Chapter 1 - addiction
Submitted June 29, 2006 Updated June 29, 2006 Status Complete | quite awkward if you ask me. i found it on a site
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Sailor Scouts |
Chapter 1 - addiction
Chapter 1 - addiction
Addictted to Sailor Moon?!
1.Your goal in life is to convert the world into LOVING Sailor Moon.
2.You''ve seriously considered petitioning your university/college to let you teach a course all about Sailor Moon and its impact on society! ;)
3.You would LOVE to go to Japan just so you could learn Japanese and watch all those Sailor Moon episodes that aren''t translated, sub-titled or dubbed over into English yet!
4.You have however, borrowed Sailor Moon episodes in Japanese, just to gaze in admiration at the awesome animation and you SWEAR you could figure out what''s going on in the plot.
5.You''re SO caught up in Sailor Moon that you even SOUND like your favourite character - you''ve got the whining down pat!
6.You think that you and your significant other are EXACTLY like Darien & Serena and are therefore destined to be together forever!
7.You LIVE Sailor Moon.
8.On the full moon, you think you are at your peak power and NOTHING bad could happen to you then!
9.You have all the translated episodes on tape and watch them SO frequently that you know every character''s lines!
10.You get so wrapped up in each episode that you laugh and cry along with the characters (even if you''ve seen it so many times you know what''s going to happen)
11.You play your Sailor Moon CDs loud and proud in your car, despite the weird looks you get from other drivers!
12.You walk around and catch yourself humming Sailor Moon songs.
13.Your little sister (who is more in the target age group for Sailor Moon than you are) buys YOU Sailor Moon dolls and doesn''t buy any for herself! And you''re GLAD to get them!
14.You have your very own Crescent Moon Wand (which doubles as a lipstick) and you go around healing your friends and family.
15.You begged and whined until your boyfriend bought you a tiara and a stuffed version of Luna so you could feel like Serena :)
16.You have one of those name-chains with "Serena" on it.
17.You have a keychain about how hard it is to be a Princess.
18.You love diamonds because they remind you of the Silver Crystal.
19.Pink is your favourite colour! (heh!)
20.You''re so addicted you make a whole WEBPAGE to show the WORLD how much you''re addicted... ;)
21.You always wear your favourite character''s colours.
22.You find yourself striking your fave character''s transformation positions.
23.You figure out how to play "Carry On" on your guitar.
24.You dream about SM episodes in your sleep.
25.You''re caught drawing SM pictures on your home-work.
26.Since they don''t make a SM wallpaper, you decide to cover every square inch of your walls with Sailor Moon pics.
27.All your friends refer to you as ''That Sailor Moon Addict''.
28.You add to these ''You know you watch too much Sailor Moon when...'' lists.
29.You gather a bunch of friends and people you don''t even know to create a Sailor Moon arcade game.
30.Your girlfriend grows her hair really long and ties it up into meatballs just to look like Serena.
31.You have turned just about all your friends into SM Fanatics!
32.You find yourself talking about SM with your friends more than 50% of the time!
33.You get your five closest friends together and dress up as the Sailor Scouts for Halloween.
34.You write an essay all about how you wish you were one of the Sailor Scouts.
35.Every time the moon''s full you pray to Queen Serenity to create REAL Sailor Scouts and have you as their leader.
36.You insist on naming all of your pets after Sailor Moon characters.
37.You decide to name your children after the characters from Sailor Moon!
38.You try to turn your black dog into a CAT and tape a crescent moon onto its forehead.
39.You sang a song from Sailor Moon for a play audition.
40.You wander through the alleys all day trying to give Luna a chance to find you.
41.You dress up like Sailor Moon for your grandmother''s birthday party and everyone there knows that you''re obsessed with that "darn Sailor Planet thingy"!
42.You and your friends are each one of the Scouts and you call them by their Scout names in PUBLIC!
43.You are studying ancient Egypt in school and you make a booklet about the tomb of Queen Serenity.
44.You want to dye your hair pink and put it into those fanous meatballs and get red contacts so you can look just like Reeny!
45.Your AWARD winning science project is a model of the solar system complete with bios of every sailor scout, pictures of castles on their planets and a little model of the Moon Kingdom having a party.
