Chapter 2 - A Surprise Visitor
Submitted March 3, 2007 Updated May 27, 2007 Status Complete | Kay and her friends transfer to Domino High School together and meet future rivals, enemies, friends, and romances. How do they adjust? Pairings (Hinted at for the series) Kay/Seto Cat/Yami Kristen/Yuugi Khaos/Ryou
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Groups/Couples |
Chapter 2 - A Surprise Visitor
Chapter 2 - A Surprise Visitor
Chapter Two
A Surprise Visitor
A Surprise Visitor
Kay's head drooped. She wished Physics would end already. The class was a bore. The only people she knew in the class were people she did NOT like in the least: Seto Kaiba and Minako. Just her luck: A boring class and two people she hated in it. Where was a gun to put in your mouth when you need one?
The bell rang and she perked up. Finally! Kay grabbed her stuff and ran out of the room in record time. Next was theatre, something that sounded BEARABLE!
And what luck: Anzu, Yugi, Miho, Alex, Danielle, and Maria were in this class with her. What bad luck, Kaiba was in this class too. Well, at least Minako was not there to try and claw her eyes out for no damn reason.
"Hey Kay-Kun!" Maria said. She smiled at her. Maria was the only person who used the nickname "Kay-Kun" for her.
"Hi Marie-Kun."
"How was your Physics class?" Alex asked. Kay made a gagging noise.
"Boring, boring, boring. Minako was there too, glaring at me and holding an EXTREMELY sharp pencil: probably to gouge my eyes out. And Kaiba was there, as if Minako wasn't bad enough."
"Don't let it get you down, Kay-Chan," Anzu said. Kay smiled a bit.
"Yeah, you're right Anzu-Kun."
"Theatre should be fun." And it was. Their teacher, Mrs. Cho, was hilarious. She was a very silly lady who made plenty of jokes and made certain Kay, Alex, Danielle, and Maria felt welcome. That class they did improvising working with a subject Mrs. Cho gave em.
Maria went up first. Her subject had been Global warming. She pretended to walk and she whistled cheerfully.
"Ah, what a beautiful winter day. It's not even cold. I'm in a bathing suit." She made a sound like a ring tone and took a prop cell phone in her pocket. "Hello? ...WHAT?! THE POLAR ICE CAPS HAVE MELTED! NOOOOOOOOO! Curse Global Warming, NOW HUMANS GOTTA EVOLVE INTO FISH!" She fell to her knees. "WE'RE DOOMED!"
Pretty much everyone in the glass laughed at her short and hilarious improvisation. She stood up and bowed. Next was Alex. Her subject was mugging. She struck a fighting pose.
"OK, you *Beep*. I'm gonna get you back for taking my money. I've been secretly taking Kickboxing lessons. Oh yeah, I'll bet you're scared now. Huh, you wanna back out, don't you? run home to mommy. Waah, waah. Cry like a baby. Well, too bad. I'm not gonna sh-" She fell back as though she had been punched. Her arm lifted up. "That...was lucky shot...I'm sure the bleeding will stop..." Her hand fell. Everyone laughed and clapped. Alex stood up and bowed. Kay smiled at her.
"Bravo, Alex." Next was Kay. Her subject was U.F.O sightings. (Is it me, or are these subjects getting more and more random?) She pretended to rake and whistled "Old Macdonald Had a Farm." She made a whooshing sound then looked around. "MA! MA! Lookie up there. It be a U.F.O. I swear, there be aliens out there." Everyone chuckled at her hic accent. Kay changed position and her voice. "PA! Stop looking at the sky like a fool and catch the pig. THE PIG GOT OUT YEH IDIOT!" She bowed and everyond clapped.
Finally, we're gonna do Danielle's. Her subject was "Ants." She got on the ground and crawled. "Doot doot doot, time to go and get some food. Doot doot doot. ...hey, why is it so dark?" She looked up. "AHHHH! IT'S FOOTZILLA!" She fell flat to the floor and made a crunching noise then stood up and bowed. Everyone laughed hysterically.
