Chapter 4 - chapter4
Submitted June 17, 2006 Updated October 28, 2006 Status Incomplete | ok this is about my OC kiaya, and you'll learn about the whole prophecy thingy at the end of chapter 1!!!!
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 4 - chapter4
Chapter 4 - chapter4
Disclaimer: I dont own Inuyasha.
When they reached the village, Inuyasha realized something.
Wait! Kiaya, if Kaori is your daughter, than wouldnt that mean shes my niece? He asked. (A/n: Isnt he smart?)
Kiaya hit her forehead with her hand and turned to face Inuyasha.
Did you really just realize that? She asked still bewildered.
Ok, well then, yes, Inuyasha, you have a niece.
Kiaya turned back around and started leading the group toward her home. They passed many villagers and each of them bowed their head respectfully to them. Finally they reached the largest home in the village, and saw Kaori running around with a young dog demon.
Hello, Hiroshi, how are you? asked Kiaya.
Fine thank you, Lady Kiaya, the young boy replied after he stopped running around, only to be tackled down by Kaori.
Ha! Youre it! She exclaimed jumping up and running away.
Kaori that wasnt fair! He shouted picking himself up and chasing after her.
The group watched the two young demons for a while, then proceeded into the house. The shouts of the children could still be heard when they reached the sitting room. They all sat down, and Kiaya stared at Sesshomaru expectantly. When he did not speak she sighed and started the conversation.
So, Sesshomaru, what are you doing here, I highly doubt that you are here to visit me and my family, she said, eyeing him suspiciously.
Indeed, Kiaya, I am in need of your assistance. He replied looking straight into her eyes, and allowing her to see the concern.
What of my skills do you require? And tell me wheres Rin?
Rin is at my castle in the west, she has nothing to do with what I require. What I require has something to do with Naraku. I will speak to you in private later, considering the company we are in. He replied coolly.
Hey! What do you mean by the company you are in? Anything that has to do with Naraku, you can say in front of us! And why are you dragging Kiaya your scheme, Sesshomaru? yelled Inuyasha from the corner he was sitting in.
Inuyasha, you know that Sesshomaru does not trust you, so that question was pointless. Secondly he can not say some things about Naraku in front of you; partly because there are some things you are better off not knowing. And thirdly, he is not dragging me into his scheme; he is merely asking of my assistance. I know you two dont get along, but I get along fine with Sesshomaru and he wouldnt drag me into anything. Kiaya replied coolly not meeting Inuyashas gaze.
Kiaya! How can you support him? Inuyasha asked bewildered.
Silence, Inuyasha! You do not know Kiaya at all, so dont question her actions. Sesshomaru stated firmly.
Dont know her!? I probably know more about Kiaya than you do. When did you become so close to her Sesshomaru?
Both of you shut up! I thought you two agreed not to fight. And Inuyasha, youve been sealed to a tree for the past fifty years, and even before that you didnt know I was a priestess, so dont think you know me. Now Sesshomaru, shall we? Kiaya asked gesturing to the other room. Sesshomaru nodded, and they both proceeded into the room
Haku cleared his voice than tried to change the topic.
So, Inuyasha? he started.
What!? he retorted.
Inuyasha! Dont be so rude. Miroku admonished.
Feh. What do you know monk? And theres something that Ive been meaning to ask you. How did you know Kiaya? Inuyasha asked eyeing him.
Kiaya was a friend of my fathers, and she lived in our village for a while and helped raise me till I was three, Miroku replied nonchalantly.
Why only until you were three? asked Sango.
Because Naraku attacked, she saved my life from him, and nearly died. He said looking down at the floor.
What! Naraku attacked Kiaya? Inuyasha asked.
Well, yes, didnt you know that Kiaya is Narakus main target? asked Haku.
S-she is? Why? asked Kagome.
Well, originally she was the one who possessed the Shikon no Tama, but she had to give it to Kikyo, because at the time she was traveling with Inuyasha. He replied.
I didnt know that. Miroku interjected.
No, you probably didnt, but I think there is something you do know about her, do you remember why she left, besides the fact that Naraku attacked her?
Yes, but I dont think I should say... Miroku replied.
Just the fact that you know is enough. Haku said.
What are you all talking about? asked Shippo.
Yeah, what does Miroku know that we dont? asked Inuyasha.
Why Naraku is really interested in Kiaya, dog-shoot, a voice said from the entrance.
Kouga, why are you in my house? asked Haku nonchalantly.
I came to talk to Kiaya, I found out something that she really needs to know.
Sorry but shes talking to Sesshomaru, but feel free to wait. Haku replied nonchalantly.
Alright, Ill wait. Kouga said, sitting down, So Haku, how has your land been doing, any wars starting?
Yeah, a war is starting, Im gonna have to go into battle soon.
