Chapter 1 - The Poisoned Arrow
Submitted October 8, 2004 Updated October 13, 2004 Status Incomplete | During a battle Inuyasha protects Kagome from a poisoned arrow. Now to save his life Kagome and the others must get help from... WHO?!
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 1 - The Poisoned Arrow
Chapter 1 - The Poisoned Arrow
Chapter 1. The Poisoned Arrow.
"INUYASHA!!"A 15-year-old girl shouted at the top of her lungs as a boy that looked her agepushed her to the ground. The girl had long dark hair and chocolate brown eyes.She dressed in a pink long sleeved turtleneck, blue jeans and black shoes.
"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"the one named Inuyasha screamed in agony as an arrow shot through his rightshoulder. His golden eyes widened and his dog ears went back against his headas he fell from the injury he received. His long silver hair fell along hisback. He was dress in a red kimono with a white shirt underneath it, along withmatching red pants. He was barefoot and had purple prayer beads around his neckwith an off white claw ever 5 beads. His skin noticeably paled as he tried toget up. Blood was dripping down his right arm.
"Don'ttry to move, Inuyasha," the teenager said soothingly as she held Inuyasha.
"Hiraikosu!"A girl dressed in a black and pink demon slayer outfit shouted as she threw anenormous boomerang at a demon with black eyes and red skin that had once beenin the shape of a male archer. The boomerang hit its target and was taken down.The demon slayer and a monk ran over to Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha!"The monk said kneeling next to the teenage girl that held the wounded Inuyasha.
"Mi--Miroku?"Inuyasha said quietly.
"Weneed to remove the arrow!" The demon slayer said. "Miroku, Kagome,hold him still."
Mirokuand Kagome nodded and did as the demon slayer said.
"Sango,is Inuyasha going to be alright?" a little fox demon with teal eyes andred hair asked.
"Idon't know, Shippo," Sango said kneeling next to Inuyasha. She griped oneend of the arrow and broke it off as she gently pulled the other end out.Inuyasha screamed out and shortly passed out from the pain as soon as the arrowwas out.
"Inuyasha!"Kagome yelled putting pressure on his wound. "Miroku, get me the first aidkit! The box with red cross on it!"
Mirokuran over to Kagome's large yellow bag and dug around in it until he found whathe was looking for. The first aid kit in hand, Miroku ran back over to theothers. "Here you are, Kagome."
"Thanks,Miroku," Kagome said taking the first aid kit from the monk. She pulledopen his the top of his kimono and began to wrap the wound quickly butcorrectly. She finished and closed Inuyasha's kimono.
"Inuyasha?"Sango asked shaking him gently. 'This can't be good, he's not responding.'She held up the tip of the arrow and noticed it had a strange hue to it.
"He'snot answering!" Kagome said worriedly.
"Weneed to get him to Granny Kaede's!" Shippo shouted. The others nodded inagreement.
"Kilala!"Sango called to her pet cat demon. The larger form of Kilala approached them.Sango and Miroku helped the wounded Inuyasha on to Kilala's back. Kagome thenclimbed on holding onto Inuyasha around his waist. Following Kagome Sango goton in front of Inuyasha and Kagome.
"Shippo,Miroku, you two follow on my bike!" Kagome said as Inuyasha's body leanedagainst hers his head landing her shoulder. 'Just hold on Inuyasha!' shethought.
"Kilala,let's go!" Sango said. The demon roared and flames started at her twotails and all four of her paws and she took off into the air.
Downon the ground Shippo leapt into the basket and Miroku tied down Kagome's bag,got on the bike and started after the girls and Inuyasha.
"Kagome?"Sango asked when they had been in the air a few minuets.
"Yes?"Kagome answered.
"Howis he?" Sango asked looking back at the two of them.
Kagomelifted her on of her hands and put in on Inuyasha's forehead. "He's gotfever, but it's not to bad, probably from the wound."
"Idon't know about that."
"Huh?What do you mean?"
"Thearrow he protected you had some poison on it."
"Don'tworry, he's a fighter and he's as stubborn as a mule. I also kept the arrow soKaede can take a look at it."
Kagomecould suddenly feel Inuyasha's head moving. "Inuyasha?" She askedlooking at him.
"Kagome,don't go," was all Inuyasha said.