They watched almost everyone in the class do improvising then the bell rang. Kay laughed.
"Footzilla Deni? Aw man, that was beyond rich."
"I do what I can. And what about you? 'THE PIG GOT OUT YEH IDIOT!'" All of the girls burst out laughing.
"I have gym next."
"I do too."
"Deni, Maria, do you guys have gym?" Kay asked.
"Nope. I have choir."
"And I have Algebra II."
"Aw well. See you around then." Maria and Deni waved then walked away. Kay and Alex went to their lockers and grabbed the bags they stored with their gym clothes.
"Man, I hate Gym." Kay nodded and closed the locker.
"Yeah, same here." The two girls headed to the gym and saw Miho there. "Miho!" Kay called. Miho stopped and turned around.
"Oh, hi Kay, hi Alex."
"Hey, do you have Gym this period?"
"Do we go to the girls' locker room first?"
"Yeah. I'll show you two where it is." Miho led them to the girls' locker room and they both talked to the coach, got a locket, and changed into the white T-shirt and blue shorts. After all the girls were done changing, they went out into the gym. The boys were already there; and for some strange reason, they were wearing long sweat pants instead of shorts.
"Ugh, damn them."
"What?" Miho asked.
"I hate wearing shorts. I'd rather where sweatpants, and the boys get to wear sweatpants. I hate these uniforms."
"'ll never guess who is in this class." Kay's eye twitched.
"Don't tell me..."
"His name begins with a K." Kay twitched.
"Excuse me." She walked away, punched the wall, then walked back. "I'm good." Miho and Alex just stared at her. The coach blew his whistle.
"OK. Today we're playing Kickball. We have enough people to make four teams. So I want two female captains and two male captains." Kaiba and some random dude became captains. Kay and some random chick became captains. "Alright, now the rest of the class divide up and then we'll pic our teams."
The rest of the class divided up. The two random people went to one side of the class, and Seto and Kay went to the other side.
"Simms, you pick first."
The people went to their teams and the coach tossed em a red ball.
"OK, name your teams, go outside, and play."
"So what do we call ourselves?" Kay asked her team.
"Flame shadows?"
"The Barbarians?"
"White Thunder?"
"White Thunder sounds good."
"Cool!" some members of the team yelled.
"Yo Kaiba, you and your team ready to lose?" Kay yelled. He glared at her.
"No, we're ready to win."
"Too bad that won't happen." He glared at her and they went outside.
"Rock, paper, sissors to see who bats first." Kay smirked.
"Fine." She and Seto faced each other.
"Rock, paper, sissors, shoot!" Seto had rock, she had paper.
"Heh, looks like we're first to bat."
FF, Kay's team won and she laughed tauntingly at Seto.
"Looks like you lost after all." Alex high fived her and they went to change.
At the End of the Day
"Well, we gotta get to work." Alex groaned.
"Damn." A black limo pulled up in front of the school and a door opened. A man dressed in expensive looking red clothes with long silver hair stepped out of the limo. Kay gasped.
"UNCLE PEGASUS!" she cried and she ran over to hug Pegasus, who laughed and hugged her back. Everyone, except Alex, Danielle, Maria, Anzu, and Kristen gaped.
Yeah, that's it.
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setokaibaslittlesis on July 22, 2007, 10:19:11 AM

KionaKina on July 22, 2007, 12:39:53 PM
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KhaoticWolf on June 14, 2007, 12:35:35 PM
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KionaKina on June 15, 2007, 1:40:07 AM
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eriepilot44 on March 12, 2007, 8:32:28 AM
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KionaKina on March 12, 2007, 8:37:39 AM
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eriepilot44 on March 12, 2007, 8:38:52 AM
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InferiorKart on March 11, 2007, 1:09:49 PM
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KionaKina on March 12, 2007, 12:28:47 AM
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