Chapter 1 - The new kid
Submitted March 3, 2007 Updated March 3, 2007 Status Complete | This is a cross between Invader Zim and Squee. Pepito is the new kid in skool, what will happen?
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 1 - The new kid
Chapter 1 - The new kid
All characters belong to Jhonen Vasquez, and all similarities to any Invader Zim episode or Squee stories, are realized. No, I am not claiming that this entire story is mine. You will read one part that is very similar to a certain Squee story. But it was my idea to combine them. So no complaining! Now, onwards, to the story!! (this is more...happy than all my other entries...sooo, yeah)
The bell rings on another day of school. Ms. Bitters has an announcement to make.
“Well, unfortunately for me, the Skool has allowed yet another useless student enter the class room” After hearing Ms. Bitters’ statement, Zim instantly snaps out of his daydreaming. Flashbacks of Tak run through his head. Ms. Bitters looks to the child standing in front of the class room,”Why don’t you hurry up and introduce yourself, you won’t get another chance later.” The child stands facing the class. Dib suddenly yells out and points,”Look! He’s also got green skin! And look at those horns! He’s an alien, just like Zim!!! The child sends a horrible stare to Dib. He almost lashes out, when Zita interrupts him,”That’s the same thing you said about Zim, and he’s not an alien!” The whole class then starts complaining about Dib. Zim only stares I silence at the strange child. Again, more flashbacks of an Irken Tak Ms. Bitters yells,”Be quiet or else I’ll have you all transferred to the underground classrooms! Now finish introducing yourself so I can finish my lecture on how useless you all are.” The child collects him self, giving one last glance to Dib. “My name, is Pepito, also known as the son of the dark prince, the second coming of all damnation. My mom works with kids, and my dad is the Devil” The entire class laugh at him.”Silence!” Pepito starts to spaz out. Zim to, starts getting excited by drawing the conclusion that Pepito is also Irken, trying to steel his mission. Anger starts to build up in Zim. Dib, meanwhile, just stares in awe. He thinks to himself,’he’s just like Zim... he’s got to be an alien!’. “I shall have you all destroyed for laughing at me!” Pepito starts shaking. Ms. Bitters sais in a calm voice, obviously oblivious to what’s going on in the class room,”Now now Pepito, take you seat and be quiet.” She scans the room for an open desk. Zim sees this as a perfect opportunity to spy on Pepito and find out his plans. Zim raises his arms in the air,”OOh, Zim! Sit by ZIM!!!” He looks to the kid next to him, and pushes him off the desk, causing a small explosion. Pepito walks to the desk and exchanges glances with Zim. Ms. Bitters thinks out loud.”Why does this seem so familiar? Oh well. Now back to my lecture, you are all useless. You ruin the society because of your uselessness...” Her voice trails off in Zim’s mind. He continues to look at papito.
Once again at lunch, Zim sits alone, poking at his strange, crawling food. A few minutes later, Pepito comes and sits next to him. Zim looks over.
“What are you doing here?”
“I noticed a difference in you. You also wish to destroy them all, don’t you?” Zim gets surprised.
“What? No, I’m just a normal, stinking human Filth!, trying to do normal human things.” Zim smiled, trying to convince Pepito. Realizing it wasn’t working, he stopped and looked forward.
“I can help you do this, all I have to do is,”
Zim cut him off,”I don’t need your help! I can destroy the humans on my own!” By now, Zim realized he was getting the attention of every kid in the room. He sat down quickly.
“How does no one find that strange?” Dib continues to watch them.”How?” Gaz shrugs.”I don’t know, maybe it’s because your head is so big.”
“What? But that doesn’t make any sense and, hey, my heads not big!”
“Why do you have to be alive?”
“I... oh, never mind.”
Zim thinks to himself. If I could somehow befriend this, Pepito, then maybe I can figure out his plans before it’s too late. So he looks over at Pepito.
“So, ah...anyway,” He stops to think of what to say. Pepito just looks at him, making Zim feel uneasy.
