Chapter 41 - Afterwards
Submitted May 29, 2009 Updated June 22, 2010 Status Complete | A very old curse that is passed down through the Inu family, attacks InuYasha. Now Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Kouga, and Sesshomaru must team up to fight a enemy that was even more powerful then Inu no Taishou himself, in order to save InuYasha''''s soul.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 41 - Afterwards
Chapter 41 - Afterwards
Sesshomaru stalked up to the burning river of lava. Totosai was there, the Youkai Lord could smell him. The fumes coming from the top of the bones of Totosai’s house reeked of metal and iron.
“Totosai should be here.” Myoga said. The flea had been the only one to accompany the Youkai Lord, even Jaken decided to stay and ‘protect Rin’ which Sesshomaru knew was not the case. The toad youkai had snuck out and cried for InuYasha, it had shocked Sesshomaru to the core to see his servant in such disdain, but Sesshomaru had decided not to drag his servant out because of InuYasha’s condition.
“Totosai is not going to like this…” the old flea mumbled.
Sesshomaru heard the heavy banging of a large mallet against a curving metal, which a sword was being forged.
“Sesshomaru!” Totosai shouted as he stared at him in shock as the Youkai Lord entered the skeleton workshop and house of the sword smith, Totosai.
“Fix Tokijin.” Sesshomaru unsheathed the bent sword and threw it at Totosai’s feet. “It is only what this Sesshomaru’s needs.”
“This sword is not going to be fixed by my hand Sesshomaru.” Totosai said with his large eyes. “You took an evil youkai’s fang and made an evil sword smith forge this; I’m not going to fix something of such evil.”
“But Totosai!” Myoga squeaked. He jumped off Sesshomaru’s shoulder and onto the old geezer’s nose. “Sesshomaru-sama used it only to save InuYasha-sama!”
“He did, did he?” Totosai questioned.
“Do you not remember…Inuhidoi?” The old flea whispered. Totosai’s eyes grew twice as big and spat out some water.
“Myoga! Since when has that creature ever crossed your mind again!?” Totosai snapped.
“Ummm…maybe because he possessed InuYasha-sama?” the old flea mumbled.
“What…?” Totosai’s mouth dropped open.
“It is true; a half-Kami did possess the hanyou.” Sesshomaru said. Totosai blinked and dropped his mallet.
“And…you fought Inuhidoi with Tokijin?” Totosai managed to say.
“No, Tensegia.” Sesshomaru growled.
Totosai blinked and looked between the Youkai Lord and the flea. “Someone better tell me all about it.”
“There is nothing more to tell, Inuhidoi is dead.”
“Totosai, Sesshomaru-sama speaks the truth.” Myoga bowed.
“How…the only way to kill Inuhidoi was…”
“The Inu Soul, this Sesshomaru knows.”
“How…?” Totosai stared.
“InuYasha-sama managed to wield it.” Myoga said.
“Interesting.” Totosai put a bony finger to his chin. “And you Sesshomaru?”
“This Sesshomaru only wants Tokijin fully repaired.”
“Very well.” Sesshomaru stopped; did Totosai say he would without complaint?
“Sesshomaru, in the case of Tokijin, you forged it to make a blade stronger then Tessaiga, correct?” Totosai asked. Sesshomaru only blinked in response. “In any case, this sword is made of Naraku’s reincarnation and fang that is most useless to the evil hanyou. But in the case of you Sesshomaru, you used a youkai fang to defeat your otouto in battle, against your otou’s fang.”
Sesshomaru glared. “Continue.”
“In other words Sesshomaru, you were trying to prove that one of Naraku’s useless reincarnations was stronger then the Great Youkai Lord, Inu no Taishou.”
Sesshomaru felt his face go quiet hot; he slowly turned around, letting Totosai’s word sink in. “That was not this Sesshomaru’s intentions.”
“But jealousy never comes for one who presets for it; it only turns its back on you, Sesshomaru.” Totosai said.
“Fix Tokijin, Totosai.”
“Is InuYasha alright, Myoga?” Totosai asked.
“Ummm…he is in a unstable physical transformation at the moment.” The old flea said.
“Transformation?” Sesshomaru asked.
“The soul of Inuhidoi has left InuYasha-sama’s body, in other words, InuYasha-sama’s soul will regain its normal capacity.”
“You mean, he is still a half-Kami?” Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes.
“For now, yes.” Myoga sighed.
“What!? I must go see him!” Totosai grumbled.