What are you doing here, Kouga? snarled Inuyasha
Shut up dog- shoot! Anyways with who is it this time, Haku?
A couple of dog demons farther to the east, they dont seem to like the fact that their Lord has mated with a half-demon and has a child.
If they dont like Kiaya, you know I could always kick their fracking asses.
Thanks for the offer, but I can handle this fine, its not like its the first time.
You didnt tell me about this Haku. Kiaya said emerging from the room with Sesshomaru behind her.
Because you dont need to worry about it, He replied pulling her into his lap.
I know I dont, she replied, Hello Kouga, long time no see. She jested.
I know two years is such a long time. He scoffed.
Yes it is, but whats up? She asked.
Hey! How do you know him? growled Inuyasha.
Shut up asshole, Ive probably known Kiaya longer than you, unless youve known her for over fifty years!
Um, Kouga, how the hell do you know my brother?
Wait, Kiaya dont tell me this is the brother that got stuck to the tree.
It is, anyways how do you know Inuyasha?
He travels with my Kagome, He replied.
Yours? Why you mangy wolf, Kagome is nobodys. Inuyasha snapped.
Kagome, have you given your consent about this subject? asked Kiaya.
Um, well no... Kagome replied hesitantly.
Well, then give it now, or fear being claimed by Kouga unwillingly.
Miroku leaned over to Sango and whispered, Im glad that shes trying to straighten this out.
Sango nodded in agreement and continued watching the interesting episode.
Um... Kouga youre my friend and all- She was cut off by Kouga.
I know what youre going to say Kagome, I love you too. He replied cockily.
Kouga shut up and dont jump to conclusions, Kiaya said in a bitter-sweet voice, as Kouga swallowed rather loudly. She nodded for Kagome to continue.
Yeah, um, Ill tell you later, she replied quickly.
I bet Kagome doesnt love you! Inuyasha said smugly.
INUYASHA, SIT BOY! Kagome shouted.
Kiaya fell off of Hakus lap laughing at the squashed figure of her brother. Sesshomaru who was off in the corner, smirked, which didnt go unnoticed by Kaori who sprinted into the room after hearing the crash, followed by Hiroshi.
Mommy look! Uncle Sesshy is smirking! Kaori exclaims while running over to her uncle, and tackling his legs with a hug.
Uncle Sesshy? Damn Sesshomaru youre getting soft. Kouga scoffed.
Ridiculous. Sesshomaru retorted calmly.
Kouga, its kinda hard for a three year old to pronounce Sesshomaru, so give him a break. Haku replied. Kaori looked on with a confused look on her face. She sniffed the air and smelled something familiar, a relative. She looked around the room searching for the person, and her gaze fell on Inuyasha.
Whatre you lookin at kid? Inuyasha asked roughly. She giggled and detached herself from Sesshomarus legs and tackled Inuyasha with a hug.
Uncle Ears! she exclaimed.
Kiaya doubled over in laughter again, and was joined by everyone else, except Sesshomaru.
Inuyasha, looks like you have a new name. Miroku chuckled.
Feh. Shut up monk! Inuyasha shouted, trying to get Kaori to let go.
Kiaya chuckled at his pathetic attempt, and walked over to them. She held out her arms and Kaori detached herself from her uncle and jumped into her mothers arms. Kiaya stroked her daughters blue hair and turned to face Kouga.
Ok, since thats over with, what do you need to talk to me about, Kouga? She asked.
Narakus gathering an army against you, He blurted out.
Hes only just starting? Kiaya asked.
Well, yeah, why? Were you expecting him to start this beforehand?
Yeah, it thought he wouldve done this ages ago.
Youre not questioning how I know this?
No, why would you think I would question you?
Well mutt face over there does, Kouga replied jerking his thumb towards Inuyasha.
Well, Im not Inuyasha, Kiaya replied.
Thank Buddha for that, Miroku breathed.
What was that monk? asked Inuyasha.
Well, if Lady Kiaya was like you that would definitely take away from her beauty. Miroku said.
Hey, watch it! Haku growled, placing his hand around Kiayas waist possessively.
Daddy, who is this monk? Kaori asked, looking up at her father from her mothers lap.
This is Miroku, your mother used to take care of him when he was little.
He seems nice, I like him, along with the kitsune, and the two pretty ladies! Kaori exclaimed.
Sango and Kagome blushed slightly, while Miroku grinned at Kaori.
Kiaya, what did Sesshomaru want with you? Inuyasha asked, changing the subject to something important.
Too get back the arm that you took from him, she replied casualy.
You want to help me?
Too bad, youre going to.
Ok thats it, sorry this chapter sucks, but I kinda lost inspiration for this story. But please R&R!!!!!
When they reached the village, Inuyasha realized something.
