Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 - Seperated
Submitted May 15, 2008 Updated September 13, 2009 Status Incomplete | After twelve years, Earth is still infected by the Null Void aliens. It's up to Ben 10 000 and his friends to reclaim our planet and defeat the mysterious nemesis who's behind all this. |
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 - Seperated
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 - Seperated
Chapter 4[br]
Concentrate the fire on the nearest troops! – shouted Lantara. The men did their best to obey her commands, and shot the swarming aliens below them.[br]
- Don’t let them approach the Tower! – instructed the ectonurite and fired an energy beam. [br]
Suddenly, they heard a large explosion; the whole building started to shake. At first, nobody knew what happened, until Lantara recognized the huge, powerful cannon far behind the enemy lines. At this moment, the upper levels of the Omni-Tower were already vanished... [br]
Like a slow motion, she saw the next beam, which headed towards her. [br]
- Oh, no... – That’s all she could whisper, before the green laser imploded the rest of the fortress. She didn’t even have the time to change her protoplasma, and become a ghost; the Omni-Tower collapsed above her. A bigger piece of the falling debris struck her on the shead, and everything went black for Lantara...[br]
Ben and Gwen escaped from the destruction. However, the distance between them and the Omni-Tower increased slower and slower. When they fought themselves through the mass of aliens, Ben injured on his right leg, so he was limping badly. They could still see the wreathing smoke coming from their destroyed colony. Both of them were exhausted, their strength of will couldn’t last much longer. Suddenly, Ben flopped down. His breathing was fast, more like a gasp. The omnitrix still hung useless on his arm. [br]
- All right, we’re stopping now! – declared Gwen.[br]
- No! We must go on! Give me five minutes and I’ll be okay... – opposed Ben.[br]
- You can’t continue like this, you can’t even walk. – said his cousin.[br]
- It doesn’t matter...[br]
- I’m serious, Ben. I see something over there... I suppose it’s a group of abandoned buildings... We’ll find shelter for the night there! – insisted Gwen.[br]
Ben eventually caved in. They walked about two miles, and then reached the place what Gwen recognized. The facility was a former junkyard. As the dusk slowly fell upon them, and the last rays of the sun disappeared on the horizon, the towers of the rusty wrecks looked more and more sinister. Their grill looked like a distorted grin, or a toothless old man’s mouth. The wrecks were all covered with the dust of decades.[br]
Gwen found a smaller house, but it was useless. Without a roof, windows, or doors, the bare smoky walls could not protect them from the cold of the night. When they came out, Ben noticed something in the semidarkness. [br]
- What are you doing? – whispered Gwen, if they were some sort of thieves, robbing the place. [br]
- Just a moment... – replied Ben quietly and limped closer to a bigger piece of wreck. Somehow, it looked familiar to him.[br]
- It cannot be... – said Ben to himself, but when he examined the vehicle more carefully, the old memories came alive in his mind. [br]
- Unbelievable! – The old R.V. literally amazed him.[br]
- What’s so hard to believe? – asked Gwen.[br]
- The Rustbucket! – said Ben monotonously and pointed at the wreck.[br]
After destroying the Omni-Tower and the colony, Dr. Vicktor and his wicked accompanies, the alien hordes returned to their headquarters. They all had a successful day, they finally managed to take vengeance at their arch enemy, Ben 10 000, who imprisoned most of them in the Null Void dimension. Before he could enjoy the taste of his triumph, Dr. Vicktor had other duties. He went to the highest building in the former city of Las Vegas. For some reason, he always disliked entering there, because its owner filled even his hearth with fear. But, he was the Master, Dr. Vicktor owed him everything. The Master freed him from the Null Void, gave him strength and power and more importantly, the opportunity to strike Ben 10 000 down. [br]
He opened the heavy two-winged door, and stepped inside. The familiar semidarkness expected him. [br]
- Master... – Dr. Vicktor kneeled down before a black throne.[br]
- You may rise, commander! – whispered a raspy voice.[br]
