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Chapter 8 - The sixth chappie!

I story about a girl, Angelalie and a new guy she met, Jakaspher and a horrible secert she descovers about him. What will happen? And what is the horrible, yet intrugingly deadly secert? Read and find out.

Chapter 8 - The sixth chappie!

Chapter 8 - The sixth chappie!

School was boring... as always. And now I have an extra week of detention. How grand! Here's a replay of what caused my week of torture:

'Hey! It's the freak." Amber hissed, saying 4 of the 20 words of her vocabulary, of which the others consist of; hot, sexy, sex, oh, my, god, hair, nails, manicure, whore, slut, clothes, whatever, me/I, boys, The Hills, and lastly, Laguna Beach. Very impressive, huh?

"Well, if it isn't the slut." I growled back.

"You would be if you weren't so emo about your parents 'abandoning' you and having your big brother raise you, no wonder you are so screwed up. Sniff, I am so sad for you." Oh, she did NOT go there! She insulted me, mentioned my parents, and dragged my brother into this!! So, my reply was a slam to her nose, with my fist.

"God, I will never get used to how good that feels!" I exclaimed.

"OH MY GOD! My nose! My beautiful nose! She BROKE it!!" Amber shriek with horror.

"Just get plastic surgery, it's not like you never done it before!" Just as I bursted out laughing Mrs, Kurk came and ended my fun.

*Sigh* Actually, detention isn't really all that bad, I thought. Since I am Mr. Gee's favorite I don't get in trouble, and neither does Zeke, or Jakaspher. But I hate staying after school.

"So, you ready?" Zeke asked.

"Yep, mall time!" I yelled back. Then I saw my two good friends walking toward us.

"Hey guys!" Kattie greeted us. Jasmine just stood there and waved.
We finally arrived at the mall two hours later. "Damn! I forgot to call Dave! He probably called the cops by now!"

"So call him now." Jasmine laughed back at me from my sudden outburst.

"I don't have my phone."

"Here you can use mine... Oh, it's dead." Zeke shrugged.

"And so is mine, oh well!" Kat said. "Come on, he'll live! Have fun, were at the mall!" Yep, Kat, when is comes to the mall, can be overly girly.

So we went shopping first we went to the food court, of course.

"Hey, I'll buy you some food Ang." Zeke offered.

"Ok" I grinned at him.

Then I was a look on Jasmine's face.

"Hey, Jays, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," She snapped, "I am fine, come on Kat, let's get subway."

"Geez, what's her problem." I grumbled to myself.

"I dunno. Maybe it's PMS" Zeke laughed.


After we went to hot topic were I bought a few wrist bands, a black and WHITE (gasp) Atreyu hoodie, and an Avenged Sevenfold black and red t-shirt. And Zeke bought an Evanescence long sleeve shirt, a few wrist bands, and an Atreyu pin, which we fought over... if you count rock paper scissors fighting. And of course he won. Humph. While we were at Hot Topic Kat and Jays went to Target. Then we met back up and went to Barns and Noble. I bought this really interesting series of books by Stephenie Meyer, and another book called The Rules of Survival while Zeke bought a book on skateboarding and a book on sports cars. Kat bought a few mangas and Jasmine bought a book on white tigers( her favorite animal) and cooking.

Then, shockingly, Kattie and Jasmine left the mall BEFORE us. So, I took Zeke to one last place before we left... besides the bathroom, which I ha to escort him and wait for him like a little boy. He was so happy where I took him... the store I hated to go just because he took so long in it... the skating store. It is hevan on earth for all skateboarders.

I sighed while saying "Buy whatever you want. It's on me."

"Really!? You're the best" He came me his unintentional puppy look. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes! You did buy me lunch, and plus I said I was gonna reward you for coming with me." I pointed out. He ran over and hugged me while all the skaters in the store stared at us.

"Um... Zeke...?"

"Oh, sorry." He stood back up normally pulling on the edge of his shirt, embarrassed of what he just did, trying to gain back his dignity.

I ended up buying him a 2skateboards 'the best type of wheels' and Zeke called them, stickers to go on the skateboard, and some skater clothes. We went to the cashier to pay and he said "Cash or check? Or credit?" He was shocked by my reply "Cash." I replied. Zeke ended up buying a LOT of clothes and stickers, and wheels, he said he would put some stuff back but I refused.

"Four hundred fifty... in CASH." Ok, maybe he was expecting credit.

"Yes." I said, handing him the money.

He looked to see if it was real. What an idiot. Geez.

"Ok, Zeke you happy?"

