Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 - A day off
Submitted May 15, 2008 Updated September 13, 2009 Status Incomplete | After twelve years, Earth is still infected by the Null Void aliens. It's up to Ben 10 000 and his friends to reclaim our planet and defeat the mysterious nemesis who's behind all this. |
Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 - A day off
Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 - A day off
Chapter 12[br]
A day off[br]
Lantara inhaled, and when she exhaled, she came to. Her eye opened. She was in a bed, in a gray room, and as she turned her head to the left, she saw Ben Tennyson. The man sat beside her the whole time. He did not look so good. His skin was pale; his face was covered with stubble, and he had bags under his eyes. He didn’t even recognize that Lantara was awake. He just sat there, sunk into his thoughts, gazing into the nothingness, resting his arms on his knees. [br]
- Ben… - the ectonurite whispered. Her voice gave the man a jump. [br]
- Lantara! You’re back! – he exclaimed and immediately hugged her very passionately. They stayed in this position for a couple of minutes.[br]
- The thought of losing you again was unbearable! I know I’ve never said this, but you’re my world. I love you more than anyone else. – Tears flooded down on his cheeks. [br]
- Oh, I missed you so much, my dear! – Lantara purred and put her head on Ben’s chest. They remained interlocked like this for another five minutes, the silence and the close presence of the other soothed their souls. But, the moment was gone; they had to concentrate on more important things. Lantara touched Ben’s shoulders and looked him in the eye.[br]
- How long?[br]
Ben didn’t need to hear the rest of the question, he already knew the answer:[br]
- You’ve been…away for sixteen days. [br]
- Sixteen days?! – Lantara surprised. – But it seemed only a few hours…[br]
- Where were you? – Ben asked.[br]
- Ben. You must listen very carefully now, because what you’re about to hear is an importance of life and death… of Earth. – Lantara warned. Then she told him all about her experiences: Raven, the safe zone, the meaning of the dreams, the future, and the fight with GhostKevin. Ben 10 000 listened quietly and watchfully, every word burnt into his brain. He found out he was responsible for an entire planet… He took it quite well. [br]
- If that’s true, we have to leave immediately. We must find as many survivors as possible to establish a communication system around the continent. We’ll finish things here and leave tomorrow. – Ben declared.[br]
- No! Look at yourself! You didn’t sleep for days, you’re too weak. First you’ll rest, then get things done. After that, we leave. – Lantara said.[br]
- You can’t be serious! The Earth is in danger I do not have time for rest! GhostKevin will not take a day off! How can I?! – Ben yelled angrily. [br]
- You have and you will! Listen, Raven told me it takes a lot to reach that level of existence, you know how deep my trance was. GhostKevin couldn’t have done it from a distance; he needed to be here, for his power is stronger if he’s near. Believe me; he’s still on this planet, and that little action cost him sixteen days as well. That’s wasted time even for him. Maybe he does not have such plan in mind yet, but even if he does and leaves Earth today, it’ll take months to locate those aliens. The universe is big, so you will spend this day resting… with me. – Lantara insisted.[br]
- I guess you’re right. I do feel a little weak. – Ben eventually caved in. [br]
- Come closer, my love! This bed is big enough for two people! – Lantara smiled sensually. Ben smiled back widely and lay down beside her. He put his arms around the alien and she placed her head on his chest again… They fell asleep together.[br]
Twelve hours later Ben woke up. His hair was messed up and he blinked sleepily for a few times. Then he realized Lantara wasn’t there beside him. He walked to the bathroom. On his way he accidentally kicked the round coffee table in the living room. He almost tripped over, but managed to regain balance. He mumbled a few round oaths, and made it to the bathroom. He quickly took off his clothes and just when he wanted to make some ice to boil it with Heatblast’s fire bolts, he recognized, that bath was already filled with warm water. He surprised a little, but did not hesitate, instead he jumped in. After he finished, he went back to the living room in a towel and noticed a bowl of pancakes on the table. He rubbed his forehead.[br]
