Chapter 4 - Rehearsal for the Play
Submitted September 1, 2004 Updated June 4, 2005 Status Incomplete | Link and Zelda sittin' in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love... then comes marriage... then comes a baby in a baby carriage! ... *Cough* sorry... several babies... That REALLY stress out Link! (PG)
Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Legend of Zelda series » - Ocarina of Time |
Chapter 4 - Rehearsal for the Play
Chapter 4 - Rehearsal for the Play
Author's note: There's a few things in here that I've based off my own elementary school days. For example I really did have a hippie-like substitute teacher who I heard cursed in Pig Latin. She was fired out of the district though. (MAN… that was a WEIRD day…) And the line “happy dagger” in which Selda recites is from an old Romeo and Juliet movie my friend recently saw. After stating this, you might come to the conclusion that I have revised this chapter a little bit. Well, hope you enjoy!
Chapter 4
April 3
“All right, class!” Zelda said standing in front of the chalkboard, “I hope you were all studying your parts for the big play coming up soon, because today we are going to rehearse for it.”
One of the students, who was a Goron, raised his hand.
“Yes, Michael?”
“Um… Why?”
“Well, because Miss Yocallite wanted too. Now, let's all go to the auditorium.”
All the children stood up and lined up at the door. Selda was beside Zink in line.
“Your mom seems different somehow…”
“She's expecting.”
“A FIFTH one?!?”
They all marched down to the auditorium and stepped onto the stage. Miss Yocallite stepped on.
“All right, we're going to rehearse in costume today, so to the dressing rooms folks!”
Now as the actors were preparing for the play, the back-stage people were setting up the set. It looked like a typical play with cardboard everywhere. Zink had a medieval rich-man outfit on, while Selda had a very nice gown on. (Zink insisted on keeping his hat on.)
As the play went on, everything was going extremely well. Zelda was the only one watching from the audience. It was now at the last scene and Zink had already “killed” himself after seeing Selda “dead” from her potion that defied human biology. Selda arose from the ground and gasps, then starts reciting the crummy words from the script… I don't know… they're not the same… but… oh well.
“Alas! My one true love hath fallen! He has gone up to the heavens and angels had flown him home! For I am filled with grief and sorrow, so I shall strike mineself and join mine love. However, before I fall to my death, I shall give one thing to my cold loved one…”
She kisses him on the ground. Zink is blushing very much and he starts to giggle.
OH HAPPY… uh… um…” Selda says looking to Miss Yocallite.
She mouths, “Oh happy dagger”. (By the way, she is a Zora)
Selda then takes out a rubber knife and “stabs” herself, and she falls to the ground and Zink began to laugh. Miss Yocallite stood up and started to clap.
“Good job, everyone!” She says as Zink and Selda stood up and the rest of the cast came, “Looks like we are all set for Friday night!”
Meanwhile, in Lelda's homeroom they apparently had a substitute that day. (No, it wasn't Ganondorf.)
“All right class, like, what do you want to like, do in your like, free time, dudes?”
Obviously, by the way she was acting, Lelda could obviously tell she was a hippie, or perhaps a former one.
“Play ball!” One classmate shouted.
“Oh, I know. We are going to like, make posters to make the idea of world peace stronger.”
Kink leaned over to Lelda, “Hippies are not meant to be teachers… Hey… did she just swear in Pig Latin?”
“She did!”
“And that friends is how you say that word. Now let's begin, like, our projects dudes.”
The class started talking.
“Yo, peace on earth!” The boys except for Kink shouted out.
Lelda put her head on the desk in embarrassment as Kink patted her back.
After a crazy day at school, all the children went home with their mother. They pulled into the driveway and entered the house. Link was fast asleep on the couch. (He always gets home early!) Everyone ran upstairs except for Zelda who sat beside Link awing at him. (He was sucking his thumb by the way.)
She began to stroke his cheek softly and he then started to moan.
“Oh, I don't want to go to school…”
She then kissed him on the cheek and headed for the stairs. What she didn't know was that the children were watching and giggling. They then all headed to their rooms while Nink had a hard time finding his again.
So their day went on normally (yes, it's unbelievable) and ended by going to bed.
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shadowbender on March 9, 2006, 8:54:33 AM
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Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on January 18, 2006, 10:51:37 AM
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