Chapter 2 - Maybe love but then again...
Submitted January 11, 2006 Updated January 11, 2006 Status Incomplete | another joey story. when joey meets a pretty girl in school he falls head over heels for her but then finds out she related to some one he knows...
Anime/Manga |
Chapter 2 - Maybe love but then again...
Chapter 2 - Maybe love but then again...
I walked alone on the streets. I was walking face down, thinking of how Mai said not to become Joey's friend.' But how can you not be Joey's friend? He is the nicest person I know and he is kind of cute' I said to my self. It began to rain as I saw a game shop selling duel monster cards. I walked in to see an old man behind a till. I walked up to him. `Hi! Do you have any cards that can boost up my harpies brother?' I asked him.
`Harpies brother. A very rare card. You hold on while I search. Yugi!' he shouted. Then to my surprise Joey's friend, Yugi came down. `Yes grandpa' he answers. `Pixie! What are you doing here?' Yugi asked me. I felt like kicking him as it was obvious why I was here. I calmly replyed'Buying some cards'. Joey, Tea and Tristan came down. All of a sudden the was a huge light. I fell on the ground burying my face. After about 20 seconds I saw clearly and realise it was my millennium diamond ring reacting. But with what and why?
I looked at her lying there for about 10seconds. I was in shock as I looked at everyone. I came to my senses and ran to pixie lying on the floor.' Are you o.k.?' I said as I bent over her. She was quite pretty and didn't resemble Mai that much. `Yugi!' I heard Tea say. We all got up and went to Yugi's sitting room to let Pixie and Yugi lie down. `What the heck happened?' she said after a while. `Hey guys, look my millennium puzzle is glowing. But it only shines when there are other millennium items nearby!' Yugi said.
`Yugi! you have a millennium item! Well that explains a lot! I have a millennium item as well! The millennium diamond ring! That's why it reacted.' I said really surprised.
`What's going on here? ' it was Mai. Somehow yugi's grandpa had called her, telling her I was hurt. `Pixie come on, were going home. You didn't have to look after her yugi! That's my job! Well goodnight and I will see you guys in the next tournament!'. As we entered our house I new she was mad. I went to my room and locked the door. I know she was just protecting me but someday I am going to need friends. Mai is scared that if I make friends they will eventfully leave me. That night I seemed to dream about one person. Joey.
I didn't see Pixie for about 3 weeks. Then one day I was sitting alone on bench thinking about stuff when I hear someone crying. I looked over the bushes to see a girl crying. To my surprise it's Pixie! `Pixie?' I said as I walked up to her. She looked up to be the cutest girl I have ever seen. `She started to tell me about Mai's duel with Marik and how he sent her to the shadow realm.' `You're not that bad, Joey' she said to me as a tear dropped down her cheek. I smiled and hugged her. Not in the love way but like a sort of friend hug. The next day after school the guys were going to Yugi's. `Hey Joey! You want to go to my place?' yugi said to me. `Sorry yugi, but I am meeting someone in the park. See you tomorrow'i said putting my trainers on and heading to the park.
Me and Joey talked for hours and hours. I started to think that he is really cute. With his scruffy hair and his cute accent. `Joey! What the heck do you think your doing?' Tristan said as he ran to Joey and smacked him on the head. `Hey! I am just talking to Pixie. Is that a crime?' Joey said as he got up and gave me a hand to get up too. `Sorry pixie.' Tristan said as he shoved Joey to a corner. `Don't you know that's Mai's sister? You saw how she reacted last time so do us all a favour and stop flirting with her!' I heard every word that tristan said. I began to cry. `See! Know look what you've done!' Joey said as he whispered something in tristans ear. `I'm sorry pixie about your sister.' He said it like her meant it so I didn't kick his butt this time. Me and Joey started to become close friends and I felt like apart of his group.
Me and pixie got really tight. `Joey, I think you should ask her out! You and Pixie have been friends for a long time!' yugi said to me. So I thought would. I went to the park and asked her out. `Hi Pixie! Um… you want to go out sometime?' I said. I sounded like a complete idiot, but she sat there amazed. `Yeah! Sure!' she answered back.
So, I became Joey's boyfriend. He brought me to special places, bought me special gifts and I eventually moved in with him. As mai was still in the evil shadow world I began to feel alone. Joey promised that the next time he saw Marik he would free my sister. But in ended up that yugi would defeat Makik. After my sister came back I was told never to see him again. `Hey Joey! Well, my stuffs all packed and ready to go.' `You no, you don't have to go? You don't all ways have to listen to Mai. `Joey sounded really sweet but I knew Mai was right. Having a boyfriend would slow me down and weaken me. `We never give mercy to the opponent' this was Mai's favourite sentence.
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Yorda_Valkov on January 22, 2006, 10:05:08 PM
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raysbabygal on January 15, 2006, 2:18:54 AM
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Amaya_Ivanov on January 11, 2006, 1:25:55 AM
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