Chapter 1 - Domino High Transfers
Submitted March 3, 2007 Updated May 27, 2007 Status Complete | Kay and her friends transfer to Domino High School together and meet future rivals, enemies, friends, and romances. How do they adjust? Pairings (Hinted at for the series) Kay/Seto Cat/Yami Kristen/Yuugi Khaos/Ryou
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Groups/Couples |
Chapter 1 - Domino High Transfers
Chapter 1 - Domino High Transfers
Kay and her friends start life out in Domino High School. Yay. The title means "Together We Start."
Our story starts in an apartment. Three girls are in a blue and black bedroom decorated with dragon posters, sitting on a canopy bed. One girl has short, blonde hair spiked into a miniature mohawk and blue eyes. She was the one who had screamed. The second girl had shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, and she was covering her ears. The final girl had blonde hair streaked with another blonde, green eyes, and an odd, oval shaped scar on her forehead and she was also covering her ears.
"Agh, Alex...must you scream like that?" the blonde girl asked the other blonde girl with the short, spiky hair.
"I'm sorry Kay, BUT LOOK AT THIS THING!" Alex held up the short blue skirt from the Domino High School uniform. Kay sighed.
"Don't you think you're overreacting?" the girl with brown hair asked. Alex stared at her.
"Kristen, this thing SCREAMS slut."
"Now Alex, it does not scream slut. It's just not your style. I can sew more material to it and dye it black if you want."
"REALLY?" Alex asked. Kay nodded, only to get her oxygen cut off in a hug.
" let me breathe, please." Alex released Kay and she gasped for breath.
"Can you dye the pink jacket too?"
"Why not?"
"YAY! I love you Kay."
"I know you do." Alex smiled.
Alex was waiting for Kay, dressed in sweats.
"Man, where is she?" After a few more minues, the late blonde ran over. Kay looked adorable in her light blue jacket and longer cobalt blue skirt.
"Sorry I'm late, here you are." She handed Alex a bag. The two girls snuck to the girls' bathroom and Alex changed into a black and red version of the uniform with a longer skirt. "Like it?"
"Love it." Kay smiled and the two girls found their lockers, put their book away, then searched for their first class. Kay had Oral Interpretation and Alex had Orchestra.
"Aw, we don't have the same class."
"This sucks." Kay sighed and shrugged.
"Oh well. Let me see your schedule." Alex handed Kay the cream colored paper.
1) Orchestra 2 A213 Takayaki
2) Language Arts 3 H C113 Nosake
3) History 3 H D201 Ayame
4) Algebra II B114 Jun
5) Lunch Caf
6) Chemistry D124 Nao
7) Theatre Arts 3 A127 Cho
8) Physical Education Gym Katashi
Kay pulled out her schedule.
1) Oral Interp 3 A119 Mikio
2) Language Arts 3 H C113 Nosake
3) History 3 H D201 Ayame
4) Pre-Cal C210 Nobu
5) Lunch Caf
6) Physics D224 Ryota
7) Theatre Arts 3 A127 Cho
8) Physical Education Gym Katashi
"Hey, we have five classes together."
"SWEET!" Kay handed Alex her schedule.
"I'll see ya second period."
"OK, bye." The two girls walked away from each other. The first bell rung and Kay entered the classroom. Two other students were already there, along with a skinny, male teacher with messy black hair, glasses, and dressed nicely in a suit. Kay walked over to him and hesitantly coughed a bit to get his attention.
"Excuse me, Mr. Mikio?" she said. The man looked up.
"Yes, may I help you?" he asked. You handed him your schedule and a note from the Principle.
"My name is Kaleigh Simms, I just transferred here."
"Ah yes, I was told I'd have a new student this week. Hello Miss Simms." She smiled. "We do have assigned seating. Just wait here until the rest of the class gets here and I'll decide where you'll sit."
"OK." She stood there for about five minutes and then the bell rang and all the students in the glass took their seats. Mr. Mikio stood up.
"Class, this is Kaleigh Simms, our newest student. I want you to make her feel welcome. Miss Simms, please take the seat over there next to Miss Minako." A very pretty girl with raven hair and violet eyes sighed and raised her hand. Kay walked to the seat next to her and sat down. "Alright, today..." And here is where we completely ignore the teacher.
Kay sighed and starting doodling the Blue Eyes White Dragon on her notebook. When she finished the drawing, Minako hit her arm.
"Ow." Kay looked at her and she was glaring. "What the hell was that for?" she hissed.