“My da is Satan, I can seriously help you kill all our classmates.”
“I don’t want to...KILL, I just want them...out of the way.”
Pepito gave him the same look. Zim sighed.
“Okay, if I did want to destroy all the humans! How could you help?”
“I’ve got all the powers of the underworld. I can pretty much do whatever I want.”
Zim was still not convinced, but he had to befriend him. Zim smiled and put his hand on Pepito’s shoulder.
“So, how would, AHHH!! Zim’s hand begins to burn.
“Sorry, that happens sometimes.’
Still clutching his hand, and making a face showing excruciating pain, Zim says,”No no, that always happens. Part of my, uh... skin condition!” He side eyes left to right.
“So anyway, how would you like to be my friend?” Zim smiles and extends his burnt hand. Pepoto takes it.”I knew you would understand.” That confused Zim,”Understand what?” Pepito gives him a ‘you know’ kind of look, and gets up to leave for recess.
Zim smiles to himself,”Excellent, my plan is going smoothly,”
Back at the base
Zim slams open the door.”GIR!” GIR runs to him and goes into duty mode,”YESSIR!”
“GIR, I feel as if there is yet another Irken trying to steel our mission.”
GIR goes back to back to being him self,”YAAAY!”
“No, not yay. I’ve got to figure out his plans and stop him before it’s to late. I cant risk another treat GIR. I’m not even sure what allowed Tak to come here.”
“It was all your fault!”
“Silence! I must go now to the lab and...analyze things”
“Can I play with the monkey now?”
“No, I told you, I need that monkey for an experiment”
GIR just hangs his head and follows his master down to the lab. Pictures of Pepito show up on the monitor. Zim studies them to see if he can recognize the Irken in disguise.
“His disguise is good, but not great. I will figure this out.” GIR stares blindly at the screen.
“Howd you get those pictures?”
Zim paused, not really knowing how. He just snaps back,”That’s not important. Now leave me alone, I need silence.” GIR obeys and goes up stairs. Zim starts focusing in on the picture, when suddenly, he hears a loud explosion. He turns around to see GIR Fly out of a pipe, all black and smoking. “I made cupcakes!”
“Leave me alone!” Zim yells. Gir screams and gets up, running away with his usual crazy laugh.
The next day, after skool, Zim waits by the water fountain for Pepito. Dibs not far behind.
“So, Pepito, tell me about this...Satan, person.”
“He’s my dad. Lord of the Underworld. He brings all the souls of the,”
Zim cuts him off.”Underworld, you mean there’s another world under this one?!”
“What? No, it’s more like,”
“Two worlds?!” Zim kept interrupting. He thought to him self, ‘Wont the tallest be pleased when I bring them back a second Earth?’
“My dad enslaves all the evil humans and burns their souls.”
“Enslaves humans huh? I feel as if I should meet this, Satan, man.”
“You should. Have you ever heard of him? He’s real famous.”
“No, I...”
Just then Dib and Gaz walk up to them. Dib looks to Zim, then to Pepito.”So, whatcha guys talking about?” “Nothing! Go away!” Zim yells out in anger. Foolish Dib, he dare he interrupt a conversation with Zim!!! Pepito just looks to Dib.
“We’re talking about my dad”
Dib starts laughing,”Oh ho, right, you mean the ‘devil’?” he continues to laugh. Gaz unexpectingly punches Dib in the head. Causing him to fall over. She opens her eye and looks at Pepito.”Hey, nice clothes.” Now realizing her and Pepito were wearing similar clotheing “Thanks...” He says back. Zim just oddly looks at the two of them”Well, I must go now. See you later, friend.” He looks to Pepito.”You should come to my house sometime, Zim.”
“Oh ah, okay.” He awkwardly turns around, then leaves. Dib now starts regaining consciousness. Rubbing his cheek, he asks, “What... happened?” Pepito walks by and puts his hand out. Some weird, underwordly power causes Dib to get knocked out again. Gaz laughs and leaves to go home.