46.You wish, even if you''re not single, to be dating one of the Sailor Scouts.
47.You constantly fantasize about being a Sailor Scout.
48.You are passionately in love with Darian.
49.You go to school dances alone hoping that Tuxedo Mask will show up, and when he doesn''t, you know that he has a legitimate reason for not doing so.
50.You believe that your ex-boyfriend is from the Negaverse.
51.You have a real thing for blue, acordian-pleated skirts.
52.You rationalize pigging out by thinking, "Hey, Serena does it."
53.You want to take a princess seminar just because Serena did.
54.You are always trying to make little kids cry to see if a cresent moon shows up on their foreheads.
55.You want to go on MTV''S Fanatic to meet Naoko Takeuchi. 56.You honestly believe that Y2K will be the beginning of the Neo-Silver Millenium.
57.You sit in front of the fire place for hours to see if you can read the flames like Raye does.
58.You do your bedroom in a bunny motif.
59.You become susicious of all cosmetics sales people.( a.k.a the Four Twisted Sisters)
60.You''re afraid to touch trees for fear they''ll suck out your energy.
61.In objecting to dissection in biology, you suggest a unit in space botany instead.
62.You record every minute of a chanel hoping to record some Sailor Moon commercials.
63.You fly to japan to find that rare (in America, popular in Japan) Sailor Pluto toothbrush.
64.You will not speak with someone unless he/she refers to you as "Princess Serena of the Silver Millenium"
65.You search every arcade in the state looking for a Sailor V video game.
66.You recite every line from all translated episodes, hoping Lucas will make a Sailor Moon movie and discover you.
67.You want to dye your hair every weekday and dress like the Inner scouts, and saturdays you dress like Reeny.
68.In class when you raise your hand, you just want to say, "Moon Prism Power." Or other Transformations chants.
69.You wonder why the scouts (when they transform) get their nails painted and then cover them with gloves.
70.Even though you are allergic to cats, you still get a black cat and name her Luna, a white cat and name him Artemis, and hope they have a purple kitten so you could name her Diana.
71.Sometimes you correct others by saying your name is, "Serena," or any other scout name.
72.All (or some) your chat names, e-mail names, or code names are Sailor Moon related.
73.You talk about Sailor Moon 60% of the time.
74.You love Sailor Moon so much, your parents think you should join "Sailor Moon Anynomous."
75.When you order Sailor Moon stuff and don''t get it right away, you cry like Serena.
76.You always compare yourself, and people you know to the Sailor Socuts.
77.When you miss a Sailor Moon episode, you cry!
78.You don''t mind your school having school uniforms as long as there exactly like the ones in the series.
79.You memorize every attack and transformation poses or your favorite,or all of the Sailor Scouts.
80.You''re exactly like your favorite scout, it doesn''t even surpise you!
81.Your friends call you "Meatball Head" because of your hair style.
82.You have joined so many Sailor Moon clubs, you can''t even count them.
83.You look up Sailor Moon info, pics, and GIFs everyday on the internet.
84.When you have kids someday, you''ll have them watch, and try to make them obsessed with Sailor Moon.
85.Whenever there is a mirror, you check your forehead if there is any Sailor Scout Symbols there.
86.Or you take markers and draw a Sailor Scout Symbol on your forehead.
87.You wish your pen was the "Luna Pen" or a transformation stick.
88.You save up your money, even every penny, to buy Sailor Moon stuff.
89.You went to learn how to sew and have your very own sewing machine so you can make a Sailor Scout outfit.
90.You always hope someone you like, or your boyfriend gives you red or white roses.
91.You try to make your boyfriend dress like tuxedo mask for a Halloween dance and you wear a Sailor Moon outfit. Or make him wear a Prince Darien costume and you a Princess Serena costume.
92.You sometimes get Nega vibes and feel that the Negaverse is near.
93.You wish you lived at a temple like Raye''s.
94.You wish your cat could talk like Luna, Artemis, or Diana.
95.You actually think there is a Sailor Moon....or that you are Sailor Moon!
96.You actually conned one of your roommates into taping the show every day that you''re not home to tape it yourself!
97.You choose not to have any friends exept for a pink haired girl so you can be like Hotaru.
