Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 - The true face of the enemy
Submitted May 15, 2008 Updated September 13, 2009 Status Incomplete | After twelve years, Earth is still infected by the Null Void aliens. It's up to Ben 10 000 and his friends to reclaim our planet and defeat the mysterious nemesis who's behind all this. |
Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 - The true face of the enemy
Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 - The true face of the enemy
Chapter 6[br]
The true face of the enemy[br]
Ben awakened. He was tied up, and a sinister device surrounded the omnitrix on his arm. Someone also put a metal ring on his head. He tried to free himself, but his efforts were useless. Suddenly, the two-winged door opened and Dr. Vicktor evolved from the darkness. [br]
- I have to admit, you were quite impressive back there. Not even the Master expected you to hold your ground that long, with those aliens… - began Dr. Vicktor without any further introduction.[br]
- What do you want? I suppose your precious master wants me alive, you would have killed me otherwise! – hissed Ben.[br]
- You have a sharp tongue, but not for long! The Master will break your enthusiasm down! – shouted the alien.[br]
- Oh, you cannot possibly imagine how long I’ve been waiting to meet him in person! – replied Ben with a wide grin on his face.[br]
Dr. Vicktor punched him in the stomach; all the air got out of his lungs, he could not breath well. [br]
- Is that all you got?! – coughed Ben. The alien’s respond was a stronger punch, this time in the face. Ben remained silent, as he tasted his own blood.[br]
- Now, if this settled, let’s get back to our work, shall we? – smiled Dr. Vicktor and pressed a few buttons on the control panel nearby him. A powerful turbine revved up, and the machine resuscitated. [br]
- What is happening? – asked Ben.[br]
- You will get to meet the Master indeed; but first, precautionary measures need to be done. Most importantly, I’ll remove the omnitrix, and the little crown of yours is blocking your brainwaves. It will prevent you from doing anything hasty, like using your alien’s powers in your human form… Brilliant, isn’t it? I designed it only for you. – explained Dr. Vicktor arrogantly. [br]
- This will never work! – exclaimed Ben with growing fear.[br]
- I’d had to agree if we had not borrowed this technology from an old friend of yours. – replied the villain pointing at the device which held Ben’s left arm.[br]
- Vilgax! That’s why it looked so familiar! – realized Ben.[br]
- This time, I thought of everything! Finally! The mighty Ben 10 000 is going to be history! Mu ha ha ha ha ha! – laughed Dr Vicktor, maniacally. He pressed new buttons on the panel; they turned green as he touched them. The machine was in operation. The electric waves went through Ben’s body, as the device started to tear the omnitrix off him. Ben’s face distorted as the pain grew more and more intense. Inside the huge, metal shackle, a few cracks appeared on side of the watch, and it eventually began to rip apart…[br]
Meanwhile, Gwen was still on her journey. She flew above the barren; as the only thing that broke the sad landscape. Her shadow followed her doggedly all day. Gwen was following someone as well, namely Lantara. Since she learnt how to locate the ectonurite once, she was able to do it again. Last time, Gwen realized with great relief, that Lantara is moving, which means she’s alive, but it’ll be more difficult to find her, if her position changes all the time. Gwen did not care, she sensed the alien closer than before. All of a sudden, that cold and creepy feeling coiled out from the darkest corners of her brain, to take over her mind once again. Like the fog when it seethes over the valley, this awful emotion filled her soul. From the previous experience, she knew something happened to Ben, and due to the nature of this strong emotion, it must have been something bad. This even confirmed Gwen on the importance of her mission. When she finds Lantara, they will go after Ben together. And together they will have enough power to face anything that stands in their way. But now, they were both alone… In fact, only one of them…[br]