- Was this here before? – he asked himself. But the smell of the food was so tempting, he could not resist any longer. He sat down and began to eat. He finished off three pancakes and there were five more, when his senses alerted him. He rapidly switched to Wildmutt’s heat vision, and discovered a very strong heat signal in the next room. He knew it was not Lantara. He stopped chewing and clenched his muscles, bracing himself to fight. The heat signal approached, and when it came close enough, Ben unexpectedly turned around, forming a Diamondhead spear on his right arm.[br]
- Gotcha! What a… - he recoiled.[br]
- Oh, I’m sorry; Sir, I did not mean to scare you. – excused the girl. It was Myra Alverton. [br]
- Oh, it is you… - Ben relieved and the crystal formation shrank on his arm, until it disappeared under his skin. [br]
- Don’t take this the wrong way, but what the heck are doing in my room? – the man questioned.[br]
- Oh, I brought you some clean clothes, Sir. Lantara asked me to take care of you when you wake up. – Myra replied and put the garments on the dusty sofa.[br]
- Lantara, ha? Where is she?[br]
- She’s with Gwen and T, they’re working on that generator thingy.[br]
- I see. Why did you obey Lantara? I thought she’s just a filthy alien to you. – Ben said and eyed Myra evilly.[br]
- Well, I used to think that, but she’s your girlfriend and if Ben 10 000 trusts her; she cannot be just an evil, disgusting alien like all those others from the Null Void. Plus I kinda took a fancy of her style. – Myra explained.[br]
The cutting glance disappeared from Ben’s eyes; he knew Myra was telling the truth. Besides, he liked her the first time. She reminded Ben of himself, when he was at the same age. He just could not stand when he was brought into a situation he did not expect before. At first, he even felt disturbed, because he was in a towel in front of the girl, but then this embarrassing feeling disappeared. He had nothing to be ashamed of. He was at his physical prime, his body was perfect, and you could see every single muscle. So, after he discussed this with himself, he continued his breakfast. After swallowing a bite, he put the other half of the fourth pancake on his fork. He turned to Myra who stood silently behind him. [br]
- You made these? – he asked with his mouth full. [br]
- Yes Sir, is there something wrong with them? – Myra asked back. She was a bit startled. [br]
- They are perfect! Delicious! Awesome! I haven’t eaten such good tasting food for years! – Ben exclaimed. Myra blushed. The man finished off the rest of his meal, then went to the other room to put on his new clothes. When he came back, he recognized that Myra was mark timing; she seemed quite embarrassed. [br]
- What? I put on my T-shirt the wrong way, or what?[br]
- No, it’s just… I was wondering… if you could… um… practice with me a little? – She stammered.[br]
- What? – Ben surprised.[br]
- You know… teach me a few simple tricks… to be a better fighter… like you…Sir.[br]
- Oh, cut that out; don’t call me “Sir” or anything like that. You didn’t call me “Sir” in the first time we met. Respect is a good thing, but you won’t insult me by simply calling me Ben. - The first time I met you, I didn’t know who you are. Now, I do. – Myra replied.[br]
- It makes no difference. I’m still the same person. – Ben smiled.[br]
- ‘K. So… could you help me? I want to be a better fighter. I want to improve… I want to have my powers fully under my control… Even the simplest tricks will do… just… could you teach me a little? – Myra begged.[br]
- Well, I don’t know. I mean I’d like to, but the geothermic generator still needs a lot of work… - Ben hesitated. [br]
- Gwen and Lantara said they can handle it, especially with T’s help… Lantara told me she wants you to relax for the whole day… I know what I ask is far from relaxation, but please!!![br]
- All right then. If Lantara says they can keep everything under control there, fine by me. – Ben accepted.[br]
- Cool! When do we start? – Myra enthused.[br]
- Ten minutes later, in the hotel’s parking lot. – Ben answered. [br]
It was bright, sunny weather outside, when Myra stepped out. She enjoyed the warm sunlight for a few minutes and prepared herself to learn from Ben 10 000 himself. She looked around the place. It was a large, wide parking lot, and numerous rusty cars were parking there, on their deflated tires and their dusty body. Soon, Ben arrived; he speeded down on the stairs and stopped beside Myra. The omnitrix flashed, and Xlr8 changed back to Ben.[br]
