Chapter 1 - Christmas Morning
Submitted November 20, 2003 Updated November 20, 2003 Status Incomplete | Tyson+Christmas+Present=Chaos.
Anime/Manga » BeyBlade |
Chapter 1 - Christmas Morning
Chapter 1 - Christmas Morning
“ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!” Shouted Tyson. “Its six am, Tyson go back to bed,” Kenny cried. “NO WAY, time to open presents. GET UP EVERYONE.” Was Tyson’s reply. Slowly the Blade Breakers made their way down to the living room. Finally when everyone was there, Mr. Dickinson came in dressed as Santa Claus. The Beyblade team face faulted. “ERRR, Whatever,” Max mumbled. “Is everyone ready?” Someone asked. “Lets get started,” Tyson hollered. “Settle down Tyson its not like it’s the end of the world,” Rei replied as a huge sweat drop formed on everyone’s foreheads. “Hey Dudes, Tyson’s, right,” Tyson’s (“CRAZY”) grandfather said, “lets go!”
Kenny was the first to be handed a present. “To Kenny, From Max.” Kenny read from the card, and then looking inside the envelope he pulled out a certificate. “A life time warranty for free repairs and/or replacement on any laptop purchased at ‘Future Shop’,”
He read out loud. “How did you know that I bought my laptop at ‘Future Shop’?” “I asked Dizzie,” replied Max. Then Mr. Dickinson made a suggestion. “Why don’t we open all the presents that Max bought now, then, Kenny, Tyson, Rei, and Kai, when we’re done that, then I will go and if Tyson’s grand father has anything then he can go?” Everyone agreed. “Next one is for Tyson,” Max said as he pushed a huge box over to Tyson. “It sure is big, is it a fridge, filled with food?” Tyson asked as he started to tear off the wrapping paper. “IT IS A FRIDGE” Tyson yelled as he saw the box. “No, just open it Tyson,” urged Max. Opening the box a wave of packing peanuts washed over Tyson, as the box tipped over due to Tyson’s excitement. “I FOUND SOMETHING,” he screamed”…A watch…” “It has a extremely loud alarm on it. So in the morning it can wake you up, so we don’t have to!” Max laughed, and was soon joined by the others, excluding Kai. When Tyson pulled out a large wall watch. “Very funny,” was all Tyson could say. “Now for Rei’s present,” Max said still laughing. Rei opened up his gift and found a … hair brush. Rei blinked, “Ahhh thanks.” “You don’t look to thrilled?” whimpered a confused Max. Feeling bad about making Max upset. Rei took his new hairbrush and started to brush out his bangs. Max smiled. Looking over at Kai, Max handed him a small box. Opening it Kai, found a … toothbrush. “Ah I kind of didn’t know what to get you,” said Max, “that’s all from me.”
Kenny’s gifts to everyone were simple, so he explained it. “You guys Beyblade, and your blades they get broken, and I fix them for you. So have a Happy Merry Christmas!!!” “That’s all?” Tyson mumbled, “no food?”
A/N: Now as for Tyson his gifts were a little more … UM … unique.
“Everyone has to open their presents all at the same time,” Tyson exclaimed. So everyone did as they were told. And then … ERRR … Everyone face faulted. “TYSON,” Mr. Dickinson enquired quite angerly. “SLIM-FAST?!?!?!? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS TYSON?” Upon finishing this sentence both Mr. Dickinson and Tyson took off running around the room. “At least you’re getting some exercise,” Tyson yelled still running around the room. As for everyone else, they were looking dumb founded at their presents. Kenny got a set of Spoons; Max was given a box full of make-up, Rei face faulted. “KITTY-LITTER!?!?!?!?” Kai got lucky or so he thought. He ended up receiving a empty box. “Compared to us, you got lucky, Kai,” Max laughed. Mr. Dickinson, after what seemed like a million laps around the room, finally sat down. Tyson smiled, “There you go.” Everyone glared at him, and then started laughing. They all knew that Tyson was only serious when it came to Beyblades.