It has been a week, since Lantara said goodbye to Raven and set out to reunite with Ben. She has come to a desert, and entered its dangerous, harsh world. The extreme climate tried even her strength and body as well. But, she was very determined; her will defeated the desert and it eventually showed her the city that was hidden among the dunes. The ectonurite was not sure, how she got here, she somehow sensed the correct way, which led to Ben. At first, she thought it was a mirage, but as she floated nearer and nearer, the image did not become frayed, it grew bigger and sharper instead. [br]
There was no sign of life, nothing moved in the city, not even the wind blew. Lantara became invisible; she has seen silences like this before, and that taught her to be very careful, to always expect a trap. She only had to worry about aliens with heat vision. She might be able to cloak her body, but her heat signs could reveal her position. However, nobody attacked her, she could infiltrate without any confrontation. Only the dusty streets, the abandoned hotels, casinos, and few rusty car wrecks were there. She sensed Ben closer by every second. The ectonurite turned visible again. Lantara approached the nearest building, and put her hands on the wall. Adapting the technique she learnt from Raven she tried to comprehend emotions, or intentions. She focused and suddenly, a whole wave of most different feelings started to assault her mind. She sensed much hatred and hostility. She also felt struggle, fear and anger. Lantara clenched her fists, her claws torn off pieces of the bricks. She forced herself to close the emotional gateway, knowing exactly that Ben is inside with someone else who’s willing to kill. She phased through the wall and let her emotions take control, and guide her to Ben.[br]
Ben felt the omnitrix less and less on his arm. The device which made him a hero, which cursed him with all this power, was not there anymore… At least that’s what he thought. The omnitrix merely began to release Ben’s DNA, as Dr. Vicktor’s machine triggered the secession method. The alien’s insane laughter echoed in Ben’s mind. He tried to think of any form, or use Powersource’s abilities, both attempt failed. The ring on his head truly blocked his brainwaves somehow… His thoughts chased each other in his mind, but deep within his soul, he knew this time, there will be no way out. Despite of this recognition he kept struggling, he did not want to give up the fight. Before the omnitrix could irrevocably slip off his hand, the power went out, and the machine shut itself down. Ben and his nemesis remained alone in the dark. [br]
- I cannot believe this! What the heck just happened? – cursed Dr. Vicktor. The two electric formations on his back lit up, and illuminated the chamber with a purple light. He looked around, and recognized Ben. At least he was still on the correct place, tied up in Vilgax’s device. Suddenly, he felt, something flew by him. He quickly turned to that direction, but nothing was there. Except the small circle of his purple light, the rest of the premises faded in the blackness. Dr. Vicktor felt that thing again, this time from the other side, and it even touched him. His reflexes were fast, but he could not discover the mysterious visitor. He looked at Ben again. The man’s expression reflected surprise and relief.[br]
- Enjoy the moment while it lasts. You have merely delayed the inevitable! – hissed the alien. Suddenly, he gave a start, when that sinister thing flew by behind him. He even fired an electric bolt, but it only destroyed a work-box. He got a peep of that dark thing again, but from another direction. It seemed it could be anywhere; it comes out of the darkness for less than a second, to disappear in it again. Dr. Vicktor began to fear the unknown specter. He shot a few electric beams at haphazard, of course, none of them managed to strike down the thing.[br]
Then he heard the most awful voice of all: The scream of the bursting metal. He turned around and focused the purple light to the machine, which imprisoned Ben, but it was empty. The iron shackle, which held the omnitrix, was torn apart, and Ben disappeared.[br]
