Chapter 2 - Episode 2 - Welcome to the Family
Submitted April 1, 2006 Updated August 30, 2006 Status Incomplete | Ryuu is moving up in the dueling world, on his way to the famous Duel Academy. But now, as great evil's plans are finally revealing, can Ryuu figure out the connection between his mysterious dreams and his role in this dark plot?
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 2 - Episode 2 - Welcome to the Family
Chapter 2 - Episode 2 - Welcome to the Family
Yay! Episode 2! This is a good episode, trust me! I wouldn't wanna ruin some parts of it, but what I can tell you, is that no matter what people think of me, no matter how many people think it's stupid, I can and WILL bring out the Manga in my anime fanfics. For some who don't know what I mean, Manga has been known to show a...perverted side to our favorite characters we've come to know and love. If you're still clueless, then just read the damn thing. Hehe, I'm sorry, I couldn't resist myself…Mwahahaha
It was 5:00 a.m. that morning and Ryuu was sleeping in bed. Every minute or so, he tossed and turned underneath his covers to get to sleep, but no matter what, laughter was haunting him in his sleep. An hour later, the alarm clock on the bedroom counter struck 6:00 a.m. and Treeborn Frog popped out of its card that was with Ryuu's deck on the counter. The frog stretched its legs, hopped around, and croaked about with its usually cheerful croaking as always. "Aw, c'mon! It's not time to wake up yet! Besides, it's Sunday!" said Ryuu with his face stuffed in his pillow. After hearing this, the frog flew towards Ryuu, positioned itself right above him, and jumped up and down. "C'mon Froggy! I said it's not time to wake up!" Froggy was the nickname Ryuu decided to give Treeborn Frog after he found out that it was a real creature days after they first met; or so he thought. He was always afraid that he was just going crazy, but either way, he called it Froggy. Froggy continued to jump up and down, croaking each time he ascended. Ryuu couldn't take anymore, and swatted the poor frog away from his back. Afterwards, Ryuu heard knocking on his door and grinded his teeth. "Time to wake up, Ryuu! The early bird catches the worm" said Jason's muffled voice through the door. "Yea? Well I'd rather be catching some Z's" Ryuu muttered. He sat up, gave a huge yawn, rubbed his eyes, and headed for the shower. Afterwards, he got dressed, pet poor Froggy on the head for what he did, grabbed his deck, and walked out.
Ryuu didn't know what to do. It was 6:00 a.m. Who would be up at this hour? There was not one single duelist to take on with his new found confidence. "Hey Ryuu!" called out Sayiko in the far off distance. Ryuu stopped to let her catch up to him, and they both walked around looking for something to do. "I can't believe its Sunday!" she exclaimed. Ryuu couldn't believe Sayiko knew where his house was. "It's in the directory, I thought you knew that." Sayiko started to giggle as Ryuu's face was flushed with red. Apparently, Sayiko would never get tired of making Ryuu make a fool of himself, even if they were friends. They walked past an electronics store where they were having a special on DVDs. "Wait here." she said as she ran right in and quickly bought something. Ryuu tried to look in the bag afterwards to see what she got, but she immediately but it in her backpack and waved her finger. "Sorry Ryuu, this is for my eyes only." she said as Ryuu had a look of desire in his face. What was it that Sayiko was hiding that she didn't want him to see? They continued walking and Ryuu heard the cheerful croaking of Froggy. Ryuu checked to see if Sayiko could hear or not and gave a quick flick of the finger to the sudden annoyance that was in his pocket.