Wait! Kiaya, if Kaori is your daughter, than wouldnt that mean shes my niece? He asked. (A/n: Isnt he smart?)
Kiaya hit her forehead with her hand and turned to face Inuyasha.
Did you really just realize that? She asked still bewildered.
Ok, well then, yes, Inuyasha, you have a niece.
Kiaya turned back around and started leading the group toward her home. They passed many villagers and each of them bowed their head respectfully to them. Finally they reached the largest home in the village, and saw Kaori running around with a young dog demon.
Hello, Hiroshi, how are you? asked Kiaya.
Fine thank you, Lady Kiaya, the young boy replied after he stopped running around, only to be tackled down by Kaori.
Ha! Youre it! She exclaimed jumping up and running away.
Kaori that wasnt fair! He shouted picking himself up and chasing after her.
The group watched the two young demons for a while, then proceeded into the house. The shouts of the children could still be heard when they reached the sitting room. They all sat down, and Kiaya stared at Sesshomaru expectantly. When he did not speak she sighed and started the conversation.
So, Sesshomaru, what are you doing here, I highly doubt that you are here to visit me and my family, she said, eyeing him suspiciously.
Indeed, Kiaya, I am in need of your assistance. He replied looking straight into her eyes, and allowing her to see the concern.
What of my skills do you require? And tell me wheres Rin?
Rin is at my castle in the west, she has nothing to do with what I require. What I require has something to do with Naraku. I will speak to you in private later, considering the company we are in. He replied coolly.
Hey! What do you mean by the company you are in? Anything that has to do with Naraku, you can say in front of us! And why are you dragging Kiaya your scheme, Sesshomaru? yelled Inuyasha from the corner he was sitting in.
Inuyasha, you know that Sesshomaru does not trust you, so that question was pointless. Secondly he can not say some things about Naraku in front of you; partly because there are some things you are better off not knowing. And thirdly, he is not dragging me into his scheme; he is merely asking of my assistance. I know you two dont get along, but I get along fine with Sesshomaru and he wouldnt drag me into anything. Kiaya replied coolly not meeting Inuyashas gaze.
Kiaya! How can you support him? Inuyasha asked bewildered.
Silence, Inuyasha! You do not know Kiaya at all, so dont question her actions. Sesshomaru stated firmly.
Dont know her!? I probably know more about Kiaya than you do. When did you become so close to her Sesshomaru?
Both of you shut up! I thought you two agreed not to fight. And Inuyasha, youve been sealed to a tree for the past fifty years, and even before that you didnt know I was a priestess, so dont think you know me. Now Sesshomaru, shall we? Kiaya asked gesturing to the other room. Sesshomaru nodded, and they both proceeded into the room
Haku cleared his voice than tried to change the topic.
So, Inuyasha? he started.
What!? he retorted.
Inuyasha! Dont be so rude. Miroku admonished.
Feh. What do you know monk? And theres something that Ive been meaning to ask you. How did you know Kiaya? Inuyasha asked eyeing him.
Kiaya was a friend of my fathers, and she lived in our village for a while and helped raise me till I was three, Miroku replied nonchalantly.
Why only until you were three? asked Sango.
Because Naraku attacked, she saved my life from him, and nearly died. He said looking down at the floor.
What! Naraku attacked Kiaya? Inuyasha asked.
Well, yes, didnt you know that Kiaya is Narakus main target? asked Haku.
S-she is? Why? asked Kagome.
Well, originally she was the one who possessed the Shikon no Tama, but she had to give it to Kikyo, because at the time she was traveling with Inuyasha. He replied.
I didnt know that. Miroku interjected.
No, you probably didnt, but I think there is something you do know about her, do you remember why she left, besides the fact that Naraku attacked her?
Yes, but I dont think I should say... Miroku replied.
Just the fact that you know is enough. Haku said.
What are you all talking about? asked Shippo.
Yeah, what does Miroku know that we dont? asked Inuyasha.
Why Naraku is really interested in Kiaya, dog-shoot, a voice said from the entrance.
Kouga, why are you in my house? asked Haku nonchalantly.
I came to talk to Kiaya, I found out something that she really needs to know.
Sorry but shes talking to Sesshomaru, but feel free to wait. Haku replied nonchalantly.
Alright, Ill wait. Kouga said, sitting down, So Haku, how has your land been doing, any wars starting?
Yeah, a war is starting, Im gonna have to go into battle soon.
What are you doing here, Kouga? snarled Inuyasha
Shut up dog- shoot! Anyways with who is it this time, Haku?
A couple of dog demons farther to the east, they dont seem to like the fact that their Lord has mated with a half-demon and has a child.
If they dont like Kiaya, you know I could always kick their fracking asses.
Thanks for the offer, but I can handle this fine, its not like its the first time.