- Just a sec, I’ll tidy up this place. – he said and began to walk among the lines of the car wrecks. He stretched his hands and Brainstorm’s green aura pushed the cars against each other. A minute later, a circle was formed from the wrecks; it looked like a little arena. Myra followed Ben into the middle of the circle. [br]
- Okay girl, show me what you got. – Ben commanded. Myra instantly morphed. She looked exactly like a pyronite with her orange, fiery body. She wanted to take off, but Ben stopped her. [br]
- No, no, no. We have to start from the beginning. We’ll stay on the ground this time. This is very important. Patience. A good fighter does not start a battle too early. – Ben explained. His right arm became Diamondhead’s and he raised his hand. He formed tall crystals on the top of the cars.[br]
- Try to hit them! – he instructed. [br]
- No problem! – Myra smirked and released a fire beam. But, as it reached the sea green crystal, it was reflected and headed back to her. She was struck down by her own weapon.[br]
- Lesson number one: Never underestimate your opponent. – Ben remarked and helped her to get on her feet.[br]
- Got it. – the girl said.[br]
- Now, try again! Be careful, and remember: You never know what your opponent is capable of.[br]
Myra nodded and fired another beam, but it was reflected by the crystal again. This time, the girl was farseeing, she ducked and the beam exploded into a wreck behind her. She glanced at Ben, who didn’t say a word, he just smiled.[br]
- How can I defeat my opponent if my attacks are futile? – Myra asked.[br]
- You must find out its weakness, by trying different kinds of attacks. If you fail the first time, you must try harder. – Ben replied and changed into Heatblast. He stretched his hands and created a huge fireball. He threw it on the same crystal Myra was trying to hit. The fireball was more effective, it could not be reflected, and it broke the crystal into pieces. [br]
- See? Like this. Now, it’s your turn.[br]
Myra raised her hands, but failed to create a fireball. Heatblast transformed back into Ben. Seeing this, Myra morphed back into her human form as well. [br]
- You don’t know how to make a supernova fireball? – Ben asked. Myra blushed again.[br]
- Okay, I’ll show you. Watch and learn it’s all about hand coordination and intense concentration. – Ben said. His arms heated up and he already felt the flaming ball in his hands. He threw it onto another crystal; it exploded when the ball hit it. Myra tried to reproduce Ben’s action, but she could not.[br]
- Okay, no problem! – sighed. he, then stepped behind the girl and touched her forearms. [br]
- Like this. – he whispered and drove Myra’s hands so the movements matched his previous ones. [br]
- Now, concentrate… Feel the blaze in your hands; feel as the fire takes shape… - Ben commanded. He let go of Myra and stepped back. The girl closed her eyes and did as she was told to. She focused very hard. She morphed into her pyronite form, and all of a sudden, she was able to form the supernova fireball. She opened her eyes and surprised by the white ball of flame she was holding. [br]
- Excellent. Now aim it on a crystal, and throw it. – Ben instructed. Myra targeted the nearest formation and then she threw the fireball. It was so powerful, it not only torn the crystal apart, but it busted even the surrounding car wrecks. The concrete melted as well. This action managed to surprise even Ben. [br]
- What do you think? – Myra asked cheerfully. [br]
- Impressive. Do you feel strong enough to try more difficult stuff? [br]
- I guess so...[br]
- Good. This time you’ll have to strike a moving target. In fact, I will be that target. – Ben declared.[br]
- What? No way, I can’t shoot you… - Myra opposed.[br]
- Oh, yes you can and you will. Don’t worry, I will not be harmed.[br]
- I’m still not sure about this… What if I do something wrong and you get hurt? – hesitated the girl.[br]
- Ain’t gonna happen. Trust me. So you want to do this or not? – Ben questioned.[br]
- Okay – Myra agreed. Ben went Upgrade and merged with the closest car. It happened to be a 1968 Ford Mustang Fastback. Upgrade revived the car, its tires inflated, the rust disappeared. Then the V8 engine came to life as well, and revved several times. The headlights turned on, and the shift switched to the DRIVE position.[br]
- Are you ready? – Upgrade asked. [br]
- I think so… - Myra replied doubtingly. [br]