“No, you will fix Tokijin; this Sesshomaru will take care of InuYasha.” With that Sesshomaru stalked out of the cave, and into the next hell of time that was sure coming for InuYasha.
Kagome moved a small hand over InuYasha’s large forehead. Keade was still staring then and on, but she finally took the picture in and had helped take InuYasha into the hut.
Miroku put up a few sutras on the door as Sango sat on Kagome’s side, massaging the young miko’s shoulder.
“What on earth are those for houshi?” Sango asked.
“Do we really need some youkai to come in and find InuYasha in this condition?” Miroku shot up an eyebrow, “I was trying to save any stupid youkai from a disastrous fate.”
Kagome sat silent; Kirara was curled in her lap as Shippo stood next to InuYasha’s head.
“Is…he stuck like this?” Kagome managed to ask.
“I hope not.” Kouga glared. His eyes getting quiet large for the moment.
“Dear, you said that what ever caused this in gone, no?” Keade asked.
“Yes.” Kagome nodded.
“Then he should be able to return, unless, his soul wants to stay this way.” Keade said.
“No!” Kagome bit her lip. “InuYasha doesn’t want this, I know it.”
InuYasha took a deep breathe but he remained asleep. The two enormous wings shook silently at his side, there mass taking most of the floor of the hut. It had taken them time to even get InuYasha’s body in; they had to have one of the wings being held up by the window opening because they were so large.
InuYasha’s armored body had already caused many cracks in the wooden floor; Sango had tripped over a loose plank as she went to go fetch some water.
Miroku sighed and sat down. “I sure hope he doesn’t stay like this, every person in the village ran away from him in fear.”
“Houshi…they knew it was him though, right?” Sango asked.
“No my dear Sango, Inuhidoi has twisted InuYasha from physical description and any mental reminders.” Miroku shook his head. “If I left for ten years or so and saw InuYasha like this when upon retuning, I would think he was another youkai.”
Kagome shuddered at the thought. InuYasha…
InuYasha suddenly stirred and flinched, his right foot kicking out, almost snapping Kouga’s unexpected leg.
“shoot!” Kouga jumped back just in time. “If mutt tries to break my leg again I’ll…”
“Kouga…” Kagome gave the wolf a long stare. Kagome placed her hand on InuYasha’s forehead and bent down to his still pointed ear on the side of his head. “I’m here InuYasha, I’m here.”
InuYasha made no response if he heard her. Shippo looked at his fallen hanyou friend and then looked at Kagome, small tears pouring down his face.
“I thought if we killed this guy InuYasha would return to normal!” the young fox youkai cried.
“Shippo…” Sango said.
“Why, he should be normal now!” Shippo only cried harder.
Kagome watched a young Rin come into the hut, carefully stepping over the edge of one of InuYasha’s wing and sat down beside Shippo.
“Shippo-sama, Sesshomaru-sama is here, he will fix InuYasha-sama.” Rin said. Shippo cried and fell into the young girl’s lap and even Kagome saw a small tear come from the corner of Rin’s eye.
“Sesshomaru…” Miroku said.
The Youkai Lord entered, poor Keade has now a full hut. Kagome thought. Sesshomaru said nothing, he looked in deep thought. Kagome noticed his Tokijin was missing; apparently he had gone to Totosai’s to get it repaired.
“Is he awake?” Sesshomaru asked, his icy tone had returned.
“No.” Sango said.
Sesshomaru glared but said nothing more. Jaken entered slowly behind, and stayed hidden behind the Youkai Lord’s leg, like he was trying to hide something.
Kagome looked at her beautiful hanyou; she couldn’t see those golden eyes there. They were closed and the miko knew what lay behind the eyelids, two very red eyes that sent shivers through everyone’s mind.
Suddenly Kagome felt a large finger on her cheek, making her jump with a start. She looked at InuYasha again to see two red staring into her mind, they were so sad. She felt his large claw slide on its smooth side down her cheek when it reached the side of her mouth. She felt him move it over a certain pattern, which Kagome realized was the horrible scar that had been caused by the burn when Inuhidoi’s blood sank into her skin.
“InuYasha…” Kagome took the large hand in her two small palms and moved over the armor that covered the back of his wrist.
Kagome stopped and looked at him. “What?”
“Go; go back to your own time.”
“InuYasha!” Sango gasped.
“InuYasha, I need to stay here, with you.” Kagome said.
“No, I want no one looking at me anymore.”
“Stop talking foolishness otouto.” Sesshomaru glared.
