Chapter 1 - Episode 1 - A New Friend
Submitted April 1, 2006 Updated August 30, 2006 Status Incomplete | Ryuu is moving up in the dueling world, on his way to the famous Duel Academy. But now, as great evil's plans are finally revealing, can Ryuu figure out the connection between his mysterious dreams and his role in this dark plot?
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 1 - Episode 1 - A New Friend
Chapter 1 - Episode 1 - A New Friend
"Man, this must be your worst day EVER!" exclaimed Derek. Derek was a good friend of Ryuu's. He had short brown hair, and brown eyes. He was 16 years-old just like Ryuu, except he was a lot taller than him. Ryuu was one of the students at Kyoto High as well as Derek. He had brown hair as well and clear blue eyes that always changed colors depending on what he wore. Ryuu was one of the lesser duelists in the school, and was always the target of a duel for a laugh or two. "Please, don't remind me..." he muttered as he sulked his way home.”I don't get it, your cards are so well put together, but you keep getting your but kicked by Sayiko." Sayiko was one of the best duelists in school next to Ryuu's brother. She had black hair and dark blue eyes. She always hung around with the guys; she was only interested in winning in everything she does, whether it was sports, video games, and especially dueling. One of her very favorite thing to do was to beat Ryuu on a daily bases. Ryuu didn't want to think about it anymore, and just sighed. "Derek, I'm gonna chill around here..." he said. Derek gave Ryuu a look of concern for his friend, and then he walked off.
After Derek left, Ryuu sat down on one of the benches in the park they walked through. He thought how it would be like if he were just like his brother Jason. "Hey, Ryuu!" yelled one of the duelists from school. "Ready for another schooling, you wimp!" Two of them were heading towards Ryuu from both of his sides. Ryuu got up and made a run for it, he couldn't duel anymore, and he didn't want to. After minutes of running from the two duelists, he finally tripped and there was no hope of escape. Both duelists walked up to him and held him up; each one held one arm to prevent Ryuu from escaping. "Well, well, well." Ryuu knew that voice anywhere, it was Sayiko. He should have known that when some of they guys came for him, Sayiko was behind most of it. There she was right in front of him, grinning at the boy she knew as a pipsqueak. "It seems I had a bad day today, got to get off some stress. So why don't we duel?" Both of Seiko's lackies were laughing as Ryuu struggled to break free. The laughter was followed by a thud that came from the back of both of their heads as they fell to the ground, unconcience.
"What do you think you're doing to my little brother, Sayiko?" Sayiko merely glared at Jason as he stood before her. Jason was 18 and the best duelist in school. He had light brown eyes and long, black hair that was always messy, no matter how much you combed it. Sayiko continued to stare at him as she started to hear the grinding of her own teeth. She hated Jason; he was the only one standing in his way of becoming the best in the school. She gave one last look of rage towards Jason and walked off, leaving the two lackies behind her remaining unconcience. Ryuu couldn't believe his eyes; he never got to see his brother, let alone actually is saved by him. "Are you okay little brother?" he asked. Ryuu started to cry as his brother kneeled down to comfort him. All Ryuu had left was his brother, he was lucky enough that Jason was old enough to be considered his legal guardian; otherwise, both he and Jason would be adopted. Jason started dueling when his parents died in a car accident to in order to use most of the prize money to help move along. "I'm sorry Jason..." he said as he sniffled.”Don't be sorry, I know your trying. But what I noticed in your dueling is that you lack something." Ryuu was surprised to hear his brother say this.” You watch my dueling? Well what is it, what am I missing? Skill, Cards?" Jason merely nodded his head and a twinkle in his eye appeared. "You lack confidence, Ryuu. You think you're a bad duelist but you're not. Instead, you insist on believing that you can't win."
"I'll see you at the house," he said, and exited the park. Ryuu continued to stare at Jason and broke into tears. After several minutes of drying his tears, he started to hear a croaking off in the distance. Ryuu looked up and tried to find out where it was coming from. The croaking continued to go on and off, each time getting louder. "Is that a frog...?" he asked himself. He got up and walked around. When he looked towards the lake, he saw a yellow frog with black spots. He seemed to be croaking for help as if he was in great pain. Ryuu walked up to the strange creature and kneeled down to examine it a bit. He noticed there was a cut underneath his chin as blood streamed down. "What happened to you?" he asked as he took out a bandage from his pocket. Ryuu was beat up so many times, he always had a bandage of two ready for an injury. He unwrapped the bandage and placed it right underneath his chin. The frog gave a cheerful croak as he grew wings. He jumped happily into Ryuu's arms and disappeared, only leaving some sort of glitter that flew off. The glitter started to gather into Ryuu's hand into the shape of a rectangle. After the rectangle settled into his hands, a card lay in his hands with the picture of the very frog he helped just now.
