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Chapter 3 - returning lost time

the second run of my story and i still think the first kicks @$$ but i have to finish it and this is the pansy version since it has no actual sex scenes...
pweez comment good or bad i don't care! pweez!


Chapter 3 - returning lost time

Chapter 3 - returning lost time
Ch3: Returning Lost Time

Shippou had layen flowers, the lylies from the pond which she loved, at her head stone in the deep section of the wolf den, Kouga's and the others were along side hers and the wall the once said things they wrote was washed off in certain places.
All shippou could smell was the pine trees. A scent of a bird or a small rodent. A new scent; of water lylies surrounded him. “Shippou...” she jumped his mind.
He caught sight of a large form in the tree tops. “It couldn't be her, she's been gone for 12 years.” He said. He caught sight of a Kimono, grabbing it by the collar he lifted it into the light through the tree tops. “This was her ki... kimono.”
“Shippou is that really you?” Said a frail voice, he glanced aroung, her body or what could have been lay on the grass and on the roots of a large tree.He was shocked but his body ran to her. Embracing her in a warm hug her body was cold and fridget. “I'm cold Shippou-kun.”
“Here wear this Kesa-kun” He removed his large animal skin kimono top and wrapped her in it. He then tied his Kitsuwai(jumbo sword) to his back and carried her back to Kagome and InuYasha's hut. “Hang in there, your mom will help me.”
After Kagome chased them out he looked at her, she was glowing with a gold ora from the light of the sunset. They sat on the hill looking down on the ville and all the little kids playing games. “I kinda wonder why my mother acts like that?” She whispered. As she looked at Shippou he cocked an eyebrow. “I mean she is the one that had my father and friends killed and me taken for better training...”
“What are you talking about? Your mother was insane after you were “killed” and tried to kill herself on various occasions. Sad isn't it?” Shippou said turning around. She leaned against him and shivered in his kimono. “let's go to Sesshoumaru's castle since i do live there now and all.”
Sesshoumaru woke and lay his book down, “Didn't get anywhere today.” He mumbled. His curtains waved as wind entered carrying the scent of water lylies and wild flowers. “Shippou and... that scent ... i recignize it from some where... Kesa-san!” He dashed from his room in his night Kimono and slung the doors of the castle open as they approached. Jaken arose in fear as the gaint doors banged off the walls.
“Sesshomaru-sama!” She ran to him and jumped onto his person, hugging him as tight as her small body could muster. “Mi lord i missed you so... you have indeed not changed since the last...” she saw a small boy peak around the corner and along with Jaken. “Master Jaken!” She picked him up and hugged him giving a small peck on his cheek “You ol' green imp i missed you as well! But where is Rin-san at mi lord?”
“Later child please you must be indeed famished. This way you two.” He proceeded to the dining hall and ordered a meal for us both. “So Kesa-san where have you been as of late?” His question was known but what could she say?
'Oh i was with Naraku and his hidous incarnations all these years' that would upset sesshomaru-sama dearly and no need for that right at the moment. “I was ... ummmm.... here and there.” She smiled. Aparent the truth was not needed Sesshomaru dropped the subject.
“Shippou-sama what to do now for you. Your season is approaching and the pain will indeed be mortifyingly increased. Unless...” He slyly grined. Shippou got a tint of pink to his cheeks at the thought. “And you were ment for each other since birth... well hers at least.”
“Wait this Kesa is confused.” She stumbled out her mouth. “Why is Shippou-kun called sama and what season are you both conversating about that i do not recignize, since spring is around the corner...” her face and shocked, 'are they speaking of mating season and Shippou-kun and I's mating?'...........


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