InuYasha slowly say up, his head touching the ceiling lightly. Kagome felt her heart skip a beat, InuYasha may have been asleep peacefully, but something about that action made everyone back up a little.
“Foolishness?” InuYasha sneered. “And what foolishness am I speaking?”
“You need to relax mutt.” Kouga said. His ponytail was slightly puffed out. Ginta and Hakkaku had been sent back to the clan to report on Kouga’s whereabouts. “You’re scaring the pups.”
Rin and Shippo were hugging each slightly, Shippo was nearly buried in Rin’s lap, and only his tail appeared.
“Sesshomaru, I saw him…otou.” The tone of InuYasha’s voice went from an angry sneer to a calm weak sound. Sesshomaru froze and turned around.
“What do you mean otouto?” Sesshomaru glared.
“I saw him…and my mother.” By then mention of his mother, InuYasha turned his head and put a large hand over his face.
“InuYasha…” Kagome came up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He jerked away and glared at her.
“Go Kagome, I don’t want you seeing me this way anymore.”
“InuYasha…please.” Kagome said.
"Kagome when you said you would take me in any form, I refuse you taking me this way.” His red eyes became hard as he stared at her. “I’m nothing more then a nightmare.”
“InuYasha you know that’s not true!” Sango snapped.
“Sango…” Miroku said.
“Look at you all, your fear is leaking off of you like water!” InuYasha hissed.
“InuYasha please…don’t get mad.” Kagome came up and put her hand to his forehead. “I think you need some more rest.”
“Why do you want to touch me Kagome?” he asked.
“Because I love…”
“No, you should never love me.”
Kagome felt her back go cold, as if a worm was crawling slowly up her spine as it connected with her brain. “InuYasha, that wasn’t you who…”
“Deny it all you want Kagome, I raped you, just get away from me.”
“No…InuYasha you of all people would never do such a thing.” Kagome felt more tears pour down her face. “When you released the Inu Soul, what were you thinking? Love InuYasha! You wanted to be with me, Sango and Miroku! You wanted to be a hanyou again! I saw it as you release your otou’s power, I SAW IT!” Kagome suddenly became very dizzy and started to totter backwards. Sango rushed up as the miko slumped into her arms. “I saw it InuYasha, I saw it in your heart.” Kagome whispered.
“Kagome, maybe you should go back, your time seems to more about healing then we do.” Miroku said.
“I don’t want to.” Kagome whimpered.
“Go, I would you rather you there.” InuYasha said, his face was turned the other direction, but Kagome knew. Her outburst had made a permanent mark; she knew he was breaking over all of it.
“Mutt, are you stuck like that?” Leave it to Kouga to just ask the unwanted question.
InuYasha glared and pulled back his lip, revaluing his already long fang at Kouga. Kouga took the hint and kept quiet.
“Ummm…actually no.” the small voice came from Sesshomaru, Kagome jerked around to see Myoga balanced on Sesshomaru’s spiked armor.
“No?” Miroku said, apparently he seemed too look relieved.
“InuYasha-sama how long before Inuhidoi made your body as it is now?” Myoga asked.
“I...” InuYasha blinked. He didn’t seem to know.
“It started on the night of the new moon and ended on the night of the new moon.” Sango said.
“So about a month.” Kagome sighed. Everyone looked at her in confusion. “About thirty days.”
“Thirty days?” Kouga asked. “And what happens in thirty days?”
“InuYasha-sama will return as his hanyou self. The soul of Inuhidoi had much power to back up the transformation, he was making InuYasha-sama’s body to become a potential half-Kami, and he almost succeeded.” Myoga stared. “Now that Inuhidoi’s soul is no longer there, InuYasha-sama’s soul will regain control, and as a Inu hanyou, the excess power he possess now will soon fade.”
“I’m…not stuck like this?” InuYasha looked like a lost puppy as he asked the question. His wings drooped to the side and his head cocked to the side.
“Thank the Kami.” Sango muttered.
“InuYasha…” Kagome relaxed as she walked, but again she felt dizzy, but it was InuYasha who caught her.
“Go home Kagome, and rest.” Kagome looked at the hanyou she smiled and put a hand on the long black stripes that covered his cheek, she can already see the two combining into one long stripe again.
“InuYasha…I will for you.” She hugged him and felt his stiff silver hair.
“Oh, InuYasha-sama.” Rin perked up. InuYasha and Kagome looked at the young girl’s direction. “Ah-Un found this; I think they belong to you.” Rin walked up and there was a nice folded fire rat with the white undershirt.
