Chapter 1 - A Fated Meeting
Submitted September 7, 2004 Updated September 7, 2004 Status Incomplete | Kilik, Talim and Xianghua travel the globe in search of the Soul Edge to end it's terrible evil, but things get a little interesting when a new Soul in green appears! Where is he from and for what reasons could he want the sword? Zelda/Soul Calibur F
Games » - by Genre » - Fighting games » Soul Calibur series » Soul Calibur II |
Chapter 1 - A Fated Meeting
Chapter 1 - A Fated Meeting
In the Asian continent there are many deserts, many of them uninhabited because of the scorching sun and lack of natural recourses, at night the harsh cold winds came, but no matter what, death always lingered here.
However, these extreme conditions did not stop three warriors from entering its territory. They walked the cracked and sun baked earth for miles, but they were not lost, and they moved with purpose as if something were leading them.
Kilik shielded his eyes from the hot sun. "The desert, why in all places the desert?" He asked aloud. Behind him two females followed, equally hot, and covered in a light sheen of sweat."
"I agree, it is getting a bit clichéd." Xianghua said stopping for a bit. "I mean, why couldn't it of been a nice place like Paris? Or maybe Venice? I'd even settle for a jungle or something, anything but this hot place."
The second girl, Talim shook her head, dark pigtails hitting either side of her shoulders softly.
"Sorry guys, but this is where I've been sensing the Soul Edge the strongest. The scent carried upon the winds has not grown stale meaning that it's staying here." She looked to her two senior companions, and added as aside; "Besides, we've hit all those places for the shards, and that's why we're here now."
"You said that you're readings are especially strong about this one." Kilik put in. The young man also stopped for a moment to regard her. "I don't know about you, but right about now, I hope it's just a larger piece of the Soul Edge."
"But why? I thought you both were after it to destroy it!" Talim said. Xianghua shook her head.
"Of course we are, but after all this walking I'm exhausted. If we were to find Soul Edge here, we wouldn't have much energy to fight, let alone escape if that time came."
The young priestess lowered her gaze in thought and when she looked back to her friends she seemed more determined than ever.
"I'm sure we'll be alright. If we all stick together, we'll find a way to defeat Soul Edge again. Besides, you both told me before that you all had a hand in beating it. And even the fighters before us helped each other. No one could ever beat that thing alone."
Her little speech seemed to encourage the two who exchanged hopeful glances.
Kilik smiled faintly. "Yeah, you're right. And from all the shards we've been finding, it's pretty clear it's in weak condition."
Xianghua also smiled, "Yes, and the mass bloodshed has ceased for a bit. It must be trying to regain its strength."
The wind priestess nodded seemingly full of energy again, "That's right, that's right! So let's stop complaining and worrying about everything and concentrate. What ever it is, isn't too far into the desert so we're okay. Let's go!" With that, Talim briskly walked ahead renewed and ready to go.
Kilik gave a side-glance to Xianghua who was already looking at him.
"Reminds me of you when we traveled back then."
The girl nodded. "Seems like old times again. Although.." At this, an uncertain look came across her features and she looked to the distant horizon. "It doesn't really feel the same with out him."
She didn't have to say who 'he' was for the same look, maybe even sadder came to Kilik's young features as well.
"Yeah, you're right. That's why we've got to do this, if anything for him."
Xianghua lowered her head then. "Maxi, your sacrifice will not have been in vain, we swear it. Please watch over us." Both fighters stood silent in remembrance for their lost comrade hoping that they would find a resolve for his memory and peace for his soul.
The Trio did not have to walk far before they heard sounds of a scuffle. Instantly all three made a dash towards the sound, suddenly unmindful of the heat. Only one thought went through all their minds, and they feared only the worst.
Someone else had found the Soul Edge.
Soon they came upon a stone fortification comprised of a few boulders upon a hill which just happen to be against a stone cliff for good measure. There was no way in or around except through the front.
"Xianghua! Kilik! Look!" Talim said pointing. When the two looked in the direction the girl indicated, they saw two figures hiding against some of the larger boulders. Around them, it seemed the sand and dirt would jump as if alive.
However, when they looked closer, they noticed quivers protruding from the ground or bouncing off to land elsewhere.
"Some one is shooting at them! We've got to help them!" Xianghua, ever ready for action was about to move, but Talim suddenly grabbed her arm.
"Wait! There's something strange here." With that stated, the priestess closed her eyes as she had done many times before. This told Kilik and Xianghua that the girl was concentrating. When they met her during their travels they learned that she had the uncanny ability to read the wind, such was her special ability. Thus far, she's never led them wrong always depending upon the winds to guide them.