It was late that night; Ryuu was already in bed, curled up under his blanket, dreaming. He was in the middle of a white light, where everything was pure. He saw his brother next to him with his parents. Ryuu ran towards his family to hug him, as his parents started to fade away. He stopped dead in his tracks, looking for his parents. Darkness surrounded him, and the light started to disappear as his brother was swallowed into the shadows. "Jason!" But there was no answer. The sound of sinister laughter was echoing throughout the darkness, as light was shinning feet away. Ryuu tried to run towards it, but each step he took, he went further and further away. For every inch he went away from the light, the laughter grew louder, and louder. "No!" her yelled out as tears dropped down his face. He stopped to catch his breath, but the light continued to disappear. He couldn't make it, he was going to give up, but a new light was glowing. The light was coming from his pocket, trying to escape. Finally, a frog's head popped up and croaked happily. The frog from the park was flying out of his pocket and glowing. It gave another croak and flew towards the light. Ryuu saw it and tried to run after it, but it was too fast. It gave one last croak, and Ryuu ran as fast as he could. Everything went white, and Ryuu woke up. Later that day, it was almost time for Math. Derek and Mike were already heading for class when Derek saw the card Ryuu carried with him all day. "What's that you got there, Ryuu?" asked Derek. "Well, it's hard to explain, but-"
'Hey prey!" called out Sayiko. She had a duel disk on her wrist and a deck in her hands. "You know what time it is, dontcha?" Sayiko started towards Ryuu, but Derek placed himself directly in her way. "If you wanna duel him, you're gonna have to duel me!" Ryuu never realized how much Derek valued their friendship. He never felt this way before. It wasn't fair. Derek didn't need to get involved; why should he pay for him. He thought of what his brother said, he thought of the frog in the park, and he wasn't going to give up anymore. "Derek..." Derek looked back to see a look of rage strike Ryuu's face. "I'll duel her, get to class." Derek looked at Ryuu, then to Sayiko, to Ryuu again, and ran straight to class. Ryuu took out his duel disk he kept in his backpack and strapped it to his wrist. "Let's Duel!" yelled out Sayiko and Ryuu simultaneously. The LP counter read 4000 and the hologram projectors launched from the duel disks.
"It's my move!" yelled out Ryuu as he drew 6 cards. He looked at his cards and noticed the frog in the park was in his hand. "And I'll play Sangan *att: 1000/def: 1000* in attack mode. And I'll play 2 cards facedown." A giant ball of brown hair with 3 eyes emerged from the ground as 2 cards lay behind it. "Is that all?" Sayiko drew her card and it was now her turn. "I summon Kaiser Sea Horse *att:1700/def:1650* in attack mode with 2 cards face down." A new creature with sea armor came up with his staff ready to attack. "Now attack his Sang an!" Kaiser charged towards Sang an and slashed it with his sword. Sangan was destroyed and Ryuu was down to 3300 LP. Ryuu recovered from the shock and said, "You activated my Sangan's special ability. I get to search my deck for any monster with 1500 attack points or less and add it to my hand." Ryuu took his deck from the duel disk's slot, took the card D.D. Warrior Lady and showed it to his opponent. Ryuu drew his card and played a magic card. "I play Fissure! It destroys the monster with the lowest monster's attack points on your side of the field! Since Kaiser Sea Horse is your only monster on your field, it is automatically destroyed!"
"Now I summon D.D. Warrior Lady *att:1500/def:1600* in attack mode" A woman rose with a glowing sword in her hand, "and now I activate Call of the Haunted. It special summons one monster in my graveyard and onto my field." Sangan rose once again and joined D.D. Warrior lady at her side. "Now Attack her directly!" declared Ryuu. "Not so fast, I play Mystical Space Typhoon. It destroys one magic or trap card, and I choose Call of the Haunted!" A gust of wind headed towards Sang an and he disappeared. "Of course, Sang an activates it's effect, but it won't do you any good." Ryuu took his card and showed it to his opponent. "I still have my attack for D.D. Warrior Lady! Now attack!" D.D. opened a portal and disappeared. Few seconds later, a new portal opened and she jumped out to slash at Sayiko. Sayiko was now down to 2500 LP. "Impressive" admitted Sayiko as she rose from the shock of the attack. Sayiko drew her card and revealed a trap card, "I play my Call of the Haunted to bring back Kaiser Sea Horse. Next I activate Shadow Spell! This card lowers your monster's attack points by 700." Chains started to surround D.D. Warrior Lady and she became weakened. "Now I activate Kaiser Sea Horse's special ability. By sacrificing this card for a light attribute, the tribute is counted as 2, so that I can summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon *att:3000/def:2500*!"
