Chapter 11 - Fourth Day, Part 2
Submitted November 26, 2006 Updated February 15, 2008 Status Incomplete | Frankie and the gang decided to go on a road trip, but something went wrong. Read and find out what happened!
Cartoons » Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends |
Chapter 11 - Fourth Day, Part 2
Chapter 11 - Fourth Day, Part 2
Fourth Day
Part 2
Eduardo came to. He rubbed his head.
- Guys? What happened?
- I’m sorry to say this, but you were insane. You’ve almost killed us... – replied Wilt.
- Co cococo? – asked Coco.
- I don’t remember... I was scared... – Ed stuttered.
- Coco cococococo?
- No, I’m not loco! I just want to go home, like anyone else. – said Eduardo huffily and put his arms together.
- You are mistaken Ed. She didn’t say you’re crazy, she said everyone’s getting crazy... – Wilt explained.
- Cococo! – confirmed Coco.
- Yeah... Some kind of cabin fever.
- Cabin fever?! Waaa! – screamed Ed. Then he stopped. – What’s that? – He asked.
Meanwhile, Mac and Goo were sitting beside each other. Both of them stared out to the landscape. Suddenly Goo broke the silence between them.
- Mac?
- Yes?
- Do you think we’re gonna ever get out of here? – The girl questioned.
- I don’t know... At least we have to believe in that. We can’t just give up... – replied Mac.
- Okay. I’m glad we have the same point of view, it’s great, I just asked, because I wanted to know how you feel about it, you know... – Goo jabbered.
Mac turned his head around and smiled at her. All of a sudden, Bloo showed up from behind their seat.
- Love is in the air! Mac and Goo sitting on a tree... hahahaha! – laughed the blob.
- Get lost, Bloo! – yelled Mac.
- Are you having a good time with your girlfriend? – mocked Bloo.
- She’s not my girlfriend!!! – shouted Mac.
- Are to! – replied Bloo shortly and before Mac could do anything, he disappeared.
- It’s okay, Mac. Don’t get upset! – advised Goo.
- Yes, you’re right... Normally I just ignore him, when he’s being a doofus, but now I can’t... – sighed the boy.
- It’s hard for everyone. I mean, it’s not literally hard, because we’d get squeezed that way, no, it’s emotionally hard to stand the other’s personality...
- True. When Bloo lived with me, I’ve handled far more difficult problems related to him... But since he’s been living at Foster’s, I got used to the lack of his presence and his dumb things... – explained Mac.
- Madame, may I ask where are you going? – asked Mr. Herriman.
- To the Police Department, where else? It has been a long time, since we’ve reported their disappearance, now I want answers. – replied Madame Foster.
- No person could prohibit you from doing such thing. Nevertheless, we should let the authorities do their investigation, I’m convinced, they will inform us soon enough, if they discover something. – said Herriman.
- Yes, maybe you’re right. But I can’t just sit here and do nothing! – exclaimed the Madame, heading to the door.
Herriman hopped through the foyer and opened the wide door to her.
- I hope your visit will be successful, Madame!
- Me too. – smiled Madame Foster. She got in to her car and stormed out.
As the others were playing cards at the back of the bus, Frankie rapt. She tried to think of something else than their desperate situation and more importantly, the hunger. They have not eaten anything hearty for days. Moreover, they are out of water as well, thanks to Bloo...
Frankie tried to use the luckily found cell phone, but to no avail. The battery was as empty as her stomach. She felt she could scream, shout her fears aloud, however she knew she couldn’t afford such luxury. If the others see, she’s collapsed, they will follow her example soon. As far as she remembers, she’s always been the engine and the soul of Foster’s home for imaginary friends. She thought no matter what, she could handle any kind of problem. But this time, she was helpless against the fate’s will. They have spent only three days in the bus together, but it seemed like ages. And who knows when it’s going to end? If it ever ends...
Suddenly, a picture nestled itself in her brain, challenging her rational mind. She imagined that no one has ever discovered them, decades passed by, but the bus remained in the trap of the tree. The rust consumed the metal; the nature slowly vaporized their skeletons...
Until the tree dies and rots, no longer keeping the bus away from falling down...
Frankie dispelled the sinister thought. No! She can’t give up like this! They are gonna get out of here! Be positive!
Then, recognition flashed through her mind. Of course! Why didn’t she think of it the first time?
The others looked up from their cards and turned around. They all gazed at Frankie with a questioning expression. The reason was her intense laughter. She even hit the steering wheel with her arms, as she laughed.
- Lost her mind she has... – declared Bloo.
- Senorita Frankie... Are you okay? – asked Ed.