You didnt tell me about this Haku. Kiaya said emerging from the room with Sesshomaru behind her.
Because you dont need to worry about it, He replied pulling her into his lap.
I know I dont, she replied, Hello Kouga, long time no see. She jested.
I know two years is such a long time. He scoffed.
Yes it is, but whats up? She asked.
Hey! How do you know him? growled Inuyasha.
Shut up asshole, Ive probably known Kiaya longer than you, unless youve known her for over fifty years!
Um, Kouga, how the hell do you know my brother?
Wait, Kiaya dont tell me this is the brother that got stuck to the tree.
It is, anyways how do you know Inuyasha?
He travels with my Kagome, He replied.
Yours? Why you mangy wolf, Kagome is nobodys. Inuyasha snapped.
Kagome, have you given your consent about this subject? asked Kiaya.
Um, well no... Kagome replied hesitantly.
Well, then give it now, or fear being claimed by Kouga unwillingly.
Miroku leaned over to Sango and whispered, Im glad that shes trying to straighten this out.
Sango nodded in agreement and continued watching the interesting episode.
Um... Kouga youre my friend and all- She was cut off by Kouga.
I know what youre going to say Kagome, I love you too. He replied cockily.
Kouga shut up and dont jump to conclusions, Kiaya said in a bitter-sweet voice, as Kouga swallowed rather loudly. She nodded for Kagome to continue.
Yeah, um, Ill tell you later, she replied quickly.
I bet Kagome doesnt love you! Inuyasha said smugly.
INUYASHA, SIT BOY! Kagome shouted.
Kiaya fell off of Hakus lap laughing at the squashed figure of her brother. Sesshomaru who was off in the corner, smirked, which didnt go unnoticed by Kaori who sprinted into the room after hearing the crash, followed by Hiroshi.
Mommy look! Uncle Sesshy is smirking! Kaori exclaims while running over to her uncle, and tackling his legs with a hug.
Uncle Sesshy? Damn Sesshomaru youre getting soft. Kouga scoffed.
Ridiculous. Sesshomaru retorted calmly.
Kouga, its kinda hard for a three year old to pronounce Sesshomaru, so give him a break. Haku replied. Kaori looked on with a confused look on her face. She sniffed the air and smelled something familiar, a relative. She looked around the room searching for the person, and her gaze fell on Inuyasha.
Whatre you lookin at kid? Inuyasha asked roughly. She giggled and detached herself from Sesshomarus legs and tackled Inuyasha with a hug.
Uncle Ears! she exclaimed.
Kiaya doubled over in laughter again, and was joined by everyone else, except Sesshomaru.
Inuyasha, looks like you have a new name. Miroku chuckled.
Feh. Shut up monk! Inuyasha shouted, trying to get Kaori to let go.
Kiaya chuckled at his pathetic attempt, and walked over to them. She held out her arms and Kaori detached herself from her uncle and jumped into her mothers arms. Kiaya stroked her daughters blue hair and turned to face Kouga.
Ok, since thats over with, what do you need to talk to me about, Kouga? She asked.
Narakus gathering an army against you, He blurted out.
Hes only just starting? Kiaya asked.
Well, yeah, why? Were you expecting him to start this beforehand?
Yeah, it thought he wouldve done this ages ago.
Youre not questioning how I know this?
No, why would you think I would question you?
Well mutt face over there does, Kouga replied jerking his thumb towards Inuyasha.
Well, Im not Inuyasha, Kiaya replied.
Thank Buddha for that, Miroku breathed.
What was that monk? asked Inuyasha.
Well, if Lady Kiaya was like you that would definitely take away from her beauty. Miroku said.
Hey, watch it! Haku growled, placing his hand around Kiayas waist possessively.
Daddy, who is this monk? Kaori asked, looking up at her father from her mothers lap.
This is Miroku, your mother used to take care of him when he was little.
He seems nice, I like him, along with the kitsune, and the two pretty ladies! Kaori exclaimed.
Sango and Kagome blushed slightly, while Miroku grinned at Kaori.
Kiaya, what did Sesshomaru want with you? Inuyasha asked, changing the subject to something important.
Too get back the arm that you took from him, she replied casualy.
You want to help me?
Too bad, youre going to.
Ok thats it, sorry this chapter sucks, but I kinda lost inspiration for this story. But please R&R!!!!!
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Kinshi on January 1, 2007, 7:11:41 AM
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SecretSilentAngel on October 29, 2006, 8:34:06 AM
Kiaya on October 29, 2006, 9:34:38 AM
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SecretSilentAngel on October 30, 2006, 7:03:34 AM
Kiaya on October 29, 2006, 9:35:32 AM
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FFXgirl on October 28, 2006, 8:28:08 AM
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Kiaya on October 28, 2006, 2:21:52 PM
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