Chapter 5 - Be careful...
Submitted March 20, 2005 Updated December 4, 2005 Status Incomplete | Bladebreakers atend a boording school. a group of 4 girls come new, and they promise to get into trouble, themselfs and others! Better be a friend then a enemy!
Anime/Manga » BeyBlade |
Chapter 5 - Be careful...
Chapter 5 - Be careful...
Chapter5 – Be careful…
The birdswhere singing, the air was blue, the grass was green and the sun was shining.Slowly, the whole school was waking up. All over the dormitories building doorswhere opening and the race for the bathrooms was as hard as usual. Doorsslammed and people laughed. Kate took the blanket of her head and sighed. Bah,school. It’s bad to live in one, it was torture enough to always be able tofind the teachers around the corridors, but now also attend classes with them?!She got up and was dressed in less then a minute. Her bag was packed, and shewas ready for another day. She looked at the bed on the other side of the room,where her sister was still sleeping peacefully.
-Thyra…c’mon, you gotta wake up! First schoolday…Rings any bells?
-UnfortunatelyI think it will, in less then 20 minutes.
-It seemsal school forgot. The clock changed tonight. Summer time. First class in 20minutes.
-OMG!!! Howcould I forget? Why didn’t you tell me?
-Soundedlike fun…
Katehurried to the bathroom line and adjusted her watch. Thyra in the meanwhile gotout of bed and dressed. She was really tired, even more then yesterday beforeshe went to bed. A gigantic smile was covering her face although she couldbarely stand up.
She walkedto her class without even taking breakfast. When the bell ringed the teacherfound only her at the door, and had to wait another 10 seconds until theclassroom was filled up with screaming and jelling students.
-You allalready know our new students. Kate and Thyra, we are pleased to have you here.I’m not going to waist more time, open all your books on page 89 and read thetext to yourself.
Kate andThyra took place on the back of the university type banks. In front of them satRay and Kai, which seemed to be in the same class. Marissa and Lara whereyounger, and weren’t. Thyra was the oldest of their group. She had failed ayear because of a terrible prank which got out of hand. It had been exactly twoyears ago when she had, with the help of her sister and the rest of the group,put all the clocks in school an hour back. But she had been caught. When in theprincipal’s office she checked out her notes, and couldn’t stop herself fromchanging them. The teachers noticed of course, and when confronted with theproblem she took al guilt on herself to keep the rest out of trouble. But thechanging of the clock always continued as something fantastic for her, althoughshe had been expelled for some weeks, making her miss so many classes she didn’tpass, the prank had been a success and they had an hour less of class that day.
They readthe text and the class went normal and terribly boring. After writing down thehomework they left the class as fast as possible to try to take something likebreakfast in the 20 minutes break.
-Wonderful to see how much people forgot the time change, with the whole thingthat happened. It really reminds me of 2 years ago…
-Let’s hope it doesn’t look to much. We don’t want you to get expelled…
- What funny. So Kate, I have a good idea for the next prank…
-What? Areyou crazy? I don’t want to have to clean up Tyson’s room!
-You are thinking the wrong way. It’s not only a challenge, but if we don’t doanything, we will totally look guilty.
- You’re right. First we need a bud head to look guilty, so that the principalleaves us off sight. And you can call me a not-to-creative person, but I knowthe perfect one!
-OMG, youare really serious, aren’t you?
-Hey, didyou ever hear me making a joke about pranks?
Kate sighed.Poor Tyson, I’m nearly feeling sorry forhim…[/i]
The bellring and they hurried to their next class.
-Thyra for Lara, Thyra for Lara. Do you roger Lara? Over.
-Loud and clearly. And in the middle of a class…Over.
-Whichteacher? Over.
-McIvor, French. Over.
-O, we have him too, don’t worry, he wont even notice. Is it safe to talk?Over.
-Au revoir sir. Yes it is, over.
-Tonightplus safety time is idol poster day. Get it? Come meet us at 1200 by thebeybladestadium. Over.
-Roger. 1200 beyblading. Over and out.
-MissThyra, what is that thing you’re hiding under the table?
-It is abroken walkie-talkie, I wanted to fix it in Manual class. (A/N: I don’t know ifthat exists, I just made it up.)
The teacherpointed her gigantic nose at the sealing and look at Thyra in disapproval.
-Manual class is not to be mentioned in English. Did you never learned to speakwith two words?
-I don’tknow, but you surely never learned to count, my sentence had 13 words, unlessyou count walkie and talkie apart, then it has 14.
One gestureof the teacher was enough, Thyra was used to see the hand flout in thedirection of the door, and was very used to it’s meaning.