"Don't play stupid. Everyone knows the Blue Eyes White Dragon is Seto Kaiba's favorite monster. If you think you can take him from me, you have another thing coming. I'm way prettier than you." Kay looked shocked.
"What the hell, dog? I don't even know Kaiba. And I happen to like the blue Eyes White Dragon because it's the best card in duel monsters, not because some rich boy has it." Minako glared.
"Fine, but I'm watching you, Simms." Kay rolled her eyes.
"Whatever." Class soon ended and the bell rang. Kay gathered her things and a girl with reddish-brown hair and red eyes, who looked quite a bit like Kristen only with a different shade of brown for her hair and different color of eyes, stood next to Kay's desk.
A.N: I know most of us know Anzu to have brown hair and blue eyes, but in the original season of Yugioh (Which was never dubbed in the United States due to immense violence and adult situations) Anzu's hair and eyes were a different color and I just felt like using that. This is the season where Seto has green hair and yellow eyes for...whatever reason. But since it's after duelist kingdom, I may just keep Seto's hair brown and his eyes blue. I just wanted to use Anzu's original look. That is all.
"I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" she asked. The girl nodded.
"Yeah. I'm Anzu." She help out her hand. Kay shook her hand.
"Nice to meet you. Call me Kay."
"Alright, nice to meet you as well, Kay. And don't worry about Minako. She's a total wimp."
"I figured. She looks like the type who will cry if she breaks a nail."
"Too true." Kay smiled and stood up.
"What class do you have next, Anzu?"
"Language Arts."
"Who is your teacher?"
"Mrs. Nosake."
"Hey, I have the same class."
"Cool." The two exited the classroom.
"So, what was the deal with Minako? She looked like she wanted to kill me because I drew a picture of the Blue Eyes White Dragon."
"Yeah. If you do anything that has something to do with Seto Kaiba, she freaks."
"Crazy fangirl?"
"Crazy doesn't even begin to describe. She's a natural dog and puts everyone down. Just because she's one of the prettiest girls in school, she thinks she's queen." Kay grimaced.
"Yeah. Hey, how did you not get in trouble for wearing that altered uniform?"
"My uncle is pretty rich. He already threatened to send in his buff bodyguards to 'convince' them to let me wear this, so the principle didn't argue."
"Ah, who's your uncle?"
"Pegasus J. Crawford." Anzu froze and Kay stopped and stared at her. "What's wrong?"
"Me and my friends...met Pegasus before."
"Duelist Kingdom?" Kay offered. Anzu nodded. "I know all about that. He did it to bring back my aunt Cecelia. At first I was pretty mad at all the trouble he caused, but you gotta feel for him. My Uncle loved my aunt so much." Anzu nodded slowly.
"Did he cause your friends a lot of trouble?" Kay asked nervously, already afraid somebody would hate her because of her uncle.
"Oh, not really. I just heard what he did. He never actually caused us problems." Anzu faked a smile.
"'re lying."
"I'm sorry, Kay."
"No, no. It's fine." She sighed. "I still really love my Uncle. He's my only family at this point."
"Really?" Kay nodded.
"I hope you won't hate me because of him. He's really a great guy."
"No, I don't hate you. It's not your fault you're related and you couldn't help some of the things he did. And if you know why he did it, it's understandable." Kay smiled.
"Oh, we gotta get to Language Arts. My best friend transferred with me and she has that class too." Anzu and Kay ran into the class. Alex was standing next to Kristen. "Ki-Chan, Alex." The two girls looked at her.
"Kay!" they said in unison.
"Ki-Chan, I didn't know you had Language Arts this period." Kristen nodded.
"Oh, this is my new friend, Anzu." Anzu waved a bit.
"What's up?" Alex asked.
"Nothing much." Anzu took her seat and the teacher introduced the girls and told them to sit where they want. Kay sat next to Anzu, Alex sat next to Kay, and Kristen sat in front of Alex and next to boy with tricolored spiky hair wearing a necklace with a pyramid shaped pendant. Language Arts was boring, so Anzu, Alex, Deni, and Kay passed notes.
(Anzu) So, how do you like Domino so far?
(Kay) It's pretty cool.
(Alex) It's school
(Kay) Better than the place we were at before.
(Alex) Good point.
(Ki-Chan) The people here seem a bit nicer.
(Kay) Sure...not counting this girl tried to kill me for drawing the Blue Eyes White Dragon today.
(Alex) Um, why?
(Ki-Chan) Yeah, do tell.