98.Whenever you get mad at someone, you bash them over the head with a broomstick that you taped a paper blade to and scream "Death reborn revolution!"
99.You tell everyone at school that your dad is a mad scientist.
100.If someone doesn''t call you Tomoe Hotaru, you attack them with your homemade silence glaive.
101.You have so many lamps in your bedroom that planes sometimes try to land at your house!
102.You say you live in a mansion when you actually live in a co-op.
103.You say that your parents are two women named Michiru-mama and Haruka-popa, when your parent''s names are really Gilbert and Ingred! All of the above are thanks to Lexington!
104.You can spell Usagi in Kanji(A form of writing in symbols that Japanese use similer to the Chinese)
105.You can carry on a conversation in Japanese with a person from Japan and they understand you.
106.If school gets delayed because it''s too foggy and you scream "Thank You Mercury" as loud as you can, out of the window.
107.You get kicked out of a car dealership for standing on all of their red ferrari''s and screaming "You''re going down Nephlite" as the security men are pulling you off the car.
108.You aquire Serena''s "sloth like sleeping habits"
109.You get a 30% on a test and are not upset, because now you are just a little more like Serena.
110.People in your French class wonder why you''re not taking Japanese and you respond "If our school had a Japanese class I would".
111.You eat M&Ms in the order that the scouts die in Day of Destiny: Green, Blue, Orange, Red, Brown, Yellow.
112.You use this YKYWTMSMW page as a check list.
113.You secretly talk to your fireplace when no one is watching.
114.You buy a cockatoo and dye it purple(If you''ve seen the episode you know what I''m talking about).
115.The word usage makes you think of Usagi.
116.During the weekends you used to go through withdrawl, but now you go through withdrawl during the commercials!
117.You think that your cat is proud of you when you memorize the transformation and destroying phrases that Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts use.
118.The first thing you say in the morning is one of the transformations (eg. moon prism power), hoping that when you look into the mirror you will be a Sailor Scout.
119.You keep a package of temporary crescent moon tatoos around for cheering you up when you''re depressed.
120.You can''t go to sleep without listening to the Sailor Moon theme at least once!
121.You''re looking for a set of translucent wings to put on your Neo-Queen Serenity outfit.
122.You''re having a Sailor Moon tiara made especially for you.
123.Your computer has a SM background.
124.You refuse to leave the house at 4 o''clock for any reason, so that you can watch ''the show''.
125.You insist on watching a taped SM episode at 4 o''clock on Saturdays and Sundays so that you won''t have to go a day without it.
126.You''re considering a class in martial arts.
127.You''re considering a class in Japanese.
128.You don''t have to read the subtitles on your subtitled SM movies anymore, you know all the words by heart.
129.You can sing the SM theme song, both sets of lyrics, in both languages.
130.Whenever the subject of Japan comes up in your geography class, you know more than the teacher.
131.You start to call your bf Mamo-chan and you get really mad when he calls you by your name and not Usako.
132.You go to the race track hoping to met someone like Haruka.
133.You call your teacher Miss H.
134.You try to cook like Makoto and hope that Usagi will come up and ask for some food.
135.When you convince your english teacher to let you write an English paper about Sailor Moon.
136.You create your own SM charecter and give her a background, real name, transformation music, famous quote...
137.You tape every episode of SM off TV just for insurance.
138.You don''t like anyone unless they know something about Japanese anime.
139.Whenever you write a story you include the names of characters in it and make them the main characters.
140.You get WAY too hyped about gaining half a pound.
141.When your mom takes you shopping for your birthday, you go into a store and buy everything from Sailor
Moon...even the things you don''t really like...
142.Your sister buys you a Sailor Moon journal from Claire''s with her own money for no occasion whatsoever.
143.You find yourself dressing up as sailor moon and running around town saying "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!
144.You tell your teacher all about anime and Sailor Moon right before his or her trip to Japan, conveniently, hoping to be brought back some SM presents!
145.Right before you open your locker, you yell, "Locker Opening Activation!!!"
146.While watching a NASCAR race, you yell, "Sailor Scouts, start your engines!"
147.During a hockey game, when your team scores, you yell, "goal scoring power!"