Less then a minute she stood outside the door and hurried to her room. Sheclosed the door behind her and fall asleep right away, she was totally broken.
When thebell rang she woke up with a shock and walked even slower then a turtle indirection of the beyblade stadium. When she finally got there, the rest waswaiting impatiently for her.
- Did you come with a ride of a snail or something?
-No, but if wanna give me a ride back I wouldn’t mind.
-Guys, shut up and let Thyra speak. By the way, me and Marissa are verydisappointed that you didn’t tell us about ocean breakfast.
-We got caught, remember, now you two can be happy that you aren’t on theprincipals black list. – Kate seemed still irritated by the sound of her voicehearing.
-Ok, let’s talk business now. Lara, could you fix me up with 30 copies of this?–Thyra showed a computer made poster.
-Sure. When did you make this?
-What do you think I do in computer class?
-O, I get it.
-Marissa, I need you to spread this all over the school. Make sure you give onto teachers pet Adam.
-But hewill show it to the teachers! And then we get caught…again.
-Kate, don’t act so stupid! – Thyra started.
-Of course we are not gonna be there, But others will, including the principal.- Lara ended it.
-You know what Lara? I’m starting to like you more and more!
Lara noddedand they all left to do their stuff. It was planned that Kate and Thyrawouldn’t appear in the next prank, even though it would only be done over 3days.
While these tree days passed, Kate and Lara used their free time to study,Marissa discovered new tools to spy on her dear bladebreakers and Thyra…well,she created someone called Bob* and made everyone nuts with the help from herinvisible friend.
Then, the day comes. Today the posters had to be spread around, but, how dothat without looking suspicious…
-Easiestquestion ever! Give it to the dumb and the popular. None of them thinks andthey both love to “chat” around. Over.
-But whatif one of them does think? Over.
-Hey, whereis your creativity? Ask Marissa for help. I don’t know, lay it at their feet,make a plain, put it in between the plates, slip it in their pockets, taketheir wallets and put in there. I saw Marissa is very good at that. Or do therandom stuff. Tel them someone told them to give it to them! Over.
-But what about the teachers pet? He’s not that stupid! Over.
-I thought about that and it’s easier then you think! Gather around a group ofpeople and act suspicious. He will come to see what’s happening right away. Tryto hide the paper from him and he will do anything to get it in his hands, andwhen it is…
-…he will do then rest of the work.
-I didn’t say over yet, but that was exactly what I was gonna say. Was thatall? Over.
-I guess so. When should we put in action? Over.
-When we are still in class. Let’s say around 1400? Over.
-OK then.Good luck and don’t forget, innocent is everything in this case. Over and out.
-Miss Thyra!! What are you doing?
Thyralooked as innocent as possible.
-I didn’t do a thing! Bob did it*!!!
The teacherlooked furious but continued the class. She had no intentions to have Thyrafail, as responsible for this class. She didn’t want anyone to fail.
A- Shortchapter I know but it really was time to update.
K- I guess that the readers already knew that.
T- Ok then, reviews then!
Sapphire_Angels_Devil[/b] – I love your ideas! I don’t knowif I will use them all, but I specially like the whole Kai secret thing,because it really needs more Kai!!! Some of the things you suggested are verysimilar to what I already had in mind, but Thanks a lot for your help here! Itmeans a big deal.
Heartless-sinner[/b] – Thanks for liking my story! Iwill surely try to put more Kai, and a secret of him in!!! I only don’t knowyet what that secret is, but yep, it’s gonna be there! And as you can see, I amstill writing!! Still…still…
K- I like your name! I think we could go along!
A- Why do you only like things that sound or look mean or evil?
K- That’s just the way it is!(Some) Things will always stay the same!
Green_Metalic_ Devil- [/b]I like your suggestions, maybe I useone. Depends on how the story goes…
* - For more Bob pranks take a look at 67[/i]things to do when you’re bored in school[/i].I didn’t make the Bob pranks up! KotokoPlum[/b]did, I don’t deserve the credit!
Chapter5 – Be careful…
The birdswhere singing, the air was blue, the grass was green and the sun was shining.Slowly, the whole school was waking up. All over the dormitories building doorswhere opening and the race for the bathrooms was as hard as usual. Doorsslammed and people laughed. Kate took the blanket of her head and sighed. Bah,school. It’s bad to live in one, it was torture enough to always be able tofind the teachers around the corridors, but now also attend classes with them?!She got up and was dressed in less then a minute. Her bag was packed, and shewas ready for another day. She looked at the bed on the other side of the room,where her sister was still sleeping peacefully.