(Kay) Apparently me drawing the dragon was a sign to her that I like Seto Kaiba.
(Ki-Chan) Who?
(Anzu) You don't know who Seto Kaiba is?
(Alex) Isn't he that duelist person?
(Kay) Yeah. He has the original three Blue Eyes White Dragons. The only other three in the world excluding mine.
(Alex) Ah.
(Ki-Chan) Oh yeah, now I remember. He runs that gaming company.
(Anzu) Hold the phone, Kay. You have blue Eyes White Dragon cards?
(Kay) Uh-huh. Uncle Pegasus made them for me for my sixteenth birthday.
(Anzu) Wow!
(Kay) I fell in love with the Blue Eyes when I saw a picture of it. It's such a beautiful duel monster card.
(Alex) It's just a card.
(Kay) Shut up. >.< You know I like dragons.
(Ki-Chan) We all know that, Kay.
(Kay) Neh.
(Alex) Hey Ki-Chan, that guy next to you has some pretty interesting hair.
(Ki-Chan) huh, yeah. I supposed he does.
(Kay) Isn't he Yugi Mouto?
(Anzu) correct! Yugi is one of my best friends.
(Ki-Chan) He looks like a really nice guy.
(Anzu) He is. I'll introduce you guys to him.
(Kay) Love is in the air.
The bell rung and Kay tucked the note into her bag.
"You guys want to meet the rest of my friends?" Anzu asked. "I think you'll like em."
"OK. How about at lunch?"
Kay, Alex, Kristen, a blonde girl with blue eyes named Danielle, and a girl with curly brown hair and black eyes named Maria met Anzu outside the school. It was a nice, sunny day and a good temperature to eat outside.
They went to a bench under the shade of a tree where four boys and one girl were already sitting. One boy has blonde hair and brown eyes, Katsuya Jounouchi. The next was a short boy with tri colored spiky hair and sweet violet eyes, Yuugi Mutou, from their Language Arts Class, whom Kristen thought was very cute. The next had brown hair in a single spike and brown eyes. Maria recognized him from her History class as Hiroto Honda. The final boy had sweet brown eyes and silver hair. Alex knew him from her orchestra class as Ryou Bakura. The last person was a girl with blue hair and blue eyes. Kay remembered seeing her in her Pre-Cal class, but she did not know her name.
"Ok, this is Yuugi Mutou, Hiroto Honda, Katsuya Jounouchi, Ryou Bakura, and Miho Nosaka."
"Hello!" Yuugi, Honda, Jounouchi, Ryou, and Miho said in unison. Anzu introduced the five girls.
"Nice to meet you all." They all sat down and started eating. Maria, Jounouchi, Honda, Kristen, and Yuugi talked with each other and hit it off nicely. Kay, Anzu, and Miho chatted while the others remained fairly quiet.
"So Miho, you're in my Pre-Calculus class, right?" Kay asked.
"I thought I recognized you."
"Same here."
"Miho, Honda, and Ryou are the smartest out of the group." Anzu smiled proudly and Miho blushed.
"I'm not that smart."
"Sure you are. Kay, you really should meet Jounouchi's sister, Shizuka, soon. You two would probably get along nicely."
"Does she go to this school?"
"No. She lives away from here with Jounouchi's mom."
"Ah. I won't ask anymore on that matter." Anzu smiled kindly.
"He does not mind telling anybody he's friends with." Kay smiled a bit but shrugged a uncomfortably.
"I don't like digging into people's pasts. It makes me feel guilty and nosy." Anzu nodded in understanding.
"So, want to hang out after school?"
"I would but Alex and I have to work."
"You have jobs? Keep it on the downlow. After-school jobs are against school rules." Kay nodded.
"No worries."
"Hey Kay? I really like how you changed your uniform." Kay smiled at Miho.
"Thank you." They all finished their lunches and Kay got us to throw hers out and bumped into a tall solid figure.
"Watch it scrub." Kay looked up to glare at the extremely rude person and met the iciest pair of blue eyes imaginable.
"Well sorry, jerk." She elbowed her way past him and back over to her friends. Jounouchi looked at her.
"You just met Kaiba, I see."
"THAT'S Kaiba? You mean that dog wanted to claw my eyeballs out because of that jerk?" Kay asked. Jounouchi blinked.
"What are ya talking about?" Kay sighed and shook her head.