Over the next few days, Zim constantly does all he can to get nearer to Pepito. However, he soon realizes that he still does not have a clear Irken identity. What to do now?
“I don’t understand! Why can’t I figure this out?”
Zim looks over his data again, having yet to figure Pepito out. Frustration lingers over his head.
“What is he doing to disguise himself so well?”
He slams his head on the control panels. GIR walks in and looks at the pictures.
GIR giggles to himself,”He’s got funny hair!”
Zim looks up.”That’s it! Hair! Not long ago, he invited me to his house. All I have to do is accept his offer, then I can study his base and destroy him and his plans to ruin me!!!! MWAHAHAHA!”
“HAHAHAhaaaI don’t get it!”
The doorbell rings and Pepito’s mother answers the door.
“You must be Zim! I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Yes, Im sure you have.” Zim waits impatiently at the door.
“Yeah, so you must be his little Canadian friend right?”
Zim’s eye pops in surprise.
“Canadian? Wh, why yes, Canadian. From the land of... Can, yes?”
She just stares at him in confusion,”Well come on in, Pepito’s been dying to have you over.”
Zim steps inside the house. He looks around, nothing suspicious. Suddenly, a horrible thing charges at him.”AHHHH! What is that?!” He points at it’s hideousness. Pepito’s mom looks over. She giggles,”Oh, that’s just Woofles, go ahead, pet him!” She smiles. Zim swallows, then cautiously pats the dog on the head. This must be his SIR unit., Zim thinks to himself.
“Ah, Zim. I’ve been waiting for you.” Zim’s attention is turned to Pepito, who is standing atop the stairs.
“Ah, I gotto go,” Zim says . Pepito’s mom smiled again,”Well, you two have fun. Dinner will be ready as soon as your father comes home.” Zim starts going up the stairs, when the front door opens. “Dad’s home!” Pepito says happily and runs down to meet him. Zim looks over. Nothing but a simple human in a business suite. He turns around and follows Pepito down the stairs.
“Honey, this is Pepito’s little Canadian friend, Zim.” The man come level with Zim. “So, howz it goin sport?” “Okay, I guess.” The man stands up. “And how are you doing today, Pepito?”
Pepito shrugs his shoulder. He kissed his wife, and puts his briefcase to the side.”So, who’s ready to eat?!” Pepito’s mom interrupts,”Now Juan, Why don’t you change out of your work clothes first?” “Well, okay, if you say so.” Alf a sudden, a big puff of grey smoke appears where Pepeto’s father stood. Zim stared in amazement, foe what stood in his place was unbelievable! A tall, maybe 7-8 foot being, with two giant horns growing from his head. A real beast to look at.
Zim becomes wide-eyed and frightened.”Who are you?!!” What appears to be Satan, laughes and calmly explains,”I’m still here. I just changed out of my work uniform” “Oh.” Zim calms down.
The food looks decent, maybe even good. No one talked much. But then Satan spoke.
“So, you to have a grudge against the kids, huh?”
Zim shrugs.”Not all of them, only most of them, especially that, wretched Dib!”
“Ah yes, Dib. He teased my Pepito, didn’t he?”
“Yeah, he called me an alien in front of the whole class.” Pepito poked at his food for a second.
Zim replied,”He calls me that everyday. He even breaks into my house sometimes! Oh how I hate him!” Zim goes from being all angry, them back to normal. He continued eating
Satan asked,”You hate him, do you?”
“Oh yes, very much.”
“You know, I can help you destroy him, as well as everyone else who has wronged you. All you have to is join my soulless army.”
“An army huh? And how. Exactly will this help me?”
Satan smiles.”It can help you in so many ways, you wouldnt ever belive it!”
Zim looks at him.”Why would I want to join your army?”