"Curse Pegasus for making newer copies of Blue Eyes!" growled Ryuu as a massive white dragon flew in from the clouds. "Now attack, Blue Eyes! White Lightning Burst of Destruction!" The dragon charged a white beam of light from his mouth and fired it at D.D. Warrior Lady. Ryuu was knocked down by the attack as his LP went down to 1100. "Pathetic." said Sayiko as a smirk crossed her face. "Shut up!" yelled Ryuu as tears and sweat dripped to the ground. "Why me?! Why are you picking on me?! I never did anything to you! All I wanted was to be like my brother! But you kept on dragging me down!" Sayiko glared at Ryuu as he broke into tears once more. "I'm doing it to help you!" she said. Ryuu looked up in surprise and stopped crying. "I beat you everyday to get you stronger, to make you become a better duelist. You think you're bad, but the truth is, you're not! You need someone to smack you around! To show you the truth! Now are you gonna prove me wrong by crying? Or are you gonna prove yourself wrong by continuing!" Ryuu thought about what she said. What Derek said about his cards, what his brother said...
He got up. It was time to continue the duel. "I activate my D.D. Warrior Lady's special effect! When a monster battles with her, she and the monster are removed from play after damage calculation, that is, if I choose to. And with that thing on the field, it wouldn't be a bad idea!" Sayiko gasped as D.D. Warrior Lady reappeared and grabbed onto Blue Eyes, taking it with her to some far off place. Ryuu heard a croak and noticed his card was glowing. He looked at it and knew what to do. He drew his card and said, "I set one facedown monster in def. monster and end" A new card was set on the field and it was now Seiko's turn. She drew her card and played a magic card. "I activate White Dragon Ritual! Now by sending a monster whose stars total 4, I can play Paladin of White Dragon*att:1900/def:1200*!" A new dragon flew in from the clouds, this time with a warrior in white armor riding it. "Now I'll activate his special ability, which lets me special summon one Blue Eyes White Dragon during my main phase if I tribute this card!" Sayiko sent Paladin of White Dragon to the graveyard, and placed Blue Eyes on the field. "Not so fast Sayiko, I play my trap Torrential Tribute! If a monster is normal summoned, flip summoned, or special summoned, all monsters on the field are destroyed!" A burst of lightning came from the trap card and struck every card on the field, including his own.
"Fine, I'll place two cards Facedown." Two cards appeared on the field, and Ryuu drew his card. "I activate my Treeborn Frog's *att:100/def:100* special ability! When there are no spell or traps on my side of the field, it is special summoned onto the field in any position I want!" A yellow frog with black spots and wings appeared on the field. "Now with a monster on my field, I have a tribute for Mobius the Frost Monarch *att:2400/def:1000*!" Ice formed started to form on the ground and both of Seiko's traps were freezing. A knight grew from the ice that was now shaping into a human and struck a blow to the frozen facedown. "What's going on, and when did that dumb frog get sent to the graveyard?!" asked Sayiko angrily. Ryuu gave out a chuckle and said, "Treeborn Frog was in my graveyard when I destroyed it due to the effect of Torrential Tribute, and When Mobius is summoned, he destroys up to 2 spell or traps on the field. Now I activate Premature Burial! By paying 800 LP, I can equip one monster in my graveyard with this card and that monster is special summoned in attack mode!" Using more than half of his LP, his count was now down to a scarce 300. "And now I choose, Treeborn Frog!" The frog reappeared and croaked a happy little tune as he flew around Ryuu. Ryuu gleamed at his monster and said, "I couldn't have done it without you Treeborn Frog..." The frog merely jumped up and down as it eagerly waited to attack. "It finally happened Ryuu, your finally a real duelist," Sayiko closed her eyes and looked away, "now finish it!" she ordered. Ryuu shook his head and sighed. "Okay Mobius, attack her directly!" Mobius charged at Sayiko and punched her in the stomach. Ice formed around her feet; her LP was down to 100 and there was no escape. "Now Treeborn Frog, attack Sayiko directly!" The frog gave out a loud croak and it started to lash its tongue right at Seiko's face. Sayiko was knocked down and the game was over. Ryuu walked over to her and helped her up. "Ugh...Good better not tell anyone, otherwise my rep is over!" Ryuu merely smiled. "Of course not," he said as he held out his hand. "What are friends for?"
This is my first Yugioh fanfic ever. Ryuu is the name SetoAngel01 gave me for her pic she did. To thank her, I decided to use the name cause I love it so much, and I put her OC in the story. Anyway, if you haven't figured it out, Treeborn Frog is the "Duel Spirit" in this story. The point of the Ryuu putting a bandage on Treeborn Frog is not only to befriend it, but because on the real card, it has a bandage on the bottom of his chin XD! Sorry for making your OC look like a jerk, SetoAngel, hope you're not too mad T.T
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Jozie-Chan on April 23, 2006, 3:14:50 AM
Jozie-Chan on

SetoAngel01 on April 2, 2006, 7:33:49 AM
SetoAngel01 on
Kratosgirl14 on April 2, 2006, 4:25:37 AM
Kratosgirl14 on