Chapter 1 - My Naruto Characters
Submitted November 8, 2007 Updated December 27, 2007 Status Complete | These are some characters I made up for Naruto. Everyting else is basically funny stories with them.
Anime/Manga » Naruto series |
Chapter 1 - My Naruto Characters
Chapter 1 - My Naruto Characters
Nia Nara
Shikamaru is Nia’s older brother.
She spent time training in the sand village and the mysterious village of haunts.
Her other teammates are Kaila, Ashika, and Johan Sensei.
Hair: Short and black in a ponytail.
Eyes: Green.
Outfit: She wears the same style as her brother. She wears her headband on her arm.
Personality: Defiant emotional easily annoyed and hates anything to do with Sasuke.
Rank: Genin.
Attack: Nia uses her living darkness wolf pup juitsu to read minds and scout large areas. She uses her living darkness screaming peregrine juitsu as a shield against enemy attacks.
Village: Leaf.
Other: She had a crush on Kiba and he likes her but every time he tries to ask her out Shikamaru stops him.
Naruto and Sasuke both have a crush on her.
Almost every guy in the village has a crush on her so in that way she’s kind of like a girl Sasuke.
She is secretly working with Itachi Ushiha.
Nia Uchiha
Sasuke and Itachi are her brothers.
She has a miniature black poodle named Skittles.
Her other teammates are Gonan, Rene, and Eskerna Sensei.
Hair: Shoulder length, black, worn down (as in not up).
Eyes: Blue.
Outfit: Black hooded t-shirt, white skirt with tight black capris under it. Wears a black headband on her head (just thought I might mention it).
Personality: Defiant, mischievous, destructive, and committed to the people she loves and cares about. She is also an animal lover.
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: Nia’s Sharingan are so powerful that the moment someone decides to attack her, she can attack them before they react to the thought. She doesn’t want people to see that she is using her Sharingan so she blindfolds herself with her headband.
Village: Leaf.
Other: This Nia finally got Kiba to ask her out and they are such a cute couple.
Team: Nia Nara, Ashika, and Johan Sensei.
Hair: Sandy or dirty blonde think messy strings medium length with curvy horns sticking out of the back of her head.
Eyes: hazel when she is happy and violet when she is mad.
Outfit: low cut v-neck tan top with a dirty lavender top in shreds over it. A short tight tan skirt with a violet belt. She wears her headband around her neck.
Personality: Dangerous at times but very nice most of the time.
Rank: Genin.
Attack: Kaila uses her beast within juitsu to turn into her monster form. Besides the horns and purple eyes her monster form also gives her fangs and sharp nails.
Village: Haunted.
Other: Kaila met Nia and Johan Sensei on her trip to the sand village.
Sasuke has a crush on her and openly admits it (that’s a change) but Kaila claims that her heart already belongs to a handsome beast that lives in the village of haunts.
Team: Nia Nara, Kaila, and Johan Sensei.
Hair: Short brown gets in his eyes a lot.
Eyes: Bright yellow.
Outfit: Plain black shirt with holes in it and black shorts with holes. He wears his headband on his head.
Personality: Determined, a loner dedicated enough to die for his girlfriend.
Rank: Genin.
Attack: Ashika uses his full moon juitsu to turn into a half werewolf. In his half werewolf form he has a long muzzle, pointy dog ears coming out o the top of his head, long wolverine-like (as in the X Men character) claws, a tail, and he leaps around on all fours.
Village: Haunted.
Other: Ashika was in love with a full breed named Dana. Dana was being hunted by a werewolf hunter named Dar. To protect her he trapped her inside a ring which he keeps on his person at all times. Ashika met Nia, Kaila, and Johan Sensei on a trip to the sand village.
Team: Nia Uchiha, Rene, and Eskerna Sensei.
Hair: Pitch black, short (kind of like Gaara’s)
Eyes: Dark.
Outfit: Faded light gray rag of a t-shirt with ragged dark gray shorts. He has a bandage just under his right elbow. He wears his headband sideways on his head (as in the symbol is over his ear).
Personality: Mysterious, creepy, and protective of Nia.
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: When he unwraps the bandage on his arm the lower half of his arm falls off then he uses his shadow arm juitsu to attack his enemies with the detached arm.
Village: Haunted.
Other: Gonan is a skull child, which means that he is dead. That means that you can’t kill him by strangling or drowning him.