Again, Satan smiled and laughed to himself,”Just think of it Zim (yes. I am partially quoting the book for this part) All the power you could possibly imagine, the influence you would posses in this world and beyond! And I can help you, faith in your heart of not. I AM THERE! Think of it, I’ve got nachos’, where they have bread sticks!! I’ve got answers for what you loose sleep over!! This could be the end of all your confusion, fear, or devastations! All this power and more could be yours!! All you have to do is join me!! What do you say little one?!
Zim stares at him, then Pepito, and finally forward again.”Ah, no thanks”
Satan sits down again. “All right, at least we tried”
(From here on out, the rest of the story is more quoting)
Up in Pepito’s room
“Does your dad always do that?”
“No, only when friends come over to dinner.”
“Has anyone ever taken up that offer?”
“My friend Todd almost did, but then he got sent to a crazy asylum.”
“Oh” Zim just goes over what he knows. He has found Pepito’s SIR unit, and that fiery place in the basement must be his base in disguise. This was pretty much all Zim was able to recover tonight. So he does further investigations. He picks up a plastic truck, thinking it could be some kind of Irken technology. He examines it, rolling it on the floor, then picking it up and turning it over. Then he begins thinking about Pepito himself. Zim noticed how he levitated every where, yet he had no PAK. What kind of technology did his PAK posses? Zim thinks to himself. Suddenly he goes numb. The fire, the PAKless levitating, burning souls, army of darkness,”My God(I know, Zim probably wouldn’t say that, but this was all I could think of) You’re the Anti-Christ, aren’t you?!!” Pepito looked at him”Are you serious?” Zim. Completely ignoring Pepito, yells,”I’ve read all about you! Your father takes human souls and burns them, he’s the Devil!” Paranoid Zim points at Pepito, who shows no real expression.”Yeah, I already told you that. I wasn’t trying to hide it.” “Oh,” Zim calms down now, slightly embarrassed. He sits down on the floor, pretending to play with the truck. Pepito, still involved with what he was doing, says,”I know you’re an alien.” Zim freezes “Lies! You know nothing!” Pepito laughs.”Common, I’ve seen your dog, your house, plus, your disguise isn’t that good.” “Who told you of these lies?! Tell mee!!” “Dib mentioned it a few times, but its still pretty obvious.” Zim couldn’t find words quick enough. Pepito was catching on to him, must distract him. So Zim tries to calmly speak to him,”But Im not an alien, Im just a normal human worm baby! And,” “I’ve seen your ship fly at night, it’s purple, right? And you were stealing lawn gnomes.” “That wasn’t me! I’ve never even seen a spaceship!” Zim could tell that Pepito still wasn’t convinced.”But I heard you yell,’I am Zim!” Zim starts panicking. Then out of desperation, he yells,”Get out of my house!” He then tums and jumps out the window. Pepito just watches him. As Zim falls, he yells,”GGIIII,” But hits the ground before finishing. He instantly holds up his head,”GIR! He’s catching on to us! We must flee!!” GIR popes pout of the bushes with the jet stream. Zim quickly mounts and flies off. Pepito waves out the window,”Bye Zim! See you tomorrow!”
The next day, Zim hesitantly looks around the field. Finally, he spots Pepito in the corner. Zim takes a few steps and, to his horror, sees Dib talking to Pepito. He ducks behind a shrub, “That stupid Earth monkey! He’s probably telling Dib everything!!” The bell rings. All the kids start heading for class. Zim stops Pepito at the entrance, “What did you tell him?! I need to know!” Zim yells. Pepito just laughs and walks away. Zim stares after him. That fool thinks he can get away with telling on Zim?! No, I must stop him.
The next morning, Ms. Bitters announces to the class,”Pepito will no longer be attending our classroom,” Dib looks over at Zim. Ms. Bitters continues,”His family had a last minute move due to some kind of strange probing and unexplainable oozing.” Dib knows what happened. He gives Zim a suspicious stare. A smile that spreads across Zim’s face.