"Hey guys!" called out Derek as he ran as fast as he could towards them, which wasn't really that fast. "Did you guys hear?!" Derek had a hint of urgency in his voice, but every time he spoke he took a look at Ryuu. "Spit it out already!" ordered Sayiko after minutes of stuttering. Derek caught his breath after several minutes and told them the news. "There's some guy that was attacked by a duelist! Ryuu, you need to take a look at this!" Derek ran off again into the same direction he came from and Ryuu started to follow him with Sayiko right behind him. When they got to a point where Derek stopped, he noticed an ambulance car and several people grouping around it. "Excuse me." said Ryuu as he continued to push his way through the group of people. When he finally got through, he saw Jason being placed into the ambulance. "Jason!" he screamed as he pushed his way through security. He tried to see what was wrong, but two of the security guards grabbed him by the arms and tried to pull him back. "Let me go! That's my brother!" he yelled as he struggled to break free. By the time he finally managed through security, Jason was already inside and the ambulance drove off. Ryuu pushed through everyone in his way as he ran after the ambulance. He ran as fast as he could, leaving only dust, sweat, and tears behind him. Derek ran after Ryuu and grabbed him by the shoulders. "You need to know when to call it quits, Ryuu! Jason's gone!" He watched as the ambulance drove off into the distance and started crying. Froggy croaked his usual tune to cheer him up, but Ryuu continued crying.
"Excuse me young man." said one of the security. "There is someone that needs to speak with you." A woman, with dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes was looking concerned. "Excuse me, are you the brother of that young man?" she asked. Ryuu shook his head as tears fell down like raindrops. "I'm sorry, but I'm with child services. You have no record of any legal guardians, and I'm afraid I'll have to take you to an orphanage until your brother gets better, or until you get adopted." Ryuu's worst fear had come true. He was about to be separated from his brother forever. "But-but what happened to him?!" asked Ryuu as he started to shake violently. "We're not sure, I'm afraid. All we do know is that he was attacked by some duelist." The woman saw Ryuu's pain and was truly sorry for what happened. "Please, you have to come with me." she said. Sayiko never saw Ryuu like this. She would always see him upset, but it was never like this...
"I'll take care of him!" yelled out Sayiko without realizing what she said. "Excuse me?" asked the Child Services woman. "Errr....that's right! My family could take him in until his brother gets back." The woman gave a big sigh and asked, "Are your parents okay with it? If so, they'll have to be asked a few questions." Sayiko took a look at Ryuu and saw him in great agony and pain. Finally, she shook her head and Ryuu looked up. "Sayiko, you don't have to do this. You could get in big trouble!" sniveled Ryuu. "I don't care Ryuu; no one deserves to be separated like this." Sayiko smiled at Ryuu and gave him a wink. Ryuu never felt any happier. Froggy popped out of his pocket and hopped around like crazy, yet no one even noticed him, let alone know that there were any frogs in town. He watched Sayiko discuss some terms with the woman, and afterwards he started to hear laughter once again. This time it wasn't haunting him only in his sleep. What he heard was not a dream, he heard laughter alright, but this time someone else was laughing. It was a woman's laughter, and it was cold and dark. Ryuu stood up and struggled to keep sanity, he did everything he could to get the laughter out of his head, yet the laughter continued, and everything went black.
Ryuu awoke into a room he had never been before. He sat up on his bed as he noticed Froggy at his side, eagerly awaiting for his best friend to wake up. Froggy jumped into Ryuu's arms and he started to hug him for comfort. "Froggy, what happened?" Froggy started croaking like crazy as he jumped all around the room. Ryuu was actually paying attention to Froggy's wild croaking this time, actually understanding everything he croaked. "I-I passed out...?" he asked. Suddenly, the door swung open and Sayiko walked in. "Are you okay?" she asked as she sat next to him on the bed. "I'm fine..." he replied. "Why did you pass out, was it because you were upset?" Ryuu slowly nodded his head in disagreement. "Well, either way, you're stuck with us in the guest room." she said. Ryuu smiled a huge grin and said, "Awww... do I have to?" Ryuu broke into laughter instantly, and lucky for him, Sayiko realized that he was only joking right before she decided to wring his neck. "You knuckle head!" she yelled, and gave him a soft punch on the shoulder. "Well, I'm gonna hit the hay." said Sayiko as she started to yawn. "Try not to think about today that much." She walked out and gave Ryuu a worried look right before she closed the door. So this was it, Ryuu was gonna have to live with Sayiko and her family. "I guess I should get out of everyone's way, huh?" he asked Froggy. Froggy croaked and flew right towards his backpack. He opened the pockets and took out a card. "Froggy...? Froggy, that's genius!" Ryuu stood up and grabbed the card out Froggy's mouth. Afterwards, Froggy hopped around playfully and sang his song as Ryuu walked out the door as well.