More about his appearance/ Gonan has dark gray skin all over his body except for a gash out of his skull. You can see the empty space inside his head (his brain is transparent). He also has a permanent kiss mark on his cheek. Curiously, it looks like the person who kissed him had on no lipstick, but had blood on their lips.
Team: Nia Uchiha, Gonan, and Eskerna Sensei.
Hair: Long black and white strings up in a messy loose ponytail with a ragged black bow.
Eyes: Gray.
Outfit: Ragged black and gray medieval dress. When she takes off the dress it reveals a tight tank top shirt and a tight skirt all black (she uses this outfit to fight).
Personality: Bubbly and fun to be around but clueless at times (kind of like Naruto).
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: Rene is a witch. She puts chackra into her poison and drinks them to make her stronger.
Village: Haunted.
Other: Rene, Gonan, and Nia started training when they were four years old. They were the youngest team ever to become chunin or jonin.
Johan Sensei
Team: Nia Nara, Ashika, and Kaila.
Hair: Short blue with a little ponytail in the back.
Eyes: Blue.
Outfit: The same as any other sensei.
Personality: Lenient, laid back, lots of determination.
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: No one has ever seen his attack.
Village: Leaf.
Other: Gonan found that Johan was stalking a vampire and told him it wasn’t a very good idea. He ignored him.
Eskerna Sensei
Team: Nia Uchiha, Rene, and Gonan.
Hair: Dark red curly in pigtails with green bows.
Eyes: Hazel.
Outfit: Any sort of emerald green shirt with a yellow skirt. The style of her outfit changes every day.
Personality: Happy go lucky but instantly serious when someone offends her or makes her mad and she loves to read.
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: She uses the harvest moon night sky juitsu.
Village: Leaf.
Other: The only thing Eskerna loves more than reading is Kakashi. She’s kind of like his own personal fan girl but he loves her back. The only problem is he can’t stand how Naruto-like she is. Oh well, I guess he’ll have to learn to love her for more than just her body.
*Eskerna- KAKASHI! YOU PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Kakashi- Sorry Eskerna (hangs head in shame). Did you even read what Kel wrote?
*Eskerna- You think I’m annoying, don’t you?
*Kakashi- Of course not Eskerna you’re awesome! (*Me- He’s lying.)
Shikamaru is Nia’s older brother.
She spent time training in the sand village and the mysterious village of haunts.
Her other teammates are Kaila, Ashika, and Johan Sensei.
Hair: Short and black in a ponytail.
Eyes: Green.
Outfit: She wears the same style as her brother. She wears her headband on her arm.
Personality: Defiant emotional easily annoyed and hates anything to do with Sasuke.
Rank: Genin.
Attack: Nia uses her living darkness wolf pup juitsu to read minds and scout large areas. She uses her living darkness screaming peregrine juitsu as a shield against enemy attacks.
Village: Leaf.
Other: She had a crush on Kiba and he likes her but every time he tries to ask her out Shikamaru stops him.
Naruto and Sasuke both have a crush on her.
Almost every guy in the village has a crush on her so in that way she’s kind of like a girl Sasuke.
She is secretly working with Itachi Ushiha.
Nia Uchiha
Sasuke and Itachi are her brothers.
She has a miniature black poodle named Skittles.
Her other teammates are Gonan, Rene, and Eskerna Sensei.
Hair: Shoulder length, black, worn down (as in not up).
Eyes: Blue.
Outfit: Black hooded t-shirt, white skirt with tight black capris under it. Wears a black headband on her head (just thought I might mention it).
Personality: Defiant, mischievous, destructive, and committed to the people she loves and cares about. She is also an animal lover.
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: Nia’s Sharingan are so powerful that the moment someone decides to attack her, she can attack them before they react to the thought. She doesn’t want people to see that she is using her Sharingan so she blindfolds herself with her headband.
Village: Leaf.
Other: This Nia finally got Kiba to ask her out and they are such a cute couple.
Team: Nia Nara, Ashika, and Johan Sensei.
Hair: Sandy or dirty blonde think messy strings medium length with curvy horns sticking out of the back of her head.
Eyes: hazel when she is happy and violet when she is mad.
Outfit: low cut v-neck tan top with a dirty lavender top in shreds over it. A short tight tan skirt with a violet belt. She wears her headband around her neck.