After another moment of hearing nothing but the fight before them, the girl opend her eyes again.
Her large brown eyes looked to her companions and only held bewilderment.
"I..I can't describe it, but I do feel the presence of something evil here, but there's also something else here. It's strange, I've never felt or heard anything like it. It talks to me in another language that I can't understand quite."
When ever she said 'It'. Both Kilik and Xianghua could only guess she was referring to the winds, or maybe the spirits.
"Is it a demon?" Kilik asked.
"I, I don't know. But I don't think we should be afraid. This new wind is not malevolent, but it is quite mysterious."
Xianghua let out a loud sigh in frustration. "Well we're not going to find out too much if we stay here. Besides there are two people down there that are being attacked by this 'mysterious' wind." And without another word the Chinese woman turned and ran forward.
Kilik held out a hand. "Xianghua wait!!' But he was too late and ran after her.
"No you two don't go! I don't think we should fight~!" But her words fell upon deaf ears as she watched her commerades run into the fray. "Ohhh." She huffed before she looked up to the sky and shook her head. "I'm sorry I don't understand. But please help us." She prayed silently as she ran to catch up.
Xianghua ran keeping her head low, dashing for the nearest shelter. From the corner of her eye she spied the people in peril.
"Hey! Hey you two!" She called through cupped hands. This seemed to catch their attention. When she saw their faces she faintly recognized them.
One was blond and had a high regal air about him, she remembered him as Raphael the French fencer. She had only seen him once in their travels and that was when he was in a duel with some other fighter. But She remembered him well when she watched him fence with deadly and precise moves.
The other one there was actually more familiar as they had actually clashed some time ago. Well to be more accurate Kilik had butted heads with this one. His name was Yun Sung. He was from the same school as the Korean pair Seung Mina and Hwang. His style was very different unlike his seniors, and he was what she called hot-blooded.
Xianghua was startled out of her thoughts as Kilik's heavy form suddenly jumped beside her.
The young man panted though not from running. "Are you crazy!?! You could have been killed!! What were you thinking?!" He fumed.
Xianghua narrowed her eyes. "Well someone needs to help them!" She said turning back to the pair. "Hey!! Are you two all right?!"
"Great more people! Just what we needed!" The Korean moaned.
"For YOUR information we're here to help you!!" The Chinese girl shot back angry.
The blond Frenchman gave an annoyed look. "We didn't ask for your help! Just go or you'll get yourself killed!"
"Well of all the nerve!" Xianghua turned to Kilik clearly disgusted. "People these days!"
But no matter how rude their mannerisms had been, Xianghua still found a small smile upon Kilik's lips.
"What are you guys doing all the way out here?!" He asked.
"That's none of your business!" Both of them nearly shouted in unison. This only made the smile grow wider.
"I knew it Xianghua! They ARE hiding something!" He deduced. "They are after the Soul Edge! Talim was right it is here!"
Xianghua looked around before saying; "Speaking of whom, where is Talim?"
"Well I thought she was behind me."
Xianghua began to look, trying not to leave the safe shelter of the boulder. "Talim?! Talim?! Where are you?"
It was then that all four fighters spotted her. Some how during the small exchange between the two groups, the priestess had made her way past and was walking out into the clearing before the small opening at the base of the cliff. She walked slowly, as if approaching a wild doe and her weapons were sheathed.
"Talim!!!" Xiagnhua said horrified.
"She's crazier than you!! TALIM!!" Kilik jumped from the safety of the boulder.
"Little tart is going to get herself killed!" The other fighter scoffed. "That guy shoots at anything that moves, he wouldn't even let us get close!"
Kilik heard this, and ran faster catching up to the girl who continued to walk unmindful of the dangers. But when he reached the girl he skidded to a complete stop as she turned to him with a soft expression upon her face.
"Kilik, move slowly," She warned. "He doesn't like fast movement."
Kilik wasn't sure who 'he' was but he tried to talk to her in the same manner.
"What are you DOING? You're going to be KILLED." Kilik had always wondered if it was possible to whisper and scream at the same time, now he knew you could.
But the young girl's expression didn't change. "Stay here, and watch." With out another word she turned back and proceeded to the entrance. As Talim neared she lowered her head as in respect never taking her eyes away from the entrance. Surprizingly she made it a few steps away from the opening.
Kilik and Xianghua were so tense, that they could do nothing but watch.
The wind priestess then kneeled while speaking "Please, we mean you no harm, but you must not harm us in return." With that she held out her both her hands before her, presenting something to the person with in.
"Kilik, is that the shards she's." Xianghua asked. And Kilik could do nothing or say nothing in return. "We've got to stop her.She doesn't know what she's doing.."
