on March 10, 2006, 11:58:32 AM
Metalbeast on March 10, 2006, 5:58:17 AM
Metalbeast on
Living_Dead_Girl on March 9, 2006, 9:17:34 AM

Krayne: This is getting old -_- *puts a mini skirt on me* HA!
Me: GRRRRR!! Curse you!! I have been having a lot of work at schoool lately as well. That si why it is so hard for me to do pics.
Krayne: Woa! My stomech is growling right now for real... Must eat -_- Awsome chappie! I can't wait for the next one! LOL! Gale is such an @$$ ^^ Coooooll!! ppl will be fighting! WOOO ACTION!! I'm currently looking for something to shove in everyone's face. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Little:yep it was fun to cuz i won.