“Thank you Rin.” Kagome smiled.
“Otouto, what about Tessaiga?” Sesshomaru glared.
“Sesshomaru go and fix your own sword before worrying about mine.”
“It is currently being repaired at this time.”
“InuYasha…” Kagome moved her hand through his hair. InuYasha looked at her and his eyes drooped.
“Go Kagome just go.” Even with the good news he wasn’t stuck like this, Kagome knew he was still thinking on what his body had done to her, and to the others. She saw his hand curl around Tessaiga’s hilt and looked away, when Kagome felt a hand come on her shoulder.
“Kagome, I think it is best if InuYasha were alone right now.” Sango said. She looked at everyone, “That means all of you as well.”
Slowly everyone started out of the hut, Sesshomaru, Kagome, and Sango were the last to leave.
“Otouto, I will return to see if the flea’s words are true.” With that Sesshomaru stalked out leavening the two women alone with the current half-Kami, InuYasha.
“Go, please just go Kagome.” Kagome could see he was trying to cry, but his face remained dry from any sign that tears were going to come. Sango pulled her shoulder and Kagome went with the pull and let a transformed Kirara walk her and Sango to the Bone Eater’s well.
“Sango…?” Kagome asked.
“Yes Kagome?”
“Will InuYasha…?”
“Kagome, I know how much you care for him, he knows how much you care for him, but this is to much for even someone as stubborn as InuYasha.” Sango sighed. “I know how he feels, since Kohaku killed his own otou, and now I found out one of my good friends was also tricked into killing one of his parents. Kagome its not only our injuries he inflicted on you and me, but on what he did with all of it.”
“Sango…will he ever be the same?” Kagome asked.
“I guess physically if Myoga said the truth, but mentally, Kagome, I really don’t know, I can only pray he will.”
“Sango…” Kagome fell in a fit of tears into her exterminator friends arms. She felt the strong girls arms wrap around her shoulder as she rocked her back and forth. Kirara came up and rubbed on both girl’s and Kagome felt a slight smile as her hand rested on Kirara’s large head, rubbing the youkai cats large black ears.
“You better go Kagome.” Sango said. Kagome could see some tears running down Sango’s face. “Why don’t you stay there, until the thirty days…have passed.”
“Thank you Sango, you too Kirara.” Kagome said as she swung the yellow backpack painfully over her shoulders. “I will come back, I promise you and I promise I will come back for InuYasha.”
“I know you will Kagome.” Sango smiled. Kagome grabbed the side of the well and jumped in, heading to the safe side of five hundred years into the future.
Kagome walked into her shrine and dropped the bag heavily on the floor.
“Ane-ue!” Souta cried. “Mother something’s happened to Kagome!”
Kagome watched her mother come in and gasped in shock. “Oh Kagome let me get the first aid kit.”
“Mother, can I speak with you…alone?” Kagome asked.
“I…of course dear.” Her mother said. She limped slightly upstairs, with her mother’s supportive hand the entire way up. As they entered her bedroom, Kagome fell onto the bed, in a fit of tears.
“Kagome…dear please tell me what is wrong?” her mother pleaded.
“Oh mom! InuYasha, he’s been pushed and tortured and he can’t eve look at me anymore!” Kagome cried into her pillow.
“Dear, I don’t understand, Kagome what has happened to InuYasha?”
Kagome took a deep breathe and told her mother how InuYasha had been possessed by Inuhidoi, when she came to the part were Inuhidoi had forced her she told it slowly, regretting every word. Her mother didn’t interrupt, she sat quietly as Kagome said everything coming down to the last talk with Sango.
“Dear, I’m so sorry.” Her mother wrapped her arms around her daughter and Kagome sobbed again and fell into her lap. “InuYasha is not a broken soul dear, he is a healing soul.”
Kagome stopped and looked at her mother. “I…what do you mean?”
“Kagome, when I went through your otou’s death I felt broken like pieces of a nice vase been shattered by someone’s bad mistake, but even tough his death was a very tragic blow to me, it truly only made me stronger.”
“I...” Kagome listened to her mother.
“InuYasha has been through a lot more then one death, but I assure in the month you say he will physically back to his form, you can heal him, mentally. Kagome, I know how you too feel about each other, my instincts have not told me wrong, he loves you dear, he is only beaten for the moment, but in the end your InuYasha will be stronger, I know it does not seem so, but when you back, tell him how much you truly feel, and in return I believe he will love you in more ways then you think my dear.”