Ryuu was now in the hallway, looking for where Sayiko could have gone. He checked each door for any clue on which room Sayiko's was. Finally, he found a sign on one of the doors that read Sayiko's room. He grabbed the handle and turned it so he could walk in and give Sayiko the card Froggy picked. "Hey Sayiko! I have something for-" he stopped dead in his tracks to see Sayiko with her backside facing towards the door, changing her shorts for bed; all she was wearing was a bra and her thong. She turned around to see Ryuu outside her door staring at her, blushing. Sayiko blushed as much as Ryuu and started to scream. "HOLY CRAP! I'M SO SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!!!" Ryuu's face was now completely red and he immediately covered his eyes, peeking now and then. "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU KNOCK!?!" yelled Sayiko as she covered herself. Froggy flew in to see what happened, and after he looked into Sayiko's room, he landed flat on his face, nearly knocked out. After several minutes of Ryuu peeking and unpeeking, Sayiko was finally dressed lieing on her bed. Ryuu was sort of upset it didn't last long. "You can look now." she said uneasily. Ryuu uncovered his face and walked into her room; there were posters of Seto Kaiba everywhere. Any space that weren't covered in posters was either because there was no room or it was a spot of an older poster that was going to be replaced. "So what is it you wanted me to see?" she asked. "Well, Froggy-err, I mean, I picked a card that you might like." Froggy heard this and finally woke up from passing out. He started to hop up and down violently while croaking a different, angrier tune. Ryuu could tell he was saying something along the lines of "What do you mean YOU picked the card?!" Ryuu handed the card to Sayiko, ignoring the angry croaking from Froggy. Sayiko took a good, long look at the card she was now holding in her hand called Kaiba Man. "Oh my God! How did you know I love Seto Kaiba?!" she asked gleefully. Ryuu took a look at the posters that were hung around everywhere and saw the DVD she bought of all of Seto's duels on footage.
"Well err, I didn't...I gave this card to thank you, but didn't have to tell me you were a fan." It took a while for Sayiko to realize what he meant. "Oh, you mean the posters...yeah; I do have a few of them...or a lot of them. So what does this card do?" she asked. "Well, it's supposedly able to tribute itself and special summon one Blue Eyes from your hand." Sayiko beamed at the card that reminded her of her dream man Seto. "Awww! Why should I tribute something so cute?!" She started to giggle and placed her new card in her deck. "I've never even seen this card before, where did you get it?" she asked. Ryuu thought back to a time when Jason made the state champions. "Well, I think Jason won it in a tourney as part of his prize." he replied. "What about Jason? He won't mind?" Ryuu nodded his head. "He never ran a Blue Eyes deck. Besides, if he DID value it, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if he knew you guys were taking care of me." Sayiko heard this and suddenly thought of all those times he hated Jason, how she didn't mind Jason in the hospital that much. She could even imagine Ryuu and Jason reunited, and Jason showing his great appreciation towards someone her, all for the sake of his brother. She looked into Ryuu's eyes, beyond the casual look he had, to see great pain. "Is something wrong Sayiko?" he asked. Sayiko gave Ryuu a hug and he became confused, although he tried not to think about it that much. "Get plenty of rest kid..." she whispered softly in his ear. Froggy starting croaking angrier and angrier. Froggy was a pretty affectionate guy, and Ryuu could tell he wanted hugs too, even if no one could see him. Ryuu got up and walked out of her room with Froggy at his side. He went to the guest room and tucked himself in with Froggy in his arms like some plush doll. Ryuu closed his eyes and tried not to think about his brother, not to think about the haunting laughter, not to think about Sayiko...
