Chapter 4 - Verbs - Present Tense
Submitted July 12, 2004 Updated November 16, 2004 Status Incomplete | These are short lessons based off the Quenya Elvish (LotR) course on Rather than 40 pages a chapter, I got them down to 4. I don't have all lessons like this yet. All material belongs to Tolkien and was compiled by that site.
Books » JRR Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, etc.) |
Chapter 4 - Verbs - Present Tense
Chapter 4 - Verbs - Present Tense
The Verb: Present Tense- Subject/Object –Superlative form of adjectives
q Onlytouched on ná/nar- doesn’t provide much info. Mostother verbs = action
q TheElf dances- danced, will dance, is dancing, has danced, will have danced, willhave been dancing, will not have been dancing
q -a stem verbs- derived verbs- not just roots, endings (-ya, -ta, -na,-a) to root.
o Calya- to illuminate (KAL)
o Tulta- to summon (TUL)
o Harna- to wound (SKAR)
o Mapa- to seize (MAP) Primary verbs, non derivedwords- have no added endingMat- to eat
o Tac- to fasten
o Tul- to come
o Mel-to love
o Sir-to flow (sirion)
o Car-to make
Present tense- add an ‘a’ to theend, lengthen stem vowel. A endings = ëa
Stem vowel- vowel ofthe root - Ex. in present tense
o Mat(MAT) Mátëa
o Mel(MEL) Méla
o Sil (SIL) Síla shines
o Quet (KWET) Quéta
A rule in Quenya prohibitsa long vowel in front of a consonant cluster or in dipthong.
So whatabout Calya and Tulta? -stress rules
Accordingto rule Tulta= Tultëa, Pusta= Pustëa, Calya= Calyëa
Practice: Lanta, Harna, faina (emit light), auta (pass)
Lómë = night – what is “the night is passing?” Lala= laugh – what is “the elf is laughing?” “the moon is shining”?[/ulist]
The Object- the [noun] is [verb] ing what? Once again, English style
i Elda máta massa “the elf is eating bread”–the bread is the target/obj. i Elda cenë massa “the elf sees bread” German- ‘Ich kaufe den Rock’ vs. ‘Der Rock passt gut.’[/ulist] i Elda máta (massa) – can work with or w/o an object. i Elda mápea (???) – must have an object- what does the elf seize?[/ulist]
Cirya= ciryá(plurals in –r change to –i = ciryai ) as an object (plotzletter) Latin accusative case. This was supposedly used in archaic Quenya but feel out of LOTR style Quenya
Verbs agree in number too!!!!
Because all verbs end in a vowel,all make their plurals with -r
“i atta hallëEldar mátar massa.” “the two tall(s)elves eat(s) bread.”
Laurie lantarlassi “golden fall the leaves”
Laurëa=golden pl.= laurië lanta=fall pl.=lantar las=leaf pl.=lassi (legolas)
Lantarvs. Lantear aorist tense to be laterdiscussed.
“Golden fall the leaves” vs.“Golden are falling the leaves.”
Multiple subjects also = plural
The king and the queenare eating i aran ari tári matar
Muliple Objects are still singular withthe verb
The king is eatingbread and meat iaran mata massa ar apsa
Aldu sílat vs. Aldu sílar - possible dual-form plural, hardly attested for.[/ulist] Word Order[/b]Subject + Verb (+ Object)
Lantar lassi “fall the leaves” Namárië Auta i lómë- “passes the night” Fingon/Silmarillion[/ulist]
Words are only put in a different order to, as in Namárië, stress that the leaves are falling. English wordorder appears to be more common in simple text.