Zeh end
If your wondering, what happened to Dib’s suspicions, well, lets just say that the talk he had with Pepito cleared things up... I don’t know...use your imaginations. Also, don’t get upset about why they moved and ‘how come Satan did nothing’ well, I couldn’t think of any thing to help fit that in sooo, oh well.
The bell rings on another day of school. Ms. Bitters has an announcement to make.
“Well, unfortunately for me, the Skool has allowed yet another useless student enter the class room” After hearing Ms. Bitters’ statement, Zim instantly snaps out of his daydreaming. Flashbacks of Tak run through his head. Ms. Bitters looks to the child standing in front of the class room,”Why don’t you hurry up and introduce yourself, you won’t get another chance later.” The child stands facing the class. Dib suddenly yells out and points,”Look! He’s also got green skin! And look at those horns! He’s an alien, just like Zim!!! The child sends a horrible stare to Dib. He almost lashes out, when Zita interrupts him,”That’s the same thing you said about Zim, and he’s not an alien!” The whole class then starts complaining about Dib. Zim only stares I silence at the strange child. Again, more flashbacks of an Irken Tak Ms. Bitters yells,”Be quiet or else I’ll have you all transferred to the underground classrooms! Now finish introducing yourself so I can finish my lecture on how useless you all are.” The child collects him self, giving one last glance to Dib. “My name, is Pepito, also known as the son of the dark prince, the second coming of all damnation. My mom works with kids, and my dad is the Devil” The entire class laugh at him.”Silence!” Pepito starts to spaz out. Zim to, starts getting excited by drawing the conclusion that Pepito is also Irken, trying to steel his mission. Anger starts to build up in Zim. Dib, meanwhile, just stares in awe. He thinks to himself,’he’s just like Zim... he’s got to be an alien!’. “I shall have you all destroyed for laughing at me!” Pepito starts shaking. Ms. Bitters sais in a calm voice, obviously oblivious to what’s going on in the class room,”Now now Pepito, take you seat and be quiet.” She scans the room for an open desk. Zim sees this as a perfect opportunity to spy on Pepito and find out his plans. Zim raises his arms in the air,”OOh, Zim! Sit by ZIM!!!” He looks to the kid next to him, and pushes him off the desk, causing a small explosion. Pepito walks to the desk and exchanges glances with Zim. Ms. Bitters thinks out loud.”Why does this seem so familiar? Oh well. Now back to my lecture, you are all useless. You ruin the society because of your uselessness...” Her voice trails off in Zim’s mind. He continues to look at papito.
Once again at lunch, Zim sits alone, poking at his strange, crawling food. A few minutes later, Pepito comes and sits next to him. Zim looks over.
“What are you doing here?”
“I noticed a difference in you. You also wish to destroy them all, don’t you?” Zim gets surprised.
“What? No, I’m just a normal, stinking human Filth!, trying to do normal human things.” Zim smiled, trying to convince Pepito. Realizing it wasn’t working, he stopped and looked forward.
“I can help you do this, all I have to do is,”
Zim cut him off,”I don’t need your help! I can destroy the humans on my own!” By now, Zim realized he was getting the attention of every kid in the room. He sat down quickly.
“How does no one find that strange?” Dib continues to watch them.”How?” Gaz shrugs.”I don’t know, maybe it’s because your head is so big.”
“What? But that doesn’t make any sense and, hey, my heads not big!”
“Why do you have to be alive?”
“I... oh, never mind.”
Zim thinks to himself. If I could somehow befriend this, Pepito, then maybe I can figure out his plans before it’s too late. So he looks over at Pepito.
“So, ah...anyway,” He stops to think of what to say. Pepito just looks at him, making Zim feel uneasy.
“My da is Satan, I can seriously help you kill all our classmates.”
“I don’t want to...KILL, I just want them...out of the way.”
Pepito gave him the same look. Zim sighed.
“Okay, if I did want to destroy all the humans! How could you help?”
“I’ve got all the powers of the underworld. I can pretty much do whatever I want.”