“Mom…” Kagome sat up and rubbed the long scar on her upper lip. “Thank you.” She hugged her mother and they rocked back and forth, just as the branches of the Scared Tree moved in the wind creating a almost humming sound of a small lullaby.
“Totosai should be here.” Myoga said. The flea had been the only one to accompany the Youkai Lord, even Jaken decided to stay and ‘protect Rin’ which Sesshomaru knew was not the case. The toad youkai had snuck out and cried for InuYasha, it had shocked Sesshomaru to the core to see his servant in such disdain, but Sesshomaru had decided not to drag his servant out because of InuYasha’s condition.
“Totosai is not going to like this…” the old flea mumbled.
Sesshomaru heard the heavy banging of a large mallet against a curving metal, which a sword was being forged.
“Sesshomaru!” Totosai shouted as he stared at him in shock as the Youkai Lord entered the skeleton workshop and house of the sword smith, Totosai.
“Fix Tokijin.” Sesshomaru unsheathed the bent sword and threw it at Totosai’s feet. “It is only what this Sesshomaru’s needs.”
“This sword is not going to be fixed by my hand Sesshomaru.” Totosai said with his large eyes. “You took an evil youkai’s fang and made an evil sword smith forge this; I’m not going to fix something of such evil.”
“But Totosai!” Myoga squeaked. He jumped off Sesshomaru’s shoulder and onto the old geezer’s nose. “Sesshomaru-sama used it only to save InuYasha-sama!”
“He did, did he?” Totosai questioned.
“Do you not remember…Inuhidoi?” The old flea whispered. Totosai’s eyes grew twice as big and spat out some water.
“Myoga! Since when has that creature ever crossed your mind again!?” Totosai snapped.
“Ummm…maybe because he possessed InuYasha-sama?” the old flea mumbled.
“What…?” Totosai’s mouth dropped open.
“It is true; a half-Kami did possess the hanyou.” Sesshomaru said. Totosai blinked and dropped his mallet.
“And…you fought Inuhidoi with Tokijin?” Totosai managed to say.
“No, Tensegia.” Sesshomaru growled.
Totosai blinked and looked between the Youkai Lord and the flea. “Someone better tell me all about it.”
“There is nothing more to tell, Inuhidoi is dead.”
“Totosai, Sesshomaru-sama speaks the truth.” Myoga bowed.
“How…the only way to kill Inuhidoi was…”
“The Inu Soul, this Sesshomaru knows.”
“How…?” Totosai stared.
“InuYasha-sama managed to wield it.” Myoga said.
“Interesting.” Totosai put a bony finger to his chin. “And you Sesshomaru?”
“This Sesshomaru only wants Tokijin fully repaired.”
“Very well.” Sesshomaru stopped; did Totosai say he would without complaint?
“Sesshomaru, in the case of Tokijin, you forged it to make a blade stronger then Tessaiga, correct?” Totosai asked. Sesshomaru only blinked in response. “In any case, this sword is made of Naraku’s reincarnation and fang that is most useless to the evil hanyou. But in the case of you Sesshomaru, you used a youkai fang to defeat your otouto in battle, against your otou’s fang.”
Sesshomaru glared. “Continue.”
“In other words Sesshomaru, you were trying to prove that one of Naraku’s useless reincarnations was stronger then the Great Youkai Lord, Inu no Taishou.”
Sesshomaru felt his face go quiet hot; he slowly turned around, letting Totosai’s word sink in. “That was not this Sesshomaru’s intentions.”
“But jealousy never comes for one who presets for it; it only turns its back on you, Sesshomaru.” Totosai said.
“Fix Tokijin, Totosai.”
“Is InuYasha alright, Myoga?” Totosai asked.
“Ummm…he is in a unstable physical transformation at the moment.” The old flea said.
“Transformation?” Sesshomaru asked.
“The soul of Inuhidoi has left InuYasha-sama’s body, in other words, InuYasha-sama’s soul will regain its normal capacity.”
“You mean, he is still a half-Kami?” Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes.
“For now, yes.” Myoga sighed.
“What!? I must go see him!” Totosai grumbled.
“No, you will fix Tokijin; this Sesshomaru will take care of InuYasha.” With that Sesshomaru stalked out of the cave, and into the next hell of time that was sure coming for InuYasha.
Kagome moved a small hand over InuYasha’s large forehead. Keade was still staring then and on, but she finally took the picture in and had helped take InuYasha into the hut.
