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Chapter 2 - The missing

Lillyfall, a young MIstClan warrior, sets out on a dangerous journey, with only the words of Eaglefeather, StarClan warrior, to guide her.

Chapter 2 - The missing

Chapter 2 - The missing
Chapter 1
The dream
It was an eerie dark night. The full moon cast pale light across the land.
Figures bounded along the field, tails streaming out behind like comets in the indigo sky.
A very pale brown she-cat paused for a heartbeat, taking in the scents of cats around her.
All where familiar to the young warrior. Her leader; Opalstar Their deputy, Shadewing. The medicine cat and medicine cat apprentice, Goldencloud, and Rainpaw. Then the many warriors dashing along in their mists.
Lillyfall hurried to catch back up. She recalled the strange dream she had had back in the warriors den before they left for the gathering.
Lillyfall flashback&
She stood rooted to the spot, tail twitching. The familiar fields of MistClan where visible through the thick hanging fog. She blinked her bright amber eyes, and saw a figure walking towards her.
Welcome, Lillyfall. Meowed the cat, his tail wrapping around his paws as he sat a pace away from her.
W-who are you? She asked, trying to stop her voice shaking so much. The large black tom dipped his head, and mewed,
My name is Eaglefeather. The name stirred something in Lillyfalls memory. Eaglefeather, MistClans deputy before the TreeClan raid.
Eaglefeather? Is that really you? She asked, awe shinning in her eyes.
The deputy smiled, and nodded.
It is true. I was sent by StarClan to give you a message. Confusion butted away her awe.
But, why dont you just give it to Goldencloud or Opalstar? Why me? She asked uncertainly.
Eaglefeather shook his head slowly.
I can not tell you that. All I can say is that; only when the sun and the moon come together in harmony, will the missing be found.

He dipped his head once more, and began to walk away into the mist, fading slowly.
She cried, desperate for more. She began to run after him, but she got no closer then she had already been.
But he did not answer, and slowly, he faded from her vision.
And it was at that moment she awoke from the dream.
End Lillyfall flashback&
Chapter 2
The missing
Lillyfall followed Flashclaw into the clearing, DawnClan, TreeClan, and EarthClan already waiting.
She saw her friend Duskheart sitting under a large willow.
Hello, Lillyfall!
She purred as Lillyfall approached.
Hi, Duskheart. Meowed Lillyfall, licking her friends ear and taking a seat next to the black and ginger she-cat.
How are things in MistClan?
Duskheart asked.
Lillyfall shrugged.
OK I guess. Bluekit has green cough. Duskheart cast her a sympathetic glance as Aquastar yowled for the gathering to begin.
Welcome, cats of DawnClan, MistClan, EarthClan, TreeClan. Meowed Aquastar, EarthClans leader.
Who will speak first? Smallstar got to his paws on the large boulder.
I will. The TreeClan leader glanced around the clearing, and meowed,
First off, one of our apprentices, Moonpaw, has fallen ill. White cough is slowly spreading, but we are still strong. Nightpaw has taken his warrior name of Nightstorm. A large black tabby tom with green eyes sat proudly across from Lillyfall.
Sadly, Littlepaw has disappeared three nights ago. Lillyfall gaped at Smallstar as murmurs broke out among the clans.
Smallstar dipped his head to Sorrelstar, and sat back down.
Thank you, Smallstar. Mewed the tortoiseshell she-cat.
Leaf bare to is hard on DawnClan to. Shacklestripe and Rapidkit have fallen ill. And we to have a missing cat. Lillyfalls heart sank. Was Eaglefeathers prophecy coming true?
Gorsepelt and Slashclaw also have disappeared. Lillyfalls mouth fell open farther.
Whats wrong with you? Muttered Duskheart, staring at Lillyfall with worry.
I know its bad, but you dont have to look like a badger just raided the gathering. Lillyfall closed her mouth, and murmured a apology. But her fur still crawled unpleasantly. Eaglefeathers words where becoming more like the truth every moment.
Sorrelstar sat back down, and motioned for Opalstar to speak next.
Thank you, Sorrelstar. Meowed Opalstar.
MistClan finds themselves in the middle of a terrible time. Bluekit, Heartkit, and Hollypaw have green cough. Goldensong, and Whitepetal to have disappeared. Lillyfall dipped her head, narrowing her eyes until they where narrow amber slits. Opalstar meowed,
But in all of this, we have a new warrior. Rhythmleg is welcome to MistClan. Rhythmleg, a black she-cat with mottled ginger legs, sat happily beside Nightstorm.
Opalstar nodded to Aquastar, and sat back down.
EarthClan is relatively safe from the sickness. Palepaw, and Winterpaw have taken their warrior names of Palepelt, and Winterstorm. Patchtail went missing last night. No cat saw her leave the camp. Lillyfalls heart twisted painfully. Missing cats from each clan, and she would be responsible to return them, according to Eaglefeather.
Smallstar drew the gathering to a close, and she mewed a quick good-bye to Duskheart, and slipped into the gathering crowd of MistClan cats.
Eaglefeathers words where waying down on her more then ever. Was her destiny REALLY to save these cats? And why had they gone missing in the first place?
She jerked her head up to see her sister, Mossfur, staring at her.
Are you OK? Yeah, Im OK, Mossfur. Mumbled Lillyfall, blinking.
Mossfur shrugged, and disappeared into the crowd.
As Lillyfall bounded after Rainpaw and Goldencloud, she wondered why StarClan had chosen her, of all cats in MistClan.