Zim was still not convinced, but he had to befriend him. Zim smiled and put his hand on Pepito’s shoulder.
“So, how would, AHHH!! Zim’s hand begins to burn.
“Sorry, that happens sometimes.’
Still clutching his hand, and making a face showing excruciating pain, Zim says,”No no, that always happens. Part of my, uh... skin condition!” He side eyes left to right.
“So anyway, how would you like to be my friend?” Zim smiles and extends his burnt hand. Pepoto takes it.”I knew you would understand.” That confused Zim,”Understand what?” Pepito gives him a ‘you know’ kind of look, and gets up to leave for recess.
Zim smiles to himself,”Excellent, my plan is going smoothly,”
Back at the base
Zim slams open the door.”GIR!” GIR runs to him and goes into duty mode,”YESSIR!”
“GIR, I feel as if there is yet another Irken trying to steel our mission.”
GIR goes back to back to being him self,”YAAAY!”
“No, not yay. I’ve got to figure out his plans and stop him before it’s to late. I cant risk another treat GIR. I’m not even sure what allowed Tak to come here.”
“It was all your fault!”
“Silence! I must go now to the lab and...analyze things”
“Can I play with the monkey now?”
“No, I told you, I need that monkey for an experiment”
GIR just hangs his head and follows his master down to the lab. Pictures of Pepito show up on the monitor. Zim studies them to see if he can recognize the Irken in disguise.
“His disguise is good, but not great. I will figure this out.” GIR stares blindly at the screen.
“Howd you get those pictures?”
Zim paused, not really knowing how. He just snaps back,”That’s not important. Now leave me alone, I need silence.” GIR obeys and goes up stairs. Zim starts focusing in on the picture, when suddenly, he hears a loud explosion. He turns around to see GIR Fly out of a pipe, all black and smoking. “I made cupcakes!”
“Leave me alone!” Zim yells. Gir screams and gets up, running away with his usual crazy laugh.
The next day, after skool, Zim waits by the water fountain for Pepito. Dibs not far behind.
“So, Pepito, tell me about this...Satan, person.”
“He’s my dad. Lord of the Underworld. He brings all the souls of the,”
Zim cuts him off.”Underworld, you mean there’s another world under this one?!”
“What? No, it’s more like,”
“Two worlds?!” Zim kept interrupting. He thought to him self, ‘Wont the tallest be pleased when I bring them back a second Earth?’
“My dad enslaves all the evil humans and burns their souls.”
“Enslaves humans huh? I feel as if I should meet this, Satan, man.”
“You should. Have you ever heard of him? He’s real famous.”
“No, I...”
Just then Dib and Gaz walk up to them. Dib looks to Zim, then to Pepito.”So, whatcha guys talking about?” “Nothing! Go away!” Zim yells out in anger. Foolish Dib, he dare he interrupt a conversation with Zim!!! Pepito just looks to Dib.
“We’re talking about my dad”
Dib starts laughing,”Oh ho, right, you mean the ‘devil’?” he continues to laugh. Gaz unexpectingly punches Dib in the head. Causing him to fall over. She opens her eye and looks at Pepito.”Hey, nice clothes.” Now realizing her and Pepito were wearing similar clotheing “Thanks...” He says back. Zim just oddly looks at the two of them”Well, I must go now. See you later, friend.” He looks to Pepito.”You should come to my house sometime, Zim.”
“Oh ah, okay.” He awkwardly turns around, then leaves. Dib now starts regaining consciousness. Rubbing his cheek, he asks, “What... happened?” Pepito walks by and puts his hand out. Some weird, underwordly power causes Dib to get knocked out again. Gaz laughs and leaves to go home.
Over the next few days, Zim constantly does all he can to get nearer to Pepito. However, he soon realizes that he still does not have a clear Irken identity. What to do now?
“I don’t understand! Why can’t I figure this out?”
