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Chapter 4 - A Similar Cause

Matt Khan and Argol Vazin. Two very different people from two very different worlds. What happens when fate brings them both together to rise up and fight for the ones that they care about? You'll have to read on to find out!

Chapter 4 - A Similar Cause

Chapter 4 - A Similar Cause

Red was welcomed into the mansion by the smell of a roast cooking. It tantalised him until he began to drool over the delicious smell. Matt looked at Red’s face and grinned widely.
“Smells good doesn’t it?” asked Matt, though he needed no answer.
Matt and Skye showed Red into the dining room where a massive table made of oak stood, surrounded by twelve comfy looking chairs. Matt sat down at the head of the table and beckoned Red and Skye to sit on either side of him. Skye took her usual seat to the right of Matt so Red sat down on the man’s left. Ragnor sat down on the floor next to Matt while seven other people came walking into the dining room and seating themselves at the table. All of the people that entered looked at the newcomer, Red, but trusted their leader’s decision to bring the man into the house and so didn’t question him. Once everyone was seated, Matt got up and headed into the nearest room. A few minutes passed and Skye got up and headed into the room too. Red was puzzled but after a few moments he saw why the two had gone into the other room. They came back out with massive plates of food followed by another woman who was also carrying food. On the main plate there was a succulent looking pig surrounded by roast potatoes, roast carrots and lettuce. Other plates contained chicken, turkey, more roast potatoes, roast lamb and a variety of vegetables. Matt entered the kitchen once more and came out with plates and cutlery. Skye took the cutlery off his hands and started at one end of the table giving everyone a knife and fork. Matt started at the other end and placed a plate in front of everyone until everyone had a plate and cutlery. The three people were about to sit down when the woman that had come out of the kitchen suddenly cried out.
“Don’t start yet! I forgot the gravy!”
“Sit down Vivian, you’ve already cooked us this wonderful meal” stated Matt
“Well I can’t take all the credit; you went out and got me the lamb and pig”
“Just sit down and let me get it”
With that, Matt teleported into the kitchen and came back out with 3 jugs of gravy and placed them on the table.
“Now we can eat” said Vivian
“Not yet. We have to give thanks” corrected Matt.
By this time Red was about to die. There was this lovely pile of food on the table and he couldn’t eat it yet. Matt said a quick little prayer in a language that only Ragnor seemed to understand, because after Matt had finished the wolf let out a quick bark and then everyone began to eat. Matt watched as everyone dug into the meal and disappeared into the kitchen once more. This time he reappeared with a big leg of ham and tossed it to Ragnor who caught it in his mouth and lay down on the ground munching at it. Matt calmly walked over to his seat and served himself a load of roast potatoes with gravy and began eating.

* * *

Dinner had finished now and everyone sat there rubbing his or her stomachs. There was one potato left and Red reached for it. Matt was too quick though and stuffed the potato in his mouth before Red had a chance. Red just looked at Matt who grinned from ear to ear. Red looked over at Skye who told him a simple answer.
“He loves his potatoes”
Red sat in his chair and sulked for a bit until Matt caught his attention.
“So Red, shall we spar?” asked Matt
Red looked at him confused.
“I’ve always said that you can tell what kind of a person someone is by fighting them”
Red thought about the idea for a second and then gave a quick nod. He wanted to find out about how this warrior fought and if he was worthy to be told the truth. Matt got up from the table and led everyone down into the caves below. He showed Red into a small smooth circle outlined by padding. The two stood facing each other for a moment before they both drew their weapons and lunged at each other. The sound of their swords meeting deafened everybody’s ears. Matt fought quickly, moving his swords with speed but also grace. It was like his swords were on a constant move. Every change in direction seemed to flow together somehow. Red fought with endurance, taking all of the blows thrown at him and dishing out some punishment of his own. Matt struck Red’s shoulder and sent him to the ground in pain. Matt jumped into the air bringing his swords down. Red blocked the incoming attack with one of his katanas and used the other to cut into Matt’s side. Matt roared with pain and lunged at Red recklessly. Red roundhouse kicked Matt in the face sending him flying into the nearest wall. Matt used his legs to push off of the wall just before he collided with it, lunging at Red. The two men’s swords met again. They each had their first swords blocking the others and their second swords at each other’s throats.
“It seems we are evenly matched Red Dragon” stated Matt.
“Indeed” agreed Red.
The two stared at each other for another moment and then sheathed their weapons. The two shook hands and then bowed to the rest of the Moon Warriors who were now cheering furiously. They had never seen someone match the power level of Lone Wolf before and seeing a fight like that was a once in a lifetime opportunity for them. Matt smirked at the others and Red laughed as Ragnor and Inferno ran around in circles, it was truly a sight to behold.
“You are a person who fights with honour, but there is something about your past that troubles you” stated Matt.
Red looked at him for a moment, amazed that Wolf could truly tell what kind of person someone is by fighting them.
“I think that is best left for a private discussion” Red answered.
Matt took the hint and left the others to train while he and Red entered the den of the mansion and sat down. Matt sat at the two-person couch while Red seated himself in a comfy chair.
“So…what has had you eating yourself alive?”
Red told Wolf about his past, describing Amy’s death with such extreme detail that it made Wolf want to throw up. He then told Wolf how he had found out about this realm called Soul Earth that possessed a means that might be able to bring Amy back and defeat an evil wyrm lord named Tiamat. Wolf didn’t know what a wyrm was but the words “evil” and “lord” gave him a clear idea of what kind of a person Tiamat was.
“So you came to this realm in search of a way to bring back Amy? Well I guess we are more alike then I thought” Wolf said.
Red looked at him in puzzlement until Wolf spoke again.
“I think I should tell you about my history too”
There was a creak at the door and Wolf sniffed the air. He then went to the door and opened it. There sat Skye and Ragnor, listening in on the conversation.
“How much did you hear?” asked Wolf.
“Well we only heard you say ‘I think I should tell you about my history too’ and well…I got a bit excited. You’ve never told anyone about your past before. Not even me or Ragnor. I was trying to lean against the door and listen in better when the stupid floorboard gave me away” replied Skye.
Matt looked at her. Looked past her beautiful green eyes and into her soul. She was telling the truth. Matt let out a sigh.
“I suppose its time I told you two as well. Alright come on in”
He waved a hand toward one of the couches and sat down. Ragnor immediately jumped up on the seat next to Matt leaving nowhere for Skye to sit. She looked around the room for a bit as if hoping for another chair to magically appear, then, giving up, sat down on Matt’s lap. Matt blushed a bit but quickly busied himself by recounting what he could of his childhood, his slumber, his meet with Hades, and his invitation to the Moon Warriors. After he was finished Skye was staring at him, shocked.
“You had a brother?!?!”
“Yes” replied Matt.
It was all he could say. He didn’t like talking about his brother. It brought up emotions and painful memories that he would rather forget. Red just nodded though.
“So we are two of a kind with a similar cause then.” Red stated.
Wolf simply nodded.
“How about we help each other out? It might do us some good” suggested Red.
Matt thought about this for a while. The two would be able to help each other get back the people they had lost.
“It’s a deal then?” asked Red, holding out his hand.
Matt took Red’s hand and shook it.


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