Chapter 3
The cats
Leader Opalstar-very, very dark brown she-cat with green eyes
Deputy: Shadewing-small black tom
Medicine cat Goldencloud-pale ginger she-cat with blue eyes, apprentice: Rainpaw
Flashclaw-dark ginger tom with black paws
Mossfur-tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes, apprentice: Talonpaw
Flamefoot-white tom with flame colored legs and darker paws
Lionmane-large golden brown tabby tom, apprentice: Smearpaw
Sootstripe-pale gray tom with paler stripes, apprentice: Archpaw
Dapplepelt-dappled golden she-cat
Lillyfall-very, very pale brown she-cat with bright amber eyes
Cloudmuzzle-black tom with a white muzzle and stripes
Desertpatch-white tom with pale brown patchs and a fluffy tail
Rhythmleg-black she-cat with mottled ginger legs
Apprentices: Archpaw-black and white tom with ginger paws
Smearpaw-white tom with black patches
Rainpaw-gray she-cat with darker flecks
Talonpaw-dark brown tabby tom
Queens: Sageflower-tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes, nursing Sootstripes kits (Bluekit, Bonekit, Cinderkit)
Elders: Willowfoot-brown she-cat with darker paws
Blacktail-old black tom

Leader: Sorrelstar-tortoiseshell she-cat
Deputy: Ravenwing-black tom with yellow eyes
Medicine cat: Whispersong-small quiet white she-cat
Wolftooth-large black tabby tom, apprentice: Firepaw
Duststorm-large brown tabby tom
Cloverear-white she-cat with black ears, apprentice: Lunarpaw
Smokefur-small dark gray tabby tom with amber eyes
Courageheart-pale tortoiseshell she-cat with a long bushy ginger tail
Duskheart-black tabby she-cat with ginger patches
Shacklestripe-large white tom with dark gray stripes, apprentice: Berrypaw
Sleettail-small white she-cat with pale blue eyes
Apprentices: Berrypaw-pale brown tom
Lunarpaw-silver she-cat with crystal green eyes
Firepaw-flame colored tabby tom, very long thin tail
Queens: Sunwalker-dark ginger she-cat with black tipped tail and ears, nursing Smokefurs kits (Rapidkit, Tawnykit, Mousekit)
Thunderstripe-black she-cat with golden yellow stripes
Flowingheart-very old, white she-cat with golden patches

Leader: Aquastar-silver she-cat with blue eyes
Deputy: Thornpelt-golden brown tom with a long mottled tail
Medicine cat: Hollypool-small browns she-cat, apprentice: Skypaw
Warriors: Palepelt-pale ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Winterstorm-large white tom, apprentice: Crystalpaw
Fogear-gray tom with darker ears
Emeraldclaw-tortoiseshell she-cat with mottled paws
Boulderpelt-large dark brown tabby tom
Steamwhisker-silver she-cat with a gray tinged muzzle, apprentice: Rushpaw
Bloomingpetal-white she-cat with long pale cream colored stripes, apprentice: Oakpaw


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