"I'm righthear, Inuyasha," Kagome said into his ear. "I'm not going to leaveyou." She kissed the top of his head and held him close.
"INUYASHA!!"A 15-year-old girl shouted at the top of her lungs as a boy that looked her agepushed her to the ground. The girl had long dark hair and chocolate brown eyes.She dressed in a pink long sleeved turtleneck, blue jeans and black shoes.
"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"the one named Inuyasha screamed in agony as an arrow shot through his rightshoulder. His golden eyes widened and his dog ears went back against his headas he fell from the injury he received. His long silver hair fell along hisback. He was dress in a red kimono with a white shirt underneath it, along withmatching red pants. He was barefoot and had purple prayer beads around his neckwith an off white claw ever 5 beads. His skin noticeably paled as he tried toget up. Blood was dripping down his right arm.
"Don'ttry to move, Inuyasha," the teenager said soothingly as she held Inuyasha.
"Hiraikosu!"A girl dressed in a black and pink demon slayer outfit shouted as she threw anenormous boomerang at a demon with black eyes and red skin that had once beenin the shape of a male archer. The boomerang hit its target and was taken down.The demon slayer and a monk ran over to Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha!"The monk said kneeling next to the teenage girl that held the wounded Inuyasha.
"Mi--Miroku?"Inuyasha said quietly.
"Weneed to remove the arrow!" The demon slayer said. "Miroku, Kagome,hold him still."
Mirokuand Kagome nodded and did as the demon slayer said.
"Sango,is Inuyasha going to be alright?" a little fox demon with teal eyes andred hair asked.
"Idon't know, Shippo," Sango said kneeling next to Inuyasha. She griped oneend of the arrow and broke it off as she gently pulled the other end out.Inuyasha screamed out and shortly passed out from the pain as soon as the arrowwas out.
"Inuyasha!"Kagome yelled putting pressure on his wound. "Miroku, get me the first aidkit! The box with red cross on it!"
Mirokuran over to Kagome's large yellow bag and dug around in it until he found whathe was looking for. The first aid kit in hand, Miroku ran back over to theothers. "Here you are, Kagome."
"Thanks,Miroku," Kagome said taking the first aid kit from the monk. She pulledopen his the top of his kimono and began to wrap the wound quickly butcorrectly. She finished and closed Inuyasha's kimono.
"Inuyasha?"Sango asked shaking him gently. 'This can't be good, he's not responding.'She held up the tip of the arrow and noticed it had a strange hue to it.
"He'snot answering!" Kagome said worriedly.
"Weneed to get him to Granny Kaede's!" Shippo shouted. The others nodded inagreement.
"Kilala!"Sango called to her pet cat demon. The larger form of Kilala approached them.Sango and Miroku helped the wounded Inuyasha on to Kilala's back. Kagome thenclimbed on holding onto Inuyasha around his waist. Following Kagome Sango goton in front of Inuyasha and Kagome.
"Shippo,Miroku, you two follow on my bike!" Kagome said as Inuyasha's body leanedagainst hers his head landing her shoulder. 'Just hold on Inuyasha!' shethought.
"Kilala,let's go!" Sango said. The demon roared and flames started at her twotails and all four of her paws and she took off into the air.
Downon the ground Shippo leapt into the basket and Miroku tied down Kagome's bag,got on the bike and started after the girls and Inuyasha.
"Kagome?"Sango asked when they had been in the air a few minuets.
"Yes?"Kagome answered.
"Howis he?" Sango asked looking back at the two of them.
Kagomelifted her on of her hands and put in on Inuyasha's forehead. "He's gotfever, but it's not to bad, probably from the wound."
"Idon't know about that."
"Huh?What do you mean?"
"Thearrow he protected you had some poison on it."
"Don'tworry, he's a fighter and he's as stubborn as a mule. I also kept the arrow soKaede can take a look at it."
Kagomecould suddenly feel Inuyasha's head moving. "Inuyasha?" She askedlooking at him.
"Kagome,don't go," was all Inuyasha said.
"I'm righthear, Inuyasha," Kagome said into his ear. "I'm not going to leaveyou." She kissed the top of his head and held him close.
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i_luv_freckled_pancakes on February 2, 2006, 9:13:52 AM

kagome325 on November 23, 2005, 12:50:25 PM
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