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Chapter 7 - Cleaning

Sparks has always been under 24/7 surveillance...and the watcher grows concerned that things may be compromised...(Metal and Sparks)

Chapter 7 - Cleaning

Chapter 7 - Cleaning
Metaru was comfy....even though he was all robotic....

"I dun wanna get out of bed..." He managed tiredly, basically clinging to Metal to prevent him from moving. Metal sighed, rubbing his eye with one hand while he poked the other on the head slightly.

"Sparks, ground rule time. One, I know you are intelligent and can speak normally. Please do so...Two, we can't sleep all come on, off...."

"Aw, but Metaru-chan..." Sparks murmured, reluctantly releasing that moment, he accidentally reached the edge of the bed and....



A chuckle of amusement was heard, and Sparks pushed himself up and glared. "Shut up..." The young hedgehog grumbled, managing onto four legs and stretching cat-like before he rose to normal stance. By the time he had done that, the android was already up and finishing making the bed.

"You really are slow." Metal commented, and Sparks snorted in anger. "At any rate, I have orders for you while I am...working, I suppose you could say."

Sparks' green ears perked. "Orders?" He asked, making sure he heard correctly.

" are still a...slave, servant....whichever." Metal waved it off, and continued. "You are to clean all of my quarters....that means dusting, cleaning, cetera...."

"Aww, man..." Sparks said, looking around. God, that was going to take. for. ever. "Can I at least get some form of lights in here?"

"Don't you have nightvision?"


Metal moved out of Sparks' limited sight range and shuffled through some things, and soon light illuminated the room. "Is that better?" Sparks was asked. Sparks gave a nod, happy that he could actually -see- now.

"Two more thing though..." He mentioned, and Metal tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

"What else?"

"One, where is the cleaning stuff...and Two, how am I supposed to do anything with these?" Sparks held up the hand-cuffs. Metal supposed it would be very....difficult to clean with said items limiting your reach. He took Sparks' cuff chain and somehow managed to increase the length of it so it wouldn't be as much of a problem.

"And cleaning supplies are in the, is that all?"

"Yes, Metaru-chan...I can actually work now." Sparks replied, and slipped over to the closet that was mentioned. "See you later, Metaru-chan!" He said happily.

Metal, a little stunned to see him in such a state, simply bowed his head in a nod and left, locking the door behind him.

"That was a tad....strange." He murmured to himself...he shook his head and walked away to whatever buisness he needed to attend to.


Sin had managed to find the location of the base Metal had inhabited recently but he found, in sore disappointment, that it had been deserted.

"Damn that android...when I find him I'll...." He trailed off as he looked about the base for any clues as to where he could have gone...

-Hours later, back at the base with Metal and Sparks-

Sparks flopped down in a chair, exhausted. "So" He rubbed his arms sorely. "Metaru-chan really has way too much's nice....but it's still too much crap..." He muttered, managing to stand long enough to toss the supplies back into the closet before he returned to sitting in a chair.

"Tired just from a little cleaning?" The sudden voice made him jump, and laughter ensued from the other. He snorted.

"Wish you would stop doing that..." Sparks murmured.

"Not my fault you can't notice me...but I suppose it would take time to get used to seeing me..." Metal grinned before looking about. "You did an excellent job." He commented.

"Really?" Sparks said, ears perking as he leaned forward.

"Although you did miss one thing..."


Metal glanced at Sparks. "Yourself." He pointed. "The one who cleans always gets a tad...dirty." He nudged his head towards a door, which Sparks assumed was the bathroom.

"You don't have....cameras or anything in there, do you?" Sparks said, a tad uneasy..seeing as he had been watched at all times before.

"I assure you, I have no cameras here....remember, this is my residence...kind of idiotic to place cameras in the very area you live, hmm?" The robot replied, knowing he was correct. "Also..." Metal moved closer, and Sparks flinched as his hands moved.



Sparks glanced down to find the cuffs and shackles gone completely. "The collar is waterproof, so it shouldn't be much trouble." Metal simply said, placing the objects on a table. "Now, go go..." He ushered.

"Fine, fine, I'm going...." Sparks rolled his eyes as he turned and left for the bathroom. "Why do you need a bathroom?"

"I had the intention of bringing you here...and life-forms require such...rooms."

"Good point..." Sparks said, before slipping into the room and closing the door behind him.

"Let's hope he doesn't kill himself..." Metal sighed, before turning his attention to one of his many books.


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