Mornië caita “darkness lies” Namárië[/ulist]
More aboutAdjectives:[/b]
Comparative: -er (taller) - only attestedform= “A ná (adj.) lá B”
Superlative: -est (tallest) = an- prefix anvanya vende (fairest maiden)
An- = exceedingly ____ not most. Like saying “very” but
Aiya EärendilElenion Ancalima. Notranslation is given in the LotR itself, but Tolkien later stated that this means "hail Eärendil brightest of stars"
an+ alta "great (in size)" = analta "greatest"
an + calima"bright" = ancalima"brightest"
an + norna"tough" = annorna"toughest"
an + quanta "full" = anquanta "fullest"
an + vanya"beautiful" = anvanya "mostbeautiful"
an + wenya"green" = anwenya"greenest"
an + yára"old" = anyára "oldest"
an+ fána "white" = ?anfána "whitest"
an + halla"tall" = ?anhalla"tallest"
Ancalima (añcalima) (remember that before a c, the ‘n’ makes a ‘ng’ sound)[/ulist]
With l, r, s, m (an-) = al-, ar-,as-, am-
Anpitya (np=ill.) = ampitya (smallest)
an+ lauca "warm" = allauca "warmest"
an+ ringa "cold" = arringa"coldest"
an+ sarda "hard" = assarda"hardest"
an+ moina "dear" = ammoina"dearest"
Elen + mírë= Elemmírë Númen + lótë= Númellótë[/ulist]
canta "four"Nauco "Dwarf"
tiuca"thick, fat"
mapa- verb "grasp, seize"
tir- verb "watch, guard"
lala- verb "laugh" (lala-also has the meaning "deny")
caita- verb "lie" (physical)
tulta- verb "summon"
linda- verb "sing"
mat- verb "eat"
cenda- verb "read”
1. Translate into English:
A. I nís lálëa.
B. I antiuca Nauco máta.
C. I tári tíra i aran.
D. I analta oron ná taura.
E. I nér tultëa i anvanyavendë.
F. I aiwë lindëa.
G. I Naucormápëar i canta Eldar.
H. I antaura aran ná saila.
2. Translate into Quenya:
I. The woman is watching the greatest (/biggest)ship.
J. The most evil (/evilest) men are dead.
K. The Elf is seizing thebook.
L. Four men are lying under a tree.
M. The wisest Elf is reading a book (careful:what probably happens to the superlative prefix when it is added to a word likesaila "wise"?)
N. The king and the queen are reading the book.
O. The birds are singing.
P. The four Dwarves are watching a bird.
A. The woman is laughing.
B. The fattest Dwarf iseating.
C. The queen is watchingthe king.
D. The greatest mountainis mighty.
E. The man is summoningthe most beautiful maiden.
F. The bird is singing.
G. The Dwarves are seizing the four Elves.
H. The mightiest king iswise.
I. I nís tíra ianalta cirya.
J. I anúmië nerinar firini.
K. I Elda mápëa i parma.
L. Cantaneri caitëarnu alda.
M. I assaila Elda cendëa parma (an-saila becoming assailaby assimilation)
N. I aran ar itári cendëar i parma.
O. I aiwi lindëar.
P. I canta Naucor tírar aiwë.
q Onlytouched on ná/nar- doesn’t provide much info. Mostother verbs = action
q TheElf dances- danced, will dance, is dancing, has danced, will have danced, willhave been dancing, will not have been dancing
q -a stem verbs- derived verbs- not just roots, endings (-ya, -ta, -na,-a) to root.
o Calya- to illuminate (KAL)
o Tulta- to summon (TUL)
o Harna- to wound (SKAR)
o Mapa- to seize (MAP) Primary verbs, non derivedwords- have no added endingMat- to eat
o Tac- to fasten
o Tul- to come
o Mel-to love
o Sir-to flow (sirion)
o Car-to make
Present tense- add an ‘a’ to theend, lengthen stem vowel. A endings = ëa
Stem vowel- vowel ofthe root - Ex. in present tense
o Mat(MAT) Mátëa
o Mel(MEL) Méla
o Sil (SIL) Síla shines
o Quet (KWET) Quéta
A rule in Quenya prohibitsa long vowel in front of a consonant cluster or in dipthong.
So whatabout Calya and Tulta? -stress rules
Accordingto rule Tulta= Tultëa, Pusta= Pustëa, Calya= Calyëa
Practice: Lanta, Harna, faina (emit light), auta (pass)
Lómë = night – what is “the night is passing?” Lala= laugh – what is “the elf is laughing?” “the moon is shining”?[/ulist]
The Object- the [noun] is [verb] ing what? Once again, English style
i Elda máta massa “the elf is eating bread”–the bread is the target/obj. i Elda cenë massa “the elf sees bread” German- ‘Ich kaufe den Rock’ vs. ‘Der Rock passt gut.’[/ulist] i Elda máta (massa) – can work with or w/o an object. i Elda mápea (???) – must have an object- what does the elf seize?[/ulist]
Cirya= ciryá(plurals in –r change to –i = ciryai ) as an object (plotzletter) Latin accusative case. This was supposedly used in archaic Quenya but feel out of LOTR style Quenya
Verbs agree in number too!!!!