He took a few faltering steps ahead, when the metal ring, he put on Ben, rolled on the floor, it bumped against the alien’s foot, then settled down. Dr. Vicktor gazed at his invention, then looked up. All of a sudden, four green stripes lit up in the darkness, right in front of him. As the creature stepped inside the circle of light, Dr. Vicktor realized, it was the Mummy, one of Ben’s alien forms. The Mummy grunted menacingly, but did not move. Dr. Vicktor raised his fists and fired at Ben. When the electric bolt reached the Mummy, it just simply went through the hole on his chest, and then the bandage strapped itself again, while The Mummy remained unharmed. [br]
- Enough!!! I had to spare you too many times, but this ends now!!! – roared Dr. Vicktor and wanted to attack Ben, but a raspy, feminine voice stopped him.[br]
- I don’t think so! – whispered the creepy voice, and its owner finally revealed herself. Lantara became visible right in front of Dr. Vicktor, and the last thing he saw, that burnt into his mind, was Lantara’s vicious purple eye…[br]
Gwen Tennyson finally managed to cut back from the distance that stood between her and Lantara, however her joy was only temporal, because she also found it difficult to cross the desert, but her will was strong as Lantara’s. She could only travel at night, the cruel sun was her enemy, and it slowed her down. Therefore, she always found a shady place for the hours of the daylight and tried to sleep a little but it was almost impossible in that hot temperature. Her strength was running low, when she eventually discovered the hidden city, which was once Las Vegas. She focused all her powers to reveal Ben’s location and her effort was successful. She took off and headed to that certain building…[br]
When the lights went out and complete darkness covered the chamber, Ben Tennyson was convinced, that he’s going to lose the omnitrix, and yielded to his fate. Although the satanic device was useless, the ring on his head still blocked his brainwaves, so he could not do anything. He heard Dr. Vicktor cursing, then a purple light flashed, and the alien looked around. He looked Ben in the eye and told him, this is inevitable. Then, they both heard a noise, and Dr. Vicktor turned the light to that direction. He must have seen something in the dark again, because he even fired an electro-beam. Then he went mad and began to shoot at haphazard. While he was busy with that, something floated over Ben. He recognized his breath was visible, like tiny clouds, yet the temperature was warm. The cold disappeared a few seconds later. Suddenly, something torn his shackle apart, Ben could free himself. He instantly removed the ring from his head and dropped it. He already felt freer. Interestingly, at the moment he took out his arm from the destroyed shackle, the omnitrix turned red, and without a flash, it transformed Ben into the Mummy. He remembered that last time he encountered this machine; its containment field had a strange influence on the watch’s operation, like switching alien forms randomly. Ben suspected the same phenomena this time as well. Meanwhile he thought this through, Dr. Vicktor noticed his disappearance. He observed his enemy, as he took a few faltering steps, their visage met once, however Dr. Vicktor did not know that, because the Mummy was hiding in the dark. Ben saw anger, intelligence, hatred, arrogance, and even fear in his eyes. When he discovered the metal ring on the floor, his fear completely took control of him, that’s why he recognized Ben so late. Avoiding his first electric bolt, the Mummy was ready to fight, but something stood in Dr. Vicktor’s way, before he could attack. Ben also heard the voice without a source, and he couldn’t decide if it was real or not. A moment later, he was certain he was right, when Lantara became visible in front of her nemesis, and then she lost her mind… She’s done terrible things, Ben have never seen her this vicious and bloodthirsty before. He just stood there as the Mummy, turned into stone, shocked by the events. He unwillingly changed into Fourarms, but he still couldn’t make a move. Then, Lantara stopped. Ben did not know how long she’s been doing what she did, and acknowledged to himself, that he doesn’t want to know, he did not wish to remember anything what happened in that chamber. The power came back, all the lights lit up. The omnitrix reverted him, Ben stood there in his human form… for the moment. Suddenly, Lantara floated to him and grabbed his neck, and the movement ended up in a passionate hug. At first, Ben surprised by this quick change of mood, but then he hugged back, and put his arm around the ectonurite’s waist. They held each other like this for minutes, they visage met and interlocked. Lantara lecherously touched Ben’s cheek and said:[br]