148.Your favourites'' list page on your start icon has Sailor Moon, and ONLY sailor moon web sites (and takes up the whole screen).
1.Your goal in life is to convert the world into LOVING Sailor Moon.
2.You''ve seriously considered petitioning your university/college to let you teach a course all about Sailor Moon and its impact on society! ;)
3.You would LOVE to go to Japan just so you could learn Japanese and watch all those Sailor Moon episodes that aren''t translated, sub-titled or dubbed over into English yet!
4.You have however, borrowed Sailor Moon episodes in Japanese, just to gaze in admiration at the awesome animation and you SWEAR you could figure out what''s going on in the plot.
5.You''re SO caught up in Sailor Moon that you even SOUND like your favourite character - you''ve got the whining down pat!
6.You think that you and your significant other are EXACTLY like Darien & Serena and are therefore destined to be together forever!
7.You LIVE Sailor Moon.
8.On the full moon, you think you are at your peak power and NOTHING bad could happen to you then!
9.You have all the translated episodes on tape and watch them SO frequently that you know every character''s lines!
10.You get so wrapped up in each episode that you laugh and cry along with the characters (even if you''ve seen it so many times you know what''s going to happen)
11.You play your Sailor Moon CDs loud and proud in your car, despite the weird looks you get from other drivers!
12.You walk around and catch yourself humming Sailor Moon songs.
13.Your little sister (who is more in the target age group for Sailor Moon than you are) buys YOU Sailor Moon dolls and doesn''t buy any for herself! And you''re GLAD to get them!
14.You have your very own Crescent Moon Wand (which doubles as a lipstick) and you go around healing your friends and family.
15.You begged and whined until your boyfriend bought you a tiara and a stuffed version of Luna so you could feel like Serena :)
16.You have one of those name-chains with "Serena" on it.
17.You have a keychain about how hard it is to be a Princess.
18.You love diamonds because they remind you of the Silver Crystal.
19.Pink is your favourite colour! (heh!)
20.You''re so addicted you make a whole WEBPAGE to show the WORLD how much you''re addicted... ;)
21.You always wear your favourite character''s colours.
22.You find yourself striking your fave character''s transformation positions.
23.You figure out how to play "Carry On" on your guitar.
24.You dream about SM episodes in your sleep.
25.You''re caught drawing SM pictures on your home-work.
26.Since they don''t make a SM wallpaper, you decide to cover every square inch of your walls with Sailor Moon pics.
27.All your friends refer to you as ''That Sailor Moon Addict''.
28.You add to these ''You know you watch too much Sailor Moon when...'' lists.
29.You gather a bunch of friends and people you don''t even know to create a Sailor Moon arcade game.
30.Your girlfriend grows her hair really long and ties it up into meatballs just to look like Serena.
31.You have turned just about all your friends into SM Fanatics!
32.You find yourself talking about SM with your friends more than 50% of the time!
33.You get your five closest friends together and dress up as the Sailor Scouts for Halloween.
34.You write an essay all about how you wish you were one of the Sailor Scouts.
35.Every time the moon''s full you pray to Queen Serenity to create REAL Sailor Scouts and have you as their leader.
36.You insist on naming all of your pets after Sailor Moon characters.
37.You decide to name your children after the characters from Sailor Moon!
38.You try to turn your black dog into a CAT and tape a crescent moon onto its forehead.
39.You sang a song from Sailor Moon for a play audition.
40.You wander through the alleys all day trying to give Luna a chance to find you.
41.You dress up like Sailor Moon for your grandmother''s birthday party and everyone there knows that you''re obsessed with that "darn Sailor Planet thingy"!
42.You and your friends are each one of the Scouts and you call them by their Scout names in PUBLIC!
43.You are studying ancient Egypt in school and you make a booklet about the tomb of Queen Serenity.
44.You want to dye your hair pink and put it into those fanous meatballs and get red contacts so you can look just like Reeny!
45.Your AWARD winning science project is a model of the solar system complete with bios of every sailor scout, pictures of castles on their planets and a little model of the Moon Kingdom having a party.
46.You wish, even if you''re not single, to be dating one of the Sailor Scouts.
47.You constantly fantasize about being a Sailor Scout.
48.You are passionately in love with Darian.