“My turn.” Announced Rei as he handed out the presents. Opening his Tyson found his Dragoon. “HEY,” he cried as he checked his pockets for his Beyblade. “When did you take it?” He yelled. “Last night,” the golden-eyed Beyblader replied. Max found Rei had given him (A/N: Slight reference to Yu-Gi-Oh cards here) three packs of Yu-Gi-Oh cards. He quickly opened them, “WOW, I needed this card,” he cried as he flashed off the ‘Toon Blue Eyes White Dragon’ card. “Thanks.” “No problem.” Kai still looked at his still wrapped present. When he opened it he found a … PARROT. “Thanks but no thanks. It deservers to be free.” Kai said as he walked over to the window and tossed out the Parrot. “NO, DON’T. IT’S A FLIGHTLESS SPIECIES” Rei screamed even though it was too late for the now falling bird. Hearing this Tyson (A/N: Tyson the bird brain) took off down the 18 flights of stairs it took to reach the main floor. On his way out he grabbed Kai’s pillow. This left everyone left in the room dumbfounded. When Tyson finally made it back to the hotel room he had the Parrot lying on the pillow and he announced, “I saved it.” His teammates face faulted. “But, I’m not sure if it’s alive or not though.” “Squawk.” “ITS NAKED,” Kenny cried. “It must be it has no feat…” that’s when Tyson fainted. Kai turned to Rei, “OK, let me get this straight. You got me the Parrot because I have a bird type Bit-beast? Which just so happens to be Dronser. And when I try to release that Parrot, out the window, which just happens to be on the 18th floor. You neglect to mention that, the species you got me is one of the flightless species. So that after I ‘tried’ to release the Parrot, it fell and Tyson ran down to save it. Then when he made it back up here he has the Parrot, which is still alive, then Tyson faints, … not that, that wasn’t worth watching.” … “Yeah,” Rei replied.
When Tyson Regained consciousness the group continued to open the presents.
“Kai’s turn,” Rei announced as his anticipation to know what the ever so silent Kai had actually spent some time thinking about something other than himself and Beyblading, had gotten for his teammates, grew. Tyson’s gift was an ‘All you can eat pass’ to his favorite restaurant, but by then he was thinking on how much food he could possibly eat using the pass, to even thank Kai. Max on the other hand was so overjoyed about his new ‘Golden Retriever puppy’ that he just had to let his newly named puppy ‘Daciel the second’ thank Kai with BIG wet slobbery kisses. “AARRGGHH GET HIM AWAY FROM ME,” he SQUEAKED (A/N: Yes squeaked) trying to avoid the wet lovable puppy kisses. Rei found his present to be a tiny ‘White Tabby Kitten’. “HEY, Tyson thanks for the KITTY-LITTER” he giggled as the play full kitten crawled in to his pant leg. “It Wasn’t Supposed to be useful,” Tyson cried disappointedly. Minutes latter the Kitten reemerged out of the neck hole of Rei’s shirt. “Hey there little fellow,” he laughed. “I GET TO OPEN MY PRESENT NOW,” cried Kenny who was now feeling left out. Opening his box he found a coupon for a ‘life time supply of disks’ for his laptop. “Thanks Kai,” he said.
Seeing the satisfaction of his team mates Kai stood up to leave, but was stopped by Tyson saying, “Hey Kai, where is the hamster I gave you?” “H-H-Hamster? W-When?” Kai managed to say. “Today, when Everyone opened my presents, or should I say when I was being chased down by…” “AHHHH,” Max yelped “SOMETHINGS IN MY PANTS!!!” By now he was jumping around trying to get rid of what ever was in his pants. A second later the missing hamster fell to the floor. Upon this happening Rei’s kitten saw the hamster and started to chase after it. Puppy Draciel was soon to follow. ‘Dronser the Naked’ was happily back in his safe cage. “It’s a zoo in here” Kai proclaimed, then realized out loud, “WHERES MY HAMSTER?” Then he noticed Rei’s kitten was sitting licking his lips.(A/N: Do cats have lips? Here’s where Kai goes out of character, but just for my fic) Kai walked over to the kitten and grabbed it by its tail. “DROP MY HAMSTER YOU RAT,” He hollered at the terrified kitten. Shaking the kitten, till it finally spat out the slobbery hamster, Kai dropped the kitten, “MEERROOW,” “That’s my kitten,” Rei yelled as he ran to pick up the dazed kitten. “Then keep it away from my hamster,” Kai replied then walked over to to the hamster picked it up then grabbed ‘Dronser the Naked’ and went to put them in his room. The others took this as a sign and did the same with their new presents and pets. “I still haven’t given you my gift yet,” Mr. Dickinson said hoping to lighten the mood.