- I missed you so much![br]
- I missed you too! I even gave up the hope, that I’ll see you again… I thought you were dead… when the Tower collapsed… How did you survive? - asked Ben quaveringly.[br]
- None of this is matters anymore; I’m here now, with you again. – whispered Lantara. [br]
Suddenly, they heard an agonized roar, which made the whole building shake. The passion was gone.[br]
- We should get out of here! – urged Lantara. But they were too late. All the light bulbs and neon broke apart, into hundreds of pieces. The chamber’s temperature began to decrease rapidly, they could see their own breath, and a weird, creepy hissing noise assaulted their ears. Ben morphed into Ripjaws. [br]
- Oh great… the omnitrix is still not working well. – He determined. They went to the two winged door, and opened it, but some kind of black mass halted them. The liquid got through the ceiling, swirled on the floor and started to take a shape. Soon, GhostKevin’s features emerged from the mass. The bare skull grinned at Ben and Lantara, and they drew back.[br]
- We still have a score to settle, Ben 10 000! – accosted them the villain on his strange, raspy, dual voice.[br]
- Kevin? Is that you? – asked Ripjaws in horror.[br]
- Not exactly! – rasped GhostKevin. – I’m only half of Kevin now… And by looking at my body, I guess you have a pretty good hunch who’s the other half… You know, I could let you go, if it would depend on only me, but I just can’t help it… Every time I see you… - his voice changed at this point, it went deeper, more like a whisper. Kevin was pushed to the background. – Ghostfreak always takes control! [br]
- Lovely, you’re a schizophrenic now… - said Ben ironically.[br]
- It’s not that simple! – hissed GhostKevin. – We deliberate![br]
- You have done something bad with me back then, you took away all my powers… - declared Kevin.[br]
- And you caused me so much pain… - continued Ghostfreak.[br]
- Now that we have new powers, we both agreed on destroying you! – Roared GhostKevin and he wanted to strike Ben, who was defensively stood in front of Lantara.[br]
- Not so fast! – exclaimed a fourth person, and the next moment, her purple energy blast took GhostKevin down. [br]
- Gwen! – exclaimed Ben and Lantara at the same time.[br]
- Come on, we need to go! – jabbered Gwen. [br]
- No, it’s GhostKevin… - Ripjaws randomly changed into Wildvine. – He must be stopped![br]
- You can’t fight him like this; the omnitrix is in need of a repair! – opposed Gwen.[br]
- No, I won’t let him disappear again! – Insisted Wildvine and went Xlr8. – Oh man, stop it already![br]
- She’s right, Ben, you’re no match for GhostKevin now! – confirmed Lantara.[br]
- Oh give me a break, look at him! A single energy beam took him down! – Xlr8 pointed at the place where GhostKevin used to lie before. He vanished.[br]
- I’m afraid that’s not correct! – said the villain phasing through the floor. He punched Xlr8 in the face and made him fly back. GhostKevin disappeared again. He suddenly grabbed Xlr8’s tail and spun him around for a few times, then let go of the alien who hit the wall. When he stood up, he randomly became Diamondhead.[br]
He saw GhostKevin as he approaches him, and fired projectiles at him. They were useless though, because GhostKevin changed his protoplasma, like Lantara. Ben now realized that Gwen was right, he cannot defeat his enemy now; the only wise option is to escape. GhostKevin attacked again, and his blow forced even Diamondhead to the ground. Suddenly, Lantara grabbed the villain’s neck, and they both went ghost. [br]
- Won’t work with me, I can change too! – exclaimed she and tightened her grasp. [br]
- But, can you do this?! – hissed GhotKevin. His chest opened and six black and white tentacles snaked out from the hole. He fired a yellow energy beam which wrote down a circle in the air and struck Lantara’s back. She fainted and released GhostKevin who became invisible. [br]
- We need to get out of here and fast! – shouted Diamondhead and picked Lantara up. [br]