Zusammen Beginnen Wir
Chapter One
Transfers to Domino High[/size]
Chapter One
Transfers to Domino High[/size]
Our story starts in an apartment. Three girls are in a blue and black bedroom decorated with dragon posters, sitting on a canopy bed. One girl has short, blonde hair spiked into a miniature mohawk and blue eyes. She was the one who had screamed. The second girl had shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, and she was covering her ears. The final girl had blonde hair streaked with another blonde, green eyes, and an odd, oval shaped scar on her forehead and she was also covering her ears.
"Agh, Alex...must you scream like that?" the blonde girl asked the other blonde girl with the short, spiky hair.
"I'm sorry Kay, BUT LOOK AT THIS THING!" Alex held up the short blue skirt from the Domino High School uniform. Kay sighed.
"Don't you think you're overreacting?" the girl with brown hair asked. Alex stared at her.
"Kristen, this thing SCREAMS slut."
"Now Alex, it does not scream slut. It's just not your style. I can sew more material to it and dye it black if you want."
"REALLY?" Alex asked. Kay nodded, only to get her oxygen cut off in a hug.
" let me breathe, please." Alex released Kay and she gasped for breath.
"Can you dye the pink jacket too?"
"Why not?"
"YAY! I love you Kay."
"I know you do." Alex smiled.
The Next Day
Alex was waiting for Kay, dressed in sweats.
"Man, where is she?" After a few more minues, the late blonde ran over. Kay looked adorable in her light blue jacket and longer cobalt blue skirt.
"Sorry I'm late, here you are." She handed Alex a bag. The two girls snuck to the girls' bathroom and Alex changed into a black and red version of the uniform with a longer skirt. "Like it?"
"Love it." Kay smiled and the two girls found their lockers, put their book away, then searched for their first class. Kay had Oral Interpretation and Alex had Orchestra.
"Aw, we don't have the same class."
"This sucks." Kay sighed and shrugged.
"Oh well. Let me see your schedule." Alex handed Kay the cream colored paper.
1) Orchestra 2 A213 Takayaki
2) Language Arts 3 H C113 Nosake
3) History 3 H D201 Ayame
4) Algebra II B114 Jun
5) Lunch Caf
6) Chemistry D124 Nao
7) Theatre Arts 3 A127 Cho
8) Physical Education Gym Katashi
Kay pulled out her schedule.
1) Oral Interp 3 A119 Mikio
2) Language Arts 3 H C113 Nosake
3) History 3 H D201 Ayame
4) Pre-Cal C210 Nobu
5) Lunch Caf
6) Physics D224 Ryota
7) Theatre Arts 3 A127 Cho
8) Physical Education Gym Katashi
"Hey, we have five classes together."
"SWEET!" Kay handed Alex her schedule.
"I'll see ya second period."
"OK, bye." The two girls walked away from each other. The first bell rung and Kay entered the classroom. Two other students were already there, along with a skinny, male teacher with messy black hair, glasses, and dressed nicely in a suit. Kay walked over to him and hesitantly coughed a bit to get his attention.
"Excuse me, Mr. Mikio?" she said. The man looked up.
"Yes, may I help you?" he asked. You handed him your schedule and a note from the Principle.
"My name is Kaleigh Simms, I just transferred here."
"Ah yes, I was told I'd have a new student this week. Hello Miss Simms." She smiled. "We do have assigned seating. Just wait here until the rest of the class gets here and I'll decide where you'll sit."
"OK." She stood there for about five minutes and then the bell rang and all the students in the glass took their seats. Mr. Mikio stood up.
"Class, this is Kaleigh Simms, our newest student. I want you to make her feel welcome. Miss Simms, please take the seat over there next to Miss Minako." A very pretty girl with raven hair and violet eyes sighed and raised her hand. Kay walked to the seat next to her and sat down. "Alright, today..." And here is where we completely ignore the teacher.
Kay sighed and starting doodling the Blue Eyes White Dragon on her notebook. When she finished the drawing, Minako hit her arm.
"Ow." Kay looked at her and she was glaring. "What the hell was that for?" she hissed.
"Don't play stupid. Everyone knows the Blue Eyes White Dragon is Seto Kaiba's favorite monster. If you think you can take him from me, you have another thing coming. I'm way prettier than you." Kay looked shocked.
"What the hell, dog? I don't even know Kaiba. And I happen to like the blue Eyes White Dragon because it's the best card in duel monsters, not because some rich boy has it." Minako glared.
"Fine, but I'm watching you, Simms." Kay rolled her eyes.
"Whatever." Class soon ended and the bell rang. Kay gathered her things and a girl with reddish-brown hair and red eyes, who looked quite a bit like Kristen only with a different shade of brown for her hair and different color of eyes, stood next to Kay's desk.
