Chapter 9 - BeyParts
Submitted March 20, 2005 Updated December 4, 2005 Status Incomplete | Bladebreakers atend a boording school. a group of 4 girls come new, and they promise to get into trouble, themselfs and others! Better be a friend then a enemy!
Anime/Manga » BeyBlade |
Chapter 9 - BeyParts
Chapter 9 - BeyParts
Chapter 9 - BeyParts
The sun had shined all day. But now, its presence was threatened. Dark clouds made their way threw the sky, and started to swallow the star in its darkness.
The students which had been lying in the grass all day started to pick up their stuff and moving to the building. The library filled up and the door of nearly every room was open showing a group of kids chatting, playing card games, and in some cases even beyblading.
When all school had accommodated itself inside, thick water drops came falling out the sky. The wind blow harder and in no time everything outside was drowned in the rain. The air was heavy and grey, and although it helped to feel less happy, it was not what scared our girls.
-They WHAT??!!!
Marissa's eyes popped out of her head and she stud up to run out of the room. Lara managed to grab her just in time, and with all her strength she pulled her friend back into Kate and Thyra's room, closing the door behind her.
-Let me go!!!
-Marissa, Max is not waiting for you to comfort him nor to drool all over him, so sit down!
Marissa kept struggling a little longer, but soon gave up, pulling the chair from behind Kate's secretary and sitting down.
-Good! -Lara sat down on Thyra's bed and sighed.
Kate was lying on her own bed, with her hands under her head while staring at the sealing. Thyra was sitting in the frame of the window staring outside into the darkness. Her face lay against the cold glass, and she could almost feel the rain dripping down her cheek.
A painful silence made the air to heavy, until Kate started to explain. She told her friends everything that Thyra had told her, everything but Tyson's accusation. When she ended the story Lara and Marissa where speechless.
-His bit beast can invade dreams? -Marissa's voice jumped some tones up and down while she said this. -But… the person has to be of flesh and blood right? He couldn't… steel it threw a dream, could he?
Lara swallowed as the sister gave no answer.
-Is Keanna in danger?
Thyra laughed full of irony and hate. -You think? This person wants the sacred bit beast, and he's not the first one. He could although be the first to succeed.
Also Kate seemed to awake with these words. -What do you mean?
-This time the door was open. But they can always break in. It wouldn't surprise me if Dragoon and Dranzer would be next to disappear.
Thyra turned to the 3 surprised faces, staring at her.
-Whoever is the thief, they are not after the bit chips. They want the bit beast, like always. If they manage to isolate one of the bladebreakers, like Ray for an example, he would be more fragile then when accompanied with his team mates. I fear the worse. What would you do if you had to battle an unknown person, who challenges you to a battle until the destruction of one of the blades, if you knew you could win one of the chips back? But now imagine that the blade you have to destroy has one of the bladebreakers bit chip on it! You can't destroy the blade, you can't let yours be destroyed … you're xeque mate.
-What are we gonna do?
-Whatever we can: Nothing. -The last word left her lips with such hate that Lara felt shivers climbing up her spine.
Kate stared at her sister, who looked fiercely back. Lara and Marissa where shocked by the emotions hanging in the room.
-We're not gonna do anything about it, and that's how it's gonna be. All we have to do is continue with the pranking… -suddenly Thyra stopped and made a signed to remain quiet. The silence remained but then they heard footsteps right outside the door. Thyra jumped up and run to the door. She pushed it open and flew into the hall.
Her eyes caught nothing but a glimpse from a small figure running down the stair. In the room in front of theirs where 6 girls, all staring at her threw the open door. They sat on the beds and most of them had a blade in their hands and some lay on the ground in the middle of them. Their big eyes showed the surprise of Thyra bursting out of her room, and they all like froze.
Thyra smiled slightly embarrassed. It took her some time to recognise the two red haired twins, one of them smiling at her the other seemed to think she was out her mind. Thyra hide her shame and walked to the room.
-Hey Aletha! And Sara, nice to finally meet you!
Sara looked confused but nodded politely.
-Hey, are you guys blading for pieces?
Aletha smiled and explained to her friends. -This is Thyra, I met her during the PG in the library.