49.You go to school dances alone hoping that Tuxedo Mask will show up, and when he doesn''t, you know that he has a legitimate reason for not doing so.
50.You believe that your ex-boyfriend is from the Negaverse.
51.You have a real thing for blue, acordian-pleated skirts.
52.You rationalize pigging out by thinking, "Hey, Serena does it."
53.You want to take a princess seminar just because Serena did.
54.You are always trying to make little kids cry to see if a cresent moon shows up on their foreheads.
55.You want to go on MTV''S Fanatic to meet Naoko Takeuchi. 56.You honestly believe that Y2K will be the beginning of the Neo-Silver Millenium.
57.You sit in front of the fire place for hours to see if you can read the flames like Raye does.
58.You do your bedroom in a bunny motif.
59.You become susicious of all cosmetics sales people.( a.k.a the Four Twisted Sisters)
60.You''re afraid to touch trees for fear they''ll suck out your energy.
61.In objecting to dissection in biology, you suggest a unit in space botany instead.
62.You record every minute of a chanel hoping to record some Sailor Moon commercials.
63.You fly to japan to find that rare (in America, popular in Japan) Sailor Pluto toothbrush.
64.You will not speak with someone unless he/she refers to you as "Princess Serena of the Silver Millenium"
65.You search every arcade in the state looking for a Sailor V video game.
66.You recite every line from all translated episodes, hoping Lucas will make a Sailor Moon movie and discover you.
67.You want to dye your hair every weekday and dress like the Inner scouts, and saturdays you dress like Reeny.
68.In class when you raise your hand, you just want to say, "Moon Prism Power." Or other Transformations chants.
69.You wonder why the scouts (when they transform) get their nails painted and then cover them with gloves.
70.Even though you are allergic to cats, you still get a black cat and name her Luna, a white cat and name him Artemis, and hope they have a purple kitten so you could name her Diana.
71.Sometimes you correct others by saying your name is, "Serena," or any other scout name.
72.All (or some) your chat names, e-mail names, or code names are Sailor Moon related.
73.You talk about Sailor Moon 60% of the time.
74.You love Sailor Moon so much, your parents think you should join "Sailor Moon Anynomous."
75.When you order Sailor Moon stuff and don''t get it right away, you cry like Serena.
76.You always compare yourself, and people you know to the Sailor Socuts.
77.When you miss a Sailor Moon episode, you cry!
78.You don''t mind your school having school uniforms as long as there exactly like the ones in the series.
79.You memorize every attack and transformation poses or your favorite,or all of the Sailor Scouts.
80.You''re exactly like your favorite scout, it doesn''t even surpise you!
81.Your friends call you "Meatball Head" because of your hair style.
82.You have joined so many Sailor Moon clubs, you can''t even count them.
83.You look up Sailor Moon info, pics, and GIFs everyday on the internet.
84.When you have kids someday, you''ll have them watch, and try to make them obsessed with Sailor Moon.
85.Whenever there is a mirror, you check your forehead if there is any Sailor Scout Symbols there.
86.Or you take markers and draw a Sailor Scout Symbol on your forehead.
87.You wish your pen was the "Luna Pen" or a transformation stick.
88.You save up your money, even every penny, to buy Sailor Moon stuff.
89.You went to learn how to sew and have your very own sewing machine so you can make a Sailor Scout outfit.
90.You always hope someone you like, or your boyfriend gives you red or white roses.
91.You try to make your boyfriend dress like tuxedo mask for a Halloween dance and you wear a Sailor Moon outfit. Or make him wear a Prince Darien costume and you a Princess Serena costume.
92.You sometimes get Nega vibes and feel that the Negaverse is near.
93.You wish you lived at a temple like Raye''s.
94.You wish your cat could talk like Luna, Artemis, or Diana.
95.You actually think there is a Sailor Moon....or that you are Sailor Moon!
96.You actually conned one of your roommates into taping the show every day that you''re not home to tape it yourself!
97.You choose not to have any friends exept for a pink haired girl so you can be like Hotaru.
98.Whenever you get mad at someone, you bash them over the head with a broomstick that you taped a paper blade to and scream "Death reborn revolution!"
99.You tell everyone at school that your dad is a mad scientist.