A.N: I know most of us know Anzu to have brown hair and blue eyes, but in the original season of Yugioh (Which was never dubbed in the United States due to immense violence and adult situations) Anzu's hair and eyes were a different color and I just felt like using that. This is the season where Seto has green hair and yellow eyes for...whatever reason. But since it's after duelist kingdom, I may just keep Seto's hair brown and his eyes blue. I just wanted to use Anzu's original look. That is all.
"I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" she asked. The girl nodded.
"Yeah. I'm Anzu." She help out her hand. Kay shook her hand.
"Nice to meet you. Call me Kay."
"Alright, nice to meet you as well, Kay. And don't worry about Minako. She's a total wimp."
"I figured. She looks like the type who will cry if she breaks a nail."
"Too true." Kay smiled and stood up.
"What class do you have next, Anzu?"
"Language Arts."
"Who is your teacher?"
"Mrs. Nosake."
"Hey, I have the same class."
"Cool." The two exited the classroom.
"So, what was the deal with Minako? She looked like she wanted to kill me because I drew a picture of the Blue Eyes White Dragon."
"Yeah. If you do anything that has something to do with Seto Kaiba, she freaks."
"Crazy fangirl?"
"Crazy doesn't even begin to describe. She's a natural dog and puts everyone down. Just because she's one of the prettiest girls in school, she thinks she's queen." Kay grimaced.
"Yeah. Hey, how did you not get in trouble for wearing that altered uniform?"
"My uncle is pretty rich. He already threatened to send in his buff bodyguards to 'convince' them to let me wear this, so the principle didn't argue."
"Ah, who's your uncle?"
"Pegasus J. Crawford." Anzu froze and Kay stopped and stared at her. "What's wrong?"
"Me and my friends...met Pegasus before."
"Duelist Kingdom?" Kay offered. Anzu nodded. "I know all about that. He did it to bring back my aunt Cecelia. At first I was pretty mad at all the trouble he caused, but you gotta feel for him. My Uncle loved my aunt so much." Anzu nodded slowly.
"Did he cause your friends a lot of trouble?" Kay asked nervously, already afraid somebody would hate her because of her uncle.
"Oh, not really. I just heard what he did. He never actually caused us problems." Anzu faked a smile.
"'re lying."
"I'm sorry, Kay."
"No, no. It's fine." She sighed. "I still really love my Uncle. He's my only family at this point."
"Really?" Kay nodded.
"I hope you won't hate me because of him. He's really a great guy."
"No, I don't hate you. It's not your fault you're related and you couldn't help some of the things he did. And if you know why he did it, it's understandable." Kay smiled.
"Oh, we gotta get to Language Arts. My best friend transferred with me and she has that class too." Anzu and Kay ran into the class. Alex was standing next to Kristen. "Ki-Chan, Alex." The two girls looked at her.
"Kay!" they said in unison.
"Ki-Chan, I didn't know you had Language Arts this period." Kristen nodded.
"Oh, this is my new friend, Anzu." Anzu waved a bit.
"What's up?" Alex asked.
"Nothing much." Anzu took her seat and the teacher introduced the girls and told them to sit where they want. Kay sat next to Anzu, Alex sat next to Kay, and Kristen sat in front of Alex and next to boy with tricolored spiky hair wearing a necklace with a pyramid shaped pendant. Language Arts was boring, so Anzu, Alex, Deni, and Kay passed notes.
(Anzu) So, how do you like Domino so far?
(Kay) It's pretty cool.
(Alex) It's school
(Kay) Better than the place we were at before.
(Alex) Good point.
(Ki-Chan) The people here seem a bit nicer.
(Kay) Sure...not counting this girl tried to kill me for drawing the Blue Eyes White Dragon today.
(Alex) Um, why?
(Ki-Chan) Yeah, do tell.
(Kay) Apparently me drawing the dragon was a sign to her that I like Seto Kaiba.
(Ki-Chan) Who?
(Anzu) You don't know who Seto Kaiba is?
(Alex) Isn't he that duelist person?
(Kay) Yeah. He has the original three Blue Eyes White Dragons. The only other three in the world excluding mine.
(Alex) Ah.
(Ki-Chan) Oh yeah, now I remember. He runs that gaming company.
(Anzu) Hold the phone, Kay. You have blue Eyes White Dragon cards?
(Kay) Uh-huh. Uncle Pegasus made them for me for my sixteenth birthday.