It was then the youth turned to his friend signaling for her to stay quiet and calm. "Don't Xianghua, maybe, maybe Talim does know what she's doing."
How long did everything stay still for that moment in time? It was as if everything had ceased to move.
And Only Talim could be heard. "Here is a sign of our trust. I'm sure you know what it is. Please, we only want to talk, that is all." She bowed her head hands still outstretched.
At first nothing happened, but something in the air changed about them, and both Xianghua and Kilik could feel it. The other two next to them also seemed to notice it. It was a small and faint breeze that ran through the area like a ghost.
There was movement with in the cave, and as all fighters watched, a figure came out slowly, sliding his boots into the hot sun, followed by the bow and arrow at the ready aiming straight at the bowed Talim. Finally, the figure slid his whole form out into the open.
This warrior was also blond, wth a parting in his blond fringe, and thick locks of hair on eitherside of his..
"Pointy ears? What is he?" Quiet murmurs passed between all fighters but never were they speaking to each other.
"Who is that?" Kilik didn't turn to look at his female companion.
"Some one who doesn't want to fight either thank the gods." The young warrior began to relax, and he heard Xianghua let out a breath as well.
The new fighter in question seemed all too aware of the others and his crystal blue gaze would dart here and there as if unsure, and seemingly self conscious. But his small bow would not waver. Talim who had her head down the whole time, finally looked up seeing the danger she was in. But that did not stop the girl from rising, eyeing the strange foreinger. He was completely garbed in green and wore a white tunic beneath, and all limbs were also clothed in white. He wore a long green hat that hung nearly past his lean shoulders. His eyes were stern but also as clear and innocent as a child's. And he was handsome to boot!
Talim felt herself blush as she realized she was just staring at him.
"Ah! Here, please accept this." She made a motion with her hands once again. This caused the archer (or at least he seemed like an archer, but Talim spied a sword strapped to his back) or Swordsman to lower his bow uncertainly. Cautiously he eyed the object in her hands and Talim could see decision and caulculation scuttle furiously behind his eyes.
Standing before her now it was visible to see he was slightly taller. The elfish fighter, finally with a tentive hand he took the shards from her.
The elf looked upon the shards and finally he spoke "Soul Edge?"
It must of caused everyone's heart to skip a beat, but for various reasons.
"You do know it! Is it here? Are you after it too? Who are you?"
The elf gave her a very odd look before he shook his head. "A Ted'k Idtohjkiudt."
However, these extreme conditions did not stop three warriors from entering its territory. They walked the cracked and sun baked earth for miles, but they were not lost, and they moved with purpose as if something were leading them.
Kilik shielded his eyes from the hot sun. "The desert, why in all places the desert?" He asked aloud. Behind him two females followed, equally hot, and covered in a light sheen of sweat."
"I agree, it is getting a bit clichéd." Xianghua said stopping for a bit. "I mean, why couldn't it of been a nice place like Paris? Or maybe Venice? I'd even settle for a jungle or something, anything but this hot place."
The second girl, Talim shook her head, dark pigtails hitting either side of her shoulders softly.
"Sorry guys, but this is where I've been sensing the Soul Edge the strongest. The scent carried upon the winds has not grown stale meaning that it's staying here." She looked to her two senior companions, and added as aside; "Besides, we've hit all those places for the shards, and that's why we're here now."
"You said that you're readings are especially strong about this one." Kilik put in. The young man also stopped for a moment to regard her. "I don't know about you, but right about now, I hope it's just a larger piece of the Soul Edge."
"But why? I thought you both were after it to destroy it!" Talim said. Xianghua shook her head.
"Of course we are, but after all this walking I'm exhausted. If we were to find Soul Edge here, we wouldn't have much energy to fight, let alone escape if that time came."
The young priestess lowered her gaze in thought and when she looked back to her friends she seemed more determined than ever.
"I'm sure we'll be alright. If we all stick together, we'll find a way to defeat Soul Edge again. Besides, you both told me before that you all had a hand in beating it. And even the fighters before us helped each other. No one could ever beat that thing alone."
Her little speech seemed to encourage the two who exchanged hopeful glances.
Kilik smiled faintly. "Yeah, you're right. And from all the shards we've been finding, it's pretty clear it's in weak condition."
Xianghua also smiled, "Yes, and the mass bloodshed has ceased for a bit. It must be trying to regain its strength."
The wind priestess nodded seemingly full of energy again, "That's right, that's right! So let's stop complaining and worrying about everything and concentrate. What ever it is, isn't too far into the desert so we're okay. Let's go!" With that, Talim briskly walked ahead renewed and ready to go.