"Damn, straight! Thank you... thank you!!" Someone is a little too excited. But Zeke isn't too rich himself. Actually, he is poor. VERY poor. He lives in a one room apartment with his mother, his father left when Zeke was just ten years old. His dad left a note on the table saying he was tired of supporting a 'whore' of a wife (which Anna, Zeke's mother, was not) and a failure of a son. Poor Zeke and his mother were heartbroken. Zeke, if not best friends with me, was practically best friends with his dad. The two of them were like zombies for a whole year. They used to be middle classed with a little extra money now and then, but now Zeke's mother has to full time at Friendlys and hardly have anough to put food on the table. Zeke has a job and the Skate Park and helps his mother take care of themselves. I lend a hand often by cooking food and bringing it over to them and buying food, and when school is about to start I buy Zeke some school clothes and I often help them with money for bills. Zeke's mother hates me giving them money but... I can be quite manipulative.

On the way back to Zeke's house I bought us some Mc Donalds for him, his mother, and I. And some for Dave so he won't be too mad for my disapperance.

"Hey, mom! You home?"

"Yes, I am in here, dear." She called.

"We got some Mc Donalds."

"Why did you... oh! Zeke why did you buy all that stuff we need the..." She started but I cut her off.

"Anna, I bought Zeke that stuff. And I bought us all some Mc Donalds."

"Oh, Angelalie, you didn't need to do that."

"Yes, I know, I wanted to. Enjoy the meal. I have to go see my brother, he is probably having a fit by now."

"Let me drive you." Zeke offered.

"No, it's ok. You used a lot of gas today." I pointed out, knudging him in the ribs.

"Goodbye." I said, racing out the door.

Darn it, it is gonna take me forever to walk home, I thought, as it started to pour. Sure, I loved the rain, but now I am catching a damn cold!

"Hello." I jumped a mile hearing a voice.

"What!?" I snapped. Oh sh!t! It could be some rappist, or worse, a vampire! ... I've been watching to many horror movies. "Go AWAY!" I yelled, turning to run away.

"But I was just going to offer you a ride." Jakaspher's voice mumbled.

"Oh... sorry." I got in the car.

"I am sorry for... um, whatever I did. Let me make it up to you."

"Huh?" What the hell is he talking about.

"You must hate me. I am sorry. Do you want to go to the movies tomarrow?"

Oh. I feel bad now. I didn't exactly HATE Jakaspher, but I didn't necessarily like him either. But now I feel guilty.

"Oh, I don't hate you... um, this is kinda dumb but I thought you were a rapist or a killer." I whispered. embarrassed.

Then he made a funny face, then he laughed quietly then... he bursted out laughing. I didn't find this so amusing. The meanie.

"Hey!" I yelled, kicking him in the leg.

"Sorry... My apologies." He said, finally recovering. "Do you mind if we still go to the movies?"

"No, I guess not." I grumbled. "What movie?"

"You may choose. Lady's choice." Whatever.

"Let's see... how about... The Simpsons Movie?"

"Ok. Here we are. See you tomarrow."


I ran up the drive way because of the sudden hail. "ANGELALIE!" I heard Daviel yell.

"Oh, great, I'm in for it now."

... OK... NOT what I was expecting. Daviel hugged me and when he realeased he said. "Where the hell were you!!??"

"I got another week of detention, so I was there, when we went to the mall and I went to Zeke's and... Oh, here is a big mac and a snap wrap and a chocolate milkshake for you... you're favorite!! You aren't too mad, are you?" I questioned.

"I wasn't but... not I am! How the hell could you DO that to me!? You didn't even CALL!"

"I left my cell phone here by accident and Zeke, and Kat, and Jays were either forgotten or dead." I whispered.

He sighed and said "Ok, your forgiven. I'll be right back. I have to go to the cops." He said, walking to his car.

I walked inside and saw....

WTF!!?? I thought he might call the cops but... A WHOLE DAMN SEARCH PARTY! Geez!

"Ok, you guys can leave, I am home." I said, and gasped at what time is was. School ended at 2:15, and I had an hour and half ofdetention, then the two hour drive to the mall, the 3and a half hours there, the two hour drive back, plus five minutes at Mc Donalds, the five minutes spent at Zeke's and the 10-ish minutes drive home. I didn't know I was gone THAT long. Darn it! I am tired and I still need to study for a vocabulary test! 

                                                   End chapter 6


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luckylace222 on August 16, 2007, 6:55:42 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222"Ok, you guys can leave, I am home." I said, and gasped at what time is was. School ended at 2:15, and I had an hour and half of detention, then the two hour drive to the mall, the 3and a half hours there, the two hour drive back, plus five minutes at Mc Donalds, the five minutes spent at Zeke's and the 10-ish minutes drive home. I didn't know I was gone THAT long. Darn it! I am tired and I still need to study for a vocabulary test!"