Everyone came and sat back down in the living room. “MAX, you’re a little fatter than you were when you came out the first time.” Tyson commented on Max’s shirt being quite a bit larger than before. “Woof,” Max’s shirt barked. “Put that puppy back in your room Max.” Mr. Dickinson said. So Max did as he was told. “Lets go out for breakfast,” Tyson suggested. “Grandpa will pay, its his treat.” “No way Dude,” his grandfather replied. “Now wait just one minute,” Mr. Dickinson called. “That’s my present.”
Once everyone was ready to go they got on the bus. After arriving at the closest ‘White Spot’ the group ordered their breakfast. When they were done the bill arrived and upon reading it Mr. Dickinson fell off his chair. “$357.95” He yelled. Looking around for Tyson, he found where Tyson should have been was an enormous pile of plates, bowls, and napkins. “TYSON JUST HOW MUCH DID YOU EAT?” he asked. “Six plates of pancakes, eight bowls of cereal, three plates of eggs and bacon, five plates of ribs, six hamburgers, three salads, and a few trips to the dessert bar. WHY?” Tyson asked. Everyone in hearing distance of Tyson’s list of what he had for breakfast, face faulted. “Oh and three cups of milk. Two coffee’s, and a smoothie.” He finished. “Because of you Tyson, we are not going out for lunch and supper now.” Mr. Dickinson yelled. “AWWWW,” the Blade Breakers sighed.
Back at the hotel
“TYSON GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF THAT BATHROOM AT ONCE,” Kai yelled as he pounded on the door of the bathroom. “GO ASK THE NEIGHBOURS IF YOU CAN USE THEIR BATHROOM. I’M IN HERE FOR NOW,” Tyson yelled back. “YOU’VE BEEN IN THERE SINCE WE GOT BACK,” Max called. “TOO BAD FOR YOU,” Tyson replied. “YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE LET ME EAT SO MUCH!” “Tyson how much longer?” Rei asked. “For as long as it takes.”
Later that night
“Merry Christmas,” Rei called out to his sleeping teammates.
The next day
“ITS SNOWING!” Tyson yelled. “Its six am, Tyson go to bed,” Whined Kenny.
Kenny was the first to be handed a present. “To Kenny, From Max.” Kenny read from the card, and then looking inside the envelope he pulled out a certificate. “A life time warranty for free repairs and/or replacement on any laptop purchased at ‘Future Shop’,”
He read out loud. “How did you know that I bought my laptop at ‘Future Shop’?” “I asked Dizzie,” replied Max. Then Mr. Dickinson made a suggestion. “Why don’t we open all the presents that Max bought now, then, Kenny, Tyson, Rei, and Kai, when we’re done that, then I will go and if Tyson’s grand father has anything then he can go?” Everyone agreed. “Next one is for Tyson,” Max said as he pushed a huge box over to Tyson. “It sure is big, is it a fridge, filled with food?” Tyson asked as he started to tear off the wrapping paper. “IT IS A FRIDGE” Tyson yelled as he saw the box. “No, just open it Tyson,” urged Max. Opening the box a wave of packing peanuts washed over Tyson, as the box tipped over due to Tyson’s excitement. “I FOUND SOMETHING,” he screamed”…A watch…” “It has a extremely loud alarm on it. So in the morning it can wake you up, so we don’t have to!” Max laughed, and was soon joined by the others, excluding Kai. When Tyson pulled out a large wall watch. “Very funny,” was all Tyson could say. “Now for Rei’s present,” Max said still laughing. Rei opened up his gift and found a … hair brush. Rei blinked, “Ahhh thanks.” “You don’t look to thrilled?” whimpered a confused Max. Feeling bad about making Max upset. Rei took his new hairbrush and started to brush out his bangs. Max smiled. Looking over at Kai, Max handed him a small box. Opening it Kai, found a … toothbrush. “Ah I kind of didn’t know what to get you,” said Max, “that’s all from me.”