(Anzu) Wow!
(Kay) I fell in love with the Blue Eyes when I saw a picture of it. It's such a beautiful duel monster card.
(Alex) It's just a card.
(Kay) Shut up. >.< You know I like dragons.
(Ki-Chan) We all know that, Kay.
(Kay) Neh.
(Alex) Hey Ki-Chan, that guy next to you has some pretty interesting hair.
(Ki-Chan) huh, yeah. I supposed he does.
(Kay) Isn't he Yugi Mouto?
(Anzu) correct! Yugi is one of my best friends.
(Ki-Chan) He looks like a really nice guy.
(Anzu) He is. I'll introduce you guys to him.
(Kay) Love is in the air.
The bell rung and Kay tucked the note into her bag.
"You guys want to meet the rest of my friends?" Anzu asked. "I think you'll like em."
"OK. How about at lunch?"
At Lunch
Kay, Alex, Kristen, a blonde girl with blue eyes named Danielle, and a girl with curly brown hair and black eyes named Maria met Anzu outside the school. It was a nice, sunny day and a good temperature to eat outside.
They went to a bench under the shade of a tree where four boys and one girl were already sitting. One boy has blonde hair and brown eyes, Katsuya Jounouchi. The next was a short boy with tri colored spiky hair and sweet violet eyes, Yuugi Mutou, from their Language Arts Class, whom Kristen thought was very cute. The next had brown hair in a single spike and brown eyes. Maria recognized him from her History class as Hiroto Honda. The final boy had sweet brown eyes and silver hair. Alex knew him from her orchestra class as Ryou Bakura. The last person was a girl with blue hair and blue eyes. Kay remembered seeing her in her Pre-Cal class, but she did not know her name.
"Ok, this is Yuugi Mutou, Hiroto Honda, Katsuya Jounouchi, Ryou Bakura, and Miho Nosaka."
"Hello!" Yuugi, Honda, Jounouchi, Ryou, and Miho said in unison. Anzu introduced the five girls.
"Nice to meet you all." They all sat down and started eating. Maria, Jounouchi, Honda, Kristen, and Yuugi talked with each other and hit it off nicely. Kay, Anzu, and Miho chatted while the others remained fairly quiet.
"So Miho, you're in my Pre-Calculus class, right?" Kay asked.
"I thought I recognized you."
"Same here."
"Miho, Honda, and Ryou are the smartest out of the group." Anzu smiled proudly and Miho blushed.
"I'm not that smart."
"Sure you are. Kay, you really should meet Jounouchi's sister, Shizuka, soon. You two would probably get along nicely."
"Does she go to this school?"
"No. She lives away from here with Jounouchi's mom."
"Ah. I won't ask anymore on that matter." Anzu smiled kindly.
"He does not mind telling anybody he's friends with." Kay smiled a bit but shrugged a uncomfortably.
"I don't like digging into people's pasts. It makes me feel guilty and nosy." Anzu nodded in understanding.
"So, want to hang out after school?"
"I would but Alex and I have to work."
"You have jobs? Keep it on the downlow. After-school jobs are against school rules." Kay nodded.
"No worries."
"Hey Kay? I really like how you changed your uniform." Kay smiled at Miho.
"Thank you." They all finished their lunches and Kay got us to throw hers out and bumped into a tall solid figure.
"Watch it scrub." Kay looked up to glare at the extremely rude person and met the iciest pair of blue eyes imaginable.
"Well sorry, jerk." She elbowed her way past him and back over to her friends. Jounouchi looked at her.
"You just met Kaiba, I see."
"THAT'S Kaiba? You mean that dog wanted to claw my eyeballs out because of that jerk?" Kay asked. Jounouchi blinked.
"What are ya talking about?" Kay sighed and shook her head.
Well, since this fanfic is a mile long, I'll end chapter one here. Yay.
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KhaoticWolf on June 14, 2007, 12:30:03 PM
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KionaKina on June 15, 2007, 1:39:58 AM
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jackie4ever on April 22, 2007, 10:05:33 AM
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KionaKina on April 22, 2007, 10:20:19 AM
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eriepilot44 on March 3, 2007, 5:04:01 AM
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KionaKina on March 3, 2007, 5:05:18 AM
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eriepilot44 on March 3, 2007, 5:34:36 AM
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KionaKina on March 3, 2007, 5:43:24 AM
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InferiorKart on March 3, 2007, 4:39:41 AM
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KionaKina on March 3, 2007, 4:40:21 AM
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