Miroku put up a few sutras on the door as Sango sat on Kagome’s side, massaging the young miko’s shoulder.
“What on earth are those for houshi?” Sango asked.
“Do we really need some youkai to come in and find InuYasha in this condition?” Miroku shot up an eyebrow, “I was trying to save any stupid youkai from a disastrous fate.”
Kagome sat silent; Kirara was curled in her lap as Shippo stood next to InuYasha’s head.
“Is…he stuck like this?” Kagome managed to ask.
“I hope not.” Kouga glared. His eyes getting quiet large for the moment.
“Dear, you said that what ever caused this in gone, no?” Keade asked.
“Yes.” Kagome nodded.
“Then he should be able to return, unless, his soul wants to stay this way.” Keade said.
“No!” Kagome bit her lip. “InuYasha doesn’t want this, I know it.”
InuYasha took a deep breathe but he remained asleep. The two enormous wings shook silently at his side, there mass taking most of the floor of the hut. It had taken them time to even get InuYasha’s body in; they had to have one of the wings being held up by the window opening because they were so large.
InuYasha’s armored body had already caused many cracks in the wooden floor; Sango had tripped over a loose plank as she went to go fetch some water.
Miroku sighed and sat down. “I sure hope he doesn’t stay like this, every person in the village ran away from him in fear.”
“Houshi…they knew it was him though, right?” Sango asked.
“No my dear Sango, Inuhidoi has twisted InuYasha from physical description and any mental reminders.” Miroku shook his head. “If I left for ten years or so and saw InuYasha like this when upon retuning, I would think he was another youkai.”
Kagome shuddered at the thought. InuYasha…
InuYasha suddenly stirred and flinched, his right foot kicking out, almost snapping Kouga’s unexpected leg.
“shoot!” Kouga jumped back just in time. “If mutt tries to break my leg again I’ll…”
“Kouga…” Kagome gave the wolf a long stare. Kagome placed her hand on InuYasha’s forehead and bent down to his still pointed ear on the side of his head. “I’m here InuYasha, I’m here.”
InuYasha made no response if he heard her. Shippo looked at his fallen hanyou friend and then looked at Kagome, small tears pouring down his face.
“I thought if we killed this guy InuYasha would return to normal!” the young fox youkai cried.
“Shippo…” Sango said.
“Why, he should be normal now!” Shippo only cried harder.
Kagome watched a young Rin come into the hut, carefully stepping over the edge of one of InuYasha’s wing and sat down beside Shippo.
“Shippo-sama, Sesshomaru-sama is here, he will fix InuYasha-sama.” Rin said. Shippo cried and fell into the young girl’s lap and even Kagome saw a small tear come from the corner of Rin’s eye.
“Sesshomaru…” Miroku said.
The Youkai Lord entered, poor Keade has now a full hut. Kagome thought. Sesshomaru said nothing, he looked in deep thought. Kagome noticed his Tokijin was missing; apparently he had gone to Totosai’s to get it repaired.
“Is he awake?” Sesshomaru asked, his icy tone had returned.
“No.” Sango said.
Sesshomaru glared but said nothing more. Jaken entered slowly behind, and stayed hidden behind the Youkai Lord’s leg, like he was trying to hide something.
Kagome looked at her beautiful hanyou; she couldn’t see those golden eyes there. They were closed and the miko knew what lay behind the eyelids, two very red eyes that sent shivers through everyone’s mind.
Suddenly Kagome felt a large finger on her cheek, making her jump with a start. She looked at InuYasha again to see two red staring into her mind, they were so sad. She felt his large claw slide on its smooth side down her cheek when it reached the side of her mouth. She felt him move it over a certain pattern, which Kagome realized was the horrible scar that had been caused by the burn when Inuhidoi’s blood sank into her skin.
“InuYasha…” Kagome took the large hand in her two small palms and moved over the armor that covered the back of his wrist.
Kagome stopped and looked at him. “What?”
“Go; go back to your own time.”
“InuYasha!” Sango gasped.
“InuYasha, I need to stay here, with you.” Kagome said.
“No, I want no one looking at me anymore.”
“Stop talking foolishness otouto.” Sesshomaru glared.
InuYasha slowly say up, his head touching the ceiling lightly. Kagome felt her heart skip a beat, InuYasha may have been asleep peacefully, but something about that action made everyone back up a little.
“Foolishness?” InuYasha sneered. “And what foolishness am I speaking?”