- I warn you, I will be fast and relentless. If you want to stop me, you must blow me off the track! – Ben declared. [br]
The rear tires jarred and the Upgrade-Mustang headed towards Myra. She shot two fire beams at the same time, but the car evaded both. And it already reached her, so she had to jump to the left to avoid the crash. She rolled on the ground, then quickly stood up. The Upgrade-Mustang reversed with screaming tires and did a J-turn. Myra’s fireball directly hit the front of the car, but it did not stop. It approached the girl, who jumped with perfect timing. She stepped on the hood, then ran on the top, and landed on the ground at the back of the vehicle. She fired another beam, but Upgrade ignited the rocket boosters in the trunk, and avoided the flames. The Mustang rapidly turned around and speeded towards Myra. She released several more fire beams, but Upgrade drove in a zigzag, and evaded all of them. However, one of them struck the side of the car, cut a hole in the concrete, and the Upgrade-Mustang almost fell over, but it was able to stay in balance, by driving on two wheels for a few seconds. A rocket range opened on the top of the Mustang, and Upgrade launched three heat seeking missiles. [br]
- O-o! – Myra gasped, as she realized the danger. She knew she had to do something very fast, so she formed a fiery sword, and threw it as a projectile. The missiles went after that heat signal, and eventually blew up. But, one managed to get through the smoke and exploded in front of the girl. She flew back and hit the ground. She shook her head, and then her mouth went ajar, because the Upgrade-Mustang was already standing in front of her. She heard the rattle of the powerful V8 engine. Then it revved up, as the car came closer. [br]
- I told you: I will show no mercy. – Upgrade said and drove closer to Myra again. [br]
- Your enemies will finish you off without hesitation. – he continued and came even closer. The bumper was almost touching Myra’s knees. He revved up the engine once more.[br]
- You still want to do this? You still want to learn? You still want to fight? – Upgrade questioned.[br]
- You bet I do! – Myra grinned and unexpectedly shot a massive fire beam at close quarters. The Mustang’s front became deformed, and the car reversed. The engine sounded awful, it could not provide the power any longer. The headlights began to glimmer, then they went out, and eventually the car broke down. It didn’t move, only the smoke was streaming out from the block. Myra began to worry. [br]
- Ben? Are you in there? Ben?!![br]
Upgrade released the car and changed back to Ben. [br]
- I’m right here. – he exclaimed. Suddenly, Myra hugged him.[br]
- Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to harm you, I just… - she excused.[br]
- Relax, relax! I’m okay! I was just testing you. – Ben smiled.[br]
- What do you mean? – Myra surprised.[br]
- Not only physical strength makes a good fighter. Emotions are very important. Fight with your heart, but don’t let your feelings influence your decisions. – Ben explained. [br]
- So… My decision was right or wrong?[br]
- Don’t you know? – Ben asked back. Myra did not reply. [br]
- You did well. I wanted to teach you to never give up. To stand up and fight even if it’s hopeless. But you already knew that. – The man acknowledged.[br]
- I think the class is over. [br]
- Already? Can’t we learn more? – Myra insisted.[br]
- No, this is enough for today. Remember what I told you. I enjoyed our time together, but I have to check out the generator. See you later! – Ben said and changed into Xlr8. He stormed out, leaving Myra alone. [br]
She decided to stay at the parking lot and practice her shooting skills on the remaining crystals.[br]
Xlr8 scorched through the city and arrived to the power plant a few seconds later. With a green flash, he reverted.[br]
- Hello Ben! – Teuron and Gwen greeted.[br]
- Hey, guys! What’s up with the generator? – Ben asked. [br]
- We have everything under control. – Teuron replied.[br]
- We hooked up two more transformers, and exceeded 68% power level. – Gwen added.[br]
- That’s great. Need any help?[br]
- No, thanks. There’s a little problem with the converter cells though… - suddenly, something cold went through the air, and Teuron did not finish his sentence. Ben sighed, as he realized what was going on.[br]
- Lantara… - he said. The ectonurite became visible right in front of him. [br]