- Master! We have finally claimed victory over the Tennysons! – said the alien. – The Omni-Tower is destroyed, and the aliens rampaged through in his beloved colony! They set the city on fire, not a single living soul remained there... Except... – he hesitated, he was afraid to say the next words, but he had no choice.[br]
- Speak! – exclaimed Ghostkevin. His cold voice echoed all over the place.[br]
- Unfortunately, with the help of his cousin, Ben Tennyson survived and escaped.[br]
- How is it possible?! – thundered the Master. – I have the largest and the ONLY army in the whole planet, and he always slips through my fingers!!! Who’s responsible for this?![br]
- Me... I battled the Tennysons, but I underestimated his powers. He was able to use the skills of the omnitrix-aliens; however, my device rendered it useless. – admitted Dr. Vicktor.[br]
- Yes, the mysterious alien... It’s capable of copying and mixing any special power… I told you about it, I told you to be VERY careful, I warned you it’s not enough to deactivate the omnitrix, you have to tear his brain out, there’s no other option! We can’t get rid of him any other way!!! Didn’t I tell you that?! – shouted the ghostman. [br]
- But, Master! He’s just one man! Even with the power of the omnitrix, what could he do? With the fall of the Omni-Tower, nobody left to rebel against your will! – said the alien.[br]
- Fool!!! – GhostKevin roared. He quickly stood up and punched Dr. Vicktor in the face.[br]
- I underestimated him twice! Never again! [br]
- Forgive me, Master! – begged Dr. Vicktor.[br]
- Oh, mercy is a very outmoded concept, but I still need you to prepare a warm welcome for Benjie. – grinned Ghostkevin.[br]
- He won’t be so foolish to come here! He doesn’t even know where we are! – reasoned the alien.[br]
- He’ll find out! It’s just a matter of time until he shows his face here.[br]
- How can you be so sure? – asked Dr. Vicktor.[br]
- Ah, your brain is very slow... – sighed Ghostkevin. – You said the aliens left no survivors. What about the ectonurite? That means, she’s also dead, Ben won’t resist the temptation to find us and avenge her demise.[br]
- What is your plan to stop him?[br]
- No, commander, not yet. I’ll let you know everything in time. For now, rest, and enjoy the moment of your victory, while it lasts! Don’t forget though! Soon, you and I will have to face the wrath of Ben 10 000 once more, but this time, he will not escape me again! – smiled Ghostkevin devilishly, his distorted features looked terrifying. [br]
- Are you sure? – asked Gwen.[br]
- Positive. This is the Rustbucket. – replied Ben. For a moment, he forgot the pain in his leg, he was so excited.[br]
- I never found out what happened to it… Our grandfather’s car… Do you remember, Gwen? Do you remember that summer? [br]
- Yes… We roved around the country together, you, Grandpa Max, and me… It was so long ago… In a better age… - She recalled the old memories with fond emotion.[br]
Ben opened the door. Stuffy, hot air filled their nose, the smell of old drape and the rust.[br]
They got inside the R.V. It seemed, the time did not damage the interior much, except for the dust and the spider webs, but nothing has changed, everything was still there. They could still sense the aura of Max Tennyson here. Ben and Gwen went to their old beds, just like before. They all grown up, and felt a little less comfortable than they remembered, but the surroundings of a familiar environment soothed their soul, until they fell asleep. [br]
Next morning, Gwen woke up a little late; the sun was shining far above the sky. The first thing she recognized, that Ben wasn’t there, the second was a well-known smell. [br]
Suddenly, a blue face appeared in front of Gwen’s.[br]
- Rise and shine sleepy head! Remember? That’s what Grandpa used to say all the time! - smiled Xlr8. [br]
- Yeah, but… how’s your leg? – asked Gwen. Xlr8 looked down at his leg ironically.[br]
- Never been better. Oops, breakfast’s almost ready! – said he and disappeared from Gwen’s eyes. He was already outside. The presence of the omnitrix aliens was so natural for Gwen; she didn’t even notice that the watch is actually working again. Ben set a little fire in front of the Rustbucket and he was barbequing some kind of meat. [br]
- Is that?… - Gwen began.[br]
- Beef! – replied Xlr8. As he watched the meat, he was excitedly wagging his black and white tail.[br]