A blond girl smiled with a touch of sarcasm and asked. -Aren't you the one who took care of filling Tyson's room with fish?
Another blonde girl, sitting next to the twins, almost exploded and with eyes twinkling she asked: -Is it true that you where expelled from your former school because you filled a teacher's desk with the dirty socks of the schools football team?
The two other girls looked up at Thyra and reacted really different. The brown haired ignored her presence after a glare and the black haired smiled at her. -I heard you beat Tyson. Congratulations on that.
Thyra was overwhelmed by all these questions. -Sorry girls, I don't talk without the presence of my lawyer!
-And that would be me! -Kate had appeared behind her sister and gave a warm smile to all the presents. -I'm Kate, Thyra's sister. These are Lara and Marissa.
Aletha introduced her friends as being Miranda, Phoebe, Rae and Alex. And then invited the girls to come in and sit down. Thyra grabbed a chair, so did Marissa. As needed, Kate and Lara sat down on the ground.
-We're playing BeyParts. Everyone chooses a part of another that he wants and then the one blade that remains spinning until the end wins that piece. But of course, if I won your attack ring I'd have to give you mine. Wanna play? Maybe you could beat Alex, she is wining all the time! She took my attack ring, Rae's weight disk and Miranda's launcher.
-Sounds good!
-No thanks, I think I'll pass. I like my blade how it is now. -Kate put her hands in the air like in a sigh if she surrendered. She smiled and said goodbye to leave the room. Lara followed her soon enough while everyone was checking each other pieces.
She didn't have a blade and didn't think it was fun just to watch.
-Marissa, you in or not?
-euh... yes, why not!
While everyone picked the piece they wanted, Thyra wasn't paying attention. Her eyes had fall on a box in on of the closets. It was a carton white box and seemed to be filled up with photos, from which she recognised one as being Ray's back. It seemed Marissa wasn't the only professional stalker in this room!
-Thyra? Hello? What do you want?
-Sorry? O, I want… Alex's blade base.
-Good choice! -Sara smiled weakly- She took that from me last time we played.
The girls burst into laughing; only Rae, the brown haired girl, seemed not amused. While everyone was putting their blades back together for the game, Miranda leaned over to Thyra. -I would be careful, everyone wants your attack ring. Even me!
Thyra looked at the blond and nodded. -I don't lose that easily.
Miranda winked and prepared her blade.
-The rules are easy: Don't destroy Phoebe's room, don't attack to provoke real damage and no bit beast. You're out of the game when your blade stops spinning, you go out of the space between both beds or when you give up. -Aletha placed her blade in her launcher and counted. -3, 2, 1 let's win some parts!
8 blades dropped into the small space between both beds. The time some needed to stabilise was not given and soon enough Miranda, Sara and Marissa where out of the game. Alex played really defensive, and her tactics reminded Thyra slightly of Max. While Aletha's grey blade was involved in a furious fight against Rae's red one, Alex waited her change half hiding under the bed, to stab Phoebe's purple beyblade in the back. It flew out of the space between the beds and now there where only 4 blades in the game. Thyra had remained with Keanna at the edge of the game, just like Alex more waiting until they'd end up with each other then to risk her pieces for no reason.
Finally, the grey blade started to get out of spin and Aletha gave up. The remaining three blades where circling at the edges, sometimes half disappearing under the beds.
After 5 minutes Keanna got to the middle, just spinning and intimidating the other bladers. Rae and Alex exchanged a look and together the white and red blades throw themselves at Keanna. This action didn't surprise Thyra the slightest bit and she remained fiercely. Rae and Alex's attacks scattered against Keanna, at who it didn't seem to have any effects at all. Rae and Alex started to circle around Keanna, in a circle which got smaller and smaller. Their speed and agility impressed Thyra. These two where blade partners for sure, they knew and completed each other move and had defiantly done this before together.
The clock was ticking and the circle was getting smaller and smaller. The group hold their breath as the three blades collapsed. Keanna flew into the air where it made some beautiful pirouettes. It seemed out of control, but appearances can be deceiving, and the black blade turned just in time to fall in front of Rae's red blade which almost flew out when they collapsed.