Kenny’s gifts to everyone were simple, so he explained it. “You guys Beyblade, and your blades they get broken, and I fix them for you. So have a Happy Merry Christmas!!!” “That’s all?” Tyson mumbled, “no food?”
A/N: Now as for Tyson his gifts were a little more … UM … unique.
“Everyone has to open their presents all at the same time,” Tyson exclaimed. So everyone did as they were told. And then … ERRR … Everyone face faulted. “TYSON,” Mr. Dickinson enquired quite angerly. “SLIM-FAST?!?!?!? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS TYSON?” Upon finishing this sentence both Mr. Dickinson and Tyson took off running around the room. “At least you’re getting some exercise,” Tyson yelled still running around the room. As for everyone else, they were looking dumb founded at their presents. Kenny got a set of Spoons; Max was given a box full of make-up, Rei face faulted. “KITTY-LITTER!?!?!?!?” Kai got lucky or so he thought. He ended up receiving a empty box. “Compared to us, you got lucky, Kai,” Max laughed. Mr. Dickinson, after what seemed like a million laps around the room, finally sat down. Tyson smiled, “There you go.” Everyone glared at him, and then started laughing. They all knew that Tyson was only serious when it came to Beyblades.
“My turn.” Announced Rei as he handed out the presents. Opening his Tyson found his Dragoon. “HEY,” he cried as he checked his pockets for his Beyblade. “When did you take it?” He yelled. “Last night,” the golden-eyed Beyblader replied. Max found Rei had given him (A/N: Slight reference to Yu-Gi-Oh cards here) three packs of Yu-Gi-Oh cards. He quickly opened them, “WOW, I needed this card,” he cried as he flashed off the ‘Toon Blue Eyes White Dragon’ card. “Thanks.” “No problem.” Kai still looked at his still wrapped present. When he opened it he found a … PARROT. “Thanks but no thanks. It deservers to be free.” Kai said as he walked over to the window and tossed out the Parrot. “NO, DON’T. IT’S A FLIGHTLESS SPIECIES” Rei screamed even though it was too late for the now falling bird. Hearing this Tyson (A/N: Tyson the bird brain) took off down the 18 flights of stairs it took to reach the main floor. On his way out he grabbed Kai’s pillow. This left everyone left in the room dumbfounded. When Tyson finally made it back to the hotel room he had the Parrot lying on the pillow and he announced, “I saved it.” His teammates face faulted. “But, I’m not sure if it’s alive or not though.” “Squawk.” “ITS NAKED,” Kenny cried. “It must be it has no feat…” that’s when Tyson fainted. Kai turned to Rei, “OK, let me get this straight. You got me the Parrot because I have a bird type Bit-beast? Which just so happens to be Dronser. And when I try to release that Parrot, out the window, which just happens to be on the 18th floor. You neglect to mention that, the species you got me is one of the flightless species. So that after I ‘tried’ to release the Parrot, it fell and Tyson ran down to save it. Then when he made it back up here he has the Parrot, which is still alive, then Tyson faints, … not that, that wasn’t worth watching.” … “Yeah,” Rei replied.
When Tyson Regained consciousness the group continued to open the presents.
“Kai’s turn,” Rei announced as his anticipation to know what the ever so silent Kai had actually spent some time thinking about something other than himself and Beyblading, had gotten for his teammates, grew. Tyson’s gift was an ‘All you can eat pass’ to his favorite restaurant, but by then he was thinking on how much food he could possibly eat using the pass, to even thank Kai. Max on the other hand was so overjoyed about his new ‘Golden Retriever puppy’ that he just had to let his newly named puppy ‘Daciel the second’ thank Kai with BIG wet slobbery kisses. “AARRGGHH GET HIM AWAY FROM ME,” he SQUEAKED (A/N: Yes squeaked) trying to avoid the wet lovable puppy kisses. Rei found his present to be a tiny ‘White Tabby Kitten’. “HEY, Tyson thanks for the KITTY-LITTER” he giggled as the play full kitten crawled in to his pant leg. “It Wasn’t Supposed to be useful,” Tyson cried disappointedly. Minutes latter the Kitten reemerged out of the neck hole of Rei’s shirt. “Hey there little fellow,” he laughed. “I GET TO OPEN MY PRESENT NOW,” cried Kenny who was now feeling left out. Opening his box he found a coupon for a ‘life time supply of disks’ for his laptop. “Thanks Kai,” he said.