- Where did you get it?[br]
- Oh, I dug up a few cans from the Rustbucket, and Heatblast’s responsible for this nice fire.[br]
- How did you make the omnitrix work? [br]
- Dr. Vicktor’s device created a temporal block in the watch’s circuitry. The only thing I needed to do is find it. He’s not as smart as he thinks. – explained the kineceleran.[br]
As Gwen watched Ben’s best efforts to make the old-fashioned breakfast, a teardrop appeared in her eyes. She didn’t see her cousin this happy for years. [br]
- Great, it’s crispy enough! – declared Xlr8. He rapidly put three plates on the table he prepared before. [br]
- Are we expecting someone? – asked Gwen.[br]
- No…Why?[br]
- Because there are three plates…[br]
- Oh, the third one is for La… - Suddenly, the black fog of recognition covered Xlr8’s eyes. His happiness disappeared, as he reverted to Ben. [br]
- You’re right… She’s not with us anymore… - said he. The omnitrix flashed and Ben went Brainstorm. He grabbed the meat with his mind and sliced it in the air. When the slices floated above the plates, he released them. [br]
- Breakfast is ready! I hope you will like it… - his voice was lifeless. He didn’t move.[br]
- Ben…[br]
- I’m a failure… [br]
- What? – surprised Gwen. She wasn’t sure if she heard it right. When she looked at her cousin, she regretted noticing the third plate.[br]
- I wasn’t there to save Grandpa, I wasn’t there to save Tetrax, and I wasn’t there to save her…[br]
- Ben, don’t blame yourself! Neither of this is your fault, it had to be this way for some reason. [br]
- No! I should have been there! I had the power back then, I have even more now, but that’s not going to bring them back! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE! – roared Brainstorm. With a green flash, he transformed into Fourarms.[br]
- I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!! – chanted Ben. As the fury eventually filled his mind, he could not control his power. He struck the ground with all of his hands. And he repeated.[br]
- I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!! – thundered Fourarms. [br]
- Ben! Stop this foolishness at once! Like you said: this won’t bring them back! You only harm yourself! – shouted Gwen. [br]
Her words worked like a magic spell, Ben quickly changed back to his human form.[br]
- I’m sorry Gwen. I just could not control myself… I needed to let out some steam…[br]
- The way you looked at me when I shouted at you, scared even me for a sec… - admitted Gwen.[br]
- I told you I’m sorry… It’s very difficult to handle this much power and to keep your emotions away from them… - said Ben, he was still gasping. [br]
Gwen bowed her head, as a sign of her agreement.[br]
- Now… What about that breakfast? – smiled Ben nervously. [br]
As far as the eye could see, the land was desolate. Only a few smoky pile of rock and some debris remained. Nobody left to rebuild the destroyed colony, and nothing remained to work with. The wind blew sadly among the ruins. Not so long ago, a pride fortress stood here, which held the alien hordes back several times. It protected the colony and the human race for many years, but as they say: nothing lasts forever. The eight year’s work of Ben 10 000 fell in less than a minute, and the enemy finally won. But even in the last moment, the Omni-Tower saved a life, when the laser torn it apart. At the top of the biggest pile of debris, a smaller rock rolled down to the ground. The sound broke the deadly silence. Suddenly, the debris began to move, and a fist emerged from it. Soon, a grey body slowly crawled out from the tight hole. Although she was the only survivor of the colony, Lantara was barely alive. Her body was covered with bleeding wounds everywhere. She just watched the drops of her black blood falling down to the rocks. Her breathing was fast, and half of her tentacles hung flabby. The muscle which opens and closes her chest injured badly on the right side. She spent three days under the ruins, and she couldn’t even phase through the debris, not to mention to float in the air. [br]
All of a sudden, a smaller vulpimancer showed up, and comprehended Lantara’s heat signs. [br]