- No, no, no, don’t say anything! You’re not supposed to be here! I thought Myra told you my message… We can handle things here. You should be enjoying your day off. Even you need a rest from time to time. – Lantara complained.[br]
- Okay, okay, take it easy! I just dropped in to see you guys… - Ben excused.[br]
- Right. Now you’ve seen us, we’re fine. See you in the evening! – Lantara jabbered and pushed Ben outside. She even closed the steel doors behind him. [br]
- Don’t you think you were a little hard on him? – Gwen asked, while she pressed a few buttons on the control panel. [br]
- Nah, he must be treated this way to keep him away from the work. He needs a shutdown and relaxation for at least one day. – Lantara declared. – Now, what’s wrong with those converter cells?[br]
Outside, Ben still stood in front of the power plant. He knew he could go back inside anytime, and Lantara knew that too, but he admitted that the ectonurite was right. He needed some rest. So he thought of Jetray, and the omnitrix formed the alien body around him. He took off and flew up high. He enjoyed the fresh wind’s touch on his face, the sun’s warmness on his body. He propelled in the air several times, the freedom amused him. Then he flew even higher and suddenly changed back to Ben. He fell down with a mighty roar. He whooshed through the white clouds and when the buildings grew bigger, he transformed into Upgrade and thought of an F-18 fighter he merged with previously, and he was able to take that form again. The mechomorph ignited the jet engines and nosed down. The ground was dangerously close when he changed direction and headed toward a skyscraper. He picked up the nose of the plane and flew uprightly, in line with the building. He reached the top and went Wildwine. His plant arms grew and coiled around an antenna. Then he busted through a window. Inside, he became Cannonbolt and began to roll on the floor, destroying desks and other furniture. [br]
He broke through another window on the other side of the skyscraper. He fell down again, but before hitting the ground, he changed into Stinkfly and flew in zigzags among the buildings, then morphed into Wildmutt. The vulpimancer jumped from one building to another, using his claws to hang on. During one jump, while he was still in the air, he decided to take the shape of Heatblast and instantly formed a fiery carpet under his feet. He flew down in a spiral around a skyscraper and landed on the ground softly. With a green flash he reverted to Ben. [br]
- Wow, I almost forgot how much fun this thing really is! – gasped the man and after a few seconds of recuperation, he changed into Brainstorm and took off again. He played in the abandoned city like this for hours. There were no rules; he could do anything he desired; no one stood in his way. The night was falling when he got back to the hotel, just in time for dinner. After the meal Ben and Lantara went to bed, although it was early, but they both felt exhausted. [br]
- I hope you have a little energy for me. – Lantara smiled, and one of her black and white tentacles slowly coiled up on Ben’s chest. [br]
- Everything for you. – confirmed the man and kissed her. [br]
- We have to leave tomorrow. – he said. – People are still out there, waiting to be rescued. Maybe they still don’t know that the aliens are gone…[br]
- Not necessarily. Gwen came up with an idea today, which worth considering… - Lantara remarked.[br]
- What would that be?[br]
- We should uplink to a satellite. [br]
- What? How are we supposed to do that? At first, we need to break in to a military base, okay, that’s fine if the aliens spared at least one. But, how are we gonna get enough juice to power those things? Not to mention how to control it… - Ben exclaimed.[br]
- Ah, honey, you’re Ben 10 000 for God’s sake! You have all those aliens at your fingertips! I don’t know… Go Upgrade… - Lantara smiled.[br]
- Hmm. That’s a good idea… If I could fly up to outer space, and merge with a satellite, it could work… But I definitely need a crew down here who controls my movements. I’ve never done such thing before… – Ben speculated.[br]
- You know you can count on us.[br]
- Of course. If I could get up there, I could run a thermo-scan of the major cities… We could track down the other survivors… - the man enthused.[br]
- Exactly. It’s easier than roving across the continent. – Lantara added.[br]
- Yeah, this might work… It will be complicated for sure, but it might work…[br]
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Devon11 on July 26, 2009, 2:51:23 PM
Devon11 on