Zim looks over his data again, having yet to figure Pepito out. Frustration lingers over his head.
“What is he doing to disguise himself so well?”
He slams his head on the control panels. GIR walks in and looks at the pictures.
GIR giggles to himself,”He’s got funny hair!”
Zim looks up.”That’s it! Hair! Not long ago, he invited me to his house. All I have to do is accept his offer, then I can study his base and destroy him and his plans to ruin me!!!! MWAHAHAHA!”
“HAHAHAhaaaI don’t get it!”
The doorbell rings and Pepito’s mother answers the door.
“You must be Zim! I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Yes, Im sure you have.” Zim waits impatiently at the door.
“Yeah, so you must be his little Canadian friend right?”
Zim’s eye pops in surprise.
“Canadian? Wh, why yes, Canadian. From the land of... Can, yes?”
She just stares at him in confusion,”Well come on in, Pepito’s been dying to have you over.”
Zim steps inside the house. He looks around, nothing suspicious. Suddenly, a horrible thing charges at him.”AHHHH! What is that?!” He points at it’s hideousness. Pepito’s mom looks over. She giggles,”Oh, that’s just Woofles, go ahead, pet him!” She smiles. Zim swallows, then cautiously pats the dog on the head. This must be his SIR unit., Zim thinks to himself.
“Ah, Zim. I’ve been waiting for you.” Zim’s attention is turned to Pepito, who is standing atop the stairs.
“Ah, I gotto go,” Zim says . Pepito’s mom smiled again,”Well, you two have fun. Dinner will be ready as soon as your father comes home.” Zim starts going up the stairs, when the front door opens. “Dad’s home!” Pepito says happily and runs down to meet him. Zim looks over. Nothing but a simple human in a business suite. He turns around and follows Pepito down the stairs.
“Honey, this is Pepito’s little Canadian friend, Zim.” The man come level with Zim. “So, howz it goin sport?” “Okay, I guess.” The man stands up. “And how are you doing today, Pepito?”
Pepito shrugs his shoulder. He kissed his wife, and puts his briefcase to the side.”So, who’s ready to eat?!” Pepito’s mom interrupts,”Now Juan, Why don’t you change out of your work clothes first?” “Well, okay, if you say so.” Alf a sudden, a big puff of grey smoke appears where Pepeto’s father stood. Zim stared in amazement, foe what stood in his place was unbelievable! A tall, maybe 7-8 foot being, with two giant horns growing from his head. A real beast to look at.
Zim becomes wide-eyed and frightened.”Who are you?!!” What appears to be Satan, laughes and calmly explains,”I’m still here. I just changed out of my work uniform” “Oh.” Zim calms down.
The food looks decent, maybe even good. No one talked much. But then Satan spoke.
“So, you to have a grudge against the kids, huh?”
Zim shrugs.”Not all of them, only most of them, especially that, wretched Dib!”
“Ah yes, Dib. He teased my Pepito, didn’t he?”
“Yeah, he called me an alien in front of the whole class.” Pepito poked at his food for a second.
Zim replied,”He calls me that everyday. He even breaks into my house sometimes! Oh how I hate him!” Zim goes from being all angry, them back to normal. He continued eating
Satan asked,”You hate him, do you?”
“Oh yes, very much.”
“You know, I can help you destroy him, as well as everyone else who has wronged you. All you have to is join my soulless army.”
“An army huh? And how. Exactly will this help me?”
Satan smiles.”It can help you in so many ways, you wouldnt ever belive it!”
Zim looks at him.”Why would I want to join your army?”
Again, Satan smiled and laughed to himself,”Just think of it Zim (yes. I am partially quoting the book for this part) All the power you could possibly imagine, the influence you would posses in this world and beyond! And I can help you, faith in your heart of not. I AM THERE! Think of it, I’ve got nachos’, where they have bread sticks!! I’ve got answers for what you loose sleep over!! This could be the end of all your confusion, fear, or devastations! All this power and more could be yours!! All you have to do is join me!! What do you say little one?!
