Chapter 2 - The beginning of the Mariah
Submitted March 20, 2005 Updated December 4, 2005 Status Incomplete | Bladebreakers atend a boording school. a group of 4 girls come new, and they promise to get into trouble, themselfs and others! Better be a friend then a enemy!
Anime/Manga » BeyBlade |
Chapter 2 - The beginning of the Mariah
Chapter 2 - The beginning of the Mariah
K- OK! Let's do it!! Let's kick some serious Tyson @$$!!!
A&T- Hurra! Hurra!
Chapter 2 - The Beginning of the Mariah
The four girls where sitting in the grass, all bend over a fully drown piece of paper. Arrows and appointments, names and rooms, it was one big mess! Although all that the girls seem to know what it all mend.
- So, everyone knows there part of the deal?
- Yes! When is it gonna start?
- Tonight!
- Tonight? But Thyra, isn't there a security period from 3 days you're forgetting?
- No. The security period is only when the person could suspect, ore be smart enough to discover it was us…
- By the way, which colour is gonna be this Mariah?
- I was thinking of pink and yellow, you know I love that combination! - An evil glare appeared in Thyra's eyes. The others smiled at her. Thyra was like the evil doc of their whole group. But then Thyra's expression changed, she seemed preoccupied.
-Group dismissed. - She whispered and everyone tried to act as normal and bored as possible.
-Hello guys! -Tyson had appeared behind Marissa, who started to drool right away.
-Thyra, I challenge you for a beybattle! To see if you really are as good as you think you are!
-Ha! Are you afraid? -When Tyson pronounced this last word the whole group swallowed of fear and looked at Thyra. Her eyes where burning and a scary smile formed on the face.
-Afraid? -She asked - Of you? -She turned her head to take a better look at him. - I don't think so! Tell me when and where, and I will be pleased to crown you as loser of the year!
Tyson's mouth fall open and after a while he started to shout several not understandable words, just as he usually does. After seeing he's shouting didn't affect a soul, he turned around and walked away with a devil face and a vain popping out of his head.
-Where were we again? O yeah, the plan starts at 2300 and will end at midnight exactly. Marissa, you take care of the clothes…
-No problem.
-…Lara, you do the hat…
Lara nods.
-…Kate, you do the hair and I… I take care of his dear dragoon!
It was dinner time, the girls where eating in the left corner, the bladebreakers on the table in the right corner. Tyson was continually sending glares at Thyra, who actually hadn't even noticed. Max and Ray where staring at Tyson, for them this was the final prove that he was crazy. Kai…well, he was just being himself, ignoring everything around him. Kenny was hidden behind his computer and Hilary was looking in disgust at Tyson.
Finally, Tyson gave up and with an angry face he started to eat. He ended before Ray, who had started 10 minutes before him.
After eating, Tyson continued his glaring plan.
-Tyson, what's your problem?
-Euh, huh? Sorry Ray, you said something?
-What are you staring at?
-That new girl…
-Yes…which of the four?
-The black haired. She thinks she can beat me in beyblade…
-Did you challenge her?
-Yes. How did you know?
-Tyson, you challenge everyone with a blade, so that wasn't the hard part.
-But I'm gonna win, she probably doesn't even have a bit-beast!
-Hum, I actually do. - Thyra appeared at the bladebreakers table, and look at Tyson with a smile.
-Just luck…
-So mister smarty pants, when is our battle?
-Euh…tomorrow, at 12…
-Ok Spongebob. -and she walked away.
-What did she just call me?
-Yeah, but what does it mean!
Ray and Max shrugged their shoulders, and turned back to their food. Tyson had crossed his arms in protest, but after some time he stole a chicken leg of Ray and walked away.
Also the girls had ended their meal, and they passed the boys table with mysterious smiles.
Kai looked up when they passed. He saw it right away, they where planning something. Marissa saw him looking and her mouth turned into a river, and Lara had to push her away.
Four girls where sneaking around the first floor. They gathered around the door to Kai and Tyson's room. While one of them was taking care of opening the door, the others where looking out for danger.
