Chapter 1 - Poor Atem...
Submitted April 10, 2006 Updated October 21, 2006 Status Complete | Atem got his own body but at a price...
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Yami/Yugi |
Chapter 1 - Poor Atem...
Chapter 1 - Poor Atem...
“Had enough?” laughed Dartz “Hmm…maybe I should just save my energy. After all you are already too weak to do anything”
“Yugi, please leave me, just run, and go!” called the weakened voice of Atem. “Ha! He can't hear you” chuckled Dartz “Why?” growled Atem. “I've simply paralysed him. He can't hear you or do a thing to save you!” explained Dartz. Then he turned and began to recharge his powerful dragon.
Atem fell to his knees, too weak to stand, and fell face down onto the ground. He knew that he was too weak and injured, to face Dartz, and lay there motionless until Dartz suddenly turned.
“Go, my dragon, finish him off!” he commanded. The pharaoh couldn't see what the dragon might do to him. No matter how hard he tried to lift his head it was just too unbearable. He heard a thud next to him. This, he decided, must be the dragon. The dragon had lowered its head, it's fiery breath spread down his spine.
Suddenly Atem felt a searing pain shoot down his left arm. He couldn't yell. It was far too painful. Instead he closed his eyes, tightly, and hoped that he would survive. But, the more he hoped, the more the ferocious dragon wrenched its teeth around his arm.
“What?” shouted Dartz. “ What's happening to me?” called Atem.
Finally Free?
Atem had become a dragon, but the pain continued to sear through his left arm. He drew back his head and sent a fireball hurling towards Dartz and the dragon. Two screeches of pain came from them. Atem then sunk his dagger like teeth into the dragons' neck. The dragon fell into Dartz and slid off the edge of a near by cliff.
Atem didn't know how but he had done it! Te'a and Joey rushed over. Joey caught Atem just as he collapsed.
That night Atem said he needed to go somewhere. “What? Why do you need to go?” Te'a asked, “What's up Pharaoh?” asked Yugi. “I…nothing. I must go… I won't be back until morning…”Atem said. He looked scared. He had been disappearing once every month, ever since he had won the duel with Dartz. Atem left.
He hadn't told anyone about this…he was a werewolf. He took a slow, painful walk to the large empty field that he visited about this time every full moon. Atem stood there waiting for the pain to start, for the monthly torture, for the moon to catch his eye and force him to murder. The clouds cleared, revealing the sphere that caused so much pain. The moon caught his eye. Atem began to shake violently; his glittering innocent eyes were poisoned. The wrenching pains spread all over his body as he dropped onto all fours. He silently screamed but no one ever heard his cries. Atem clenched his teeth and tears dropped from his screwed up face. His hands and feet were now clawed paws. His clothes ripped as a tail grew and his face and teeth lengthened. Dark fur grew at a rapid speed all over the desperate, slim teen. Atem was now a killer. He howled as he threw his shirt off.
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zeldafan92 on October 20, 2006, 11:09:59 PM
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