Seeing the satisfaction of his team mates Kai stood up to leave, but was stopped by Tyson saying, “Hey Kai, where is the hamster I gave you?” “H-H-Hamster? W-When?” Kai managed to say. “Today, when Everyone opened my presents, or should I say when I was being chased down by…” “AHHHH,” Max yelped “SOMETHINGS IN MY PANTS!!!” By now he was jumping around trying to get rid of what ever was in his pants. A second later the missing hamster fell to the floor. Upon this happening Rei’s kitten saw the hamster and started to chase after it. Puppy Draciel was soon to follow. ‘Dronser the Naked’ was happily back in his safe cage. “It’s a zoo in here” Kai proclaimed, then realized out loud, “WHERES MY HAMSTER?” Then he noticed Rei’s kitten was sitting licking his lips.(A/N: Do cats have lips? Here’s where Kai goes out of character, but just for my fic) Kai walked over to the kitten and grabbed it by its tail. “DROP MY HAMSTER YOU RAT,” He hollered at the terrified kitten. Shaking the kitten, till it finally spat out the slobbery hamster, Kai dropped the kitten, “MEERROOW,” “That’s my kitten,” Rei yelled as he ran to pick up the dazed kitten. “Then keep it away from my hamster,” Kai replied then walked over to to the hamster picked it up then grabbed ‘Dronser the Naked’ and went to put them in his room. The others took this as a sign and did the same with their new presents and pets. “I still haven’t given you my gift yet,” Mr. Dickinson said hoping to lighten the mood.
Everyone came and sat back down in the living room. “MAX, you’re a little fatter than you were when you came out the first time.” Tyson commented on Max’s shirt being quite a bit larger than before. “Woof,” Max’s shirt barked. “Put that puppy back in your room Max.” Mr. Dickinson said. So Max did as he was told. “Lets go out for breakfast,” Tyson suggested. “Grandpa will pay, its his treat.” “No way Dude,” his grandfather replied. “Now wait just one minute,” Mr. Dickinson called. “That’s my present.”
Once everyone was ready to go they got on the bus. After arriving at the closest ‘White Spot’ the group ordered their breakfast. When they were done the bill arrived and upon reading it Mr. Dickinson fell off his chair. “$357.95” He yelled. Looking around for Tyson, he found where Tyson should have been was an enormous pile of plates, bowls, and napkins. “TYSON JUST HOW MUCH DID YOU EAT?” he asked. “Six plates of pancakes, eight bowls of cereal, three plates of eggs and bacon, five plates of ribs, six hamburgers, three salads, and a few trips to the dessert bar. WHY?” Tyson asked. Everyone in hearing distance of Tyson’s list of what he had for breakfast, face faulted. “Oh and three cups of milk. Two coffee’s, and a smoothie.” He finished. “Because of you Tyson, we are not going out for lunch and supper now.” Mr. Dickinson yelled. “AWWWW,” the Blade Breakers sighed.
Back at the hotel
“TYSON GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF THAT BATHROOM AT ONCE,” Kai yelled as he pounded on the door of the bathroom. “GO ASK THE NEIGHBOURS IF YOU CAN USE THEIR BATHROOM. I’M IN HERE FOR NOW,” Tyson yelled back. “YOU’VE BEEN IN THERE SINCE WE GOT BACK,” Max called. “TOO BAD FOR YOU,” Tyson replied. “YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE LET ME EAT SO MUCH!” “Tyson how much longer?” Rei asked. “For as long as it takes.”
Later that night
“Merry Christmas,” Rei called out to his sleeping teammates.
The next day
“ITS SNOWING!” Tyson yelled. “Its six am, Tyson go to bed,” Whined Kenny.
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Maruul on June 12, 2005, 3:25:47 PM
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Silver_flame on August 23, 2004, 3:19:46 AM
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Lilly5 on July 5, 2004, 1:52:44 AM
Lilly5 on
dolphinprincess on April 13, 2004, 5:35:01 AM
em3042 on November 20, 2003, 6:24:07 PM
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