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Team Rocket Application

For those who would like to join Team Rocket. ^^
Find out if you would be accepted...or not!!!! ^^



Chapter 1 - Team Rocket Application
Submitted: June 8, 2007 • Updated: June 8, 2007
Word count: 31 • Size: <1k • Comments: 11 • views: 239


Comments (18)

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Viddax on May 30, 2009, 4:49:19 PM

Viddax on (Chapter: 1)
ViddaxAngry at the world, someone who gets revenge, A short fuse,
Funny, Annoying,
2 Why the hell would i steal anyone pokemon My pokemon rule
3 tyranitar Typlosion dragonite scizor Gyrados Quagcire
4 because I hate all the good people

pug97 on January 28, 2009, 7:47:16 AM

pug97 on (Chapter: 1)
golduck,luxray,fearow,blaziken,gardevoir,and darkrai
jessie & james inspire me

Warriorloverperson on July 23, 2008, 4:50:10 AM

Warriorloverperson on (Chapter: 1)
Warriorloverperson1: Describe yourself in 5 words. Evil, insane, crazy, cat luver

2: How do you feel about stealing others pokemon? bring it ONNN! the little yellow rat is MINE!!!!

3: What pokemon do you own? Evee and all of it's evolutions

4: Why do want to join in the first place? to be ebil and rule ze world! *cough cough* i mean, to bake ze cookies!!!! and then rename them evil tings.

rainbowfox16 on November 10, 2007, 1:41:43 AM

rainbowfox16 on (Chapter: 1)
rainbowfox161. Quiet, Deceptive, Dangerous, Thief, Insane...
2. frack YEAH!! Bring it on, baby!!
3. Espeon, Umbreon, Feraligator, Houndoom, Slyther
4. Power. Simple, sweet, to the point.

teamrockethrt on October 6, 2007, 8:44:15 AM

teamrockethrt on (Chapter: index)
teamrockethrtp.s. i have my own motto and i can find a way to be fitted in with jessie and james's

teamrockethrt on October 6, 2007, 8:41:17 AM

teamrockethrt on (Chapter: index)
teamrockethrtim hot smart funny great at disguises and like a combo of jessie and james. as for stealing pokemon: if i had to choose between catching them myself or stealing them well why do work myself? stealing is so much easier! i own an eevee an arbok a togepi (my most pathetic one; i never use it) a carnvine an espeon and a vileplume. i will soon make my eevee be a flareon. team rocket is my dream! james is hot and jessie is my ideal bff! giavonni would just love me (as an employee; not love interest) and i would do good.

TheBestDamnThing on July 25, 2007, 10:24:59 AM

TheBestDamnThing on (Chapter: 1)
TheBestDamnThing1: Describe yourself in 5 words.
Awesome!dancing freak!loves james!Cute to da boot!
2: How do you feel about stealing others pokemon?
mmmm....What eva is glamorous SHALL BE MINE!!!!
3: What pokemon do you own?
Alakazam(u love me?),Umbreon(Hell Ya!),NineTails(u know it!!),Lucario(me?),and Ponyta.
4: Why do want to join in the first place?to rule the world!!

BigBrother on June 27, 2007, 8:37:50 AM

BigBrother on (Chapter: 1)
BigBrother1: Nice, fun, smart, responsible, dangerous, yeah... ^^'''

2: Totally awesome, yeah!!!! ^^

3: Arcanine, Nidoqueen, Ludicolo, Girafarig, Poliwhirl, and Flaaffy, yeah... ^^'''

4: Steal pokemon and hurt people and besides, the whole "criminal organization" thing rules!!! SWITCH-BLADE, I CHOOSE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Angel_of_Aquas on June 9, 2007, 12:20:37 PM

Angel_of_Aquas on (Chapter: index)
Angel_of_AquasOkay about the legendaries.

KidRaccoon on June 9, 2007, 12:23:36 PM

KidRaccoon on (Chapter: index)
KidRaccoonYou're stickin' with us now!!!!!!!!!! ^^

DragonGirl1136 on June 8, 2007, 11:04:16 PM

DragonGirl1136 on (Chapter: 1)
DragonGirl11361: Describe yourself in 5 words.

Funny, Sweet, Slightly Insane, Likes James

2: How do you feel about stealing others pokemon?

That Pikachu will be MINE! Muahahahaha! *cough cough*

3: What pokemon do you own?

Mew, Charizard, and an Eevee

4: Why do want to join in the first place?

A: To be with James. B: Because Team Rocket is so freaking awesome! C: To be with James

Angel_of_Aquas on June 8, 2007, 1:12:33 PM

Angel_of_Aquas on (Chapter: index)
Angel_of_Aquas1. Quick-witted, innocent-acting, back-stabbing
2. Finders keepers; by that I mean if I find them, I'm keeping them!
3. Milotic, Lapras, Seaking, Altaria, Dewgong, and Dragonaire
4. Because it's what I do

HeiesgirlSable on June 8, 2007, 11:08:21 AM

HeiesgirlSable on (Chapter: 1)
HeiesgirlSableFrito: Cute, charming, deceiving, evil, fun-loving
2. Others don't own pokemon, pokemon are there for me to take and own >:3
3. My Meganium Kicks butt! so do my Togepi and two unevolved (as of yet) evees
4. Why keep my talents to myself?

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on June 8, 2007, 10:19:38 AM

zukosavatarofthesunandmoon on (Chapter: 1)
zukosavatarofthesunandmoon1: Describe yourself in 5 words.
Lucky, smart, steathy, mysterious, secretive
2: How do you feel about stealing others pokemon?
3: What pokemon do you own?
Syphyper (sp?) Pikachu, ponyta, dragonair, Charizard
4: Why do want to join in the first place? because I'm a rouge from palet town who never was understood.

SonicDX1995 on June 8, 2007, 9:57:53 AM

SonicDX1995 on (Chapter: 1)
SonicDX1995nu thanks ^^

KidRaccoon on June 8, 2007, 10:01:55 AM

KidRaccoon on (Chapter: 1)

SonicDX1995 on June 9, 2007, 5:45:17 AM

SonicDX1995 on (Chapter: index)
SonicDX1995I don wana stell pokemons DXDX *fwaps*

KidRaccoon on June 9, 2007, 5:52:40 AM

KidRaccoon on (Chapter: index)
KidRaccoonEnter your application, and you could work as our proffesor or mechanic instead of being a grunt or an admin!!!!!! ^^