Kilik gave a side-glance to Xianghua who was already looking at him.
"Reminds me of you when we traveled back then."
The girl nodded. "Seems like old times again. Although.." At this, an uncertain look came across her features and she looked to the distant horizon. "It doesn't really feel the same with out him."
She didn't have to say who 'he' was for the same look, maybe even sadder came to Kilik's young features as well.
"Yeah, you're right. That's why we've got to do this, if anything for him."
Xianghua lowered her head then. "Maxi, your sacrifice will not have been in vain, we swear it. Please watch over us." Both fighters stood silent in remembrance for their lost comrade hoping that they would find a resolve for his memory and peace for his soul.
The Trio did not have to walk far before they heard sounds of a scuffle. Instantly all three made a dash towards the sound, suddenly unmindful of the heat. Only one thought went through all their minds, and they feared only the worst.
Someone else had found the Soul Edge.
Soon they came upon a stone fortification comprised of a few boulders upon a hill which just happen to be against a stone cliff for good measure. There was no way in or around except through the front.
"Xianghua! Kilik! Look!" Talim said pointing. When the two looked in the direction the girl indicated, they saw two figures hiding against some of the larger boulders. Around them, it seemed the sand and dirt would jump as if alive.
However, when they looked closer, they noticed quivers protruding from the ground or bouncing off to land elsewhere.
"Some one is shooting at them! We've got to help them!" Xianghua, ever ready for action was about to move, but Talim suddenly grabbed her arm.
"Wait! There's something strange here." With that stated, the priestess closed her eyes as she had done many times before. This told Kilik and Xianghua that the girl was concentrating. When they met her during their travels they learned that she had the uncanny ability to read the wind, such was her special ability. Thus far, she's never led them wrong always depending upon the winds to guide them.
After another moment of hearing nothing but the fight before them, the girl opend her eyes again.
Her large brown eyes looked to her companions and only held bewilderment.
"I..I can't describe it, but I do feel the presence of something evil here, but there's also something else here. It's strange, I've never felt or heard anything like it. It talks to me in another language that I can't understand quite."
When ever she said 'It'. Both Kilik and Xianghua could only guess she was referring to the winds, or maybe the spirits.
"Is it a demon?" Kilik asked.
"I, I don't know. But I don't think we should be afraid. This new wind is not malevolent, but it is quite mysterious."
Xianghua let out a loud sigh in frustration. "Well we're not going to find out too much if we stay here. Besides there are two people down there that are being attacked by this 'mysterious' wind." And without another word the Chinese woman turned and ran forward.
Kilik held out a hand. "Xianghua wait!!' But he was too late and ran after her.
"No you two don't go! I don't think we should fight~!" But her words fell upon deaf ears as she watched her commerades run into the fray. "Ohhh." She huffed before she looked up to the sky and shook her head. "I'm sorry I don't understand. But please help us." She prayed silently as she ran to catch up.
Xianghua ran keeping her head low, dashing for the nearest shelter. From the corner of her eye she spied the people in peril.
"Hey! Hey you two!" She called through cupped hands. This seemed to catch their attention. When she saw their faces she faintly recognized them.
One was blond and had a high regal air about him, she remembered him as Raphael the French fencer. She had only seen him once in their travels and that was when he was in a duel with some other fighter. But She remembered him well when she watched him fence with deadly and precise moves.
The other one there was actually more familiar as they had actually clashed some time ago. Well to be more accurate Kilik had butted heads with this one. His name was Yun Sung. He was from the same school as the Korean pair Seung Mina and Hwang. His style was very different unlike his seniors, and he was what she called hot-blooded.
Xianghua was startled out of her thoughts as Kilik's heavy form suddenly jumped beside her.
The young man panted though not from running. "Are you crazy!?! You could have been killed!! What were you thinking?!" He fumed.
Xianghua narrowed her eyes. "Well someone needs to help them!" She said turning back to the pair. "Hey!! Are you two all right?!"
"Great more people! Just what we needed!" The Korean moaned.
"For YOUR information we're here to help you!!" The Chinese girl shot back angry.
The blond Frenchman gave an annoyed look. "We didn't ask for your help! Just go or you'll get yourself killed!"
"Well of all the nerve!" Xianghua turned to Kilik clearly disgusted. "People these days!"
But no matter how rude their mannerisms had been, Xianghua still found a small smile upon Kilik's lips.
"What are you guys doing all the way out here?!" He asked.
"That's none of your business!" Both of them nearly shouted in unison. This only made the smile grow wider.
"I knew it Xianghua! They ARE hiding something!" He deduced. "They are after the Soul Edge! Talim was right it is here!"