Zim stares at him, then Pepito, and finally forward again.”Ah, no thanks”
Satan sits down again. “All right, at least we tried”
(From here on out, the rest of the story is more quoting)
Up in Pepito’s room
“Does your dad always do that?”
“No, only when friends come over to dinner.”
“Has anyone ever taken up that offer?”
“My friend Todd almost did, but then he got sent to a crazy asylum.”
“Oh” Zim just goes over what he knows. He has found Pepito’s SIR unit, and that fiery place in the basement must be his base in disguise. This was pretty much all Zim was able to recover tonight. So he does further investigations. He picks up a plastic truck, thinking it could be some kind of Irken technology. He examines it, rolling it on the floor, then picking it up and turning it over. Then he begins thinking about Pepito himself. Zim noticed how he levitated every where, yet he had no PAK. What kind of technology did his PAK posses? Zim thinks to himself. Suddenly he goes numb. The fire, the PAKless levitating, burning souls, army of darkness,”My God(I know, Zim probably wouldn’t say that, but this was all I could think of) You’re the Anti-Christ, aren’t you?!!” Pepito looked at him”Are you serious?” Zim. Completely ignoring Pepito, yells,”I’ve read all about you! Your father takes human souls and burns them, he’s the Devil!” Paranoid Zim points at Pepito, who shows no real expression.”Yeah, I already told you that. I wasn’t trying to hide it.” “Oh,” Zim calms down now, slightly embarrassed. He sits down on the floor, pretending to play with the truck. Pepito, still involved with what he was doing, says,”I know you’re an alien.” Zim freezes “Lies! You know nothing!” Pepito laughs.”Common, I’ve seen your dog, your house, plus, your disguise isn’t that good.” “Who told you of these lies?! Tell mee!!” “Dib mentioned it a few times, but its still pretty obvious.” Zim couldn’t find words quick enough. Pepito was catching on to him, must distract him. So Zim tries to calmly speak to him,”But Im not an alien, Im just a normal human worm baby! And,” “I’ve seen your ship fly at night, it’s purple, right? And you were stealing lawn gnomes.” “That wasn’t me! I’ve never even seen a spaceship!” Zim could tell that Pepito still wasn’t convinced.”But I heard you yell,’I am Zim!” Zim starts panicking. Then out of desperation, he yells,”Get out of my house!” He then tums and jumps out the window. Pepito just watches him. As Zim falls, he yells,”GGIIII,” But hits the ground before finishing. He instantly holds up his head,”GIR! He’s catching on to us! We must flee!!” GIR popes pout of the bushes with the jet stream. Zim quickly mounts and flies off. Pepito waves out the window,”Bye Zim! See you tomorrow!”
The next day, Zim hesitantly looks around the field. Finally, he spots Pepito in the corner. Zim takes a few steps and, to his horror, sees Dib talking to Pepito. He ducks behind a shrub, “That stupid Earth monkey! He’s probably telling Dib everything!!” The bell rings. All the kids start heading for class. Zim stops Pepito at the entrance, “What did you tell him?! I need to know!” Zim yells. Pepito just laughs and walks away. Zim stares after him. That fool thinks he can get away with telling on Zim?! No, I must stop him.
The next morning, Ms. Bitters announces to the class,”Pepito will no longer be attending our classroom,” Dib looks over at Zim. Ms. Bitters continues,”His family had a last minute move due to some kind of strange probing and unexplainable oozing.” Dib knows what happened. He gives Zim a suspicious stare. A smile that spreads across Zim’s face.
Zeh end
If your wondering, what happened to Dib’s suspicions, well, lets just say that the talk he had with Pepito cleared things up... I don’t know...use your imaginations. Also, don’t get upset about why they moved and ‘how come Satan did nothing’ well, I couldn’t think of any thing to help fit that in sooo, oh well.
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IamNNY on March 25, 2007, 12:54:34 AM
IamNNY on