- Leaving so soon? – mocked GhostKevin and turned visible. He was standing in the door. Another yellow bolt came out of his chest, but before it reached the petrosapien, Gwen’s purple force field protected them. She sent an energy circle, but with a swing of his arm, GhostKevin broke it apart. Diamondhead fired hundreds of small crystals at his enemy, but they all went through his body ineffectively. Suddenly, the omnitrix converted Ben into Cannonbolt. [br]
- Having problems with the watch?! – grinned GhostKevin and jumped into the air to attack Ben, but simply bumped against the alien and fell on the ground.[br]
- Some people never learn! – gasped Cannonbolt and rolled up in a ball, keeping Lantara inside, where it was safe. He busted through the wall; Gwen covered him. GhostKevin’s head appeared in the hole.[br]
- You will not escape! Do you hear me?! – roared he and became that certain black mass, which coiled apart everywhere, merged with the building, and went after the Tennysons. [br]
Gwen recognized that everything’s turning black behind her, and she already felt the evil icy waft on her shoulders [br]
- Faster! – She commanded, and Cannonbolt obeyed. Gwen fired a strong energy blast, which broke through the last wall, after that, they could be outside. But GhostKevin took the lead, and the black mass united in front of the hole. [br]
- I told you: You’ll never get out! – smiled he devilishly, and shot a powerful yellow laser. The beam was reflected by Cannonbolt’s natural armor; that surprised GhostKevin, and Ben was already there.[br]
- Yes, I will!!! – shouted Cannonbolt, and struck his nemesis; both of them fell outside. When the rays of the sun burnt his skin, GhostKevin screamed out in pain. [br]
Gwen landed on the ground softly, while Ditto replaced Cannonbolt. [br]
- You have not won yet, Tennyson! – hissed the villain turning into black liquid, and he vanished in the sand.[br]
- I’ve heard that before! – answered Ditto. [br]
- Still not good! – yelled Gwen, when she looked behind them. All the Null Void aliens streamed out to the city streets and they rampaged towards them. The Tennysons began to run for their lives. [br]
- Oh, man… Give me someone I can use… - gasped Ditto. Suddenly, he turned into Wildmutt, and continued his stampede on three legs, because he had to carry the still unconscious Lantara. Gwen released energy bombs, to slow the hordes down. It worked, the distance between them increased. They couldn’t know that the omnitrix itself will bring the bane upon their heads. Wildmutt disappeared, and Grey Matter was unable to carry Lantara, they both fell on the ground. The ectonurite came to. [br]
- What happened? Where am I? – asked she on a veiled voice.[br]
- We’re in major big time trouble! – replied Gwen and pointed at the approaching alien villains. [br]
- Where’s Ben?[br]
- Under you… - mumbled a squeaky voice. Lantara immediately picked Grey Matter up and placed him on her shoulder.[br]
- Get moving! – warned them Gwen, because the aliens were almost caught up. [br]
Lantara and Gwen took off.[br]
- We can’t fly forever, and they will come after us! What are we going to do? – asked Gwen.[br]
- Hmm… Go back! – advised Grey Matter.[br]
- Are you nuts? We can’t go back! That’s insane! – complained Gwen.[br]
- Wait, I think he has something in mind. – said Lantara.[br]
- You bet I have, I’m the small guy with the big brain, remember? – said the galvan sarcastically. [br]
- So, what is your plan? – Questioned Gwen and Lantara together.[br]
- Back at Frankenstein’s laboratory, I saw a few things that could help us to create a slider flood.[br]
- A what?[br]
- A slider flood. A Null Void portal, that’s big enough to suck in the whole city. – smiled Grey Matter.[br]
- This won’t work, even if we get to that lab, the aliens will be on us like flies on a skunk! – declared Gwen.[br]
- We must work together! Lantara, get me as close to that lab as you can. Then distract the aliens with Gwen, keep their attention off of me, I’ll do the rest. – explained Ben still as Grey Matter. [br]
- This is not a good plan, it’s too dangerous! I won’t let you jeopardize your life! – opposed Gwen.[br]
- It’s not your choice! We have the aliens of the whole continent in one place; we’ll never get a better chance to send them back where they came from! – said Grey Matter.[br]
- Lantara, what do you say? – asked Gwen.[br]