Because all verbs end in a vowel,all make their plurals with -r
“i atta hallëEldar mátar massa.” “the two tall(s)elves eat(s) bread.”
Laurie lantarlassi “golden fall the leaves”
Laurëa=golden pl.= laurië lanta=fall pl.=lantar las=leaf pl.=lassi (legolas)
Lantarvs. Lantear aorist tense to be laterdiscussed.
“Golden fall the leaves” vs.“Golden are falling the leaves.”
Multiple subjects also = plural
The king and the queenare eating i aran ari tári matar
Muliple Objects are still singular withthe verb
The king is eatingbread and meat iaran mata massa ar apsa
Aldu sílat vs. Aldu sílar - possible dual-form plural, hardly attested for.[/ulist] Word Order[/b]Subject + Verb (+ Object)
Lantar lassi “fall the leaves” Namárië Auta i lómë- “passes the night” Fingon/Silmarillion[/ulist]
Words are only put in a different order to, as in Namárië, stress that the leaves are falling. English wordorder appears to be more common in simple text.
Mornië caita “darkness lies” Namárië[/ulist]
More aboutAdjectives:[/b]
Comparative: -er (taller) - only attestedform= “A ná (adj.) lá B”
Superlative: -est (tallest) = an- prefix anvanya vende (fairest maiden)
An- = exceedingly ____ not most. Like saying “very” but
Aiya EärendilElenion Ancalima. Notranslation is given in the LotR itself, but Tolkien later stated that this means "hail Eärendil brightest of stars"
an+ alta "great (in size)" = analta "greatest"
an + calima"bright" = ancalima"brightest"
an + norna"tough" = annorna"toughest"
an + quanta "full" = anquanta "fullest"
an + vanya"beautiful" = anvanya "mostbeautiful"
an + wenya"green" = anwenya"greenest"
an + yára"old" = anyára "oldest"
an+ fána "white" = ?anfána "whitest"
an + halla"tall" = ?anhalla"tallest"
Ancalima (añcalima) (remember that before a c, the ‘n’ makes a ‘ng’ sound)[/ulist]
With l, r, s, m (an-) = al-, ar-,as-, am-
Anpitya (np=ill.) = ampitya (smallest)
an+ lauca "warm" = allauca "warmest"
an+ ringa "cold" = arringa"coldest"
an+ sarda "hard" = assarda"hardest"
an+ moina "dear" = ammoina"dearest"
Elen + mírë= Elemmírë Númen + lótë= Númellótë[/ulist]
canta "four"Nauco "Dwarf"
tiuca"thick, fat"
mapa- verb "grasp, seize"
tir- verb "watch, guard"
lala- verb "laugh" (lala-also has the meaning "deny")
caita- verb "lie" (physical)
tulta- verb "summon"
linda- verb "sing"
mat- verb "eat"
cenda- verb "read”
1. Translate into English:
A. I nís lálëa.
B. I antiuca Nauco máta.
C. I tári tíra i aran.
D. I analta oron ná taura.
E. I nér tultëa i anvanyavendë.
F. I aiwë lindëa.
G. I Naucormápëar i canta Eldar.
H. I antaura aran ná saila.
2. Translate into Quenya:
I. The woman is watching the greatest (/biggest)ship.
J. The most evil (/evilest) men are dead.
K. The Elf is seizing thebook.
L. Four men are lying under a tree.
M. The wisest Elf is reading a book (careful:what probably happens to the superlative prefix when it is added to a word likesaila "wise"?)
N. The king and the queen are reading the book.
O. The birds are singing.
P. The four Dwarves are watching a bird.
A. The woman is laughing.
B. The fattest Dwarf iseating.
C. The queen is watchingthe king.
D. The greatest mountainis mighty.
E. The man is summoningthe most beautiful maiden.
F. The bird is singing.
G. The Dwarves are seizing the four Elves.
H. The mightiest king iswise.
I. I nís tíra ianalta cirya.
J. I anúmië nerinar firini.
K. I Elda mápëa i parma.
L. Cantaneri caitëarnu alda.
M. I assaila Elda cendëa parma (an-saila becoming assailaby assimilation)
N. I aran ar itári cendëar i parma.
O. I aiwi lindëar.
P. I canta Naucor tírar aiwë.
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