100.If someone doesn''t call you Tomoe Hotaru, you attack them with your homemade silence glaive.
101.You have so many lamps in your bedroom that planes sometimes try to land at your house!
102.You say you live in a mansion when you actually live in a co-op.
103.You say that your parents are two women named Michiru-mama and Haruka-popa, when your parent''s names are really Gilbert and Ingred! All of the above are thanks to Lexington!
104.You can spell Usagi in Kanji(A form of writing in symbols that Japanese use similer to the Chinese)
105.You can carry on a conversation in Japanese with a person from Japan and they understand you.
106.If school gets delayed because it''s too foggy and you scream "Thank You Mercury" as loud as you can, out of the window.
107.You get kicked out of a car dealership for standing on all of their red ferrari''s and screaming "You''re going down Nephlite" as the security men are pulling you off the car.
108.You aquire Serena''s "sloth like sleeping habits"
109.You get a 30% on a test and are not upset, because now you are just a little more like Serena.
110.People in your French class wonder why you''re not taking Japanese and you respond "If our school had a Japanese class I would".
111.You eat M&Ms in the order that the scouts die in Day of Destiny: Green, Blue, Orange, Red, Brown, Yellow.
112.You use this YKYWTMSMW page as a check list.
113.You secretly talk to your fireplace when no one is watching.
114.You buy a cockatoo and dye it purple(If you''ve seen the episode you know what I''m talking about).
115.The word usage makes you think of Usagi.
116.During the weekends you used to go through withdrawl, but now you go through withdrawl during the commercials!
117.You think that your cat is proud of you when you memorize the transformation and destroying phrases that Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts use.
118.The first thing you say in the morning is one of the transformations (eg. moon prism power), hoping that when you look into the mirror you will be a Sailor Scout.
119.You keep a package of temporary crescent moon tatoos around for cheering you up when you''re depressed.
120.You can''t go to sleep without listening to the Sailor Moon theme at least once!
121.You''re looking for a set of translucent wings to put on your Neo-Queen Serenity outfit.
122.You''re having a Sailor Moon tiara made especially for you.
123.Your computer has a SM background.
124.You refuse to leave the house at 4 o''clock for any reason, so that you can watch ''the show''.
125.You insist on watching a taped SM episode at 4 o''clock on Saturdays and Sundays so that you won''t have to go a day without it.
126.You''re considering a class in martial arts.
127.You''re considering a class in Japanese.
128.You don''t have to read the subtitles on your subtitled SM movies anymore, you know all the words by heart.
129.You can sing the SM theme song, both sets of lyrics, in both languages.
130.Whenever the subject of Japan comes up in your geography class, you know more than the teacher.
131.You start to call your bf Mamo-chan and you get really mad when he calls you by your name and not Usako.
132.You go to the race track hoping to met someone like Haruka.
133.You call your teacher Miss H.
134.You try to cook like Makoto and hope that Usagi will come up and ask for some food.
135.When you convince your english teacher to let you write an English paper about Sailor Moon.
136.You create your own SM charecter and give her a background, real name, transformation music, famous quote...
137.You tape every episode of SM off TV just for insurance.
138.You don''t like anyone unless they know something about Japanese anime.
139.Whenever you write a story you include the names of characters in it and make them the main characters.
140.You get WAY too hyped about gaining half a pound.
141.When your mom takes you shopping for your birthday, you go into a store and buy everything from Sailor
Moon...even the things you don''t really like...
142.Your sister buys you a Sailor Moon journal from Claire''s with her own money for no occasion whatsoever.
143.You find yourself dressing up as sailor moon and running around town saying "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!
144.You tell your teacher all about anime and Sailor Moon right before his or her trip to Japan, conveniently, hoping to be brought back some SM presents!
145.Right before you open your locker, you yell, "Locker Opening Activation!!!"
146.While watching a NASCAR race, you yell, "Sailor Scouts, start your engines!"
147.During a hockey game, when your team scores, you yell, "goal scoring power!"
148.Your favourites'' list page on your start icon has Sailor Moon, and ONLY sailor moon web sites (and takes up the whole screen).
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Inuyashas_wife_to_be on July 2, 2006, 3:28:36 PM