-Thyra…c’mon, you gotta wake up! First schoolday…Rings any bells?
-UnfortunatelyI think it will, in less then 20 minutes.
-It seemsal school forgot. The clock changed tonight. Summer time. First class in 20minutes.
-OMG!!! Howcould I forget? Why didn’t you tell me?
-Soundedlike fun…
Katehurried to the bathroom line and adjusted her watch. Thyra in the meanwhile gotout of bed and dressed. She was really tired, even more then yesterday beforeshe went to bed. A gigantic smile was covering her face although she couldbarely stand up.
She walkedto her class without even taking breakfast. When the bell ringed the teacherfound only her at the door, and had to wait another 10 seconds until theclassroom was filled up with screaming and jelling students.
-You allalready know our new students. Kate and Thyra, we are pleased to have you here.I’m not going to waist more time, open all your books on page 89 and read thetext to yourself.
Kate andThyra took place on the back of the university type banks. In front of them satRay and Kai, which seemed to be in the same class. Marissa and Lara whereyounger, and weren’t. Thyra was the oldest of their group. She had failed ayear because of a terrible prank which got out of hand. It had been exactly twoyears ago when she had, with the help of her sister and the rest of the group,put all the clocks in school an hour back. But she had been caught. When in theprincipal’s office she checked out her notes, and couldn’t stop herself fromchanging them. The teachers noticed of course, and when confronted with theproblem she took al guilt on herself to keep the rest out of trouble. But thechanging of the clock always continued as something fantastic for her, althoughshe had been expelled for some weeks, making her miss so many classes she didn’tpass, the prank had been a success and they had an hour less of class that day.
They readthe text and the class went normal and terribly boring. After writing down thehomework they left the class as fast as possible to try to take something likebreakfast in the 20 minutes break.
-Wonderful to see how much people forgot the time change, with the whole thingthat happened. It really reminds me of 2 years ago…
-Let’s hope it doesn’t look to much. We don’t want you to get expelled…
- What funny. So Kate, I have a good idea for the next prank…
-What? Areyou crazy? I don’t want to have to clean up Tyson’s room!
-You are thinking the wrong way. It’s not only a challenge, but if we don’t doanything, we will totally look guilty.
- You’re right. First we need a bud head to look guilty, so that the principalleaves us off sight. And you can call me a not-to-creative person, but I knowthe perfect one!
-OMG, youare really serious, aren’t you?
-Hey, didyou ever hear me making a joke about pranks?
Kate sighed.Poor Tyson, I’m nearly feeling sorry forhim…[/i]
The bellring and they hurried to their next class.
-Thyra for Lara, Thyra for Lara. Do you roger Lara? Over.
-Loud and clearly. And in the middle of a class…Over.
-Whichteacher? Over.
-McIvor, French. Over.
-O, we have him too, don’t worry, he wont even notice. Is it safe to talk?Over.
-Au revoir sir. Yes it is, over.
-Tonightplus safety time is idol poster day. Get it? Come meet us at 1200 by thebeybladestadium. Over.
-Roger. 1200 beyblading. Over and out.
-MissThyra, what is that thing you’re hiding under the table?
-It is abroken walkie-talkie, I wanted to fix it in Manual class. (A/N: I don’t know ifthat exists, I just made it up.)
The teacherpointed her gigantic nose at the sealing and look at Thyra in disapproval.
-Manual class is not to be mentioned in English. Did you never learned to speakwith two words?
-I don’tknow, but you surely never learned to count, my sentence had 13 words, unlessyou count walkie and talkie apart, then it has 14.
One gestureof the teacher was enough, Thyra was used to see the hand flout in thedirection of the door, and was very used to it’s meaning.
Less then a minute she stood outside the door and hurried to her room. Sheclosed the door behind her and fall asleep right away, she was totally broken.
When thebell rang she woke up with a shock and walked even slower then a turtle indirection of the beyblade stadium. When she finally got there, the rest waswaiting impatiently for her.
- Did you come with a ride of a snail or something?
-No, but if wanna give me a ride back I wouldn’t mind.
-Guys, shut up and let Thyra speak. By the way, me and Marissa are verydisappointed that you didn’t tell us about ocean breakfast.
-We got caught, remember, now you two can be happy that you aren’t on theprincipals black list. – Kate seemed still irritated by the sound of her voicehearing.
-Ok, let’s talk business now. Lara, could you fix me up with 30 copies of this?–Thyra showed a computer made poster.
-Sure. When did you make this?
-What do you think I do in computer class?
-O, I get it.