“You need to relax mutt.” Kouga said. His ponytail was slightly puffed out. Ginta and Hakkaku had been sent back to the clan to report on Kouga’s whereabouts. “You’re scaring the pups.”
Rin and Shippo were hugging each slightly, Shippo was nearly buried in Rin’s lap, and only his tail appeared.
“Sesshomaru, I saw him…otou.” The tone of InuYasha’s voice went from an angry sneer to a calm weak sound. Sesshomaru froze and turned around.
“What do you mean otouto?” Sesshomaru glared.
“I saw him…and my mother.” By then mention of his mother, InuYasha turned his head and put a large hand over his face.
“InuYasha…” Kagome came up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He jerked away and glared at her.
“Go Kagome, I don’t want you seeing me this way anymore.”
“InuYasha…please.” Kagome said.
"Kagome when you said you would take me in any form, I refuse you taking me this way.” His red eyes became hard as he stared at her. “I’m nothing more then a nightmare.”
“InuYasha you know that’s not true!” Sango snapped.
“Sango…” Miroku said.
“Look at you all, your fear is leaking off of you like water!” InuYasha hissed.
“InuYasha please…don’t get mad.” Kagome came up and put her hand to his forehead. “I think you need some more rest.”
“Why do you want to touch me Kagome?” he asked.
“Because I love…”
“No, you should never love me.”
Kagome felt her back go cold, as if a worm was crawling slowly up her spine as it connected with her brain. “InuYasha, that wasn’t you who…”
“Deny it all you want Kagome, I raped you, just get away from me.”
“No…InuYasha you of all people would never do such a thing.” Kagome felt more tears pour down her face. “When you released the Inu Soul, what were you thinking? Love InuYasha! You wanted to be with me, Sango and Miroku! You wanted to be a hanyou again! I saw it as you release your otou’s power, I SAW IT!” Kagome suddenly became very dizzy and started to totter backwards. Sango rushed up as the miko slumped into her arms. “I saw it InuYasha, I saw it in your heart.” Kagome whispered.
“Kagome, maybe you should go back, your time seems to more about healing then we do.” Miroku said.
“I don’t want to.” Kagome whimpered.
“Go, I would you rather you there.” InuYasha said, his face was turned the other direction, but Kagome knew. Her outburst had made a permanent mark; she knew he was breaking over all of it.
“Mutt, are you stuck like that?” Leave it to Kouga to just ask the unwanted question.
InuYasha glared and pulled back his lip, revaluing his already long fang at Kouga. Kouga took the hint and kept quiet.
“Ummm…actually no.” the small voice came from Sesshomaru, Kagome jerked around to see Myoga balanced on Sesshomaru’s spiked armor.
“No?” Miroku said, apparently he seemed too look relieved.
“InuYasha-sama how long before Inuhidoi made your body as it is now?” Myoga asked.
“I...” InuYasha blinked. He didn’t seem to know.
“It started on the night of the new moon and ended on the night of the new moon.” Sango said.
“So about a month.” Kagome sighed. Everyone looked at her in confusion. “About thirty days.”
“Thirty days?” Kouga asked. “And what happens in thirty days?”
“InuYasha-sama will return as his hanyou self. The soul of Inuhidoi had much power to back up the transformation, he was making InuYasha-sama’s body to become a potential half-Kami, and he almost succeeded.” Myoga stared. “Now that Inuhidoi’s soul is no longer there, InuYasha-sama’s soul will regain control, and as a Inu hanyou, the excess power he possess now will soon fade.”
“I’m…not stuck like this?” InuYasha looked like a lost puppy as he asked the question. His wings drooped to the side and his head cocked to the side.
“Thank the Kami.” Sango muttered.
“InuYasha…” Kagome relaxed as she walked, but again she felt dizzy, but it was InuYasha who caught her.
“Go home Kagome, and rest.” Kagome looked at the hanyou she smiled and put a hand on the long black stripes that covered his cheek, she can already see the two combining into one long stripe again.
“InuYasha…I will for you.” She hugged him and felt his stiff silver hair.
“Oh, InuYasha-sama.” Rin perked up. InuYasha and Kagome looked at the young girl’s direction. “Ah-Un found this; I think they belong to you.” Rin walked up and there was a nice folded fire rat with the white undershirt.
“Thank you Rin.” Kagome smiled.
“Otouto, what about Tessaiga?” Sesshomaru glared.
“Sesshomaru go and fix your own sword before worrying about mine.”
“It is currently being repaired at this time.”