- I say let’s do it! – agreed the ectonurite. They stopped in the air and turned around, back to the city. When they reached above the alien mass, the females separated, Gwen flew to the left, Lantara to the right. Gwen immediately bombarded the aliens with purple energy blasts, while Lantara and Grey Matter quietly snuck away behind the mass’s back. They’ve found the hole in the wall, and Lantara floated inside the building once again. They could still hear the sounds of the battle, when they reached Dr. Vicktor’s chamber. All of a sudden, Grey Matter was converted to Xlr8. [br]
- It seems the omnitrix will soon be back in operation, the random changes have slowed down. – enthused Lantara.[br]
- Yes. Now go and help Gwen! – said Xlr8 shortly.[br]
- Be very careful! I don’t want to lose you again! – smiled Lantara passionately and suddenly kissed Xlr8’s blue cheek.[br]
- You won’t! When this is over, we will be together, like before! – replied Ben. He was touched. But he had to concentrate on his mission. – Go! Gwen needs you! [br]
Lantara phased through the ceiling, and Xlr8 remained alone. This form was suitable for the task; he quickly collected everything he needed.[br]
- Now, to find a power source… - mumbled the alien. He stopped for a moment when he recognized Dr. Vicktor’s remains. He turned away with disgust. Some of his combined powers have returned, as a sigh, that the omnitrix was going to restore itself. Ben focused and used Wildmutt’s heat vision to locate the thermo reactor at the lowest level of the building. With all the appropriate equipment, he stormed out and whooshed down a few stories. A locked door stood in his way, but after a few rapid blows, Xlr8 could overcome that little obstacle. He carefully approached the thermo reactor and put down the accessories on the floor. Suddenly, he was reverted to his human form. The omnitrix on his arm turned green, showing that it’s ready for operation. [br]
- Great timing! – laughed Ben. Since Xlr8 was the most suitable alien for this, he thought of him, and the omnitrix formed the kineceleran body around him. Ben knew how to put the parts together, knew which circuit goes to which panel, and he combined his knowledge with Xlr8’s speed. The trigger was completed within five minutes. He heard there was an intense battle on the surface above him, while a bigger piece of the ceiling fell down, and almost struck him. He placed the detonator on the reactor and entered the initiation code. A red light started to beep and the countdown began. Making sure, the device is active and actually going to explode, he ran out of the premises.[br]
Lantara and Gwen were overwhelmed by the alien hordes. They fought as hard as they could, but their strength was running low. Suddenly, Fourarms busted through a building’s wall and joined the battle. He cleared a way to the females and turned into Heatblast. [br]
- We have to go, now! The trigger will go off in two minutes! – shouted the pyronite. He isolated Lantara, Gwen and himself in a ring of fire, the aliens couldn’t harm them anymore, but the flames were getting bigger.[br]
- We have to get father! This portal will absorb the entire city, and hopefully all those aliens! – yelled Heatblast and turned into Stinkfly. He took off, Gwen and Lantara followed him. They flew as fast as they could to get away from the city. The smartened wind intensified the fire created by Heatblast, and that disturbed the aliens, their lines were tumbled. They did not even follow the escaping three. Meanwhile, down in the basement of Dr. Vicktor’s lab, the blue numbers on Ben’s device counted down. [br]
0:00 Beeeeeep! [br]
At first, nothing happened. Ben thought he must have done something wrong. But then the ground started to shake. An orange dome emerged from the sand, where Dr. Vicktor’s lab used to stand. It grew and grew, until it ate up the buildings nearby. And it didn’t stop, the portal widened, became larger and larger, it consumed the half of the city. A few aliens were stampeding in front of the enlarging gateway. The creatures could not keep up, the portal grew faster than they run, and so they were transported to the Null Void, like the whole city, which was once called Las Vegas. The orange dome even blocked out the sun, it seemed it will not stop, nothing can satisfy its appetite, it will eat up the sky, and the entire planet. But, the portal reached its maximum size and began to shrink slowly. White sparks came out of it, and after a few minutes it eventually disappeared. Nothing remained from Las Vegas, just a huge and deep, smoky circular hole. Ben, Gwen and Lantara just stood there and watched the black crater, and could not believe their eyes. All the aliens were gone; finally the planet has been cleansed! But what about GhostKevin? We can’t be sure… The war is still not over, until he lives! He’s a threat to us all! – thought Ben. He was right.[br]