-Marissa, I need you to spread this all over the school. Make sure you give onto teachers pet Adam.
-But hewill show it to the teachers! And then we get caught…again.
-Kate, don’t act so stupid! – Thyra started.
-Of course we are not gonna be there, But others will, including the principal.- Lara ended it.
-You know what Lara? I’m starting to like you more and more!
Lara noddedand they all left to do their stuff. It was planned that Kate and Thyrawouldn’t appear in the next prank, even though it would only be done over 3days.
While these tree days passed, Kate and Lara used their free time to study,Marissa discovered new tools to spy on her dear bladebreakers and Thyra…well,she created someone called Bob* and made everyone nuts with the help from herinvisible friend.
Then, the day comes. Today the posters had to be spread around, but, how dothat without looking suspicious…
-Easiestquestion ever! Give it to the dumb and the popular. None of them thinks andthey both love to “chat” around. Over.
-But whatif one of them does think? Over.
-Hey, whereis your creativity? Ask Marissa for help. I don’t know, lay it at their feet,make a plain, put it in between the plates, slip it in their pockets, taketheir wallets and put in there. I saw Marissa is very good at that. Or do therandom stuff. Tel them someone told them to give it to them! Over.
-But what about the teachers pet? He’s not that stupid! Over.
-I thought about that and it’s easier then you think! Gather around a group ofpeople and act suspicious. He will come to see what’s happening right away. Tryto hide the paper from him and he will do anything to get it in his hands, andwhen it is…
-…he will do then rest of the work.
-I didn’t say over yet, but that was exactly what I was gonna say. Was thatall? Over.
-I guess so. When should we put in action? Over.
-When we are still in class. Let’s say around 1400? Over.
-OK then.Good luck and don’t forget, innocent is everything in this case. Over and out.
-Miss Thyra!! What are you doing?
Thyralooked as innocent as possible.
-I didn’t do a thing! Bob did it*!!!
The teacherlooked furious but continued the class. She had no intentions to have Thyrafail, as responsible for this class. She didn’t want anyone to fail.
A- Shortchapter I know but it really was time to update.
K- I guess that the readers already knew that.
T- Ok then, reviews then!
Sapphire_Angels_Devil[/b] – I love your ideas! I don’t knowif I will use them all, but I specially like the whole Kai secret thing,because it really needs more Kai!!! Some of the things you suggested are verysimilar to what I already had in mind, but Thanks a lot for your help here! Itmeans a big deal.
Heartless-sinner[/b] – Thanks for liking my story! Iwill surely try to put more Kai, and a secret of him in!!! I only don’t knowyet what that secret is, but yep, it’s gonna be there! And as you can see, I amstill writing!! Still…still…
K- I like your name! I think we could go along!
A- Why do you only like things that sound or look mean or evil?
K- That’s just the way it is!(Some) Things will always stay the same!
Green_Metalic_ Devil- [/b]I like your suggestions, maybe I useone. Depends on how the story goes…
* - For more Bob pranks take a look at 67[/i]things to do when you’re bored in school[/i].I didn’t make the Bob pranks up! KotokoPlum[/b]did, I don’t deserve the credit!
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Green_Metalic_Devil on April 13, 2005, 6:34:53 AM
heartless-sinner on April 9, 2005, 12:45:27 AM
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 8, 2005, 9:54:27 PM

Well done with the chapter and if you need more help just tell me. I have amiled it again but just a short message to see if you got it since I don't want someone ells to get the story and then wonder who the hell I am and start to mail bomb me and you could do that to Tyson, mail bomb him secret mail address and he can't catch anyone of your OC's and what is she supposed to do in a boring comp. class anyways ¨smirks¨
and so on...
Tarius: I have the solution on that.
Me: What do you mean?
Tarius: I have created a time machine. So now you can go to the future and read next chapter.
Me: Oki doki!! (steps inside the Machine). And now What?
Tarius: push the yellow button!
Me: If you say so....
Tarius: YEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! His gone. I sended him to the Crita period.
Now he can torture the dinosaurs instead of me. His gone so now it is party!
(Later on the party)
Ray: So you have this party becuz you haved defeated the biggest evil of all?
Tarius: Thats rigth.
Me: Who are defeated?
Tarius: My master your idiot. how many times i have to explain that to you all...
Me: I am back!
Tarius: B-but how? I sended yo back in time.
Me: You sended one of my robots back in time.
Tarius: It was a robot? But since when can you build robots?
Me: Since i taked Einsteins brain. And now you die!!!!
Tarius: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: But this is such a cool party. You invited every great character from the anime Beyblade. I Kill you later. Now we party.