The red blade seemed damaged but was still spinning.
-Thyra, don't forget the rules.
-How cares about rules! This is just starting to get fun! -Rae glared at Aletha and the remaining bladers looked surprised at the brown haired which commanded her blade to start attacking Keanna. Alex stayed out of this, seeing it had just turned personal.
-O, Oh, trauma coming up! -Phoebe whispered these words, but they where clearly hearable. While the red and black blade kept smashing into each other, Thyra dared to take a look at Rae. Yup, she was defiantly seeing this as a real competition now. What or whichever reason there was for this sudden change, wasn't of any importance. Rae's attacks where really good, and Thyra couldn't effort to lose her concentration.
Keanna flew back and started to dodge Rae's attacks instead of counterattacking.
-Sorry Alex.
Alex looked up from the battle to meet Thyra's eyes. -Sorry for what?
-For this! Keanna!! -the blade flew up to the orange one at an incredible speed and knocked it out in one move. It happened in a flash, and Alex was perplexed.
Rae saw it happening and thought fast, as Keanna stopped from the attach it suffered some real damage as the red blade smashed into it from the back. While Alex checked the damage on her orange blade which rested next to her on the bed, the rest of the presents kept following the battle open mouthed.
As the time past the grade of intensity of the battle was uplevelled. Testing each other, the bladers knew how far they could go, but now they got at the point of jumping over the line of a friendly game.
Marissa turned to Alex and asked quietly. -What for a type is Rae's blade?
-Endurance. Why?
Marissa clicked with her tongue and sighed bored. -Thyra's too. This is gonna take a long time.
A quarter of an hour had passed since the game had started, but the battle was in full process. At a point, the blades created some space in between, and both seemed nearly out of spin. Rae had enough and wanted it to end! -Go Galadrel!
The red blade flew forwards and collapsed with a mighty crash into the black one. Keanna flew back and went upside down, and a weird fog seemed to appear around it, but landed safely. In one elegant move Keanna turned around and smashed into Galadrel with just as much impact as their last contact. Three big pieces flew of the red blade and now Aletha had reached her limit.
-Enough! - She bend down and picked up both blades. She gave both blades back at the owners and seemed angry, real angry.
Rae looked at her blade with an angry face at first, but calmly a smile appeared. Thyra checked Keanna and found more damage then she hoped to. She looked up at Rae who smiled at her.
-Good game!
-Thanks, you too. OK guys, I'd love to stay for another round, but I still have homework I need to have done today, or I'll be stuck in the library tomorrow whole day! Coming Marissa?
Both smiling, Thyra and Marissa left the room to disappear in the one across the hall.
All of the sudden in a very good mood, Rae looked up at her fellow bladers and smiled. -So, we do another round?
A pair of black eyes looked out of the window, where they could barely see threw the raindrops. Although, the eyes where scanning the grounds as good as was possible. Thoughts flew threw its owners mind, as they spotted what they where looking for: A pair of shining eyes hidden in the dark, glowing red of desire. It was nothing more then a glimpse, but the personality hidden behind the black eyes needed no more to make their decision. Time had come to come in action.
A- hey people! Sorry for not answering to any reviews last time, so we figured, why not do it now? So guess what?
K- -.- you're gonna answer some reviews?
A- yeah! How did you know?
K- don't mention it.
A- OK then.
heartless-sinner- well, thanks for liking the story! You don't really expect or want us to really answer that, do you? The only thing I can tell you is that this is gonna get really confusing. O wait, it already is! ^-^U
Sapphire_Angels_Devil - So… what should I say to you? I don't know ^-^U I'm happy you like it, but you already knew that. And I wanted to thank you for the great help you've been on the story. Thanks! ^-^
Kaira - Well, no you won't even have to. You have got this chapter now! O and the next one of course, up too already!
And at last I would like to thanks everyone who reviewed this, because…well….We like reviews!!
K- what a miracle. Most people hate reviews you know.
A- they do?
K- what have you eaten for breakfast for my sake? Pure stupidnessor something like that?
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heartless-sinner on July 25, 2005, 3:27:47 AM