Little did Ben know, that someone else was there beside them, someone else observed the crater as well. She heard a voice in her head. Kill them all! They are the enemy… - it said.[br]
But what if I don’t want to do this? – resisted her other half.[br]
Don’t you want revenge? Remember what happened to the team… HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN??? – bawled the voice.[br]
I have not forgotten! But…[br]
No buts! Look at him! It’s his fault, you saw it he let GhostKevin go again! He still didn’t finish him off!!! EVERYTHING’S HIS FAULT!!! – The voice echoed in her mind.[br]
- Yes… It’s his fault… and he’s going to pay soon… - determined Raven as she watched Ben from a higher dune.[br]
- What are we going to do now? – asked Gwen. Her expression reflected perplexity. This time, even Lantara couldn’t answer. Ben remained silent and gazed into the nothingness for several minutes. Then he replied.[br]
- We have to find other human colonies. There must be survivors! Perhaps underground. Yes. That’s our new task! To find more people, and start rebuilding our world! – declared he.[br]
- What if only we left? – Lantara asked.[br]
- Impossible! We’ll travel to the former major cities and search there first.[br]
Both Lantara and Gwen admired Ben for his determined personality. His visage lost in the nothingness again, as he watched the sunset. [br]
- We should go… The nights here are very cold… - said Gwen.[br]
- Agreed. – said Ben and transformed into Stinkfly. He took off, Gwen followed him, Lantara was the third.[br]
On the ground, Raven saw the trio as they flew up, and she recognized, they headed towards her. She swung her blue cape and disappeared with a small black flash. When they got far enough, she teleported back to her previous place and watched them, as they shrink to tiny little points on the horizon. Raven took off and stealthily flew after them.[br]
- We’ve been flying for hours! I’m exhausted, and my wing’s heavy! – yawned Stinkfly.[br]
- And it’s dark. Why can’t we just stop? – asked Gwen.[br]
- I don’t know… I think I sense something… someone might want to hurt us… - replied Lantara.[br]
- GhostKevin? [br]
- I told you I don’t know. I’m just worried about you. – said the ectonurite. Suddenly Ben switched into his human form. After the green flash, a pair of Stinkfly wings grew out of his back, he kept flying. [br]
- Ah, much better… - Ben sighed. – Why are you worried? I’m here, nothing will happen. [br]
- It’s just some sort of feeling, I cannot explain it! – exclaimed Lantara.[br]
- All right, all right! – said Ben softly and slowed down a bit to get behind the alien. He touched her shoulders. He glanced at Gwen, their eyes met. She accelerated a little to leave some space for the other two. [br]
- We had a long day, all of us! We’re tired, and we’re going to stop now, get some rest, and then carry on tomorrow, okay? – smiled Ben. Lantara finally gave in. [br]
- Gwen! We’re stopping now! – shouted the man. Gwen showed her thumb and landed. Ben and Lantara arrived a minute later. [br]
- All we need is a nice, warm fire. – Ben rubbed his palms. – I see a few bushes over there! – He changed into Brainstorm, and pulled the dead plants out with his mind. After he made a pile from them, the omnitrix flashed again, and he was already Heatblast. He raised his hand and shot a little fireball at the pile. A second later, they could already feel the cozy warmness of the fire, and Ben reverted to himself. [br]
- It’s much easier to start a fire this way. – Ben grinned widely. Gwen and Lantara agreed. None of them knew they will not enjoy the peace for long, because a pair of blue eyes watched their every move, waiting for the best chance to attack. Raven allowed herself a satisfied smile in the dark.[br]
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ginathehedgehog on December 6, 2008, 7:15:32 AM

Devon11 on October 14, 2008, 12:34:21 PM
Devon11 on