Personality: Dangerous at times but very nice most of the time.
Rank: Genin.
Attack: Kaila uses her beast within juitsu to turn into her monster form. Besides the horns and purple eyes her monster form also gives her fangs and sharp nails.
Village: Haunted.
Other: Kaila met Nia and Johan Sensei on her trip to the sand village.
Sasuke has a crush on her and openly admits it (that’s a change) but Kaila claims that her heart already belongs to a handsome beast that lives in the village of haunts.
Team: Nia Nara, Kaila, and Johan Sensei.
Hair: Short brown gets in his eyes a lot.
Eyes: Bright yellow.
Outfit: Plain black shirt with holes in it and black shorts with holes. He wears his headband on his head.
Personality: Determined, a loner dedicated enough to die for his girlfriend.
Rank: Genin.
Attack: Ashika uses his full moon juitsu to turn into a half werewolf. In his half werewolf form he has a long muzzle, pointy dog ears coming out o the top of his head, long wolverine-like (as in the X Men character) claws, a tail, and he leaps around on all fours.
Village: Haunted.
Other: Ashika was in love with a full breed named Dana. Dana was being hunted by a werewolf hunter named Dar. To protect her he trapped her inside a ring which he keeps on his person at all times. Ashika met Nia, Kaila, and Johan Sensei on a trip to the sand village.
Team: Nia Uchiha, Rene, and Eskerna Sensei.
Hair: Pitch black, short (kind of like Gaara’s)
Eyes: Dark.
Outfit: Faded light gray rag of a t-shirt with ragged dark gray shorts. He has a bandage just under his right elbow. He wears his headband sideways on his head (as in the symbol is over his ear).
Personality: Mysterious, creepy, and protective of Nia.
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: When he unwraps the bandage on his arm the lower half of his arm falls off then he uses his shadow arm juitsu to attack his enemies with the detached arm.
Village: Haunted.
Other: Gonan is a skull child, which means that he is dead. That means that you can’t kill him by strangling or drowning him.
More about his appearance/ Gonan has dark gray skin all over his body except for a gash out of his skull. You can see the empty space inside his head (his brain is transparent). He also has a permanent kiss mark on his cheek. Curiously, it looks like the person who kissed him had on no lipstick, but had blood on their lips.
Team: Nia Uchiha, Gonan, and Eskerna Sensei.
Hair: Long black and white strings up in a messy loose ponytail with a ragged black bow.
Eyes: Gray.
Outfit: Ragged black and gray medieval dress. When she takes off the dress it reveals a tight tank top shirt and a tight skirt all black (she uses this outfit to fight).
Personality: Bubbly and fun to be around but clueless at times (kind of like Naruto).
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: Rene is a witch. She puts chackra into her poison and drinks them to make her stronger.
Village: Haunted.
Other: Rene, Gonan, and Nia started training when they were four years old. They were the youngest team ever to become chunin or jonin.
Johan Sensei
Team: Nia Nara, Ashika, and Kaila.
Hair: Short blue with a little ponytail in the back.
Eyes: Blue.
Outfit: The same as any other sensei.
Personality: Lenient, laid back, lots of determination.
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: No one has ever seen his attack.
Village: Leaf.
Other: Gonan found that Johan was stalking a vampire and told him it wasn’t a very good idea. He ignored him.
Eskerna Sensei
Team: Nia Uchiha, Rene, and Gonan.
Hair: Dark red curly in pigtails with green bows.
Eyes: Hazel.
Outfit: Any sort of emerald green shirt with a yellow skirt. The style of her outfit changes every day.
Personality: Happy go lucky but instantly serious when someone offends her or makes her mad and she loves to read.
Rank: Jonin.
Attack: She uses the harvest moon night sky juitsu.
Village: Leaf.
Other: The only thing Eskerna loves more than reading is Kakashi. She’s kind of like his own personal fan girl but he loves her back. The only problem is he can’t stand how Naruto-like she is. Oh well, I guess he’ll have to learn to love her for more than just her body.
*Eskerna- KAKASHI! YOU PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Kakashi- Sorry Eskerna (hangs head in shame). Did you even read what Kel wrote?
*Eskerna- You think I’m annoying, don’t you?
*Kakashi- Of course not Eskerna you’re awesome! (*Me- He’s lying.)
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Neopetgirl on June 9, 2008, 5:11:07 AM
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