-Got it! Now listen girls. This has to be done quiet and fast. Marissa, I want all the trousers yellow and all the T-shirts and stuff pink. Lara, hat in yellow, Kate, hair in pink. Got it?
-Yep…-They all answered very quietly.
-O, and I want it in the slow way…
The rest nodded and they all entered the room very quietly. Marissa and Kate went to Tyson's closet and Thyra and Lara sneaked up to his bed. Tyson was sleeping very peacefully, and on the other side of the room also Kai seemed to be asleep. It took them a quarter of an hour, only Thyra remained in the room. She went to check what the others did and finally put the beyblade back on its place. It really is a big baby she thought. She turned to leave, but at that same minute she noticed something that took her breath away. Kai was sitting up.
-Oops… - she tried to make herself as little as she could. Kai was looking straight at her. Thyra sweared in herself. But Kai didn't say a word. He took a fast look at Dranzer and turned around, back to sleep…
As quiet as she could she walked to the door.
-I hope for you you left my stuff alone. - Kai's cold voice echoed threw the room.
-Yes we did… - and she quietly closed the door, locked it and run back to the second floor as fast as she could.
Next day, 11:30
-I don't believe you! You actually talked to the roommate of our victim?!?
Kate was stunned. It was Saturday so there was no need to wake up early. Today was Thyra vs. Tyson. The prank had been a gigantic success, now they where waiting to see the results.
-Puff, why not?
-Well, it is Kai….
Thyra raised an eyebrow, looking at her sister, who turned into a tomato.
-What!?! He's cute, even you have to accept that!
Thyra rolled her eyes and got her blade.
-Wanna train a little?
-No, in Tyson's @$$. Of course here!
-But didn't the principal say…
-No thanks.
Thyra lowered her launcher. She looked at her sister, visibly disappointed. Then she shrugged her shoulders and walked to the door.
-I'm going for some breakfast. See you at 12.-And slammed the door behind her back.
Kate sighed and got her laptop from under her bed. She wasn't such a nerd like Kenny, but still loved the computer as the brother she never had. After gathering some data of the bladebreakers it was already 12! She hurried to put on her shoes and run as fast as she could to the school entry. Nobody was there. Great, I don't know where the battle is at all! She remembered there was a beystadium behind school, and hurried to check there. Nobody. Then she noticed noises coming from far. She tried to situate them and finally saw a group of people on the end of the school grounds. Coming there she knew she was right. She couldn't see a thing of the battle, to much people! Some of them had climbed the trees to have a better look and all the new comers where put apart of the happenings. Marissa appeared next to her and told her everything.
-You came right on time! They just started. On Tyson's request they are doing a 2 of the 3, Thyra wanted a sudden death. Up to now they have only been measuring each others strength, you are still in time for the really kick @$$ part!!! O, and by the way, Thyra did a really good work on the blade!!!
They finally managed to get threw the crowd and Kate chuckled. Dragoon wasn't grey, as usually, but all pink with yellow flowers all over him! Tyson had a pissed of face, understandable if you wake up in the morning and find your blade had been painted.
-Why are they beyblading her instead of in the dish?
-O, Thyra asked so. I don't know why, she must have her reasons.
The black blade was most of al defending, Pink Dragoon was spinning at a marvellous speed.
-Hey Tyson, did I already tell you that pink isn't really your colour?
-Yes you did, twice!
-OK, let me say it again: Pink is not your colour!
Tyson was getting really pissed, even more then he already was. We all know Tyson, we know he does stupid things, especially when he's angry! But today, as with a miracle, he made the right choice.
-Dragoon, attack!!! -The blade started spinning even harder, and Dragoon seemed prepared to emerge any minute. The blade went forwards, at a speed Thyra couldn't dodge. He hit her good and hard, but no fear appeared in Thyra's eyes, only surprise.
Thyra's blade started to spin slower and slower…
-Bit-beast? -She asked Tyson, like if she wanted to sell it.
-No thanks. Not yet. -Tyson was sweating, and then it came!
-Dragoon, attack!!!! Destroy her blade!!! - The blade made a jump and hit the black one with all his strength!