- Oh great… - cried she, as the other alien ran towards her. She concentrated to become a ghost… Her first attempt failed. She tried once again, but to no avail. She knew she was too weak. And just when the vulpimancer wanted to jump on her, Lantara’s protopasma finally changed and the orange creature struck the ground only. Then, the ectonurite’s blue claws went through the alien’s meat and reached its heart. The vulpimancer rattled a few times before it dropped down dead. Lantara heaved a sigh of relieve.[br]
Randomly, Ben came into her mind. At first she assumed he’s dead, like anyone else in the colony. But when she listened to her senses, they whispered something else. She decided to find him, wherever he is. That was her last thought before she lost her consciousness again, unaware of the fact: she was still not alone.[br]
Next morning, Benjamin Tennyson woke up early. Although the dawn was near, except for an orange shining on the horizon, it was still dark. Ben quickly picked up his T-shirt on his muscular bust, and sneaked out of the Rustbucket without a noise. But he could not leave yet. Ben turned around and looked back at his grandfather’s vehicle. [br]
- This is my mission. My mission ONLY… There’s been far too many deaths… I cannot allow another one… - said he more for himself, then Gwen. He felt, he just needed to say it out loud, to strengthen his heart. A green flash in the dying night, and the fast alien, called XLR8 stormed out of the junkyard. [br]
He was alone in his residence, at the highest building of the former Las Vegas. However he was only half a human now, his twisted ego still could not content itself with less ostentation.[br]
He removed every mirror from the building, because since that day he truly met Ghostfreak, he was not the same. Merging with the ectonurite led to unexpected physical mutations. Kevin’s skin went grey, but peeled off his face, only the bare skull and his long, black hair remained. And of course… those terrible, lifeless eyes… with a purple iris in the middle. His nails turned into bluish black claws, and horrible black and white striped tentacles grew out of his chest. Even with his very look, he was fearful, but the inside was much more terrifying. Kevin had to share his mind with the ectonurite. They needed each other to stay alive, but more importantly, their vindictiveness connected them to one another. The corporate will united their soul, to fulfill their ultimate desire…[br]
What’s our most ultimate desire? – thought Kevin. He heard the reply in his mind.[br]
We seek vengeance on Ben 10 000, as our sworn task! – rattled Ghostfreak’s deep voice.[br]
I’m not sure if this will work… - doubted Kevin.[br]
Do not worry. We shall see him again. And that day is close now… The day when we finally defeat Ben Tennyson, and make him pay for everything he had done to us! – hissed Ghostfreak.[br]
He kicked our butts in the past. Why would it be different now? - asked Kevin.[br]
Individually, we might have failed, but we’re not alone anymore… We shall be victorious this time, if we put our knowledge together. Together, we know everything, every alien he’s willing to use, we know their powers and we eventually managed to found out his cast of mind! - exclaimed Ghostfreak.[br]
Yes, my knowledge is yours, your knowledge is mine, I assume we know what dear Benjie’s planning to do next, after his precious Tower is blown to bits! – thought Kevin.[br]
Exactly. He attempted before, and he will try again. He will do his best to track our location down… and we will let him. He did that in New York, as we remember. Althoguh, his plan was to rescue his chandelier friend, he almost finished us off. He’ll do the same now, but there’s a very important difference now… He’s alone, his allies are all extinguished, and he even makes it easier for us… He left his most powerful comrade by his own free will. - explained Ghostfreak.[br]
His cousin. – declared Kevin.[br]
Yess… And he will come here blinded by the bloodthirst, even if he gets through our alien army, he won’t stand a chance against us. Last time, he barely managed to hold his arm, and now, we’re a hundred times stronger now. – An imaginary grin appeared on the ectonurite’s face, as the twisted gears began to roll in their mind. As Kevin understood the plan, he afforded a devilish smile too. [br]
GhostKevin just set there, in the darkness, and the two wicked mind wrapped themselves up with the blanket of evil plans.[br]
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ginathehedgehog on December 6, 2008, 6:34:26 AM

cactar on December 1, 2008, 6:12:22 AM
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