- We got gotta do something! – exclaimed Mac.
- But what? – Goo asked back.
- I don’t know! – The boy replied.
- I know just a thing! – enthused Bloo and ran to Frankie. He jumped on the steering wheel and softly slapped her on the face. Frankie reacted very fast; she immediately grabbed Bloo’s hand.
- Maybe you wish to tell me exactly, what the heck are you doing?! – yelled she.
- You should be grateful! I’ve brought ya back from the madness! – answered the blob, still hanging in the air.
- Grateful? For what? Oh, wait, I know! For wasting the rest of our water!
- Frankie, let him go! – said Mac.
Frankie released Bloo, who fell down.
- Next time, I’ll let you suffer... – mumbled the imaginary friend after he stood up. But he ran behind Mac, when Frankie roared at him. Everyone knew, the chasm between her and the blue imaginary friend was getting bigger and deeper.
- Sorry, if I ask, but what was this all about? – Wilt asked.
- No, no, the question’s rightful... I laughed, because... I think I know a way out... – smiled Frankie.
Officer Steve Mason sighed, rubbing his temporal. He drank a little coffee. The old lady, who set in front of him, at the other side of his desk was getting on his nerves. He described the status of the search for the second time.
- Have you found my granddaughter or not? – asked Madame Foster repeatedly.
- Our searchers are examining the forest in this moment as well. We sent out patrol and a warrant of caption on your vehicle. We’ll do everything we can, Mrs. Foster, but I can’t give you any new information right now.
- A clear answer at last! I don’t like when someone holds something back, just because of my age. I’m old, but I’m not stupid, deary. So, if you find something...
- I’ll inform you as soon as we know more. – assured her Mason.
That was enough for her; Madame Foster slowly toddled to the door and left the office.
Their glee filled the bus, when Frankie revealed the reason of her mysterious laugher. She dragged out a trunk from under the last seat. She raised the long towrope as a symbol of her victory. It was long, elastic and it had two hooks on its endings.
- Perfecto! – mumbled Ed.
- Beautiful! Pepperoni pizza, here I come! – Bloo enthused.
The others just stared at it, like if it was a priceless diamond. The new star of hope arose.
- How exactly are we going to use it? – asked Wilt.
Nobody knew the answer. After a few minutes of silence, Mac exclaimed.
- I have an idea!
Part 2
Eduardo came to. He rubbed his head.
- Guys? What happened?
- I’m sorry to say this, but you were insane. You’ve almost killed us... – replied Wilt.
- Co cococo? – asked Coco.
- I don’t remember... I was scared... – Ed stuttered.
- Coco cococococo?
- No, I’m not loco! I just want to go home, like anyone else. – said Eduardo huffily and put his arms together.
- You are mistaken Ed. She didn’t say you’re crazy, she said everyone’s getting crazy... – Wilt explained.
- Cococo! – confirmed Coco.
- Yeah... Some kind of cabin fever.
- Cabin fever?! Waaa! – screamed Ed. Then he stopped. – What’s that? – He asked.
Meanwhile, Mac and Goo were sitting beside each other. Both of them stared out to the landscape. Suddenly Goo broke the silence between them.
- Mac?
- Yes?
- Do you think we’re gonna ever get out of here? – The girl questioned.
- I don’t know... At least we have to believe in that. We can’t just give up... – replied Mac.
- Okay. I’m glad we have the same point of view, it’s great, I just asked, because I wanted to know how you feel about it, you know... – Goo jabbered.
Mac turned his head around and smiled at her. All of a sudden, Bloo showed up from behind their seat.
- Love is in the air! Mac and Goo sitting on a tree... hahahaha! – laughed the blob.
- Get lost, Bloo! – yelled Mac.
- Are you having a good time with your girlfriend? – mocked Bloo.
- She’s not my girlfriend!!! – shouted Mac.
- Are to! – replied Bloo shortly and before Mac could do anything, he disappeared.
- It’s okay, Mac. Don’t get upset! – advised Goo.
- Yes, you’re right... Normally I just ignore him, when he’s being a doofus, but now I can’t... – sighed the boy.
- It’s hard for everyone. I mean, it’s not literally hard, because we’d get squeezed that way, no, it’s emotionally hard to stand the other’s personality...
- True. When Bloo lived with me, I’ve handled far more difficult problems related to him... But since he’s been living at Foster’s, I got used to the lack of his presence and his dumb things... – explained Mac.
- Madame, may I ask where are you going? – asked Mr. Herriman.
- To the Police Department, where else? It has been a long time, since we’ve reported their disappearance, now I want answers. – replied Madame Foster.
