Chapter 2 - Meet my new apprentice
Submitted March 7, 2005 Updated May 14, 2005 Status Incomplete | What happens when Slade decides to take one of the Teen Titan's as his apprentice? Who will it be? This is my first fanfic! Enjoy!
Cartoons » Teen Titans |
Chapter 2 - Meet my new apprentice
Chapter 2 - Meet my new apprentice
Starfire floated into the lounge area, not as peppy as she usually was. “Feeling any better, Star?” Cyborg asked as the young alien girl floated past him.
“Oh just fine, my kind friend! It is a glorious day!” Starfire put on a fake smile to keep her friends from worrying.
“Hold still or I'll give you a bald spot.” Raven commanded. She was cutting the goop out of Beast Boy's hair from the day before.
“Dude! I am tender headed! Go easy!” Beast Boy cried, trying desperately to escape the dark girl's clutches.
Raven scowled at the shape shifter and continued with her clippings. Starfire floated to the refrigerator, opened it and pulled out a small, red apple. She was about to take a bite when Robin interrupted, “Starfire, your back,” He said as he looked up from his maps that were spread across the kitchen table.
“Oh! It is nothing friend Robin!” Starfire turned around so that the bruise that Slade gave her the day before was facing the wall.
“I can heal it if you want.” Raven told her friend.
Starfire looked up and saw Raven's hand covered in a black shadow, type aura. “Dude! Raven, you just gave me a bald spot!” Beast Boy exclaimed as he looked into the mirror he was holding.
Suddenly the alarms went off and Beast Boy went flying into the air in surprise, “Robin! Turn those down!” He covered his sensitive ears and hurried after the others that were already running to the T-car.
“It's Slade.” Robin hissed as the five Titans came to the center of the city.
“Right on time, Robin.” Slade chuckled while pretending to look at an imaginary watch on his arm.
The team took no time. They all jumped into action at the sound of Robin's voice shouting, “Titans GO!”
“Azarath, metrion, zinthos!” Raven shouted. Three cars behind her floated into the air and flew for Slade. He quickly dodged.
Robin threw his foot out, smashing into the face of the man dressed in black and orange, who was distracted by the alien girl throwing her green electricity at him. Slade went crashing into a building, but he quickly recovered.
Slade launched himself into the air, both of his feet landing on Robin's chest, knocking the younger boy's breath away. “Pity, Robin. I was expecting a much greater fight.” Slade laughed and punched the boy in the face.
“Robin!” Cyborg yelled and pointed his sonic blaster at Slade.
Slade easily jumped out of the way of the blue laser and landed on his feet on a parked car. Beast Boy turned into a rhino and charged at the man. Slade jumped of the car and threw metal balls at Beast Boy, causing the same goop from the day before to trap him.
“Not again!” Beast Boy transformed into many different animals trying to break free.
“Beast Boy!” Starfire called, she landed beside the shape shifter and used her Starbolts to melt him free.
“Azarath, metrion, zinthos!” Raven yelled again, this time a lamppost flew out of it's place and coiled up like a snake.
Raven threw her hands forward and the lamppost went soaring for Slade. Too much of all the teen's surprise Slade caught it and went skidding backwards. Robin took the opportunity and ran for Slade, kicking him square in the back.
“I wouldn't do that Robin, you don't want to hurt your little girlfriend.” Slade laughed as he stood up and threw the lamppost down.
“What?” Robin sounded confused.
Slade pulled out from his pocket a small remote type object. On it was a large red button which he took no time to press. As his finger landed, Starfire froze on the spot. She stopped her mission on freeing Beast Boy and turned to Slade, walking slowly to him, almost robot like.
“Star?” Cyborg said, confused as the rest of the team.
Starfire floated to Slade's side as the man began his explanation, “You see, Titans, yesterday went as planned. Your dear Starfire here took the electric rod to the back, implanting a microchip in her back. Don't worry; I plan to put that microchip to good use. Titans meet my new apprentice!” Slade threw his head up in the air a laughed.
Starfire looked at her friends with a blank look, unaware what was happening. She turned her head to her new master when her said, “We leave now!”
Starfire firmly grasped Slade's hands and took off into the sky, leaving the others behind. “STARFIRE!” Robin yelled, trying to run after her.
A black aura engulfed Robin and he was pulled back towards the group, “There is nothing more we can do now. We will have to head back to Titan's Tower and track her down.” Raven said as she released Robin, dropping him to his feet.
“We I find you Slade, I'll kill you.” Robin threatened under his breath.
A/N~ Ok yeah, this is my first story and it's not really good. Comments are welcome please. Sorry I couldn't note something in the first chapter. I was in a rush to get it up. Oh by the way, isn't this a great place to end the chapter! (Enter dramatic music) Until next time, PEACE OUT!!!!
AKA Hanyou_girl
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BBandRaven4life12 on April 21, 2007, 2:17:59 AM