Xianghua looked around before saying; "Speaking of whom, where is Talim?"
"Well I thought she was behind me."
Xianghua began to look, trying not to leave the safe shelter of the boulder. "Talim?! Talim?! Where are you?"
It was then that all four fighters spotted her. Some how during the small exchange between the two groups, the priestess had made her way past and was walking out into the clearing before the small opening at the base of the cliff. She walked slowly, as if approaching a wild doe and her weapons were sheathed.
"Talim!!!" Xiagnhua said horrified.
"She's crazier than you!! TALIM!!" Kilik jumped from the safety of the boulder.
"Little tart is going to get herself killed!" The other fighter scoffed. "That guy shoots at anything that moves, he wouldn't even let us get close!"
Kilik heard this, and ran faster catching up to the girl who continued to walk unmindful of the dangers. But when he reached the girl he skidded to a complete stop as she turned to him with a soft expression upon her face.
"Kilik, move slowly," She warned. "He doesn't like fast movement."
Kilik wasn't sure who 'he' was but he tried to talk to her in the same manner.
"What are you DOING? You're going to be KILLED." Kilik had always wondered if it was possible to whisper and scream at the same time, now he knew you could.
But the young girl's expression didn't change. "Stay here, and watch." With out another word she turned back and proceeded to the entrance. As Talim neared she lowered her head as in respect never taking her eyes away from the entrance. Surprizingly she made it a few steps away from the opening.
Kilik and Xianghua were so tense, that they could do nothing but watch.
The wind priestess then kneeled while speaking "Please, we mean you no harm, but you must not harm us in return." With that she held out her both her hands before her, presenting something to the person with in.
"Kilik, is that the shards she's." Xianghua asked. And Kilik could do nothing or say nothing in return. "We've got to stop her.She doesn't know what she's doing.."
It was then the youth turned to his friend signaling for her to stay quiet and calm. "Don't Xianghua, maybe, maybe Talim does know what she's doing."
How long did everything stay still for that moment in time? It was as if everything had ceased to move.
And Only Talim could be heard. "Here is a sign of our trust. I'm sure you know what it is. Please, we only want to talk, that is all." She bowed her head hands still outstretched.
At first nothing happened, but something in the air changed about them, and both Xianghua and Kilik could feel it. The other two next to them also seemed to notice it. It was a small and faint breeze that ran through the area like a ghost.
There was movement with in the cave, and as all fighters watched, a figure came out slowly, sliding his boots into the hot sun, followed by the bow and arrow at the ready aiming straight at the bowed Talim. Finally, the figure slid his whole form out into the open.
This warrior was also blond, wth a parting in his blond fringe, and thick locks of hair on eitherside of his..
"Pointy ears? What is he?" Quiet murmurs passed between all fighters but never were they speaking to each other.
"Who is that?" Kilik didn't turn to look at his female companion.
"Some one who doesn't want to fight either thank the gods." The young warrior began to relax, and he heard Xianghua let out a breath as well.
The new fighter in question seemed all too aware of the others and his crystal blue gaze would dart here and there as if unsure, and seemingly self conscious. But his small bow would not waver. Talim who had her head down the whole time, finally looked up seeing the danger she was in. But that did not stop the girl from rising, eyeing the strange foreinger. He was completely garbed in green and wore a white tunic beneath, and all limbs were also clothed in white. He wore a long green hat that hung nearly past his lean shoulders. His eyes were stern but also as clear and innocent as a child's. And he was handsome to boot!
Talim felt herself blush as she realized she was just staring at him.
"Ah! Here, please accept this." She made a motion with her hands once again. This caused the archer (or at least he seemed like an archer, but Talim spied a sword strapped to his back) or Swordsman to lower his bow uncertainly. Cautiously he eyed the object in her hands and Talim could see decision and caulculation scuttle furiously behind his eyes.
Standing before her now it was visible to see he was slightly taller. The elfish fighter, finally with a tentive hand he took the shards from her.
The elf looked upon the shards and finally he spoke "Soul Edge?"
It must of caused everyone's heart to skip a beat, but for various reasons.
"You do know it! Is it here? Are you after it too? Who are you?"
The elf gave her a very odd look before he shook his head. "A Ted'k Idtohjkiudt."
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DesertQueen on November 29, 2005, 12:12:21 AM
DesertQueen on

Siegfrieds_Lass on September 9, 2004, 9:48:27 AM

Oh and one more thing. Dolphinprincess? This fic doesn't have an actual ending yet, but I'm dying to find out what the ending is going to be like though!
Talim22 on September 8, 2004, 12:21:31 PM
Talim22 on