“InuYasha…” Kagome moved her hand through his hair. InuYasha looked at her and his eyes drooped.
“Go Kagome just go.” Even with the good news he wasn’t stuck like this, Kagome knew he was still thinking on what his body had done to her, and to the others. She saw his hand curl around Tessaiga’s hilt and looked away, when Kagome felt a hand come on her shoulder.
“Kagome, I think it is best if InuYasha were alone right now.” Sango said. She looked at everyone, “That means all of you as well.”
Slowly everyone started out of the hut, Sesshomaru, Kagome, and Sango were the last to leave.
“Otouto, I will return to see if the flea’s words are true.” With that Sesshomaru stalked out leavening the two women alone with the current half-Kami, InuYasha.
“Go, please just go Kagome.” Kagome could see he was trying to cry, but his face remained dry from any sign that tears were going to come. Sango pulled her shoulder and Kagome went with the pull and let a transformed Kirara walk her and Sango to the Bone Eater’s well.
“Sango…?” Kagome asked.
“Yes Kagome?”
“Will InuYasha…?”
“Kagome, I know how much you care for him, he knows how much you care for him, but this is to much for even someone as stubborn as InuYasha.” Sango sighed. “I know how he feels, since Kohaku killed his own otou, and now I found out one of my good friends was also tricked into killing one of his parents. Kagome its not only our injuries he inflicted on you and me, but on what he did with all of it.”
“Sango…will he ever be the same?” Kagome asked.
“I guess physically if Myoga said the truth, but mentally, Kagome, I really don’t know, I can only pray he will.”
“Sango…” Kagome fell in a fit of tears into her exterminator friends arms. She felt the strong girls arms wrap around her shoulder as she rocked her back and forth. Kirara came up and rubbed on both girl’s and Kagome felt a slight smile as her hand rested on Kirara’s large head, rubbing the youkai cats large black ears.
“You better go Kagome.” Sango said. Kagome could see some tears running down Sango’s face. “Why don’t you stay there, until the thirty days…have passed.”
“Thank you Sango, you too Kirara.” Kagome said as she swung the yellow backpack painfully over her shoulders. “I will come back, I promise you and I promise I will come back for InuYasha.”
“I know you will Kagome.” Sango smiled. Kagome grabbed the side of the well and jumped in, heading to the safe side of five hundred years into the future.
Kagome walked into her shrine and dropped the bag heavily on the floor.
“Ane-ue!” Souta cried. “Mother something’s happened to Kagome!”
Kagome watched her mother come in and gasped in shock. “Oh Kagome let me get the first aid kit.”
“Mother, can I speak with you…alone?” Kagome asked.
“I…of course dear.” Her mother said. She limped slightly upstairs, with her mother’s supportive hand the entire way up. As they entered her bedroom, Kagome fell onto the bed, in a fit of tears.
“Kagome…dear please tell me what is wrong?” her mother pleaded.
“Oh mom! InuYasha, he’s been pushed and tortured and he can’t eve look at me anymore!” Kagome cried into her pillow.
“Dear, I don’t understand, Kagome what has happened to InuYasha?”
Kagome took a deep breathe and told her mother how InuYasha had been possessed by Inuhidoi, when she came to the part were Inuhidoi had forced her she told it slowly, regretting every word. Her mother didn’t interrupt, she sat quietly as Kagome said everything coming down to the last talk with Sango.
“Dear, I’m so sorry.” Her mother wrapped her arms around her daughter and Kagome sobbed again and fell into her lap. “InuYasha is not a broken soul dear, he is a healing soul.”
Kagome stopped and looked at her mother. “I…what do you mean?”
“Kagome, when I went through your otou’s death I felt broken like pieces of a nice vase been shattered by someone’s bad mistake, but even tough his death was a very tragic blow to me, it truly only made me stronger.”
“I...” Kagome listened to her mother.
“InuYasha has been through a lot more then one death, but I assure in the month you say he will physically back to his form, you can heal him, mentally. Kagome, I know how you too feel about each other, my instincts have not told me wrong, he loves you dear, he is only beaten for the moment, but in the end your InuYasha will be stronger, I know it does not seem so, but when you back, tell him how much you truly feel, and in return I believe he will love you in more ways then you think my dear.”
“Mom…” Kagome sat up and rubbed the long scar on her upper lip. “Thank you.” She hugged her mother and they rocked back and forth, just as the branches of the Scared Tree moved in the wind creating a almost humming sound of a small lullaby.
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