"WAKE UP!!!" yelled Sayiko. There was a loud banging on the door, even louder than the way his brother used to bang. Ryuu stood up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked at the spot where Froggy's card was and then at the clock that read 5:00 a.m. Not even Froggy was up at this hour. He checked to see what to get dressed with; he didn't notice earlier that someone moved his belongings in Sayiko's home. Ryuu got up and got ready for school, it was going to be one heck of a day with everyone asking him about the incident. When both Ryuu and Sayiko got to school, everyone was trying to know what happened. Sayiko made sure that no one got him upset. Eventually, Derek caught up to them and they all walked off to class "Hey Sayiko!" called out one of her popular friends. He had short, black hair, and huge, round, green eyes. When he caught up, he pushed Ryuu out of the way and knocked him down. "What are you doing with this loser?" he asked as Ryuu glared at him. "Back off, Kawazu!" yelled Derek as Sayiko helped Ryuu up. Kawazu saw Sayiko and was confused about what she was doing. "Are you serious?! This guy's not worth your time, Sayiko! Ditch the loser!" Sayiko punched Kawazu in the face and he got knocked down as well. "What kind of loser doesn't have a frog deck!" yelled back Ryuu. "Are you kidding me?! Do you want me to mop the floor with you right now?!" Kawazu then took a look at Sayiko and said, "As for you, I was going to believe that the rumors of you losing to this wimp were fake, but I guess I'm gonna have to tell the whole school!" Kawazu got up and started to walk off laughing as Sayiko tightened her fist. As for Ryuu, he was furious. "How dare you talk to her like that, because when you talk to my friends that way, you're making fun of me! Especially after what she's doing for me!" Kawazu looked back and gave Ryuu a mean look. "Oh yes, that's right. You have to stay with her because you're big, bad, brother got attacked," he paused and started to walk off again, "But now that your brother is out of the way, I get my chance to become the best. So run along with those weaklings and stay out of my way!" Sayiko was taken aback with surprise, but Ryuu ran straight for Kawazu and tackled him. "You aren't going anywhere, you jerk! You and I are going to duel, right here, right now!" Sayiko ran to Ryuu and grabbed him away from Kawazu. "You don't have to do this, I could beat him all on my own..."
"Fine, but when I win, I get that frog card of yours!" yelled back Kawazu as he interrupted their private conversation. Ryuu noticed that he was talking about Froggy's card that was sticking out of his pocket. Froggy started to look worried and shivered at Ryuu's side. "You're not gonna win, and when you lose, you gotta keep quiet about what happened!" Both duelists pulled out a duel disk from their backpacks. "Listen Ryuu, if there's anything I know about this guy; it's that he has a one move finish combo. Are you sure you're willing to risk that cad of yours?" asked Derek. "I appreciate the concern Derek, but I'm not gonna lose!" Ryuu looked back to his friend and smiled, "No one talks about my friends that way!" the hologram projectors launched, and both players' LP counter read 4000. "Let's duel!" yelled out Kawazu and Ryuu simultaneously. "I'll start," he said, "and I'll play T.A.D.P.O.L.E. *att:0/def:0* in attack mode with one card facedown!" Sure enough, a giant tadpole the size of Ryuu's head formed in the center of the field with one card behind him. This was too easy, there had to be something Kawazu was planning. "My move then!" He drew his card and looked at one of his monster cards. "I'll play D.D. Assailant *1700/1600* in attack mode!" Froggy appeared on Ryuu's shoulder looking concerned. He seemed to know every Frog card combo there was, yet Ryuu hardly knew anything about these monsters. A woman appeared on the field with a cloth over her mouth and armor covering her whole body from neck down. Ryuu was uneasy and finally made decision. " D.D. Assailant, attack T.A.D.P.O.L.E. !" She pulled out her giant sword (I'm talking "Zabuza's sword" huge) and stabbed the creature between the eyes as it was destroyed into bits of pieces. Kawazu remained calm and smirked liked nothing happened as his LP counter read 2300. "You think you're winning, huh?" he asked with a triumphant look. Ryuu shook his head and said, "Well yea, my LPs are higher..." Kawazu started laughing and said, "This duel has only begun! Just you wait!"
To Be Continued...
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Jozie-Chan on April 23, 2006, 3:28:43 AM
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InsertNameHere on April 15, 2006, 9:40:38 AM
Kratosgirl14 on April 15, 2006, 9:24:45 AM
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SetoAngel01 on April 6, 2006, 5:15:07 AM
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SxK_YGOfan on April 5, 2006, 12:12:47 PM
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