- No person could prohibit you from doing such thing. Nevertheless, we should let the authorities do their investigation, I’m convinced, they will inform us soon enough, if they discover something. – said Herriman.
- Yes, maybe you’re right. But I can’t just sit here and do nothing! – exclaimed the Madame, heading to the door.
Herriman hopped through the foyer and opened the wide door to her.
- I hope your visit will be successful, Madame!
- Me too. – smiled Madame Foster. She got in to her car and stormed out.
As the others were playing cards at the back of the bus, Frankie rapt. She tried to think of something else than their desperate situation and more importantly, the hunger. They have not eaten anything hearty for days. Moreover, they are out of water as well, thanks to Bloo...
Frankie tried to use the luckily found cell phone, but to no avail. The battery was as empty as her stomach. She felt she could scream, shout her fears aloud, however she knew she couldn’t afford such luxury. If the others see, she’s collapsed, they will follow her example soon. As far as she remembers, she’s always been the engine and the soul of Foster’s home for imaginary friends. She thought no matter what, she could handle any kind of problem. But this time, she was helpless against the fate’s will. They have spent only three days in the bus together, but it seemed like ages. And who knows when it’s going to end? If it ever ends...
Suddenly, a picture nestled itself in her brain, challenging her rational mind. She imagined that no one has ever discovered them, decades passed by, but the bus remained in the trap of the tree. The rust consumed the metal; the nature slowly vaporized their skeletons...
Until the tree dies and rots, no longer keeping the bus away from falling down...
Frankie dispelled the sinister thought. No! She can’t give up like this! They are gonna get out of here! Be positive!
Then, recognition flashed through her mind. Of course! Why didn’t she think of it the first time?
The others looked up from their cards and turned around. They all gazed at Frankie with a questioning expression. The reason was her intense laughter. She even hit the steering wheel with her arms, as she laughed.
- Lost her mind she has... – declared Bloo.
- Senorita Frankie... Are you okay? – asked Ed.
- We got gotta do something! – exclaimed Mac.
- But what? – Goo asked back.
- I don’t know! – The boy replied.
- I know just a thing! – enthused Bloo and ran to Frankie. He jumped on the steering wheel and softly slapped her on the face. Frankie reacted very fast; she immediately grabbed Bloo’s hand.
- Maybe you wish to tell me exactly, what the heck are you doing?! – yelled she.
- You should be grateful! I’ve brought ya back from the madness! – answered the blob, still hanging in the air.
- Grateful? For what? Oh, wait, I know! For wasting the rest of our water!
- Frankie, let him go! – said Mac.
Frankie released Bloo, who fell down.
- Next time, I’ll let you suffer... – mumbled the imaginary friend after he stood up. But he ran behind Mac, when Frankie roared at him. Everyone knew, the chasm between her and the blue imaginary friend was getting bigger and deeper.
- Sorry, if I ask, but what was this all about? – Wilt asked.
- No, no, the question’s rightful... I laughed, because... I think I know a way out... – smiled Frankie.
Officer Steve Mason sighed, rubbing his temporal. He drank a little coffee. The old lady, who set in front of him, at the other side of his desk was getting on his nerves. He described the status of the search for the second time.
- Have you found my granddaughter or not? – asked Madame Foster repeatedly.
- Our searchers are examining the forest in this moment as well. We sent out patrol and a warrant of caption on your vehicle. We’ll do everything we can, Mrs. Foster, but I can’t give you any new information right now.
- A clear answer at last! I don’t like when someone holds something back, just because of my age. I’m old, but I’m not stupid, deary. So, if you find something...
- I’ll inform you as soon as we know more. – assured her Mason.
That was enough for her; Madame Foster slowly toddled to the door and left the office.
Their glee filled the bus, when Frankie revealed the reason of her mysterious laugher. She dragged out a trunk from under the last seat. She raised the long towrope as a symbol of her victory. It was long, elastic and it had two hooks on its endings.
- Perfecto! – mumbled Ed.
- Beautiful! Pepperoni pizza, here I come! – Bloo enthused.
The others just stared at it, like if it was a priceless diamond. The new star of hope arose.
- How exactly are we going to use it? – asked Wilt.
Nobody knew the answer. After a few minutes of silence, Mac exclaimed.
- I have an idea!
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alitta2 on February 20, 2008, 12:37:10 AM
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Falconlobo on June 14, 2008, 5:50:36 AM
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Gee on June 14, 2008, 9:56:35 AM
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Falconlobo on June 14, 2008, 10:06:11 AM
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ginathehedgehog on February 15, 2008, 9:00:43 PM
Falconlobo on February 15, 2008, 10:01:21 AM
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