Thyra swallowed and caught her blade.
-Whow…Tyson won… -Marissa was looking with open mouth at Tyson, who proudly caught his pink dragoon.
-I win, you lose! I'm the best!!! -Tyson jumped into air and made a victory dance.
-Sorry to interrupt you sunny boy, but I have bad news for you. You didn't win yet. 2 of the 3 means we have to battle two more times.
-I may have underestimated you this time, but don't worry, I wont do it again.
Tyson didn't let his mood get less, and totally full of his self he prepared his launcher again.
But then someone shouted from the public.
-Hey! Stop that! -Kenny appeared. -She has the right to check on her blade now!
-Yep, I know. But 1-I don't need to fix my blade and 2-I don't need your help.
Tyson smiled, he foresaw an easy victory!
-3,2,1, let it rip. -The blades fall on the ground again. The moods had all changed. Tyson didn't even remind the pink blade incident, and Thyra was more focused then before.
They started right away, attacking, counterattacking, dodging and defending. Nobody seemed in advantage.
-Keanna attack! - Thyra's black blade advanced and hit Dragoon frontally.
-Your bit-beast is called Keanna? - Tyson chuckled.
-You think it's funny? Let's see how you like this then! Erase!
The bit-chip on the black blade started to glow and with a gigantic raw Keanna appeared. She was a gigantic lynx appeared. It had a silver and black armour, black eyes and a silver camouflage____. The lynx kept quiet, all prepared and all to attack.
-C'mon, I don't want my bit beast to attack air of pure boredness!
Tyson didn't had to think twice and soon Dragoon (and no, he wasn't pink) and Keanna confronted each other.
-Keanna, what do you want for dinner? What about some dragoon tail a la Tyson?
Tyson started to sweat again. Thyra looked at her bit beast with love at her bit beast, and without a word ore warning the beast attacked. Tyson's blade flew into the air, but fall back on the ground, still spinning. He seemed really damaged, but Tyson wouldn't give up, never!
Keanna had, after the attack, gone back and lay on the ground. This was a big cat in the wild, doing everything at free will. The tail of the Lynx was moving of entertainment.
-Finish him up whenever you want Keanna.
But Tyson didn't want another of these surprise attacks, and ordered Dragoon to attack. The blade and the bit beast both jumped aside, and jumped on there opponents back. The black blade was jumping on the pink one, the Lynx was biting the dragon in its neck.
-Keanna, knocks it off and end this!
The big cat jumped of the dragons back and with one whip of its claw and an attack of the blade in Thyra's command, Dragoon disappeared and the pink blade stopped spinning.
-So you underestimate somebody, then you sub estimate them. So you lose so you win. Ironic, isn't it?
Kenny run forwards and took a look at Dragoon. He's face promised no good.
-We can end this another time, can't we Tyson? It seems we both got it our way. You are having your 2 of 3, and I'm gonna get my sudden death. Tomorrow at 2200 back here to end this up.
With a smile and a wave she left. Tyson was getting red, a vain was popping out of its Nothing is more wrong, because Tyson, you don't know who your messing with!!!
K- Kick Tyson's @$$!!
A- It isn't totally kicked yet, we'll end the job the next chapter.
T- Thank everybody who reviewed this, I hope you like it and if someone has tips ore stuff that could improve our writing send me a mail ore just put it in a review!! Please…
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Green_Metalic_Devil on April 7, 2005, 7:29:18 PM

heartless-sinner on March 21, 2005, 6:34:13 AM
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on March 20, 2005, 10:30:09 PM

Really good and go and get him really good in the next chapter and now I know what a Mariah is. ^-^
Have to go now I am going to nag on my teacher so he will let us out 50min soner and it will maybe work ^-^
Hej Då! (Swe for Bye!) ~Saph~
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on March 20, 2005, 10:18:24 PM

What is a Mariah, I am in comp class so this is the message I can promise you if he sees me here. He don't like when you not do what he wants you to, lol. Funny sentence but oh so boring to read, I'll be back when I have read the chapter and are sure my teacher don't see me review. ^-^